UbuntuIRC / 2014 /10 /15 /#juju-dev.txt
Initial commit
[00:53] <bodie_> review would be appreciated. small apiserver addition https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/909
=== psivaa_ is now known as psivaa
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
=== Guest97591 is now known as Guest20083
=== allenap_ is now known as allenap
[01:35] <thumper> axw: o/
[01:36] <axw> thumper: \o
[01:36] <axw> glad to see you're alive after friday night
[01:36] <thumper> heh
[01:36] <thumper> I should learn to pace myself better
[01:37] <thumper> but I do like mojitos
[01:37] <axw> :) they weren't bad at all
[01:38] <thumper> $ juju user list --show-disabled
[01:38] <thumper> admin admin 33 minutes ago just now
[01:38] <thumper> foo Foo Bar 20 seconds ago not connected yet (disabled)
[01:38] <thumper> thumper Tim Penhey 31 minutes ago not connected yet
[01:38] <thumper> getting there...
[01:39] <thumper> axw: I don't suppose you could look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1380337 could you?
[01:39] <mup> Bug #1380337: adding machine after destroying another fails <add-machine> <cloud-installer> <destroy-machine> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1380337>
[01:39] <axw> looking
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=== psivaa_ is now known as psivaa
[01:51] <wallyworld_> thumper: axw: i've already looked into that bug - it only affects 1.20, and it a dup
[01:51] <thumper> wallyworld_: oh hai
[01:52] <axw> wallyworld_: okey dokey. do you want me to continue looking, or you know the root cause already?
[01:52] <wallyworld_> o/
[01:52] <wallyworld_> axw: i have an idea, just needs to be fixed
[01:53] <axw> wallyworld_: oh, is this the tools bug you mentioned on the hangout?
[01:53] <wallyworld_> yeah
[01:53] <axw> ok
[01:53] <wallyworld_> axw: what's the status of bug 1360605 which is marked as In Progress
[01:53] <mup> Bug #1360605: support maas zones for automatic az placement <constraints> <maas-provider> <juju-core:In Progress by axwalk> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1360605>
[01:54] <axw> wallyworld_: needs review of a gomaasapi branch
[01:54] <axw> then it should be good to merge
[01:54] <wallyworld_> oh yeah, that's right
[01:54] <wallyworld_> i'll do that
[01:54] <thumper> well that's confusing
[01:55] <thumper> time.Time.Add takes a duration and returns a time
[01:55] <thumper> time.Time.Sub takes a time and returns a duration
[01:55] <wallyworld_> awesome
[01:58] <thumper> WT actual F
[01:58] <thumper> ./user_info_test.go:144: constant -2.1 truncated to integer
[01:58] <thumper> I have to put a f there?
[02:01] <thumper> stabby stabby
[02:01] <thumper> -2.1e1 is fine
[02:01] <thumper> -2.1e0 gets turned into an int
[02:01] <thumper> wtf
[02:03] <thumper> ah...
[02:03] <thumper> used with int64 and *
[02:05] <thumper> FFS!!!!
[02:05] <thumper> debug-log is broken with the local provider again since all-machines.log doesn't exist
=== Guest20083 is now known as Ursinha
[02:09] <mwhudson> thumper: -2.1e1 is an integer, isn't it? given that constant calculations have infinite precision
[02:10] <thumper> mwhudson: according to the language spec it is a float constant,
[02:10] <thumper> mwhudson: the issue here is that it was being used in a compile time multiplication of two constants
[02:10] <thumper> so the float was being co-erced into an int
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[02:26] <wallyworld_> axw: i think bug 1356886 can be closed now, right?
[02:26] <mup> Bug #1356886: failed add-machine ssh: leaves behind garbage in state <14.10> <add-machine> <manual-provider> <juju-core:In Progress by axwalk> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1356886>
[02:27] <axw> wallyworld_: kinda. it will clean up eventually now. it would be nice if we removed it immediately, but it's not that simple
[02:27] <axw> I think we can close it
[02:27] <thumper> wallyworld_: what was the lxc issue?
