UbuntuIRC / 2014 /10 /28 /#ubuntu-doc.txt
Initial commit
[10:24] * qwebirc653355 sighs
=== qwebirc653355 is now known as slickymasterWork
[22:48] <LCCX> Hello. Can anyone tell me how to edit an "immutable page" on the Community Help Wiki, or where to leave a comment about one that is out of date, along with a link to up to date information?
[22:49] <belkinsa> LCCX, do you have a LaunchPad account?
[22:49] <LCCX> Is that the same as UbuntuOne ?
[22:49] <belkinsa> Yes.
[22:49] <LCCX> Yes.
[22:49] <belkinsa> Can you see the log in botton the wiki page?
[22:50] <LCCX> I clicked "log in to edit" at the *top* of the page...
[22:50] <belkinsa> Does it take you to the Ubuntu SSO page?
[22:50] <LCCX> "Personal Data Request" "You are logging in to http://help.ubuntu.com/community/" so yes?
[22:50] <belkinsa> Yes.
[22:51] <belkinsa> You might need to refresh the page after logging in
[22:51] <belkinsa> The page that you want to edit, that is.
[22:51] <LCCX> Where should the edit option be located? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SteamServer
[22:52] <belkinsa> It should be in place of the "immutable page" message.
[22:53] <belkinsa> Urg, come on, load already.
[22:53] <belkinsa> Under the title of the page.
[22:53] <belkinsa> You should see this, " Edit
[22:53] <belkinsa> Page History
[22:53] <belkinsa> Attachments
[22:53] <belkinsa> More Actions:
[22:53] <belkinsa> "
[22:53] <LCCX> Does my account have to be a certain age, or have some other activation?
[22:54] <LCCX> I still see "Immutable Page"
[22:54] <belkinsa> It means that you have no LP account. You need to create one to edit a wiki page.
[22:54] <belkinsa> Sorry for not telling that first.
[22:54] <belkinsa> The Wiki requests for your LP username.
[22:54] <LCCX> Ah, okay. What is an "LP account", please?
[22:54] <belkinsa> LaunchPad
[22:55] <belkinsa> One sec
[22:55] <LCCX> np
[22:55] <LCCX> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu ?
[22:55] <belkinsa> Yes, but just https://launchpad.net/
[22:56] <belkinsa> The log in/sign in should on the top right of the page
[22:56] <LCCX> Okay, thank you very much. :)
[22:57] <belkinsa> Not a problem and there was wiki page that I was going to show you but I can't find it
[22:59] <belkinsa> Anyways, after you get your LP account activated, you should be log in and edit that page.
[22:59] <belkinsa> If not, I can help you with what is need to be edited.
[22:59] <LCCX> Okay, cool. I'll try to get it activated after dinner.
[22:59] <belkinsa> Okay
[23:00] <LCCX> If you could just throw on the <<Include(Tag/NeedsUpdating)>> tag and link to
[23:00] <belkinsa> Sure.
[23:00] <LCCX> https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD and http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=276173458 that would be great
[23:00] <LCCX> The Steam software changed at some point in the past couple years to steamCMD from hlsd
[23:00] <belkinsa> Where though?
[23:01] <LCCX> I don't have it working myself yet, but hope to soon-ish.
[23:01] <belkinsa> Okay, we can wait then.
[23:01] <LCCX> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SteamServer sorry
[23:01] <LCCX> so if anyone else runs across it, then they can see that the instructions currently there don't work
[23:02] <belkinsa> Okay
[23:02] <belkinsa> I added the tag, but not the links. I think I might let you to do since you know where to place them. Will that be okay?
[23:03] <LCCX> Sure
[23:03] <belkinsa> Cool.
[23:03] <LCCX> Thanks.
[23:03] <belkinsa> Not a problem.
[23:03] <belkinsa> Thank -you- for updating the page.