UbuntuIRC / 2014 /10 /05 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:04] <wheeei> is there any difference to run KDE on ubuntu to install kubuntu from the start?
[00:10] <BigWig> Hello, I tried doing a dist-upgrade and it broke my install of plasma next
[00:10] <BigWig> here is what happens when I try and run plasmashell
[00:10] <BigWig> http://pastebin.com/Qt8Q2Jpp
[00:11] <BigWig> Any easy way to start clean without reinstalling the OS?
[00:13] <mikeru> hey
[00:13] <mikeru> my backlight suddenly stopped working
[00:14] <mikeru> well kde's support for controlling it, it doesn't detect it anymore but I can change it via /sys/clas/backlight and that works
[00:14] <mikeru> how do I debug it=
[00:14] <mikeru> ?
[01:06] <BigWig> I fixed it :)
[01:06] <BigWig> Something wrong with sycoca
[01:06] <BigWig> Couldn't write to it for some reason
[01:06] <BigWig> What is syscoca?
[01:52] <jalcine> BigWig: it's how KDE shares core config
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[04:40] <phoenixz> Trying to install Kubuntu in a machine with an NVidia 7990 card, on graphics start I see only garbled white with crap screen.. I do have text mode. Can I somehow install Kubuntu in text only, then install the nvidia drivers?
[04:41] <phoenixz> or, alternatively, install the nvidia drivers in text only?
[04:46] <phoenixz> or, what drivers do I need to install for 7990 support? I see nvidia-173 for example, but I have no idea if thats the right one or not..
[08:19] <lordievader> Good morning.
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[09:14] <fknero> irc.utchat.com
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[10:05] <BluesKaj> 'Morning folks
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[11:00] <Guest62954> hello
[13:41] <serioux1> Hello to everyone.
[13:42] <serioux1> I just install kubuntu 14 lts , i have made some changes but... i do not know to change login interface lightdm
[13:44] <BluesKaj> serioux1, change lightdm, how and why?
[13:44] <serioux1> I have tryied to change background image of the login screen but after reset it was all white
[13:44] <BluesKaj> lightdm is default
[13:44] <serioux1> true
[13:44] <serioux1> i want to change the theme of lightdm
[13:45] <serioux1> or only background of login screen
[13:46] <BluesKaj> serioux1, make sure the image is jpg
[13:46] <serioux1> ok it will take a moment
[13:47] <serioux1> you are right
[13:48] <serioux1> it was a png file
[13:48] <serioux1> thank you
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[14:04] <M1ke> Good morning, is anyone familiar with Ubuntu-After-Install program?
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[14:47] <BluesKaj> M1ke, ubuntu or kubuntu?
[14:53] <M1ke> Hey BluesKaj I am using Kubuntu
[14:53] <M1ke> I will be back gotta re-boot
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[14:58] <M1ke> Ok BluesKaj I am back. Can you help me with After-Install
[15:27] <BluesKaj> M1ke, so what are you trying to do after install, exactly?
[15:32] <M1ke> I try running the program "After-Install" it is supposed to have a lot of the things that are missing (google chrome, flash, ect) I succesfully installed the program and when i try to run it it prompt me for a password but it never runs. I found the program here> http://www.unixmen.com/top-things-installing-ubuntu-14-0413-1013-0412-1012-04/ It is in section 2.
[15:41] <M1ke> I would also like a desktop music player - maybe something like iheart or pandora, is there anything like that or kubuntu
[15:46] <serioux1> i am using amarok
[15:49] <serioux1> it is better to install any software from software center
[16:03] <BluesKaj> M1ke, that after install is for ubuntu and gtk apps and unity/gnome , not for kubuntu and KDE desktop, try this : http://www.binarytides.com/better-kubuntu-14-04/
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[18:00] <Th3H4xor> how do i
[18:00] <Th3H4xor> hoi
=== rope is now known as Guest62151
[18:45] <Guest62151> Hi, is it okay to ask a question about a strange behaviour of KDE, or should I just start a topic in kubuntuforums.net?
[18:45] <Guest62151> I mean here :)
[18:50] <BluesKaj> Guest62151, yes just ask your question here.
