UbuntuIRC / 2014 /10 /08 /#ubuntu-app-devel.txt
Initial commit
[01:44] <ahoneybun> popey, new icon! http://imgur.com/8QzAPno
[05:15] <zsombi> nik90: ping
[07:20] <justCarakas> o/ good morning all
[07:22] <akiva-thinkpad> nik90, ping
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[08:37] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy World Octopus Day! :-D
[08:38] <akiva-thinkpad> JamesTait, yes, happy octopie day
[08:43] <JamesTait> akiva-thinkpad, octopie? Is that like 8 * 3.14?
[08:43] <akiva-thinkpad> heh
[08:43] <akiva-thinkpad> it doesnt mather.
[08:46] <vitimiti> Hi
[08:46] <akiva-thinkpad> vitimiti, morning
[08:46] <vitimiti> Morning, akiva-thinkpad
[08:53] <brendand> akiva-thinkpad, JamesTait - it's this right? http://lilybowman.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/octopie.jpg
[08:55] <JamesTait> brendand, whoa!
[08:55] <brendand> i didn't make it
[08:57] <JamesTait> brendand, no, but you brought it to my attention, and that's enriched my life. :)
[08:59] <brendand> JamesTait, mine would probably end up like this: http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/originals/f4/0b/d8/f40bd8641817e171f3588a8a73d618b8.jpg
[09:01] <nik90> zsombi: pong
[09:07] <vitimiti> Is there a way to make the emulator less tall? I have to change workspaces to see it all
[09:07] <zsombi> nik90: I can confirm that there's no signal coming from EDS when an alarm/todo reminder expires. But I know that datetime indicator doesn't do changes on EDS events yet...
[09:08] <JamesTait> brendand, ah well, you'd get credit for effort and it'd still get eaten. ;)
[09:08] <nik90> zsombi: yeah, there's a bug about it already requesting i-dt to disable or delete one-time alarms when they are triggered
[09:09] <zsombi> nik90: but...
[09:09] <zsombi> nik90: I'm also afraid that EDS qtorganizer backend doesn't watch EDS for changes either...
[09:09] <nik90> zsombi: oh, that's trange
[09:09] <nik90> strange*
[09:10] <zsombi> nik90: if I change an alarm todo in Evolution calendar, I don't get that change notified in the test app :/
[09:11] <nik90> zsombi: I can check with renatu if that's intentional or a bug
[09:11] <nik90> zsombi: may be that use case didn't come up before
[09:11] <zsombi> nik90: there're signals in QOrganizerManager, those should be handled...
[09:12] <dpm> popey, could you see if one of the file manager devs would be interested to get assigned bug 1378709 ?
[09:12] <ubot5> bug 1378709 in Ubuntu File Manager App "Cannot use File Manager as a content picker" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1378709
[09:12] <dpm> we're now using file manager to get content for a bunch of apps, and it's quite visible
[09:13] <zsombi> nik90: at some point IO will give you a toolkit build to test some changes I'm making on Alarms services...
[09:13] <zsombi> nik90: trying to simplify it a bit...
[09:14] <nik90> zsombi: I am not sure how to install toolkit on phone, would be you be providing a armhf build?
[09:14] <zsombi> nik90: yep
[09:15] <zsombi> nik90: make it writable, get the ppa and update or get the .deb packages and install
[09:15] <popey> dpm: yes, I think carlos has been looking at this, and will bring it up with him.
[09:15] <nik90> zsombi: yup that I will do
[09:16] <dpm> thanks popey
[09:20] <nik90> next up akiva-thinkpad pong
[09:21] <nik90> popey: Can you test bug 1378639 pls..
[09:21] <ubot5> bug 1378639 in Ubuntu Clock App "Failed to launch clock app" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1378639
[09:25] <akiva-thinkpad> nik90, ah yah so as far as I know; behaviour on height animations don't work with columns
[09:26] <akiva-thinkpad> I tried it before, and was perplexed
[09:26] <akiva-thinkpad> but it makes sense because you can't exactly set the height of a column
[09:26] <nik90> akiva-thinkpad: you don't need to set the height of column because it is automatically set to childrenRect.height
[09:26] <nik90> akiva-thinkpad: but yeah I face the issue as well
[09:27] <nik90> akiva-thinkpad: I will search online for a solution and if not ask on stack overflow
[09:27] <akiva-thinkpad> nik90, I wonder if its something future qml versions could add.
[09:28] <akiva-thinkpad> might be good to ask the developers of the qml stack
[09:28] <akiva-thinkpad> anyways for the code I had it in; its not terribly invasive. At worst; two extra lines of code.
[09:29] <popey> nik90: sure
[09:29] <nik90> akiva-thinkpad: true
[09:29] <popey> nik90: i believe ubuntu-app-launch was updated in the image....
[09:30] <nik90> popey: tbh I have noticed that message in the qa dashboard for some images now...but I figured it might be a qa issue since I couldn't reproduce it on my end.
