UbuntuIRC / 2014 /10 /20 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[06:17] <soee> good morning
[06:38] <lordievader> Good morning.
[08:19] <apachelogger> Riddell: I am doing a test for the upgrade issue
[08:19] <apachelogger> fix shoudl be relatively trivial, testing it not so much
[09:34] <apachelogger> Riddell: reproduced the issue, trying fix now
[09:36] <Riddell> thanks apachelogger
[10:28] <apachelogger> http://paste.ubuntu.com/8600344/
[10:28] <apachelogger> ............
[10:28] <apachelogger> ...........
[10:28] <apachelogger> I think I peed my pants
[10:32] <apachelogger> bug 1313165
[10:32] <Riddell> um what?
[10:32] <ubottu> bug 1313165 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu Trusty) "removal blacklist matches update-manager-kde which is not critical anymore" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1313165
[10:32] <apachelogger> Riddell: ^ what's that?
[10:33] <Riddell> um, I've no idea
[10:34] <apachelogger> /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/UpdateManager/check-meta-release.py
[10:34] <apachelogger> what's that package good for at all
[10:36] <apachelogger> and my klipper is broken
[10:36] * apachelogger sighs
[10:36] <apachelogger> Riddell: release-upgrader uploaded with fix for the diff crash
[10:42] <Riddell> so where's the usual harald moan about python? are you sure you're harald?
[10:42] <Riddell> apachelogger: accepted!
[10:44] <lordievader> Python \o/
[10:44] <apachelogger> Riddell: well, it's semi-legit. in qt a qbytearray is also not the same as a qstring ;)
[10:45] <apachelogger> the fact that it doesn't handle autoencoding from str is a bit meh though
[10:49] <Riddell> automatic type convertion is dangerous generally, php is nuts to try it and perl just goes without saying
[10:51] <Riddell> ScottK: don't forget bug 1335639 sru
[10:51] <ubottu> bug 1335639 in kubuntu-meta (Ubuntu Trusty) "Korean fonts displayed as boxes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1335639
[10:51] <apachelogger> Riddell: works just fine in ruby
[10:53] <Riddell> ah there it is, I knew you'd be coming to that sometime :)
[10:56] <Riddell> valorie: you on "LIVE: LINUX Unplugged" at 21:00 tomorrow?
[11:22] <Riddell> Sick_Rimmit: reviews link on http://www.atrandom.org.uk is broken, misses the .uk
[11:24] <Riddell> Sick_Rimmit: can people watch it live?
[11:25] <Sick_Rimmit> Riddell: Yes they will be able to.
[11:25] <Sick_Rimmit> Riddell: I will have a look at that link
[11:25] <Riddell> Sick_Rimmit: how do they find the url?
[11:25] <Riddell> (am writing a blog post)
[11:28] <Riddell> Sick_Rimmit: and at 21:30 in which timezone?
[11:29] <Sick_Rimmit> UK Time zone
[11:29] <Sick_Rimmit> BST
[11:29] <Sick_Rimmit> URL for live show is either YouTUbe or G+
[11:37] <Riddell> published: http://wire.kubuntu.org/?p=191
[11:37] <Riddell> valorie: sgclark ↑
[11:38] <Riddell> oh dear kubuntu wire has 13,000 comments awaiting moderation
[11:38] <Riddell> I think some might be spam
[11:38] <apachelogger> l-o-l
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[13:01] <Riddell> d_ed: sddm-kcm issue when you have a second
[13:02] <d_ed> c07b883d938893791346f3ea8283c123fb722ac8
[13:16] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all
[13:16] <Riddell> hi BluesKaj
[13:17] <BluesKaj> Hi Riddell
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[15:27] <Riddell> apachelogger: new kde-std/kcm-sddm repository if you want to ci it
[15:27] <Riddell> apachelogger: should I ping you when there's a new repository?
[15:28] <apachelogger> Riddell: yeah, right now I have to run scripts manually to get the jobs set up
[15:28] <apachelogger> long term that should be a job of its own though ^^
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[17:00] <kfunk> hm, quick question: do you happen to see issues with CPU frequency scaling in 14.10?
[17:00] <kfunk> if yes, how to fix?
[17:01] <Riddell> how would one know?
[17:02] <kfunk> Riddell: my CPU supports frequency up to 2.66 Ghz, but its "stuck" at 1.8
[17:02] <kfunk> only indicator Google tells me is http://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-14-10-breakage-breakage-everywhere/1914
[17:05] <kfunk> dafuq. finding of the day: dmesg can haz colors now
[17:05] <kfunk> sexy
[17:14] <kfunk> hm, installing cpufreqd helped. I wonder why that one wasn't installed.
[17:21] <debfx> presumably the kernel policy does the right thing in general
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[20:45] <soee> hiho
[20:46] <soee> users asking about new kdetelepathym is there chance to get it in backports for 14.04 ?
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[21:08] <soee> hmm ... Vivid Vervet
[21:09] <soee> i prefere V for Vendetta