UbuntuIRC / 2014 /10 /25 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[02:32] <valorie> willigo, please join the #kde-www chan to discuss KDE webwork
[02:33] <valorie> Riddell: on the season.kde.org website, I think you just login, and go to the admin tab
[02:33] <valorie> since I'm not a mentor though, I don't see what a mentor sees
[02:34] <valorie> sgclark: scuttlebut is that you are coming to Seattle on Sunday for the libreoffice thingie?
[05:08] <valorie> oops, almost forgot to mention that before I got plasma5 to work correctly in this upgraded-to-14.10 laptop, was to uninstall *both* lightdm and KDM!
[05:08] <valorie> I've never even seen kdm that I recall
[05:09] <valorie> most strange
[05:11] <valorie> if I need to file a bug about that, just tell me where
[05:43] <valorie> yikes, I just tried to pause a video in Youtube in chromium, and it instantly crashed X
[06:51] <valorie> kdeconnect won't start for me in plasma5, and yet apt-cache policy says it is the latest version
[06:53] <valorie> kicker doesn't find it, nor does krunner
[06:56] <valorie> bluez is installed...
[07:01] <valorie> filed a bug in bko about kpat not starting, since I can't tell if it is packaging or what
[07:02] <valorie> kde bug 340325
[07:02] <ubottu> KDE bug 340325 in general "Kpat v. 4.14.2 will not start in kubuntu 14.10 with Plasma 5" [Grave,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=340325
[08:46] <lordievader> Good morning.
=== palasso_ is now known as palasso
[11:05] <ovidiu-florin> hello
[11:05] <ovidiu-florin> shadeslayer: how does muon handle package conflicts?
[11:06] <lordievader> ovidiu-florin: It probably lets apt handle that.
[12:24] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all
[12:58] <kikidee> yofel: available?
[13:27] <amichair> hi, after upgrade to 14.10, network-manager service no longer starts at boot, but only if I start it manually later. I'm still not sure how to fix this. Is this a known issue?
[13:28] <kikidee> amichair: I can confirm that
[13:28] <amichair> kikidee: do you have a solution by any chance?
[13:28] <kikidee> amichair: Let first check if this a known bug
[13:30] <kikidee> amichair: There is no known bug in the release announcement relating to this
[13:31] <kikidee> amichair: Did you upgrade or its a fresh install?
[13:31] <amichair> kikidee: upgrade
[13:32] <amichair> everything worked ok before the upgrade
[13:32] <amichair> dunno if it matters, but I'm on a desktop with a wired connection, no wifi interface
[13:33] <kikidee> amichair: I know, this happens to me too, the network manager with a blue question mark. I have to check if the old configurations files are causing the trouble
[13:33] <kikidee> amichair: ok
[13:34] <kikidee> can you come to the #kubuntu channel?
[13:34] <amichair> I didn't see a blue question mark, but a red x, iirc
[13:34] <amichair> kikidee: I'm there :-)
[13:35] <kikidee> amichair: nice, can you wait while I check for your issue
[13:35] <amichair> kikidee: my issue? or our issue?
[13:35] <kikidee> amichair: :)
[13:35] <kikidee> amichair: Ours
[16:30] <sheytan> guys!
[16:30] <sheytan> I'm on plasma 5 kubuntu now
[16:30] <sheytan> and trying to install the nvidia binary drv
[16:31] <sheytan> but after reboot it's stuck
[16:31] <sheytan> X doesnt start
[16:31] <sheytan> know bug?
[16:38] <shadeslayer> sheytan: check dmesg and Xorg.0.log ?
[16:41] <sheytan> shadeslayer: http://pastebin.com/7kAaVc52
[16:42] <shadeslayer> I don't really have time to debug because I'm heading out
[16:42] <shadeslayer> but that's usually a good starting point
[16:43] <sheytan> shadeslayer: http://pastebin.com/JZgeskB9
[16:43] <sheytan> just take a look here
[16:43] <sheytan> what does it mean nvidia taints kernel
[16:44] * shadeslayer has to go, cya