[09:31] <nik90> popey: but with latest image, I can reproduce it
[09:31] <nik90> popey: here's an example http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/utopic/touch/mako/272:20141007:20140929.1/10831/ubuntu_clock_app/1809753/
[09:31] <nik90> image 272 Mako QA Dashboard
[09:32] <popey> hmm
[09:43] <akiva-thinkpad> nik90, question; I installed the click package of the calendar on my emulator, but because its already installed, when I open it up, its the old version
[09:43] <akiva-thinkpad> how do I make sure I open the right version?
[09:43] <nik90> akiva-thinkpad: try searching for the calendar app, that should refresh the app scope and let you launch the new one
[09:43] <akiva-thinkpad> ah
[09:44] <akiva-thinkpad> mmmm no potato
[09:44] <akiva-thinkpad> how do I close an app
[09:44] <akiva-thinkpad> I think its opening what I already had open.
[09:45] <akiva-thinkpad> nvm
[09:45] <akiva-thinkpad> flick down
[09:59] <akiva-thinkpad> nik90, http://filebin.ca/1d0jqRMDFI6w a video showing why I made the expansion to 10. there is also a bug at the end of the video, wondering if I shoudl report it
[10:00] <nik90> akiva-thinkpad: ah okay, makes sense..that looks good
[10:01] <nik90> akiva-thinkpad: does the bug at the end of the video exist with trunk? Can you check
[10:01] <akiva-thinkpad> nik90, sure
[10:01] * nik90 brb
[10:05] <akiva-thinkpad> nik90, having a hard time replicating this bug
[10:06] * akiva-thinkpad wonders if was due to lag
[10:11] <akiva-thinkpad> yah can't replicate it.
[10:11] <nik90> akiva-thinkpad: then you need fix it in your branch ;)
[10:12] <akiva-thinkpad> nik90, no; I mean, I can't replicate it in my branch
[10:12] <akiva-thinkpad> or the calendar app
[10:12] <akiva-thinkpad> Ive seen it before, just occassionally
[10:12] <nik90> ah
[10:12] <akiva-thinkpad> I think it has to do with hiding toolbars
[10:13] <nik90> eh what toolbars?
[10:13] <akiva-thinkpad> nik90, sorry headers
[10:13] <akiva-thinkpad> the hiding headers with the flickables
[10:14] <nik90> could be
[11:34] <nik90> DanChapman: ping
[11:34] <DanChapman> nik90: Hey :-)
[11:34] <nik90> DanChapman: hey, how is it going?
[11:35] <DanChapman> nik90: it's going good thanks. Yourself?
[11:35] <nik90> DanChapman: good, thnx :)
[11:35] <nik90> DanChapman: I wanted to ask, is Dekko using http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-14.10/Ubuntu.Connectivity.NetworkingStatus/ ? The API you told me about?
[11:37] <DanChapman> nik90: no not yet i have the code ready. I just can't get libconnectivity-qt1 to install in a click chroot. It completely screws up everytime. I still need to try figure out what is going on before i file a bug.
[11:37] <nik90> DanChapman: ah you are using the c++ library instead of the qml api
[11:38] <nik90> yeah I was having some issues and was curious if you hit the same issue with the qml api
[11:38] <DanChapman> nik90: i've tried both. talking about the qml plugin it didn't seem like it was on the device when i tried it
[11:38] <nik90> DanChapman: ah, it just made it in on image 76 RTM Mako.
[11:38] <nik90> DanChapman: however I am getting apparmor denials. I will see if I can debug it
[11:39] <DanChapman> oooo i might have to try that again then. It's a critical i want rid of :-)
[11:39] <nik90> :)
[11:40] <nik90> DanChapman: do you mind trying http://paste.ubuntu.com/8520196/ on your utopic desktop if you got it.
[11:40] <nik90> DanChapman: since it doesn't work for me on the desktop as well.
[11:40] <nik90> it says file:///home/ubuntu/TestConnectivity/main.qml:18 Element is not creatable. -> Referring to the NetworkingStatus{} element
[11:42] <DanChapman> nik90: sure just gonna make a coffee first :-) just noticed my mug is empty O.O
[11:42] * DanChapman runs to the kitchen
[11:42] <nik90> :)
[11:49] <DanChapman> nik90: im getting the same "Element is not creatable."
[11:49] <DanChapman> Wellark hey :-) ^^ any ideas
[11:50] <nik90> DanChapman: I am talking to Wellark in ubuntu-touch :0
[11:50] <DanChapman> lol
[11:50] <Wellark> DanChapman: wasn't that working before?
[11:50] <Wellark> you were using it, right?
[11:53] <nik90> DanChapman: ^^
[11:55] <DanChapman> Yeah the qml plugin seemed to work/run fine on desktop but it wasn't on the device last time i tried. I'm still stuck with the dependency issues for libconnectivity-qt1-dev in the click chroot. I'm just tried it again now and it seems libconnectivity-qt1's dependencies are pulling a completely different qt stack and it dies with a fatal on unityscopes3
[11:55] <DanChapman> Wellark: ^^
[11:55] <Wellark> Mirv: --^ !!!!
[11:57] <Mirv> !!!
[11:57] <Mirv> DanChapman: "libconnectivity-qt1" is Qt 4's Qt Mobility era packages
[11:57] <Mirv> sorry, delete that
[11:58] <Wellark> Mirv: oh, really?
