UbuntuIRC / 2014 /10 /21 /#ubuntu-app-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:02] <vitimiti> I have copied the header files needed for quazip and it still doesn't work
[00:12] <vitimiti> At least now it is QuaZipFile what complains
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[03:14] <akiva-thinkpad> ahayzen, how goes the music app ?
[03:14] <ahayzen> akiva-thinkpad, it goes good :)
[03:14] <akiva-thinkpad> ahayzen, good to hear :)
[03:14] <ahayzen> akiva-thinkpad, we're really really close now :) hopefully hehe
[03:15] <akiva-thinkpad> ahayzen, yah my email has been filled up with your merge requests. you guys have been busy
[03:15] <ahayzen> akiva-thinkpad, yeah and lots offline as well
[03:15] <akiva-thinkpad> ahayzen, anything you are particularly proud of?
[03:16] <ahayzen> akiva-thinkpad, u'll see hopefully ;)
[03:16] <akiva-thinkpad> ahayzen, heh; you mean I'll have to wait until the phones are released?
[03:16] <ahayzen> akiva-thinkpad, mainly lots of polish today though and landing a few other bits
[03:16] <ahayzen> akiva-thinkpad, no wait until i push the code online aha
[03:16] <akiva-thinkpad> Nice.
[03:17] <akiva-thinkpad> Are you going to the ubuntu online summit?
[03:17] <akiva-thinkpad> 14.11 ?
[03:17] <akiva-thinkpad> https://launchpad.net/sprints/uos-1411 ahayzen
[03:17] <akiva-thinkpad> erm
[03:17] <akiva-thinkpad> http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/
[03:17] <ahayzen> akiva-thinkpad, yeah i will be but thats next month...i don't plan my next day aha
[03:18] <akiva-thinkpad> heh
[03:18] <akiva-thinkpad> this is my first one; I'm pretty excited.
[03:18] <ahayzen> yeah lots of sessions to get involved in, its good fun :)
[03:18] <akiva-thinkpad> I miss so many of these events because I never know they are going on in the first place.
[03:19] * ahayzen tries to think where he hears of most of them
[03:19] <akiva-thinkpad> ahayzen, I actually found it on here http://www.reddit.com/r/UbuntuAppDev/
[03:19] <ahayzen> yeah usually on AppDev across social media or podcasts i suppose
[03:20] * akiva-thinkpad does not do enough social media
[03:21] <akiva-thinkpad> ahayzen, ping me when you make a nice big release of the music app; I want to be the first to test it.
[03:21] <ahayzen> G+ UbuntuAppDev is usually enough
[03:21] <akiva-thinkpad> oh never knew about that
[03:21] <ahayzen> akiva-thinkpad, we are hoping to make a click tomorrow so i'll ping it across for u to test :)
[03:21] <akiva-thinkpad> nice
[03:22] <akiva-thinkpad> Can you install click packages on the desktop?
[03:22] <ahayzen> akiva-thinkpad, erm no...but u can branch and then run from terminal :)
[03:23] <akiva-thinkpad> ahayzen, will have to wait until unity8 makes it to the desktop I take it?
[03:23] <ahayzen> akiva-thinkpad, yeah we need mir and things
[03:23] <akiva-thinkpad> ahayzen, figured as much
[03:24] <ahayzen> akiva-thinkpad, you have got these two on G+ https://plus.google.com/communities/111350780270925540549 https://plus.google.com/111697084657487423167/posts
[03:25] <akiva-thinkpad> ahayzen, thanks adding them now
[03:26] <ahayzen> akiva-thinkpad, and the mailing lists are good to follow as well
[03:27] <akiva-thinkpad> ahayzen, probably
[03:27] <akiva-thinkpad> thanks appreciate it
[03:28] <akiva-thinkpad> mmmm I really dislike g+'s design. so sporatic with things sitting all over the place.
[03:30] <ahayzen> its too slow on my machine to load lol
[03:30] <akiva-thinkpad> ahayzen, gotta give that typewriter a new ribbon, and update its ram
[03:31] <ahayzen> my machine is fast...just FF&G+ seem really slow
[03:31] <akiva-thinkpad> ahayzen, I notice that chrome is pretty quick when I start to use it, but I always go back to ff because I find its search to be so much nicer.