[18:53] <Guest62151> I have Kubuntu 14.04.1 installed on two notebooks, and several virtualbox machines. On the first notebook, with nvidia graphics and properietary drivers, my problem (see later) does not appear.
[18:53] <Guest62151> On the other machines, so the other notebook with intel graphics, and all of my virtualbox vm's, there is a little annoyance:
[18:53] <Guest62151> When I resize windows, the windows' title's text's font start to bounce. By bouncing I mean that for specific characters the distance between each other increases/decreases.
[18:55] <Guest62151> Furthermore, because of this change in the character's distances, sometimes, when the window is sized "unproperly", certain fonts are way to close to each other, they are almost touching.
[19:01] <BluesKaj> Guest62151, so the the vms aren't passthrus to the host's hardware/gpus I presume?
[19:03] <Guest62151> Hmm, I don't quite understand. I enabled 3D acceleration for the vm's, set 128 MB video ram, and installed guest additions in kubuntu.
[19:03] <Guest62151> That's all I did regarding gpu's
[19:04] <Guest62151> I also noticed, that with nvidia's proprieatary drivers the font handling is different. For example, the same size values produce much larger fonts (compared to nouveau).
[20:00] <alvin> Guest62151: That is correct, but not in all cases. Take a look at the Option "UseEdidDpi" "False" setting in xorg.conf
[20:00] <alvin> Then set the DPI manually. I prefer nouvea, to get it right, but there are reasons too to use the proprietary driver.
[20:01] <Guest62151> alvin: AFAIK, we don't need xorg.conf's anymore.
[20:01] <Guest62151> Should I generate one?
[20:01] <alvin> Yes, except when using the proprietary driver.
[20:01] <alvin> Yes, but you can use a very small one. Just for those settings
[20:01] <18VAA6ERI> anyone knows where the quassel profile folder is saved in kubuntu? i can't find it under .kde/share/apps
[20:01] <alvin> Only a Section "Monitor"
[20:02] <Guest62151> alvin: The proprietary drivered system works perfectly.
[20:02] <Guest62151> alvin: I have this problem with the intel integrated based notebook, and all of my virtualbox vms.
[20:04] <alvin> I have no experience with virtualbox and less with 3D acecleration in virtualbox. As far as I know it could be the method virtualbox uses to render the screen. (Isn't that RDP?) For qemu based virtual machines that's spice or VNC. That protocol might also be the cause of the distortion
[20:08] <18VAA6ERI> anyone knows where the quassel profile folder is saved in kubuntu? i can't find it under .kde/share/apps
[20:17] <18VAA6ERI> anyone knows where the quassel profile folder is saved in kubuntu? i can't find it under .kde/share/apps
[20:19] <18VAA6ERI> found it
[20:33] <lordievader> Good evening.
[20:33] <TheFakeazneD525> sup
[20:34] <lordievader> Hey TheFakeazneD525, how are you?
[20:34] <TheFakeazneD525> I am good
[20:35] <TheFakeazneD525> so apparently rekonq is being maintained
[20:35] <TheFakeazneD525> and ported
[20:38] <lordievader> TheFakeazneD525: Congratulations ;)
[20:38] <TheFakeazneD525> but not by me :c
[20:57] <man-woof> language support incomplete, additional packs required... this comes up every time but when i click it nothing happens
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[21:36] <dolomite> hello, does kubuntu automagically enable fstrim for SSDs?
[21:36] <dolomite> I have not configured it to run yet it runs every time I boot
[21:36] <man-woof> ubuntu does it weekly
[21:36] <man-woof> hmm
[21:37] <dolomite> I don't have the discard option set in fstab, just noatime,nodiratime
[21:39] <dolomite> it really lags my machine and I'd prefer to designate it as a cron job so it would only run monthly
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[23:09] <Moogly2012> hello
[23:09] <valorie> what can we help you with, Moogly2012?
[23:10] * valorie observes that here, it's 2014
[23:10] <Moogly2012> trying to figure out where a certain folder is in Kubuntu
[23:10] <Moogly2012> I installed a KDE program called 'AMOR' not sure if you're familiar with it
[23:10] <Moogly2012> and I can't seem to locate the folder where it keeps it's files
[23:11] <valorie> !info amor
[23:11] <ubottu> amor (source: amor): desktop companion. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.13.3-0ubuntu0.1 (trusty), package size 189 kB, installed size 584 kB
[23:11] <Moogly2012> indeed
[23:11] <valorie> no, I've not heard of it
[23:11] <valorie> nice name, though
[23:11] <Moogly2012> "Amusing Misuse of Resources
[23:11] <Moogly2012> apparently
[23:11] <valorie> is it targeted at kubuntu (KDE) or ubuntu unity?