[02:28] <wallyworld_> thumper: looks like destroy-machine removes stuff under <local-root>/storage which includes tools required to start new machines
[02:29] <wallyworld_> thumper: that debug-log issue sounds like a stop the line regression doesn't it
[02:29] <thumper> wallyworld_: hmm (re: lxc), and I'd say so w.r.t. debug-log
[02:30] <thumper> wallyworld_: not sure when it stopped working
[02:30] <thumper> been a while since I've had a local environment running
[02:30] <thumper> where I cared about the lgs
[02:30] <thumper> logs
[02:30] <wallyworld_> wayne needs to fix it, since i think he may have broken it
[02:30] <wallyworld_> we can stop the line later when he comes on :-)
[02:56] <thumper> haha
[03:14] <axw> wallyworld_: PTAL https://code.launchpad.net/~axwalk/gomaasapi/maas-testserver-zones/+merge/236447
[03:14] <wallyworld_> sure
[03:18] <wallyworld_> axw: what's the go with the agent_name handling?
[03:18] <axw> wallyworld_: replied to your comment inline
[03:18] <wallyworld_> hmmm, didn't see the reply, let me look again
[03:19] <axw> hrm, doesn't show up after I pushed again.. one sec
[03:19] <axw> wallyworld_: Correct. From https://maas.ubuntu.com/docs1.5/api.html#nodes:
[03:19] <axw> "param agent_name:
[03:19] <axw> An optional agent name to attach to the acquired node."
[03:19] <axw> (under the "acquire" operation notes; for "list" it's a filter value)
[03:19] <axw> (in reply to your question about agent_name being a side effect)
[03:20] <wallyworld_> ah, there's a link you need to click to show the diff comments
[03:20] <axw> where's that?
[03:20] <axw> ah, I see
[03:20] <wallyworld_> hmm, not sure i like that api design, but it is what it is
[03:22] <wallyworld_> axw: +1, land away
[03:22] <axw> wallyworld_: thanks
[03:22] <wallyworld_> np
[03:44] * thumper sighs deeply
[03:44] <thumper> wallyworld_: take a look in #juju
[03:44] <wallyworld_> ok
[03:44] <thumper> wallyworld_: you'd think this was tested right?
[03:51] <wallyworld_> thumper: i would have thought so, but i haven't been involved with HA so much so am not sure
[03:52] <wallyworld_> HA has been problematic at times though I seem to recall
=== uru_ is now known as urulama
[06:35] <dimitern> morning all
[06:35] <jam> morning dimitern
[06:36] <dimitern> hey, jam!
[07:08] <alexisb> wallyworld_, you still around?
[07:08] <wallyworld_> alexisb: hi
[07:09] <alexisb> hey there wallyworld_
[07:09] <wallyworld_> having fun?
[07:10] <alexisb> wallyworld_, totally!
[07:10] <alexisb> ;)
[07:39] <waigani> fwereade: hey you about?
[07:39] <fwereade> waigani, heyhey
[07:40] <waigani> fwereade: hello, could I talk something over with you: watchers + localID/docID
[07:40] <fwereade> waigani, sure, can I have a quick ciggie while you start a hangout please?
[07:40] <fwereade> waigani, or I could do irc if you'd rather
[07:41] <waigani> fwereade: for sure, I'll start a hangout
[07:41] <waigani> fwereade: those things will kill you btw
[07:44] <waigani> fwereade: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/g2voow4a3pvpvu6jwsnyrqlwv4a?hl=en
[07:48] <waigani> fwereade: my computer is spazzing out, hang on
[07:49] <fwereade> waigani, np, I'll stay in that one, just say if you need to start a new one
[07:49] <waigani> fwereade: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/g2wu75d5xxebxhb3pw6jwusynya?hl=en
[08:21] <mattyw> morning all
[08:48] <waigani> fwereade: can we have another quick chat please?
[08:49] <waigani> fwereade: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/gqitbaigxm45nkusctyi7lh5uya?hl=en
[08:55] <fwereade> waigani, sorry, there now
[08:55] <fwereade> waigani, shall I start a new one?
[08:55] * fwereade does
[09:00] * fwereade bbs
=== uru_ is now known as urulama
[10:34] <voidspace> ok, off to a baby scan - hopefully on my return we know if the baby is a boy or a girl
[10:34] <voidspace> biab
[10:39] <marcoceppi_> enable-os-upgrade: false is one of the greatest kept secrets of 1.21
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[12:56] <wesleymason> Can I beg someone to give some love^Wreviewtime to https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/689 ?
[13:03] <voidspace> hmmm.... screwed my network onfiguration :-)
[13:03] <voidspace> *configuration
[13:04] <voidspace> so, on my laptop for the moment...