[03:31] <akiva-thinkpad> Chrome bugs me for some reason
[03:32] <akiva-thinkpad> ahayzen, duckduckgo is doing interesting stuff; apparently they embedded support for askubuntu in it
[03:32] <ahayzen> akiva-thinkpad, i have duckduckgo as my homepage these days been trialling it instead of google, its been quite interesting
[03:33] <akiva-thinkpad> ahayzen, is it good enough to use yet?
[03:33] <akiva-thinkpad> ahayzen, they seem to chime the open source bell a bit more than Google, which is why I am considering switching.
[03:33] <ahayzen> akiva-thinkpad, like probably 80-90% of the time...sometimes you just have to be a little more specific in your search
[03:34] <akiva-thinkpad> interesting
[03:34] <ahayzen> akiva-thinkpad, and other times it is far better than google with like the integrated stackoverflow answers
[03:34] <akiva-thinkpad> VERY interesting
[03:35] <akiva-thinkpad> ahayzen, one thing that really bothers me about googles search algorythm, is when I search for the ubuntu help pages
[03:35] <akiva-thinkpad> it always shows 0.1 version
[03:35] <akiva-thinkpad> and I have to navigate around to find 14.10
[03:35] <ahayzen> hah yeah and you sometimes get the qt4.8 before 5.3
[03:35] <akiva-thinkpad> I know
[03:35] <akiva-thinkpad> that bugs me so much!
[04:22] <ajalkane> akiva-thinkpad: I don't have at all experience with keypresses, but there's already some keypress code in file manager - I think it should be pretty easy to take as an example and adapt to that.
[04:23] <akiva-thinkpad> ajalkane, all it says is "keypress"!
[04:23] <akiva-thinkpad> :P
[04:23] <akiva-thinkpad> true that
[04:23] <akiva-thinkpad> ajalkane, going to the ubuntu online summit?
[04:23] <akiva-thinkpad> https://launchpad.net/sprints/uos-1411
[04:23] <akiva-thinkpad> :)
[04:27] <ajalkane> akiva-thinkpad: that one might be a bit difficult what with the work intervening :). Will see, would be nice though
[04:28] <akiva-thinkpad> gtg
[04:28] <akiva-thinkpad> later
[04:28] <akiva-thinkpad> o/
[04:28] <ajalkane> But going to sleep now too, cya tomorrow
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[09:35] <vitimiti> Hi
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[12:24] <dpm> balloons, https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/ubuntu-docviewer-app/add-plugin/+merge/237545
[12:27] <dpm> dholbach, ^
[12:27] <dpm> dholbach,
[12:31] <popey> ahayzen: dpm vthompson we're in istanbul for the music app design update session...
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[12:49] <rpadovani> dpm, mzanetti ok, copy and paste an image from internet to a note works well \o/
[12:49] <rpadovani> (I love when we find feature we didn't know to have)
[12:50] <mzanetti> \o/
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[13:20] <mihir> mzanetti: when you get time could you push that changes ?
[13:20] <mzanetti> mihir: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8606830/
[13:21] <mihir> mzanetti: thanks i'll try and update you.
[13:35] <ahayzen> jdstrand, ping
[13:35] <jdstrand> ahayzen: hey
[13:35] <ahayzen> jdstrand, hey so last confinement thing... we moved to rtm and we're getting this..
[13:35] <ahayzen> jdstrand, Oct 20 04:41:08 ubuntu-phablet kernel: [17638.562210] type=1400 audit(1413776468.504:177): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="com.ubuntu.music_music_1.3.672" name="/home/phablet/.cache/QML/Apps/" pid=28161 comm="qmlscene" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=32011 ouid=32011
[13:36] <ahayzen> jdstrand, i assume this is todo with application caching? but i don't see the same denial for other apps?
[13:36] <jdstrand> ahayzen: this is bug #1381620
[13:36] <ubot5> bug 1381620 in qtdeclarative-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "apparmor read denial on ~/.cache/QML/Apps/" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1381620
[13:36] <ahayzen> jdstrand, so is it safe to ignore for now?