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[11:58] <Wellark> we might have a package name conflict...
[11:58] <Mirv> someone has named an Ubuntu package likte that :S
[11:58] <Wellark> Mirv: well.. me..
[11:59] <Mirv> I mixed with "libqtconnectivity1" which is confusingly close, and is Qt 4 era package
[11:59] <Wellark> Mirv: so, ubuntu connectivity-api is creating following packages:
[12:00] <Mirv> I don't see anything specifically wrong with installing libconnectivity-qt1-dev, other than this confusion
[12:00] <Wellark> libconnectivity-qt1 libconnectivity-qt1-dev qml-module-ubuntu-connectivity connectivity-doc
[12:01] <Wellark> Mirv: are we safe?
[12:01] <Mirv> Wellark: re: ^ "it wasn't on the device", qml-module-ubuntu-connectivity should probably be added to https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-touch.utopic if it isn't pulled otherwise
[12:01] <Mirv> Wellark: yeah no problem with names, but I do wonder about that "pulling a completely different qt stack" thing
[12:02] <nik90> Mirv: it has been added to the device from rtm image 76 onwards
[12:02] <nik90> yesterday to be precise
[12:02] <Mirv> nik90: awesome
[12:03] <Wellark> oh,
[12:03] <Wellark> oh!!
[12:03] <Wellark> right.
[12:03] <Mirv> DanChapman: do you have any details on which kind of different qt stack libconnectivity-qt1 seems to pull in, and have you checked nothing refers to this confusingly named "libqtconnectivity1"?
[12:03] <Wellark> the documenatation was not updated
[12:03] * Wellark headdesk
[12:03] <Wellark> revno: 20 [merge]
[12:03] <Wellark> author: Albert Astals <albert.astals@canonical.com>
[12:03] <Wellark> committer: CI bot <ps-jenkins@lists.canonical.com>
[12:03] <Wellark> branch nick: connectivity-api
[12:03] <Wellark> timestamp: Tue 2014-08-26 17:16:46 +0000
[12:03] <Wellark> message: Make NetworkingStatus a singleton
[12:03] <Wellark> This way it can be used from various places of an app without having to worry creating lots of them or to pass the information down Approved by: Antti Kaijanmäki
[12:03] <Wellark> so, yeah..
[12:04] <Wellark> It's not creatable
[12:04] <nik90> oh..:) so how does one use it?
[12:04] <Wellark> DanChapman, nik90: sorry..
[12:04] <nik90> Wellark: no worries,
[12:05] <DanChapman> Mirv: libconnectivity-qt1-dev has unmet bdeps on qtbase5-dev and what i mean by qt stack seems more than that for libconnectivity-qt1 see http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8520492/
[12:05] <Mirv> DanChapman: wow, why on earth does it do that..
[12:06] <Wellark> actually..
[12:06] <Mirv> DanChapman: I fear my click chroot knowledge is lacking.
[12:06] <Wellark> the documentation was updated
[12:06] <Wellark> the web page is out of sync
[12:06] <Mirv> Wellark: are you into click chroot:s & friends, could you try to replicate Dan's experience?
[12:07] <Mirv> or maybe bzoltan zbenjamin ^ see pastebin
[12:07] <Wellark> DanChapman, nik90: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/connectivity-api/networking_status_singleton/+merge/232248
[12:08] <Wellark> Mirv: no. I try to stay as far from them as possible
[12:08] <nik90> Wellark: sweet,,, thnx a bunch.
[12:08] <Wellark> nik90, Mirv: any idea who could update the public API web pages?
[12:08] <nik90> Wellark: Should I ping mhall119 to update the docs if they are already update in the trunk?
[12:08] <nik90> Wellark: -> mhall119
[12:10] <Wellark> DanChapman: seems like your chroot is missing the whole Qt dev stack
[12:10] <Mirv> DanChapman: bzoltan: zbenjamin: re: that Dan's pastebin, it looks like it among else tries to remove :armhf packages and apparently install x86 packages to its place, including all of the x86 stack. is it that installing packages in click chroot is simply not supported, and the ubuntu connectivity support should be baked in to the chroot:s instead?
[12:10] <Wellark> DanChapman: what Mirv said --^
[12:10] <Mirv> DanChapman: this is just guessing, but you could try apt-get install libconnectivity-qt1:armhf
[12:11] <Mirv> I'd prefer not to say more as a click chroot newbie
[12:11] <Mirv> if that works, then it's more like the armhf should be correctly set as the default when inside the chroots
[12:12] <Mirv> I fear that command won't work however, if there are no apt sources.list lines referring to the ports archive
[12:15] <DanChapman> Mirv, nope that doesn't work "libconnectivity-qt1:armhf : Depends: indicator-network:armhf (>= 0.5.1+14.10.20140819) but it is not going to be installed"
[12:16] <akiva-thinkpad> nik90, hey on the new events page; how about we remove the title "Guests", because its already indicated by the button, and then move the button to the bottom of the flickable considering it is expanding, and we don't want to push down the other elements?