[13:04] <w7z> the joys of developing networking for juju?
[13:04] <voidspace> w7z: yep :-)
[13:04] <voidspace> w7z: created a bridge for MaaS and it worked fine until I rebooted and lost all network
[13:04] <voidspace> w7z: I thought it was going a bit too well...
[13:05] <w7z> >_<
[13:07] <mfoord> and back...
[13:11] <w7z> wesleymason: the branch looks fine, I'd nitpick the error message but don't want to delay you further
[13:11] <wwitzel3> alexisb: yep
[13:12] <TheMue> mfoord: a result of the scan?
[13:16] <mfoord> TheMue: boy :-)
[13:18] <TheMue> mfoord: yay, grats. am I right, your second one, isn't it?
[13:18] <mfoord> TheMue: that's right - first one is a girl
[13:18] <mfoord> so we'll have one of each colour :-)
[13:19] <TheMue> mfoord: hehe, yeah, well done
[14:32] <TheMue> dimitern: take a look here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8565153/
[14:32] <TheMue> dimitern: the action guys get this error
[14:33] <jcw4> it's when running ./worker/firewaller tests on master
[14:39] <dimitern> TheMue, looking
[14:40] <TheMue> dimitern: thanks
[14:41] <dimitern> TheMue, gah... it seems like a timeout issue - i.e. the worker stops *before* entering the loop() and returning the error.. I'll have a look and propose a fix
[14:41] <dimitern> jcw4, is it readily reproducible?
[14:41] <jcw4> dimitern: for me it seems to be every time
[14:42] <dimitern> jcw4, sorry about the trouble, but that's actually great to test the fix :)
[14:42] <jcw4> dimitern: I can pull a branch from you to test any fixes if you like
[14:42] <dimitern> jcw4, will you be around for ~1h more?
[14:42] <dimitern> maybe less even
[14:42] <jcw4> yep; beginning of my day
[14:43] <dimitern> jcw4, ah, sweet, will ping you when I propose the branch
[14:43] <jcw4> cool
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=== jcw4 is now known as jcw4|afk
[15:20] <katco> menn0: ha, we just finished the same review
[15:20] <katco> menn0: poor thumper now has 37 comments on his PR :p
[15:20] <menn0> katco: whoops
[15:20] <menn0> katco: hopefully we didn't overlap too much
[15:21] <katco> menn0: hehe i'm sure we did on things like docstrings
[15:21] <menn0> menn0: well that'll teach him :)
[15:21] <menn0> katco: I'm currently reviewing bogdanteleaga's PRs (on Github) so let's not both do those
[15:21] <menn0> katco: we should probably co-ordinate for the rest of the day as well :)
[15:22] <katco> menn0: lol ok
[15:22] <menn0> katco: it's not normally a problem because our time zones don't overlap much but I'm working from the London office today
[15:22] <katco> menn0: it looks like review board is taken care of
[15:22] <katco> menn0: ah i see
[15:23] <menn0> menn0: my bad. I should have thought about this.
[15:23] <katco> menn0: it's not a big deal. i'm familiarizing myself with code as well, so it's not wasted effort.
[15:39] <dimitern> TheMue, jcw4|afk - the fix is ready for review - http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/172/ -- if you can have a look and approve it (other reviewers are welcome as well), I'll merge it tomorrow morning
[15:40] * dimitern reached eod
[15:40] <TheMue> dimitern: looking
=== jcw4|afk is now known as jcw4
[16:32] <mattyw> calling it a day everyone, take care all
[16:38] <jrwren_> can I haz digital ocean provider? https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/an-introduction-to-droplet-metadata
[16:40] <bodie_> there's an unofficial one, fwiw
[16:41] <bodie_> https://github.com/kapilt/juju-digitalocean
[16:41] <bodie_> uses manual provider sadly
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #juju-dev to: https://juju.ubuntu.com | On-call reviewer: see calendar | Open critical bugs: 1381626 1381632
[17:11] <sinzui> katco, there are two kinds of unit-tests failures introduced in the last few days, bug 1381626 and bug 1381632. Can you help get developers to look into them?