[13:36] <jdstrand> ahayzen: I'm told it is just noise and doesn't affect anything
[13:37] <ahayzen> jdstrand, awesome so we can probably land our confinement branch :)
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[14:11] <funcpla> Are other mods of /r/UbuntuAppDev here?
[14:22] <dpm> ajalkane, swordfish http://people.canonical.com/~dpm/core-apps-sponsoring/
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[15:05] <mihir> dpm: why suddenly pot file is being updated by itself ?
[15:05] <mihir> and we have to do revert all time and that's annoying :(
[15:06] <dpm> mihir, it's updated on every build. You can either revert as you are doing, or remove the ALL keyword in the rule that builds the template in po/CMakeLists.txt
[15:06] <mihir> dpm: okay gotcha.
[15:30] <jdstrand> ahayzen: nice! :)
[15:34] <balloons> mihir, /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/ubuntuuitoolkit/_custom_proxy_objects/pickers.py
[15:34] <balloons> mihir, then the test is /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/ubuntuuitoolkit/tests/custom_proxy_objects/test_date_picker.py
[15:43] <popey> fginther: calendar doesn't autobuild at http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/calendar-app-click/ - why?
[16:00] <popey> balloons: http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/calendar-app-click/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/out/com.ubuntu.calendar_0.4.515_all.click
[16:06] <popey> beuno on the individual app stats pages, we get ~2 weeks of graph. Is there a view where I can see further back, or the raw data?
[16:16] <mihir> nik90: you around ?
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[17:29] <vitimiti> Hi
[17:32] <dpm> hey rpadovani, ajalkane is implementing the bottom edge for file manager and has some questions. I thought as you implemented it for Reminders not too long ago, you might be able to give him a hand. Are you with the Telegram guys now?
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[17:53] <dholbach> dpm, https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/ubuntu-docviewer-app/pep8-fixes/+merge/239114
[17:58] <dholbach> dpm, lp:~dholbach/ubuntu-docviewer-app/missing-import
[18:21] <beuno> popey, I don't think so. File a bug?
[18:21] <popey> ok
[18:25] <vthompson> ahayzen, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8618033/
[18:36] <balloons> mihir, how goes it?
[18:37] <nik90> balloons: can you push out a new clock to the store?
[18:38] <nik90> rev 158
[18:42] <mihir> balloons: i guess we had problem of docking picker and getting values back to the caller object.
[18:43] <mihir> balloons: that was the reason we used this way.
[18:48] <balloons> nik90, ack will do
[18:48] <nik90> thnx
[18:48] * nik90 goes back to dinner
[18:48] <balloons> mihir, can you file a bug / show some demo code that does this?
[18:53] <balloons> nik90, uploaded.. popey review?
[18:57] <popey> balloons: nik90 approved
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[19:08] <mihir> balloons: sure , but still let me figure out . before filing bug
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[19:45] <mihir> zsombi: t1mp is there any way i can dock DateTime control as PickerPanel.openDatePicker does ?
[19:51] <zsombi> mihir: DateTime control?
[19:53] <mihir> zsombi: i meant DateTime Picker
[19:54] <zsombi> mihir: PickerPanel opens the DatePicker... I Don't get your question...
[19:54] <mihir> zsombi: yes it does, but we're unable to get the object in Autopilot.
[19:55] <zsombi> mihir: if you want to show a time picker, then you need to set the mode for the openDatePicker, check teh docs
[19:55] <mihir> zsombi: yup , it works well as expected , the only thing we are not able to get it objectName in Autopilots, is there anyway we can achieve this ?
[19:56] <zsombi> mihir: I don't think so...
[19:58] <mihir> zsombi: can i file bug for this , or this is not possible ?
[19:59] <zsombi> mihir: I don't think we can do anything about that AP is not finding an object somewhere...
[19:59] <zsombi> mihir: perhaps you should check with someone from AP
[20:03] <mihir> zsombi: hmm okay , will do that. thank you.