[12:17] <akiva-thinkpad> i'll show you a screenshot in a bit
[12:17] <akiva-thinkpad> it would save about 3gu of vertical space
[12:18] <snizzo> popey: Are you still delivering pioneers tshirt? :)
[12:18] <akiva-thinkpad> sniff* I wish I was a pioneer :(
[12:19] <popey> snizzo: mhall119 might be ☻
[12:20] <snizzo> ah ok :) I'm waiting mine :)
[12:22] <DanChapman> Wellark: The singleton works fine so i'll just use that for the time-being.
[12:22] <DanChapman> Mirv: where should i file a bug for this?
[12:26] <snizzo> mhall119: should I ask you for the shirt? :)
[12:27] <Mirv> DanChapman: I'd need zbenjamin's / bzoltan's input on that too.. or maybe if you file under https://bugs.launchpad.net/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu they can delegate it to eg. click or wherever it belongs
[12:27] <Mirv> I agree procedures like that should be doable inside click chroot
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[12:37] <Mirv> DanChapman: so unless you get any new info from them, just file under there and they'll take it from there
[12:42] <DanChapman> Mirv: sure will do. Thanks for your help :-)
[12:42] <akiva-thinkpad> mihir, nik90 Besides the orange on the button (I am taking that out); how does this look? http://filebin.ca/1d1Xb9dvOFIM/Cast-_00002.mp4
[12:43] <akiva-thinkpad> The animation was harder than it looked as I had to standardize the code to make it work well with an animation.
[12:43] * akiva-thinkpad loves Item {} components
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[12:46] <rpadovani> oSoMoN, could you ping me when you have 5 minutes please? :-)
[12:53] <zbenjamin> DanChapman: hey what you are trying?
[12:53] <akiva-thinkpad> To whoever reads this, dpm popey balloons or mhall119 http://ubuntuonair.com/calendar/ needs updating.
[12:55] <DanChapman> zbenjamin: i'm trying to install libconnectivity-qt1/-dev in my click chroot but i'm hitting missing build dependencies and this http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8520492/ when trying to install
[12:56] <zbenjamin> DanChapman: of course you are installing the wrong architecture packages
[12:57] <zbenjamin> DanChapman: apt-get install libconnectivity-qt1:armhf
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[12:58] <DanChapman> zbenjamin: i tried that as Mirv suggested and hit "libconnectivity-qt1:armhf : Depends: indicator-network:armhf (>= 0.5.1+14.10.20140819) but it is not going to be installed"
[12:58] <zbenjamin> DanChapman: what happens if you do apt-get install indicator-network:armhf ?
[12:59] <DanChapman> zbenjamin: indicator-network:armhf : Depends: python3-xdg:armhf but it is not installable
[12:59] <DanChapman> Depends: unity8:armhf (>= 8.00+14.10.20140806) but it is not going to be installed
[13:03] <ahayzen> popey, ping
[13:04] <popey> ahayzen: pong
[13:04] <popey> akiva-thinkpad: thanks
[13:04] <ahayzen> popey, my branch landed \o/ so can you build a new click from lp:music-app/remix ?
[13:04] <popey> awesome
[13:04] <popey> sure
[13:04] <ahayzen> \o/
[13:11] <ahayzen> popey, do u want me to tell you what has changed? or update the readme ?
[13:12] <popey> ahayzen: that would be handy
[13:12] <ahayzen> popey, are we going to keep the old readme stuff for the old clicks or just replace each time?
[13:13] <popey> I'll push that down http://pad.ubuntu.com/MusicAppReadMe
[13:15] <ahayzen> popey, so do i repeat all the things from the previous or just the diff ?
[13:16] <popey> just what's new
[13:16] <ahayzen> ok
[13:19] <ahayzen> popey, think thats it
[13:20] <akiva-thinkpad> ahayzen, congrats
[13:20] <ahayzen> akiva-thinkpad, heh thanks at least the cardview can now be tested by folks :)
[13:21] <akiva-thinkpad> ahayzen what do you think of this look? its the calendar app http://filebin.ca/1d1Xb9dvOFIM/Cast-_00002.mp4
[13:21] <popey> ahayzen: thanks!
[13:23] <akiva-thinkpad> is the orange button too much? I guess if you don't know; I shrunk down the UI a bit, eliminating some dividers and labels
[13:23] <ahayzen> akiva-thinkpad, looks good but tbh i don't know what changes i'm looking at as i haven't dabbled with calendar recently ;)
[13:24] <akiva-thinkpad> ahayzen, I guess its more to the sense; does anything catch your eye as looking off
[13:24] <ahayzen> akiva-thinkpad, ah ok :) ... erm i don't think so but probably best to talk to the calendar guys or nik90
[13:24] <ahayzen> or does nik90 = "a calendar guy" these days?
[13:24] <akiva-thinkpad> I think i'll push it as is.
[13:25] <akiva-thinkpad> yep
[13:25] <akiva-thinkpad> mihir though mostly I think
[13:25] <nik90> ahayzen: no no I am a clock guy :) helping calendar when I have *more* spare time than usual
[13:26] * nik90 goes back to some bug fixes
[13:26] <ahayzen> ugh the new volume up/down pauses music :/
[13:26] <ahayzen> nik90, hehe
[13:27] <ahayzen> Ok so who works/worked on the new volume up/down notification and where do i report bugs?