[23:12] <TheFakeazneD525> its a KDE thing
[23:12] <Moogly2012> yeah, it's a kde package
[23:13] <Moogly2012> it's part of "KDE Toys" apparently as well
[23:13] <valorie> fun!
[23:13] <valorie> if it is a KDE application, most likely it will be found in ~/.kde/share/apps somewhere
[23:13] <valorie> or configs right there
[23:14] <valorie> very occasionally you'll find something in ~/.local or ~/.config instead, but those are usually non-KDE applications
[23:14] <Moogly2012> yeah everything I found pointed to that dir, but when I went there, the folder "amor" wasn't in there
[23:14] <Moogly2012> I'll check .local
[23:16] <Moogly2012> oh I think I found it
[23:16] <TheFakeazneD525> speaking of misusing resources... there was this "steampunk" plasmoid for KDE... scripted with JS
[23:16] <valorie> there might not be a folder
[23:16] <TheFakeazneD525> took a few hundred megs of ram :c
[23:16] <valorie> could be just an rc file or two
[23:17] <Moogly2012> really?
[23:17] <Moogly2012> oh
[23:17] <Moogly2012> @ the steampunk plasmoid
[23:18] <valorie> TheFakeazneD525 likes to gum up hir system
[23:18] <valorie> ...
[23:18] <Moogly2012> I found the folder, apparently Dolphin has decent searching capabilities haha
[23:18] <valorie> oh, it does
[23:18] <TheFakeazneD525> valorie: speaking of, will x/kscreensavers be ported to Wayland?
[23:18] <valorie> sometimes takes awhile
[23:18] <Moogly2012> now I just gotta terminal in cause I don't have access to these files
[23:18] <TheFakeazneD525> or would it work under XWayland
[23:19] <valorie> TheFakeazneD525: that I do not know
[23:19] <valorie> i know there is work on the screen locker
[23:19] <Moogly2012> apparently there's a /usr/share/kde4/apps/ folder
[23:19] <Moogly2012> it's no wonder I couldn't find it
[23:19] <valorie> but screensavers, no idea
[23:20] <Moogly2012> thanks for the help guys :)
[23:20] <valorie> unless they are a security problem, in which case they will NOT be ported, or supported
[23:20] <valorie> not a guy, but you are welcome
[23:20] <Moogly2012> guys and gal
[23:20] <Moogly2012> :(
[23:21] <valorie> there are women on the internet, contrary to myth!
[23:21] <Moogly2012> better yet, thank you valorie :)
[23:21] <valorie> yw
[23:21] <Moogly2012> well people still say "guys" as a gender neutral term though
[23:21] <valorie> even grandmas like me
[23:21] <valorie> Moogly2012: they do, but it does not feel inclusive to me
[23:21] <Moogly2012> even on TV when girls say bye to groups of girls they say "see you guys later"
[23:21] <valorie> I like including everyone
[23:22] <Moogly2012> I'll be sure to keep it in mind then :D
[23:22] <BuntuTech> hi valorie
[23:22] <valorie> greets, BuntuTech
[23:23] <BuntuTech> valorie, what is your favorite linux distro?
[23:24] <valorie> kubuntu, of course!
[23:25] <valorie> I've been using it for around 10 years
[23:25] <BuntuTech> i was trying to use for a few weeks but its sooo slow
[23:25] <BuntuTech> and i couldnt find stuff easy
[23:25] <Moogly2012> er
[23:25] <valorie> what are you using now?