[20:04] <mihir> balloons: ^^ for your reference.
[20:04] <zsombi> mihir: so, do I understand you that the problem is that AP is not finding the DatePicker opened by the PickerPanel?
[20:05] <zsombi> mihir: (just for my records :)
[20:09] <balloons> zsombi, mihir is asking how to assign an objectname in this case
[20:11] <zsombi> balloons: mihir: AFAIK PickerPanel.openDatePicker() returns the object opened...(unfortunately not documented, so that's a bug!) , which is either the panel or the popover... and AFAIK you can look for an object based on any property, not just objectName, so that might help
[20:12] <balloons> zsombi, very true, indeed you could use a parent object and select the child based upon the property
[20:12] <zsombi> balloons: +1 ;)
[20:13] <balloons> zsombi, but of course if he is using openDatePicker, the autopilot helper for the toolkit won't work
[20:13] <zsombi> balloons: uhh...
[20:13] <balloons> I think I'll have a play with him locally and see if there's some tweaks we can do
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[20:41] <mihir> balloons: sadly , AttributeError: 'MainViewTestCase' object has no attribute 'print_tree'
[20:42] <mihir> balloons: this is the testcase , http://paste.ubuntu.com/8619373/
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[21:19] <Jarli> Hey akiva-thinkpad
[21:21] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, heya
[21:21] <akiva-thinkpad> hows it going?
[21:21] <Jarli> Its going, just got everything setup
[21:21] <Jarli> Should I dl the installer for that or try and get the src instead?
[21:22] <Jarli> and thanks again
[21:22] <ajalkane> akiva-thinkpad: I've done some improvements to your file manager header branch
[21:22] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, did you have bazar
[21:22] <akiva-thinkpad> ajalkane, oh great!
[21:22] <ajalkane> I'll do a merge request to your branch
[21:22] <akiva-thinkpad> i worked on it a bit this morning in bed
[21:22] <akiva-thinkpad> ajalkane, yes please do that
[21:22] <akiva-thinkpad> ajalkane, what did you do by the way?
[21:22] <Jarli> let me find bazar
[21:23] <ajalkane> I considered removing the path history, but seeing how much you must have worked on it I tried another approach. I changed ">" into "/" and i think now it's not confusing
[21:23] <Jarli> Bazaar Explorer?
[21:23] <akiva-thinkpad> I implimented a up, down, backwards, and forwards button
[21:23] <akiva-thinkpad> ajalkane, ah perfect.
[21:23] <ajalkane> many little things and fixes, mainly the Places pullover
[21:23] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, yes
[21:23] <akiva-thinkpad> oh great
[21:23] <akiva-thinkpad> ajalkane, here lets exchange screenshots
[21:24] <Jarli> should I also get Bazaar Version Control?
[21:24] <ajalkane> The places pullover is still buggy, it doesn't respect the theme. But I will need to ask around here if someone knows what's the matter with it
[21:24] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, erm, that should come with bazar explorer
[21:24] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, get guake as well
[21:24] <akiva-thinkpad> and shutter
[21:24] <akiva-thinkpad> ajalkane, thats cool
[21:24] <Jarli> I've already dl'd the other list you gave me, those included
[21:25] <Jarli> is there anyway to increase the font size in hex chat?
