UbuntuIRC / 2014 /10 /08 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:34] <LinusTourvaldsII> for sec ithought over 700000kb meant over 700mb and made mistake insayin so
[00:34] <LinusTourvaldsII> i even used a dvd when i burnd it my mistake
[00:34] <LinusTourvaldsII> damn and i had cd's too
[00:52] <CatalystNZ> I'm having a nightmare getting x11vnc to start automatically when my machine is booted. I have the box automatically logging on, but I can't get it to load x11vnc. I've tried using /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart, and adding a "@x11vnc -display :0", but it doesn't work
[00:53] <CatalystNZ> I can ssh in after boot and just run that same line, and vnc server starts ok
[00:53] <CatalystNZ> any ideas? I think I'm about to esplode
[00:56] <ravious> I had a problem with vnc also.. I just switched to teamviewer.
[00:56] <CatalystNZ> were you able to get it to automatically start up?
[00:57] <ravious> yeah
[00:57] <ravious> well.. teamviewer.. not vnc
[00:57] <CatalystNZ> yea, I got ya
[01:04] <CatalystNZ> meh, I'll stick with vnc or xrdp
[01:04] <CatalystNZ> thanks anyway
[01:17] <CatalystNZ> screw this, going to install a different distro. :X
[02:03] <absk007> how to migrate from my current installation of lubuntu to another with all the s/w and configs?
[02:20] <holstein> absk007: backup your s/w and configes
[02:20] <absk007> holstein, i want to do it in easy way
[02:20] <holstein> i suggest, the /home with the .hidden configs.. and *not* backing up the software like that
[02:20] <holstein> you can use synaptic to generate a script or a list of packages
[02:21] <holstein> but, i would just get your data, and configs, and fresh install.. then, see what software you are missing. you will likely find you have "cruft" that you dont actually need/want
[02:21] <absk007> holstein, wow! any more advice?
[02:22] <holstein> absk007: i am describing an easy way.. also, this way will be a proper backup for you, as well.. the hard drive you are running there will fail, so make a proper backup that will work for you "migration", and that will also serve as a backup
[02:24] <absk007> holstein, i've slow internet connection. So i'm backing up apt archive using aptoncd and restore it in the other one and copy the .config files from /home and then will copy the sources list and generate package list. And i don't have any stray bogus pkgs.
[02:24] <holstein> do what you like
[02:25] <holstein> i choose not to do that.. and i suggest not doing that, since you were asking how to do it, and implied you didnt know how..
[02:25] <holstein> you can copy what you like.. you can clone the entire OS
[02:25] <ravious> or image the whole drive
[02:25] <holstein> linux kernel is modular, so you should be able to literally clone the OS with clonezilla or however you want
[02:25] <holstein> yup ^ image
[02:26] <absk007> holstein, no. I just meant Thank You.
[02:26] <holstein> absk007: sure.. and i just meant what i said, as well..and also, you are welcome
[02:28] <absk007> holstein, do you happen 2 know how the multimedia keys combined with the function keys in my lappy work in lubuntu?
[02:28] <absk007> holstein, only the function keys are working. Not the multimedia keys.
[02:29] <holstein> absk007: no. i know that nothing about lubuntu is preventing those keys from working.. but, your machine is your machine.. and you will need to support linux on your own, since the manucturer doesnt
[02:29] <absk007> holstein, My Laptop: ASUS EeePC 1215B
[02:29] <holstein> absk007: what do i do? i just load up live CD's and see how things work.. i'll try arguably heavier DE's and see how things work, and note what is making things work
[02:30] <holstein> i'll try xubuntu, and main ubuntu.. and make a note of whatever packages are supporting the functionality i want/need, and implement that in lubuntu, if possible
[02:30] <absk007> holstein, e.g. the Touchpad off key doesn't work
[02:30] <absk007> holstein, which pkg should i install?
[02:30] <holstein> absk007: *all* the eeepc's i have "just-work" out of the box.. though, i have never tried turning the touchpad off that way
[02:31] <holstein> absk007: the pkg you install will be the one you discover you need by troubleshooting as i described
[02:31] <absk007> holstein, then how do you off the touchpad. It's annoying me!