[17:11] <mup> Bug #1381626: TestActionFail fails on ppc64el <ci> <ppc64el> <regression> <test-failure> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1381626>
[17:11] <mup> Bug #1381632: firewaller_test.go TestStopsAfterGettingMode fails on utopic <ci> <regression> <test-failure> <utopic> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1381632>
[17:13] <jcw4> sinzui, katco fwiw I'm investigating that too
[17:13] <sinzui> jcw4, thank you for helping
[17:13] <jcw4> All three of the common errors are related to a permission error
[17:14] <jcw4> somewhere between lines 1409 and 1416 of apiserver/uniter/uniter_base.go
[17:14] <jcw4> I'm suspecting a Tag issue
[17:15] <jcw4> sinzui: well, I feel on the hook since my commit was cited
[17:15] <jcw4> :)
[17:16] <jcw4> katco: to be clear I'm investigating the first one (ActionFail) right now; I haven't looked at the Firewaller one, but I'm 90% sure that dimitern has a PR up that will fix that one
[17:16] <sinzui> jcw4, I don't believe permissions issue are arch related...I don't know why a single arch would start failing. I am very puzzled
[17:16] <jcw4> sinzui: agreed
[17:18] <jcw4> katco: (sinzui) this was the PR that I think will fix bug 1381632 http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/172/
[17:18] <mup> Bug #1381632: firewaller_test.go TestStopsAfterGettingMode fails on utopic <ci> <regression> <test-failure> <utopic> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1381632>
[17:18] <jcw4> I was getting the same error and that PR branch fixed it for me
[17:25] <jcw4> TheMue, sinzui since http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/172/ is approved to :shipit: can we $$merge$$ it now, or wait til dimitern does it tomorrow?
[17:27] <sinzui> jcw4, the two regressions will block merges until they are fixed
[17:28] <jcw4> sinzui: I think this PR *is* a fix for one of those regressions
[17:28] <jcw4> so maybe I should $$fixes-LP-1381632$$ it
[17:29] <sinzui> jcw4, oh, then anyone add fixes-1381632 ot the merge. You don't need "$$"
[17:30] <jcw4> cool
[17:54] <katco> sorry was eating lunch
[17:54] <jcw4> sinzui: it looks like I triggered that merge prematurely - I'm still confident it's the right fix, but dimitern hadn't finished the full test suite check on that branch
[17:55] <jcw4> katco: 'sok I'm getting excited about my lunch pretty soon here too
[17:55] <jcw4> :)
[17:55] <katco> lol
[17:56] <katco> sinzui: just reading through the backlog... it looks like you could use help investigating 1381626?
[17:56] <jcw4> katco: yeah - that's the one with my merge implicated, but I don't see a direct correlation
[17:57] <katco> jcw4: ok i'll start investigating
[17:57] <jcw4> ta
[18:01] <sinzui> katco, I suspect ppc is vulnerable to failures in that part of the tests, something made the tests go from intermittent to always fail. As this is trusty, I cannot see a correlation with "permission denied"
[18:02] <katco> sinzui: interesting that it would begin breaking all of the sudden
[18:02] <katco> sinzui: it must be one of the changes, unless something has changed with the scripts you guys use
[18:02] <jcw4> my change that triggered it only renamed the params.ActionItem to params.Action struct
[18:02] <jcw4> the structure of the struct is identical, just the name changed
[18:03] <sinzui> katco, we have not changed the tests since their last pass.
[18:03] <katco> sinzui: ok, well i'll keep digging in
[18:04] <sinzui> katco, We see warning that imply the machine's clock is behind?
[18:04] <sinzui> tar: juju-core_1.21-alpha2/src/gopkg.in/yaml.v1/README.md: time stamp 2014-10-15 17:50:59 is 44.413476891 s in the future
[18:05] <katco> sinzui: interesting, but i don't know why that would cause an issue as long as the relative time remains stable during testing
[18:06] <sinzui> katco, yep
[18:06] <jcw4> katco: the source of the error is here: https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/master/apiserver/uniter/uniter_base.go#L1410-L1415
[18:06] <jcw4> I wish I'd made two slightly different errors, or else added logging here
[18:07] <jcw4> all three of the Action related test failures come back to that block
[18:08] <katco> jcw4: thank you. has anyone run a git bisect?
[18:08] <jcw4> katco: I can't even repro the failure locally
[18:08] <katco> jcw4: ah ok. i might have some tricks. please hold (elevator music)
[18:08] <jcw4> haha
[18:13] <jcw4> katco: one of those tricks doesn't include access to a ppc64 machine does it?