[13:27] <nik90> popey, ahayzen: Btw we now have individual audio roles volume control...meaning even if you have the phone volume to mute, you will still hear the alarm :)
[13:27] <ahayzen> nik90, yeah i noticed weird things happening with my volumes ;)
[13:28] <nik90> ahayzen: talk to rsalvetti and charles later on in the day..
[13:28] <ahayzen> nik90, only issue is as u increase/decrease volume it make the 'pop' sound..but playing that sound causes the music to stop :P
[13:28] <ahayzen> nik90, guess it isn't using the right role
[13:28] <nik90> ahayzen: it dynamically adjust the volume of the role which is active at that point
[13:29] <nik90> ahayzen: so if alarm is ringing, then it will reduce/increase alarm volume
[13:29] <ahayzen> nik90, yep
[13:29] <nik90> otherwise multimedia I guess
[13:29] <nik90> ahayzen: my point being it is using the right role
[13:29] <popey> nik90: wow, thats awesome!
[13:29] <ahayzen> but pressing up/down volume should not pause music lol
[13:29] <popey> heh
[13:29] <ahayzen> they should be using the alert role for that 'pop' sound
[13:29] <nik90> ahayzen: that's something you need to talk to jdhopp
[13:30] <nik90> ahayzen: if they use alert role, then the volume buttons will change the alert role volume
[13:30] <nik90> and not the phone/alarm volume
[13:31] <charles> nik90, if I understood you and rsalveti yesterday, indicator-datetime is now out of the loop wrt volume
[13:31] <ahayzen> nik90, yeah there was a debate in a bug somewhere .. basically all audio uses multimedia by default..which means if it plays it stops music/other multimedia... me (and others) think it should be alert by default so it doesn't interrupt things and you consciously have to set it to multimedia
[13:31] <nik90> charles: this is regarding indicator-sound
[13:31] <charles> nik90, ahh ok, that's all rsalveti's work, thankfully :)
[13:31] <nik90> charles: lol :)
[13:32] <ahayzen> charles, so i'm playing music... i change the volume using the keys... it makes that 'pop' sound when that sound is played it stops the music.. i assume because the pop sound is also using the multimedia role
[13:34] <charles> ahayzen, I'd be the third choice to answer that question, behind rsalveti and ted
[13:34] <ahayzen> charles, i'll wait for rsalveti then :)
[13:34] <charles> both of them have done a significant amount of hacking on i-sound in the last few months
[13:35] <charles> ahayzen, sorry I couldn't help you more :)
[13:36] <ahayzen> charles, no worries :)
[13:50] <ahayzen> popey, thanks for uploading, did you get any feedback from anyone?
[13:53] <rpadovani> mhh, I'm not able to update apps on phone from uni. What ports does ubuntu touch use to do the update?
[13:54] <popey> not yet ahayzen
[13:54] <ahayzen> rpadovani, mine aren't updating either just sitting at 0%
[13:54] <ahayzen> popey, cool ... so its perfect then? ship it! lol
[13:55] <popey> Yes!
[13:55] <popey> rpadovani: ahayzen go to system settings and remove then re-add your u1 account
[13:55] <ahayzen> popey, ah
[13:55] <ahayzen> popey, an error message would have been nice ;)
[13:55] <popey> yeah, it's known.
[13:56] <ahayzen> popey, yeah that worked thanks :)
[13:57] <rpadovani> popey, here too
[13:57] <popey> \o/
[13:57] <snizzo> rpadovani: hai ricevuto la maglietta ubuntu pioneer tu?
[13:57] <rpadovani> snizzo, yap
[13:58] <rpadovani> snizzo, try to ping popey or mhall119 if you haven't yet
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[13:58] <snizzo> yeah, popey told me to ask mhall119, which is probably afk
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[14:08] <mzanetti> dpm: meeting?
[14:08] <mzanetti> rpadovani: you here?
[14:08] <dpm> mzanetti, ah, sorry, I forgot to reply to rpadovani's e-mail, and I thought he wouldn't be there
[14:08] <rpadovani> mzanetti, as I said in my mail, I'm at uni until 18:30
[14:09] <rpadovani> I think my professor will not be happy if I start to talk during her lesson :D
[14:09] <dpm> mzanetti, I'm happy to change the time. The only thing I've got this week is rpadovani's branch - he did some changes and it'd be great to re-review it
[14:10] <mzanetti> dpm: yeah, I'm reviewing those, needs some fixing still
[14:10] <mzanetti> dpm: I would have used the time to have a chat about the new website and how it affects the app
[14:11] <rpadovani> mzanetti, wil we do this Friday afternoon. Could work for you?
[14:11] <dpm> mzanetti, I'm happy to jump on the phone for that, but we can perhaps see if we can find a time that works for rpadovani
[14:11] <rpadovani> will*
[14:11] <dpm> rpadovani, what time would work for you on the Friday?