[02:31] <holstein> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KeyboardShortcuts
[02:31] <holstein> absk007: there are many ways to disable the touchpad
[02:31] <holstein> http://askubuntu.com/questions/65951/how-to-disable-the-touchpad for example
[02:31] <absk007> holstein, please suggest the quickest way
[02:31] <holstein> depends on what hardware you have
[02:32] <holstein> absk007: the "quickest" way would be for asus to support linux, and make it work for you, easily
[02:32] <holstein> otherwise, it'll be a matter of reading and learning..
[02:32] <holstein> might be a quick way to do it in the bios..
[02:33] <absk007> holstein, by quickest way, I mean the quickest way i can toggle it off and on
[02:33] <holstein> absk007: sure.. and the quickest, still, would be for asus to provide you support for linux for that switch that you want to be using
[02:34] <holstein> absk007: otherwise, refer to the links i gave, and decide what is easiest
[02:34] <absk007> holstein, the command line is easy but i've 2 bind a global shortcut
[02:34] <holstein> absk007: sounds great..
[02:35] <absk007> holstein, how to bind global shortcuts in lubuntu?
[02:35] <holstein> absk007: many ways.. the GUI.. openbox config..
[02:36] <holstein> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Keyboard#Keyboard_shortcuts outlines how i would do it.. i found it by searching "lubuntu keyboard shorcuts"
[02:37] <absk007> in that link, there is Laptop Function Shortcuts
[02:37] <absk007> Many laptops have function (Fn) keys which you can hold down to access more functions on the laptop's keyboard. A list of these functions should be available from the manufacturer of the laptop.
[02:37] <holstein> right.. thats what i suggested
[02:38] <absk007> this works in Ubuntu but not in lubuntu
[02:38] <holstein> think of it this way.. you are not promised any linux support at all for that machine
[02:38] <absk007> which pkg makes it work?
[02:38] <holstein> absk007: sure. thats why i suggested looking at ubuntu, and see what pkg makes what you need happen
[02:41] <holstein> absk007: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LaptopSpecialKeys
[02:47] <absk007> holstein, i get only "PNP0C14:00 000000d2 00000000" as output for the touchpad disable key.
[02:47] <absk007> holstein, but for volume up key, i get "button/volumeup VOLUP 00000080 00000000 K
[02:47] <absk007> PNP0C14:00 000000d2 00000000
[02:47] <absk007> "
[02:47] <holstein> absk007: i promise you, i, nor no one in this particular channel will be able to parse that, and help specifically.. only generally
[02:48] <holstein> you can try #ubuntu or a mailing list..
[02:48] <holstein> otherwise, just follow the link i gave, and see about how to implement.. try an ubuntu live CD
[02:48] <absk007> holstein, what's a mailing list?
[02:49] <holstein> absk007: a mailing list is another avenue of support you can consider
[02:49] <holstein> !support
[02:49] <ubottu> The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com
[03:19] <absk007> holstein, how to use synaptic to create a download script?
[03:19] <absk007> holstein, how to use synaptic to create a pkg list?
[03:20] <holstein> absk007: as i said, i dont do that, friend.. im not intertesting in creating that list. though, its in the menu
[03:22] <holstein> dpkg -l > installed_apps
[03:22] <holstein> http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-890233.html is a good read on the subject, regardless
[03:22] <absk007> holstein, thanks.
[03:22] <holstein> https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+question/241416 as well
[03:56] <calamari> hi
[03:57] <calamari> after 10 minutes of idle mouse and keyboard, the HDMI to my screen shuts off, which is particularly annoying while watching youtube videos. interestingly, if I watch a video using mplayer, it stays on. any idea how I can keep my screen on?
[03:59] <calamari> (I'm running Lubuntu 12.04)
[04:00] <ianorlin> 12.04 isn't lts for lubuntu
[04:00] <ianorlin> 14.04 is
[04:00] <calamari> it's the same repo
[04:02] <calamari> I have considered playing a long video on mute with mplayer in a loop, maybe thats the best I can do
[04:02] <calamari> seems crazy that I can't control this tho
[04:56] <calamari> fixed it
[04:59] <ianorlin> how?
[04:59] <calamari> why does it matter, 12.04 is obsolete ;)
[05:00] <calamari> solution #2 on this page http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/98921/display-shuts-down-while-watching-a-movie-after-10-minutes-no-matter-the-setting
[05:01] <calamari> I'm pretty sure it was the xset -dpms that did it
[05:06] <ravious> Changing the settings in "Light Locker Settings" did nothing?