[21:25] <akiva-thinkpad> It appears the designers won't have a chance to look at this until probably next week, so we have time to be in the sandbox
[21:25] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, don't know. I would think so
[21:25] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, yes
[21:25] <akiva-thinkpad> press left alt to bring up the hud
[21:25] <akiva-thinkpad> and type "Preferences"
[21:25] <akiva-thinkpad> its should be the first thing
[21:26] * akiva-thinkpad changes mine to ubuntu mono
[21:26] <akiva-thinkpad> :)
[21:26] <Jarli> there we go, now I don't need my glasses
[21:26] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, heh
[21:27] <akiva-thinkpad> okay open up guake
[21:27] <Jarli> :-)
[21:27] <Jarli> ok
[21:27] <Jarli> F12 to use it I'm assuming
[21:27] <akiva-thinkpad> ajalkane, I definitely want your feedback on something
[21:27] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, yes
[21:28] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, the only other time you use f12 is when you are inspecting the source code of firefox :P
[21:28] <ajalkane> damn accidentally tried merging into trunk
[21:28] <akiva-thinkpad> ajalkane, lol
[21:28] <Jarli> OK, so really noob question, how can I dl the source code to begin looking at it, and get it going
[21:28] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, thats what were gonna do
[21:28] <akiva-thinkpad> :)
[21:29] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, in guake btw, go to the settings first, and change the opacity to be darker
[21:29] <akiva-thinkpad> Thats what I usually do
[21:29] <akiva-thinkpad> anyways
[21:29] <Jarli> I was reading the source at work on the site there, and there are no mark-ups at all
[21:29] <ajalkane> Well, hopefully it's linked to correct branch
[21:29] <ajalkane> now
[21:30] <akiva-thinkpad> ajalkane, :DDDDD
[21:30] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, Jarli, okay in guake go type "cd ~" ; as that means go home
[21:30] <akiva-thinkpad> ~ = home
[21:30] <Jarli> yep
[21:30] <akiva-thinkpad> now you are probably already in home but whatevs
[21:30] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, type "mkdir Programming"
[21:30] <Jarli> mkdir Programming
[21:30] <Jarli> haha
[21:30] <akiva-thinkpad> thats, "Make a directory called Programming"
[21:30] <Jarli> wrong window
[21:31] <akiva-thinkpad> :P
[21:31] <akiva-thinkpad> then cd into Programming
[21:31] <Jarli> done, ok im in programming
[21:31] <Jarli> yep
[21:31] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, okay now we will use bazar
[21:31] <akiva-thinkpad> type "bzr branch lp:nanny"
[21:31] <akiva-thinkpad> Branch means... fork, sort of
[21:32] <akiva-thinkpad> lp: means launchpad
[21:32] <Jarli> yep
[21:32] <akiva-thinkpad> nanny is the name of the project page
[21:32] <Jarli> its dling
[21:32] <Jarli> 368 revisions....
[21:33] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, that just means 368 changes or times its been committed.
[21:33] <Jarli> oh good, cause it says Branched, I assumed that there we just that many versions floating out thtere
[21:33] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, okay open the dash, and find geany
[21:34] <Jarli> k thats running
[21:35] <akiva-thinkpad> alright now I have to find the project page :P I don't develop python projects that often
[21:35] * akiva-thinkpad starts poking around
[21:35] <akiva-thinkpad> feel free to poke around too
[21:36] <Jarli> https://launchpad.net/nanny
[21:40] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, ah here it is; download glade
[21:40] <akiva-thinkpad> this is the gtk3 sdk
[21:40] <Jarli> in guake or in term?
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[21:40] <akiva-thinkpad> jarli whereever. Get it from the software center
[21:41] <Jarli> terminal
[21:41] <Jarli> much easier
[21:41] <akiva-thinkpad> suit yourself
[21:41] <Jarli> can guake download and install like terminal, or is it just a programming editor?
[21:42] <Jarli> I guess I just answered my own question since I made a folder
[21:42] <Jarli> eh
[21:42] <akiva-thinkpad> guake is a terminal
[21:42] <akiva-thinkpad> yes :P
[21:42] <Jarli> yah :-)
[21:43] <Jarli> anyways Glade is downloaded
[21:45] <akiva-thinkpad> sorry was in the washroom
[21:45] <Jarli> no problem
[21:45] <Jarli> just don't let it happen again :-!
[21:45] <Jarli> :-P
[21:46] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, mmmm, this does not appear to be a glade project
[21:47] <akiva-thinkpad> :O bah !
[21:47] * akiva-thinkpad wants to figure this out...
[21:47] <Jarli> * uninstalls glade
[21:48] <Jarli> can I help some how
[21:48] <Jarli> ?