[14:11] <rpadovani> dpm, this Friday, all afternoon, In general, all day
[14:11] <ahayzen> kenvandine, just did a first run of your content-hub fix and it looks good :)
[14:12] <kenvandine> woot
[14:12] <kenvandine> please comment on the MP
[14:12] <ahayzen> jdstrand, this was one of the ones i can ignore right? Oct 8 15:08:16 ubuntu-phablet dbus[1551]: apparmor="DENIED" operation="dbus_bind" bus="session" name="org.freedesktop.Application" mask="bind" pid=4739 profile="com.ubuntu.music_music_1.3.634"
[14:12] <dpm> rpadovani, when does "afternoon" start for you? I think different people have different concepts :)
[14:12] <mzanetti> dpm: rpadovani: fridays I'm busy from 14:00 till 17:00
[14:12] <ahayzen> kenvandine, will do just gonna double check things :)
[14:12] <dpm> ok, that rules "afternoon" out
[14:12] <kenvandine> ahayzen, thanks!
[14:13] <ahayzen> kenvandine, thanks for the fix :)
[14:13] <kenvandine> np
[14:13] <dpm> mzanetti, if we cannot arrange a time for this Friday, let's have a chat e.g. tomorrow morning you and I about the new site. I had blocked the time for today's call for something else
[14:14] <rpadovani> dpm, mzanetti well, tomorow morning could work for me too, between 9 and 12
[14:14] <rpadovani> *tomorrow
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[14:15] <mzanetti> ok
[14:16] <mzanetti> dpm: perfect time :)
[14:16] <dpm> ok, cool :)
[14:16] <rpadovani> dpm, mzanetti great, see you tomorrow, have to go, I have 1% of battery :D
[14:17] <dpm> oh, good luck with that :)
[14:17] <mzanetti> heh
[14:17] <ahayzen> kenvandine, commented thanks :) do you have any ETA to when this will land?
[14:18] <ahayzen> suppose it has to land in rtm before we can make the switch in the store actually :/
[14:20] <kenvandine> Elleo, can you review https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/content-hub/lp1373086/+merge/237459
[14:21] <Elleo> kenvandine: sure
[14:21] <kenvandine> Elleo, thx
[14:35] <rpadovani> aha. Found a wall plug!
[14:35] <dpm> mzanetti, rpadovani, have a look at the top apps in the ubuntu store scope :)
[14:36] <rpadovani> wonderful! Hope to have some better reviews now :-)
[14:37] <rpadovani> dpm, I think you have to upload new screenshots with new design :-)
[14:38] <dpm> rpadovani, that's exactly what I was thinking :)
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[15:08] <oSoMoN> rpadovani, ping
[15:10] <rpadovani> oSoMoN, yap, I think I found a bug in the broswser app and maybe also a fix, but I want to hear your opinion. So, if you do a double touch on the menu button, it opens the menu twice
[15:11] <rpadovani> oSoMoN, and I suppose that is because the flag that the menu is open is set after the end of the animation
[15:11] <rpadovani> https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/webbrowser-app/trunk/view/head:/src/app/webbrowser/Chrome.qml#L145
[15:12] <rpadovani> oSoMoN, does it make sense?
[15:24] <oSoMoN> rpadovani, that sounds right, although I don’t think the problem is with setting the flag after instantiating the component, but rather with not checking whether the menu is already open before instantiating it
[15:24] <oSoMoN> rpadovani, would you mind filing a bug report, and attaching a patch to it? I’ll gladly review it
[15:24] <rpadovani> oSoMoN, sure, I'll do this night
[15:24] <popey> nik90: how do you keep your emulator image up to date?
[15:25] <popey> do you just destroy and recreate?
[15:25] <oSoMoN> rpadovani, thanks!
[15:25] <nik90> popey: yup I just overwrite it
[15:25] <popey> hm, okay
[15:25] <popey> seems wasteful.
[15:25] <nik90> popey: just takes a lot of network bandwidth
[15:25] <nik90> s/just/yeah
[15:25] <popey> and you have to setup u1 again
[15:26] <nik90> why?
[15:26] <nik90> I mean, I use it just install and launch apps through qtc
[15:26] <popey> if you want to test install from the store
[15:26] <popey> right
[15:26] <nik90> yeah for store you need to
[15:27] <popey> nik90: you do i386 or armhf?
[15:27] <nik90> i386
[15:27] <nik90> armhf emulator should be deprecated
[15:29] <ogra_> how would you test armhf binaries then ?
[15:30] <nik90> ogra_: well if you use qtc, then it should build i386 alongside your app and push that as a click package to the emulator
[15:31] <popey> yeah, or apps that have a binary component
[15:31] <popey> e.g. spoify
[15:31] <popey> *spotify
[15:31] <ogra_> nik90, that wont help at all if you have a compiler involved the binaries can be different per arch
[15:31] <nik90> ogra_: but if you use 3rd party library binaries that are armhf then yes you would need the armhf emulator
[15:31] <nik90> ogra_: but the armhf emulator is so slow, isn't it?
[15:31] <ogra_> as long as it is only QML you are indeed fine
[15:32] <ogra_> the armhf emulator is unusable
[15:32] <nik90> ogra_: well clock has c++ plugins which need to be built on run time
[15:32] <ogra_> but it still fulfils a purpose nontheless
[15:32] <nik90> ogra_: and qtc builds them before running on the emulator
[15:32] <nik90> but yeah as I said before 3rd party binaries will be an issue then
[15:33] <popey> The xamarin studio keynote was interesting. They are implementing an "Android Player" which is x86 Android 'emulator' http://xamarin.com/android-player
[15:35] <nik90> ooh cool
[15:35] <ogra_> well, not sure how well that would work with our container model
[15:36] <nik90> I would love some options like landscape mode, different devices, OTA updates to the emulator etc etc etc...