[05:06] <ianorlin> he was on 12.04
[05:06] <calamari> I don't even really know what you'd call my distro at this point.. I forget which *buntu I even started with.. but I've had at least unity, kde, trinity and lxde/openbox on here :) oh, and parts of mate, hehe
[05:08] <calamari> 12.04 was a fresh install tho.. before that I had upgraded all the way from warty
[05:08] <ianorlin> my first full time install was raring
[05:11] <calamari> I'll get around to 14.04 eventually.. I like to wait a while so that all the ppas I use have a chance to catch up
[05:11] <akis> hi all. is there any way to completely unistall adobe flash-plugin from my system deleting every file or left over?
[05:13] <calamari> akis: you can purge the package, but that will only remove known configuration files. other junk it creates might still persist
[06:27] <Synth> Hi
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[06:28] <Guest45046> Anybody here
[06:28] <Guest45046> ?
=== Guest45046 is now known as synthaxe
[06:37] <synthaxe> How can I create a bootable win 7 usb on a lubuntu system/
[06:57] <ravious> use virtualbox?
[07:19] <synthaxe> Hello
[07:20] <synthaxe> I need help in installing Canon Printer Drivers for Lubuntu
[07:20] <synthaxe> Anyone?
[07:35] <ravious> What problem are you having?
[07:43] <synthaxe> Got it to work now by enabling CUPS
[07:44] <synthaxe> Now I need to setup my lubuntu to run Adobe Photoshop via Wine
[07:45] <ravious> good luck with that.
[07:45] <ravious> older versions seem to work okay.. but I couldnt get cs6 to work at all.. had to run a vm windows when I need it.
[07:51] <synthaxe> Wow im having a really hard time installing wine -_-
[07:51] <ravious> sudo apt-get install wine
[07:51] <synthaxe> hmmm
[07:51] <synthaxe> one sec
[07:52] <synthaxe> i need to print a jpeg
[07:52] <synthaxe> and the default image viewer doesnt seem to let me do it
[07:52] <synthaxe> btw im completely new to this
[07:52] <synthaxe> just installed lubuntu
[07:55] <ravious> hm..
[07:56] <ravious> I guess it doesnt have a print option
[07:56] <ravious> oh the image magic viewer does
[08:04] <synthaxe> well lubuntu software sucks
[08:04] <ravious> Its ment really to be just a very light base.
[08:04] <synthaxe> Can you suggest any good VMs?
[08:04] <ravious> I use virtualbox
[08:04] <synthaxe> i can't install it D:
[08:04] <ravious> why not?
[08:05] <synthaxe> how do i add the repository?
[08:05] <ravious> should already have it
[08:06] <ravious> sudo apt-get install virtualbox-dkms
[08:06] <ravious> that'll get everything you need.
[08:06] <synthaxe> unable to loacte package it says
[08:06] <synthaxe> D:
[08:06] <ravious> hm..
[08:08] <synthaxe> now correct me if im wrong, but lubuntu = ubuntu except for the GUI correct?
[08:08] <ravious> I believe so
[08:09] <ravious> I think the repositories should be the same..
[08:09] <ravious> I installed it just a few days ago and it loaded from the repo
[08:09] <ravious> you could try opening synaptic and search for virtualbox just to see if anythings listed.
[08:10] <synthaxe> uhh
[08:11] <synthaxe> it says now that its a broken package
[08:11] <ravious> not sure
[08:12] <synthaxe> sec let me try downloading it from oracales site
[08:14] <synthaxe> hmmm
[08:34] <synthaxe> fuck i keep getting the broken packages error on terminal
[08:38] <ravious> have you tried sudo apt-get update
[09:07] <synthaxe> yes
[09:07] <synthaxe> tried that
[09:07] <synthaxe> ugh still getting new errors everytimee
[09:50] <MissionTIC> salut
[09:51] <MissionTIC> J'ai installé Lubuntu sur un portable HPPavillon G7
[09:51] <MissionTIC> J'aiun souci de "Audio" </Pas de son>
[09:52] <MissionTIC> et un souci video pour YouTube </au bout de 30sec c'est le black>
[10:09] <synthaxe> Ok im kinda frustrated now -_-
[10:09] <synthaxe> Anyway I can create a bootable Win7 flashdrive in lubuntu?