[21:48] <ajalkane> akiva-thinkpad: I still need to work on the "Unlock full access", so I'll do something about that today later or most likely tomorrow. After that I think I'm very happy with the changes, and we'll see what others think
[21:48] <akiva-thinkpad> ajalkane, okay before you go, let me get your opinion on something
[21:51] <akiva-thinkpad> ajalkane, http://i.imgur.com/7S82DZO.png
[21:51] <akiva-thinkpad> okay so I was playing around with it today. I didnt really like the button on the top right to be a "Backwards" in history button; I found it pretty unintuitive
[21:52] <akiva-thinkpad> so i was thinking of moving the navigation buttons down into the small header at the bottom.
[21:53] <akiva-thinkpad> so what they represent, is backwards and forwards in history, like nautilus has,
[21:53] <Jarli> I like that idea akiva-thinkpad, but also you could add the navigation pane onto the left of the image
[21:53] <akiva-thinkpad> and "Up" and "Down" for going in the parents
[21:54] <akiva-thinkpad> left of which image?
[21:54] <Jarli> http://i.imgur.com/7S82DZO.png
[21:55] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, there is no left --- :P
[21:55] <Jarli> add a left column
[21:55] <akiva-thinkpad> this is for a phone
[21:55] <Jarli> im saying add it :P
[21:55] <akiva-thinkpad> so there won't be space.
[21:55] <Jarli> ah
[21:55] <Jarli> well
[21:55] <akiva-thinkpad> ^_^
[21:55] <akiva-thinkpad> and there actually already is a pane there when the manager expands
[21:56] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, okay back to your project
[21:57] <ajalkane> akiva-thinkpad: I don't think that goes well with Ubuntu Touch design language and other core apps. Try out my branch, I think navigation is now a breeze. Single click on the current folder and up you go
[21:57] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, anyways, sorry; not terribly familiar with building the project files for gnome applications, so this is a learning experience myself.
[21:57] <ajalkane> But I gotta go now, will be back later in evening
[21:57] <akiva-thinkpad> ajalkane, okay. Later
[21:57] <akiva-thinkpad> thanks for the work
[21:57] <Jarli> sorry last comment on yours, you could do something like a game-pad thumb controller at the top near the 3 - - -
[21:57] <akiva-thinkpad> :)
[21:58] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, heh; That would be tough
[21:58] <Jarli> adjust it to the left of the file or menu item there to the top right, left 1 use something like <^>
[21:58] <Jarli> and a down one as well as needed
[21:58] <Jarli> but it would be simple, all of the navigation in one pane
[21:58] <Jarli> (end-user) wise
[21:59] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, I think I might copy what nautilus does.... This will be a hard sell
[21:59] <akiva-thinkpad> I could add a pane on top as well.
[21:59] <akiva-thinkpad> Maybe I'll do that.
[21:59] <Jarli> akiva-thinkpad, what specifically does nautilus do?
[22:00] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, Oh it just has a backwards and forwards button side by side.
[22:00] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, you gave me an idea though.
[22:00] <Jarli> ah
[22:01] <Jarli> what android are you developing for?
[22:01] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, not android; ubuntu touch
[22:01] <Jarli> ah
[22:02] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, have you seen it yet?
[22:02] <akiva-thinkpad> its slated for a release this december
[22:02] <Jarli> I've heard about it, but haven't looked it up
[22:02] <Jarli> isn't it being privately launched?
[22:02] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, its amazing. Much nicer than android.
[22:03] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, its being developed in open source.
[22:03] <akiva-thinkpad> so
[22:03] <akiva-thinkpad> nope
[22:03] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, like you can fork an image right now if you wanted to.
[22:03] <Jarli> "Users can surface their content naturally and industry can customise endlessly" what the hell is wrong with this description...
[22:04] <Jarli> surface.... surface.... not Surf
[22:04] <Jarli> someone smack someone
[22:04] <akiva-thinkpad> heh
[22:07] <Jarli> Ok anyways, did I thoroughly distract you?
[22:07] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, just reading through this
[22:07] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, You may want to download the ubuntu sdk
[22:07] <Jarli> already did
[22:07] <akiva-thinkpad> go search for it in google, because there is a custom ppa you should get
[22:08] * akiva-thinkpad is just reading through this...