[15:36] * nik90 waits for the above
[15:39] <ogra_> landscape mode works ?
[15:39] <ogra_> as do many other things if you use the right key combos
[15:40] <nik90> ogra_: is that a question, or you are use it works?
[15:40] <ogra_> i know it used to work
[15:40] * nik90 tries
[15:40] <ogra_> i never touch the emulator unless i must though
[15:41] <ogra_> but the android key combos surely all work
[15:41] <ogra_> so you should be able to rotate
[15:44] <nik90> ogra_: this is what happens in landscape https://imgur.com/gMsXUFd
[15:45] <nik90> ogra_: the apps don't rotate..while the physical device frame did
[15:45] <nik90> may be the sensors haven't been connected
[15:45] <ogra_> yeah, so landscape works :P
[15:45] <nik90> hehe
[15:45] <ogra_> i know i tested that when making the edge theme
[15:46] <ogra_> snesors is probably worth a bu
[15:46] <ogra_> g
[15:46] <ogra_> but i think there might be one open already
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[16:47] <mihir> nik90|AFK:
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[16:47] <mihir> nik90: you got chance to test renatu 's MR ?
[16:48] <nik90> mihir: crap, I totally forgot about it. Will do it now. Do you have the link?
[16:48] <mihir> nik90: https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/qtorganizer5-eds/fix-1311165/+merge/237142?
[16:48] <nik90> thnx
[16:48] <renatu> nik90, mihir I found a problem with alarms I am working to fix that
[16:48] <nik90> oh ok
[16:48] <mihir> renatu: ahh okay.
[16:49] <nik90> renatu: ping me when you got a fix and deb pkg to test
[17:03] <renatu> nik90, just noticed something. Why the alarm count down disappear after a while
[17:04] <nik90> renatu: disappears?
[17:04] <renatu> this is the most annoying thing on android :D. I always enable and disable my alarms just to know how much time I have
[17:04] <nik90> renatu: ah that
[17:04] <nik90> renatu: my friend you're gonna love https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/12-alarm-list-design-spec/+merge/237177
[17:05] <nik90> renatu: for one-time alarms we will always show the remaining time to alarm
[17:05] <nik90> for repeating alarms, we will only show them for 5 secs when you enable it
[17:05] <nik90> otherwise it will hide the days the alarm repeats on
[17:05] <renatu> nik90, whyyyyyyy?
[17:05] <renatu> this is sad :(
[17:05] <nik90> renatu: besides in the bottom edge title, we now show the time to the next active alarm
[17:06] <renatu> I only have repeating alarms
[17:06] <nik90> renatu: wouldn't the bottom edge title showing the time to the next closest active alarm suffice?
[17:07] <renatu> yes this will help :D
[17:07] <nik90> renatu: that will land in https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/13-next-alarm-bottomedge/+merge/237188
[17:07] <nik90> renatu: this is why I needed your bottom edge hint help which we fixed :)
[17:07] <mihir> akiva-thinkpad: pin
[17:08] <nik90> renatu: I should release a new clock app this friday (if jenkins is fixed by then)
[17:08] <renatu> great
[17:13] <mihir> nik90: it would be great if we can get push notification of an alarm before say few hours :P
[17:14] <nik90> mihir: shouldn't that only happen for calendar events?
[17:14] <mihir> nik90: i just noticed that on Android, it helpls like, i am already awake and just want to off that alarm
[17:15] <nik90> well it ain't gonna happen for rtm or ota-1 for sure
[17:16] <mihir> yeah just had it my mind so pass it on your head
[17:17] <nik90> it will sure leave my head...better submit a bug report so that I can track it for post-rtm and check with the designer
[17:18] <mihir> nik90: need your input on this reviewing this MR , https://code.launchpad.net/~akiva/ubuntu-calendar-app/assortment-of-fixes-to-newevents/+merge/237429
[17:18] <mihir> nik90: i feel that dropdown shouldn't be open up by default right?
[17:18] <nik90> mihir: actually it doesn't look that bad considering we have the space available to show it.
[17:19] <nik90> mihir: also it retracts automatically after you select it
[17:19] <mihir> nik90: can you try editing event ?
[17:19] <nik90> at first I wasn't too happy, but after the video it looked okay
[17:19] <mihir> i just tried on device, but i feel on editing this , it's annoying , like i just want to change recurence and i want to scroll to the bottom
[17:20] <nik90> mihir: it should not be expanded by default when there are other options chosen in that page.
[17:20] <nik90> let me try first
[17:20] <mihir> nik90: it does though.
[17:21] <nik90> that can be easily fixed
[17:21] <mihir> nik90: like this http://imgur.com/EQ3rBYe
[17:22] <nik90> in that screenshot what repeat option is selected?