[10:17] <JohnDoe_71Rus> synthaxe: dd if=/w7.iso of=/dev/sdx
[10:17] <JohnDoe_71Rus> then http://ms-sys.sourceforge.net/ ms-sys -7 /dev/sdb
[10:18] <JohnDoe_71Rus> http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/
[10:19] <synthaxe> why can't i install anything using terminal
[10:19] <synthaxe> been getting error packagaes all damn day -_-
[10:19] <synthaxe> I would love to learn all this for linux, but right now I really need photoshop
[10:27] <hateball> !fr | MissionTIC
[10:27] <ubottu> MissionTIC: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.
[10:27] <MissionTIC> oh sorry guys
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[13:02] <ravious> anyone know how to get F11 to stop fullscreening applications?
[14:31] <kyuga> Hi all, I've installed lubuntu via ubuntu-server install and apt-get install lubuntu-desktop - but most of my Fn keys are not working (for example keyboard backlight brightness) - They do work with a normal ubuntu-desktop install (from the desktop .iso) - Is this something related to ubuntu-server grub config I need to change, or a missing package?
[14:31] <kyuga> I do have acpi-support/acpid installed
[14:35] <kyuga> Could someone pastebin their /boot/grub/grub.cfg for me?
[15:40] <mail6543210> Hi, I've encounter a problem installing lubuntu 14.04.1. After installing, the font of lxterminal isn't monospace. It use system's "monospace 12" font, which is actually "DejaVu Sans", while in Ubuntu it is "Ubuntu Mono". How to solve this problem?
[15:40] <holstein> mail6543210: just set the font in the terminal you are using.. or use the terminal you prefer, such as the one main ubuntu uses
[15:41] <holstein> it'll be the exact same package, since lubuntu is ubuntu, and uses the same sources..
[15:41] <holstein> i really like using terminator, and these days, i just install it into whatever im using
[15:42] <mail6543210> I mean, how to configure it? And, is that a bug?
[15:43] <holstein> mail6543210: i dont see it as a bug that the font is not set a particular way
[15:43] <holstein> mail6543210: there is a menu that should allow you to set it to whatever font you like.. if the font is not installed, you can get the fonts from the repos
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[15:45] <mail6543210> I guess it's some kind of mis-configuring, because there're other monospace font ships w/ lubuntu, but the system default chooses a wrong one...
[15:46] <holstein> !bug
[15:46] <ubottu> If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.
[15:46] <holstein> you should be able to set the font to what you prefer it to be
[16:49] <patarr> anyone here have pidgin notifications working in lubuntu?
[17:19] <brett__> hi what package is the mouse icon rendering in and how would i reset it because my cursor is stretched
[17:30] <helpoo> when i try to connect through vpn i get this this message "Unlock keyring 'Default An application wants access to the keyring 'Default' but it is locked" I am using Lubuntu , please help me I have no Idea how to fix that !
[17:32] <helpoo> ANY help ??
[17:36] <ravious> Is it asking for a password to unlock the keyring?
[17:47] <testdr> helpoo: start for information "seahorse" and check the stored keys - normaly it is the password of your user (as long you did not change it without notification of the keyring-manager (seahorse))
[17:50] <helpoo> fixed !! thanks :)
[17:51] <testdr> helpoo: i dont know if it is a bug or a good idea not to open the keyring with the user-login, because one will notice that any program wants to read the stored passwords
[21:20] <ianorlin> if you dd'ed an iso to a usb is there a way to get the iso file back off that usb ? would I select a file ending in .iso to transfer it from. Or is it safer If I still hav access to the computer to just transfer it from that computer
[21:21] <ianorlin> although I have seen places offering to sell usb drives with iso on them and don't really know how you would back them up
[22:01] <Jordan_U> ianorlin: It's possible to get the iso back using dd, but you'd want to know the size of the original iso as dding the USB drive will get you a file as large as the flash drive, with everything past the end of the iso being useless.
[22:01] <Jordan_U> ianorlin: It's much easier to just transfer the original iso file if you have it, and either way it's a good idea to double check the md5sum when you're done.
[22:06] <ianorlin> ah that is a good reason not to dd it off the usb stick
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