[22:10] <akiva-thinkpad> okay I think I'm getting close :P
[22:15] <akiva-thinkpad> bah so many things to do
[22:16] <Jarli> do I open the client or what?
[22:16] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, go into nanny, and try to run ./autogen.sh
[22:16] <Jarli> using ubuntu-sdk
[22:16] <akiva-thinkpad> I believe this will create a makefile that you can use to open up a project
[22:16] <akiva-thinkpad> but I am running into dependency issues because this application is quite old.
[22:17] <Jarli> (I got it running on qimo4kids) no additional items required
[22:17] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, did you get the project files though ?
[22:17] <akiva-thinkpad> I am speaking about being able to edit the source code.
[22:17] <Jarli> Just did a direct install, I had to add a repo though
[22:17] <akiva-thinkpad> Running the program is different.
[22:20] <Jarli> how am I supposed to run ./autogen.sh?
[22:20] <Jarli> from the directory where I dl's the source?
[22:20] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, "./" and "sh" are basically commands that say "Execute this file"
[22:20] <Jarli> sorry (still noobed) here
[22:21] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, no problem :)
[22:22] <Jarli> I still don't know where I'm supposed to be running this from
[22:22] <Jarli> and I don't see autogen anywhere
[22:22] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, oh sorry, in a terminal
[22:22] <akiva-thinkpad> so guake
[22:22] <akiva-thinkpad> you want to type "./autogen.sh"
[22:22] <Jarli> just assuming I need to be in /Downloads/nanny-2.29.4$
[22:23] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, uhmmm, no, remember we branched nanny in Programming?
[22:23] <Jarli> there we go
[22:23] <akiva-thinkpad> I told you to make a directory called "Programming",
[22:23] <akiva-thinkpad> yah
[22:23] <akiva-thinkpad> :)
[22:24] <Jarli> installing gnome-common
[22:25] <Jarli> and gnome-doc-utils
[22:26] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, I got that far, ; now I am struggling with gtop ~
[22:26] <Jarli> im at pygtk-2.0
[22:26] <Jarli> just assuming this is python
[22:28] <Jarli> which is already installed..
[22:28] <Jarli> akiva-thinkpad, gtop system monitoring?
[22:28] <akiva-thinkpad> gtk is a graphical interface
[22:29] <akiva-thinkpad> python is the programming bindings to that graphical interface
[22:29] <akiva-thinkpad> so there is also pyqt
[22:29] <akiva-thinkpad> python-qt
[22:30] <Jarli> whats the installer for pygtk-2.0 I can't find it
[22:30] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, welcome to dependency hell >:D
[22:31] * akiva-thinkpad suddenly receives a flashback of Opensuse, Yast, and RPMs which rely upon eachother, but won't install
[22:31] <akiva-thinkpad> The horrors!
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
[22:34] <akiva-thinkpad> okay looks like that is actually fairly simple to solve
[22:35] <Jarli> still don't have pygth-2.0 ...
[22:35] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, in terminal, go "sudo apt-get install synaptic"
[22:35] <akiva-thinkpad> and then run synaptic
[22:35] <akiva-thinkpad> "sudo synaptic"
[22:35] <akiva-thinkpad> that is the old package manager
[22:36] <akiva-thinkpad> a bit more powerful than the software center
[22:36] <akiva-thinkpad> and you can find pygtk-2.0 in there I think
[22:37] <Jarli> searching now
[22:38] <Jarli> I already have python-gtk2-dev... what the hell else...
[22:41] <Jarli> found it
[22:44] <Jarli> akiva-thinkpad, https://pypi.python.org/pypi/PyGTK/2.24.0
[22:44] <akiva-thinkpad> yep i got that stuff done :)
[22:44] <akiva-thinkpad> now I am trying to figure out the project file
[22:47] <Jarli> pygtk-2.0 still "isn't installed"
[22:47] <Jarli> I installed 2.24...
[22:47] <Jarli> so wtf
[22:48] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, did you search for it in synaptic?
[22:48] <Jarli> I didn't see it in there
[22:48] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, it should be libgtk-python
[22:48] <akiva-thinkpad> or something along those lines.