[17:22] <nik90> It looks like "Once" is selected, but if that is the case, then Recurrent Events Ends shouldn't be shown
[17:24] <mihir> nik90: it screenshot Mon-Wed-Fri is selected
[17:25] <nik90> why does it show a down arrow there instead of a tick?
[17:30] <mihir> nik90: i am not sure on that though.
[17:30] <mihir> nik90: did you try on devic e?
[17:30] <mihir> nik90: did you try on device?
[17:31] <nik90> I can reproduce it on the emulator, looks like an upstream bug
[17:31] <nik90> but anyways
[17:31] <nik90> so when you open the "Repeat" page, if the options have already been chosen by the user, then it shouldn't be expanded by default
[17:32] <nik90> but if you are opening the "Repeat" page for the very first time, then I think it is okay to have it expanded by default
[17:33] <akiva-thinkpad> nik90, pon
[17:33] <mihir> nik90: yeah, that can be done.
[17:34] * akiva-thinkpad should uninstall reddit
[17:34] <akiva-thinkpad> what a waste of time
[17:34] <nik90> akiva-thinkpad: in your MP, can you ensure that when you open the "Repeat" page, and the options are already selected by the user previously, then the option selectors shouldn't be autoexpanded.
[17:34] <nik90> if no options were selected, then it looks okay to have them expanded by default
[17:34] <nik90> you need to figure out how to do this :)
[17:35] <mihir> akiva-thinkpad: i just figured out that after testing that on device, i'll provide you more comments as i test it more,
[17:38] <rpadovani> Does anyone know which package I need to install to have QtGui/private/qopenglcontext_p.h ?
[17:38] <rpadovani> I'm trying to run webbrowser
[17:46] <rpadovani> hey kenvandine, could you please help me? :-) I'm trying to run make for webbrowser app, but seems I miss a package. Do you know what have I to install? Unfortunately in the README there is nothing :(
[17:46] <rpadovani> QtGui/private/qopenglcontext_p.h: No such file or directory
[17:56] <kenvandine> rpadovani, try this... apt-get build-dep webbrowser-app
[17:57] <rpadovani> kenvandine, thanks, worked :-)
[17:58] <kenvandine> rpadovani, np
[18:19] <akiva-thinkpad> !remind
[18:35] <ahoneybun> popey, ping
[18:47] <popey> ahoneybun: wassup?
[18:47] <ahoneybun> popey, can you try my latest code to see if it work please :)
[18:48] <popey> where is it?
[18:48] <ahoneybun> lp:ubuntu-beginner
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[18:51] <popey> looks good ahoneybun
[18:51] <ahoneybun> awesome!
[18:51] <ahoneybun> btw I made a new icon popey
[18:52] <ahoneybun> popey, http://imgur.com/a/brLcG
[18:53] <popey> nice
[18:57] <ahoneybun> thanks
[18:57] <ahoneybun> popey, you think it is ready this time to upload?
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[19:20] <popey> ahoneybun: your app, you decide ☻
[19:21] <ahoneybun> popey, I just to make sure it works right (at least displaying
[19:29] <rpadovani> popey, hey, could you help me with a string please? I need to say something like 'We found at least another Evernote account, but it isn't authorized to work with this app yet. For security reason, you've to click to the button under this text and authorize this app to use the account'. How could I write this in a proper English? :-)
[19:29] <popey> ok
[19:30] <popey> "Reminders is not authorised to use your Evernote account. Authorise it by tapping the button below."
[19:33] <rpadovani> popey, thanks :-) Could this work also if there is an account already authorized in a listview, and this text and the button under it?
[19:43] <popey> yeah, i think so
[20:28] <rpadovani> mardy, could you take a look to bug 1374432 please?
[20:28] <ubot5> bug 1374432 in Online Accounts setup for Ubuntu Touch "displayName is an empty string" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1374432
[20:29] <jdstrand> beuno: hi! can you pull in the latest click-reviewers-tools?
[20:30] <beuno> jdstrand, to the store?
[20:38] <jdstrand> beuno: yeah
[20:43] <davmor2> popey: rpadovani: the less technical sounding version would be "Reminds is not connected to your Evernote account" (button below reads) "Connect to Evernote"
[20:43] <davmor2> reminders even
[20:50] <rpadovani> davmor2, but it's in a screen where you can choice between multiple accounts, someone authorized, someone no
[20:51] <davmor2> rpadovani: ah okay
[20:55] <jdstrand> beuno: sigh, I'm gonna need you to pull another change, but give me a minute
[20:56] * jdstrand notes we need a better way to update data/apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu.json
[20:58] <jdstrand> oh good the url didn't change
[20:59] <jdstrand> beuno: ok, just make sure you have 271
[21:00] <jdstrand> hmm, maybe that isn't so good. the cached file isn't updating
[21:10] <beuno> jdstrand, I need IS, so I'll probably need to wait to tomorrow, is that ok>
[21:10] <beuno> ?
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[21:21] <vitimiti> Hi
[21:23] <jdstrand> beuno: yes, that's fine
[21:24] <jdstrand> beuno: we just need to make sure the ubuntu-push-helper checks are in place at your earliest convenience
[21:49] <ahoneybun> hey vitimiti
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