[18:14] <katco> jcw4: lol no, although i keep wondering if that might be handy since we seem to see these with some regularity
[18:14] <jcw4> yeah
[18:16] <katco> jcw4: fails for me on tip: go test -compiler=gccgo github.com/juju/juju/api/uniter/...
[18:16] <katco> jcw4: but looks like it might be failing in a different spot
[18:16] <sinzui> bugger
[18:16] <sinzui> jcw4, thank you for finding the PR, it indeed fixed the utopic tests.
[18:16] <jcw4> yay!
[18:17] <jcw4> about the last comment, not katco's comment: bugger to that too
[18:17] <sinzui> Now I see a compilation error in ppc64el tests.
[18:18] <jcw4> :(
[18:18] <katco> sinzui: do you have handy a commit point where this was working?
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #juju-dev to: https://juju.ubuntu.com | On-call reviewer: see calendar | Open critical bugs: 1381626 1381671
[18:19] <sinzui> katco, commit 1a7538d6 was the last passed
[18:20] <katco> sinzui: ty
[18:29] <jcw4> nice; I repro the same error with --compiler=gccgo
[18:30] * jcw4 goes for long anticipated lunch
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[19:20] <katco> sinzui: something to think about while i investigate: do we run tests with gccgo to gate merges?
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
[19:21] <sinzui> katco, no, but we agreed to do it this cycle: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1WMeul2xZNOE1vxjj5Vb8Itl-LsGNZeBQurnv76kseGE/edit#heading=h.vxbalgtua4zd
[19:22] <katco> ah cool
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
[20:53] <katco> jcw4|nomnom: hey when you get back, i could use some help debugging your change. i'm not that familiar with facades yet, but it looks like tag parsing might be to blame? not sure.
[22:03] <katco> wallyworld: are you there yet?
[22:03] <wallyworld> katco: hi, finishing coffee :-)
[22:03] <katco> wallyworld: yum :)
[22:03] <katco> wallyworld: i need to EOD, but didn't want to wait until stand-up to hand this off: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1381626
[22:03] <mup> Bug #1381626: TestActionFail fails on ppc64el <ci> <ppc64el> <regression> <test-failure> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1381626>
[22:03] <wallyworld> ok, let me look
[22:04] <katco> wallyworld: i'm pretty sure someone who knows facades better will be able to hop right to the issue since i've done the leg-work
[22:05] <wallyworld> katco: ty, will look into it
[22:05] <katco> wallyworld: hopefully you have it solved b/f standup... i'd love to know what it is
[22:06] <katco> wallyworld: but anyway, time to make dinner :) cya in a bit
[22:06] <wallyworld> ok
[22:24] <jcw4|nomnom> katco: sorry
=== jcw4|nomnom is now known as jcw4
[22:25] <jcw4> I'll keep digging too
[22:27] <katco> jcw4: thx check out the lp bug, i added what info i had there
[22:27] <jcw4> katco: yep, just reading that now. I'll update if I find anything more
[22:38] <jcw4> katco: you're probably gone but the issue was actually in the names package
[22:59] <jcw4> anyone around to give me a code review on https://github.com/juju/names/pull/29 ?
[22:59] <jcw4> its needed to fix a blocking bug in CI
[23:26] <jcw4> wallyworld: I figured out that bug that katco handed off to you. Its a serialization issue
[23:27] <jcw4> wallyworld: I have a PR thats the first part of the fix for that https://github.com/juju/names/pull/29
[23:27] <jcw4> wallyworld: are you able to review that for me?
[23:27] <wallyworld> jcw4: great thanks, will do, just otp, will look real soon
[23:27] <jcw4> cool, ta
[23:54] <wallyworld> jcw4: reviewed. i'm surprised we haven't run across this before. i would have thought there would be other cases where we compose from unexported structs. maybe not
[23:54] <jcw4> wallyworld: I know
[23:55] <jcw4> wallyworld: also other Tags in the names package have unexported fields
[23:55] <jcw4> wallyworld: so my guess is they're not being serialized yet, even though we've decided to use Tags in the API instead of strings
[23:55] <wallyworld> jcw4: fields but not embedded structs
[23:56] <jcw4> wallyworld: right.
[23:56] <wallyworld> stupid gccgo i guess
[23:56] <jcw4> hehe
[23:56] <wallyworld> jcw4: maybe you can add a comment to the code to explain why you needed to export it
[23:56] <jcw4> wallyworld: will do