[23:25] <Moogly2012> crap LOL
[23:25] <valorie> this isn't religion; people can use what they like
[23:25] <BuntuTech> well atm im in my w8 machine but my favorie VM distro is ubuntu
[23:26] <valorie> everyone has different likes and tasts
[23:26] <valorie> tastes
[23:26] <BuntuTech> i liked the way kubuntu looked initially but it was soooo slow
[23:26] <Moogly2012> yeah it needs a graphics card at least
[23:26] <Moogly2012> although you could disable all the special eye candy effects I think
[23:27] <Moogly2012> earlier I was using SliTaz, which runs on about 100MB of your ram,
[23:27] <Moogly2012> was interesting
[23:27] <BuntuTech> well i have an i7 quad core 8 thread 12 gb ram anda gtx 645 with a gig of gddr5 ram dedicated
[23:27] <BuntuTech> state of the art
[23:28] <BuntuTech> ican run a half dozen vm's play the most graphical intense game chat and do skype screen sharing and its not even breathin heavy
[23:29] <BuntuTech> all at the same time
[23:29] <Moogly2012> yeah but if you don't have the graphics drivers installed
[23:29] <Moogly2012> it wont matter
[23:29] <BuntuTech> ahh hah
[23:29] <valorie> I've never found it slow, but I am running on my son's 'old' gaming machine
[23:29] <valorie> Sysinfo for 'valorie-HP-Pavilion-dv7-Notebook-PC': Running inside KDE 4.14.1 on Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS, Trusty Tahr powered by Linux 3.13.0-36-generic, CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz at 1200-2301/2301 MHz, RAM: 7106/7884 MB, Storage: 344/784 GB, 328 procs, 61.39h up
[23:29] <BuntuTech> i dont think i added any drivers
[23:29] <Moogly2012> I have a great machine myself, but without the graphics driver installed
[23:29] <Moogly2012> my machine slows down big time
[23:30] <valorie> I have pretty much stock everything except I have the neon5 session also
[23:30] <BuntuTech> but even tmy built in graphics is a powerhouse
[23:30] <Moogly2012> hmm
[23:30] <BuntuTech> HD 4600
[23:30] <BuntuTech> it run anything too
[23:31] <valorie> plus I seed all the *buntu torrents
[23:31] <valorie> so this machine is doing a lot
[23:31] <BuntuTech> i wonder why they cant make it run fast?
[23:31] <valorie> runs fast for me....
[23:31] <valorie> the only slow machine is my 5yo netbook with an atom processor
[23:31] <valorie> everything is slow there
[23:32] <BuntuTech> omg yeah
[23:32] <valorie> gonna replace that this next year
[23:32] <valorie> I can't bear how slow 'tis
[23:32] <BuntuTech> yeah i'd like to slap the man who invented those with a dead salmon
[23:33] <BuntuTech> ive worked on a few of them
[23:33] <Moogly2012> oh I finally got it working hah
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[23:33] <valorie> it was fine for traveling
[23:33] <BuntuTech> you could run lubuntu on it
[23:33] <valorie> but everything else has gotten faster, and it is almost literally stuck in the past
[23:33] <BuntuTech> or puppy
[23:34] <valorie> nope, KDE or nothing for me
[23:34] <valorie> thinking of a chromebook with Kubuntu on it
[23:34] <valorie> cheap, fast
[23:34] <BuntuTech> ima unity lover
[23:35] <BuntuTech> from the day i 1st saw her'
[23:35] <BuntuTech> those icons and that launcher
[23:36] <TheFakeazneD525> omg I think I just found a bug in KWin
[23:37] <BuntuTech> valorie, was kubuntu your 1st?
[23:38] <BuntuTech> sometimes i think your 1st is always your favorite...
[23:38] <valorie> no, I started with Mandrake
[23:38] <valorie> then gentoo (don't recall the desktop choice)
[23:38] <valorie> probably KDE
[23:38] <BuntuTech> how does one evn do that..when i 1st googled "free os" BUNtu was all over it
[23:39] <valorie> then kubuntu
[23:39] <Moogly2012> gentoo is kind of whatever you want
[23:39] <valorie> well, I started using linux on the desktop back in ..... 2002 or so
[23:39] <Moogly2012> there is no default gentoo desktop lol
[23:39] <BuntuTech> id like to create a distro
[23:39] <valorie> not many choices back then
[23:39] <Moogly2012> if you want to create one you gotta learn plenty of C
[23:39] <valorie> we should take this to #kubuntu-offtopic
[23:39] <valorie> please
[23:40] <Moogly2012> or take something like TinyCore or SliTaz and expand on it