[22:50] <Jarli> I don't see anything close, all VNC installers
[22:56] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, sec i'll check again
[22:58] <akiva-thinkpad> jarli python-gtk2-dev
[22:59] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, also ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --with-init-scripts=debian
[22:59] <akiva-thinkpad> that apparently is developer mode
[22:59] <Jarli> ok let me get this installed
[23:00] <Jarli> dbus-1 .. one more to go i think
[23:31] <Jarli> sorry about that had to troubleshoot my internet
[23:31] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, no problem
[23:31] <akiva-thinkpad> I'm super busy today so :P
[23:32] <Jarli> it's night, tell em to go have a coffee :P
[23:32] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, Well anyways; I am told in #gnome, that python based programs do not typically have workflows, which is true in my experience
[23:33] <Jarli> so basically it's a pain in the ass to try and revive this app?
[23:33] <akiva-thinkpad> so what you may end up doing is just editting the text files, make, and then make install to test.
[23:33] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, I'd see if you could get the developer on irc, and ask him for some advice on workflows
[23:34] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, in short though... I would say yes, and potentially non fulfilling
[23:34] <akiva-thinkpad> because this is gtk2 after all
[23:34] <akiva-thinkpad> its like upgrading windows 2000
[23:34] <Jarli> I upgraded windows 2000
[23:34] <Jarli> was totally worth it :)
[23:35] <Jarli> trouble is just functionality is broken a bit
[23:35] <akiva-thinkpad> errm, I mean, not upgrading from 200
[23:35] <akiva-thinkpad> err
[23:35] <akiva-thinkpad> nvm :P
[23:35] <Jarli> even if it was just to change the screen position of "Add a domain" to bring to front
[23:35] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, track down the developer. Ask him what his workflow was like. What ide he used, etc.
[23:35] <Jarli> idk if you installed and demo'd it to understand what I specifically mean
[23:36] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, Fraid not :P
[23:36] <Jarli> any kids?
[23:36] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, I wish I could have been of more help. Nope not yet
[23:36] <Jarli> give it a try, you might have an idea of what I mean.
[23:36] <akiva-thinkpad> I think one of the best filters though is just to have one desktop in the family living room
[23:36] <akiva-thinkpad> and then the kids can only access it there.
[23:37] <Jarli> I was browsing the source on launchpad and its all listed there, I just don't know where to begin compiling it
[23:37] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, I think its an easy process.
[23:37] <akiva-thinkpad> find the file
[23:37] <akiva-thinkpad> edit it.
[23:37] <akiva-thinkpad> make, make install
[23:37] <akiva-thinkpad> or something along those lines
[23:38] <Jarli> "or something"
[23:38] <Jarli> :P
[23:38] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, this stuff is just a lot of trial and error
[23:38] <Jarli> oh I know
[23:38] <akiva-thinkpad> if this was a cmake application
[23:38] <akiva-thinkpad> I would have had you going by now :P
[23:39] <akiva-thinkpad> turned out to by some python gtk2.0 app though
[23:39] <Jarli> It's be great if I could just download the entire source, read over in something like notepadd++ and get a bearing on it
[23:39] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, contact the developer
[23:40] <Jarli> I
[23:40] <Jarli> I'll see what I can do on that
[23:40] <akiva-thinkpad> yep :)
[23:40] <Jarli> It's definitely worth trying, he's in Madrid from what I saw on his site
[23:40] <Jarli> but the "main" site is dead...
[23:40] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, also remember; you are stepping into the deep end of programming; editting someone elses project with a toolkit you have never used before.
[23:40] <Jarli> like just a vacant hole of "Here's Nanny, and no info"
[23:41] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, go to the github page, and find the contributors
[23:41] <Jarli> no better way to start
[23:41] <akiva-thinkpad> their github pages usually have contact details in it
[23:41] <akiva-thinkpad> Jarli, let me know if you need anything else; I do have a ton of work to do :P
[23:44] <Jarli> Well looks like their new "main site" is @ openshine.com
[23:44] <Jarli> I'll see who I can reach their
[23:44] <akiva-thinkpad> gl
[23:44] <Jarli> thanks