UbuntuIRC / 2014 /10 /02 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:10] <elff> по русски кто нибудь понимает?
[00:10] <elff> помощь нужна
[00:11] <elff> спасибо
[00:14] <wxl> !ru | elff
[00:14] <ubottu> elff: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.
[00:58] <BuntuTech> hi
=== RedDeath is now known as Guest99101
[02:18] <knownothing> can someone direct me to instructions on connecting to a windows network, please
[04:38] <deaddeb> Even though LXQt is nowhere near done, will it become optional before the default?
[04:39] <ianorlin> deaddeb: there is a ppa for it now but not really supported
[04:40] <ianorlin> I think there is some work to get in in repos
[04:40] <deaddeb> ianorlin: that ppa looks like it's purely experimental
[04:41] <deaddeb> It'd be interesting if the next Lubuntu(after 14.10) had the option to join a LXQt alpha/beta
[04:41] <deaddeb> via the installer
[04:42] <deaddeb> then send out notes of sites to get somepublicity, and have a forum for user talk on LXQt+Lubuntu
[04:42] <deaddeb> *notes to sites to get some publicity
=== TheSchaf2 is now known as TheSchaf
[07:49] <pali1> i try to run skype on a PC without SSE2
[07:50] <pali1> i tried to run with qemu
[07:50] <pali1> sudo qemu-i386 -L / .Skype
[07:50] <pali1> but i got this error: Error while loading .Skype: Permission denied
[07:50] <pali1> i tried with sudo too... same error, please help
[09:03] <onla> hey. how do I change the window manager in lubuntu? In ubuntu I read it is storing info at /usr/share/gnome-session/sessions/"YOURSESSION"
[09:03] <onla> but I don't have that in lubuntu
=== RedDeathi is now known as RedDeath
=== RedDeath is now known as Guest73816
=== gomaaz is now known as dasdas
[16:01] <akis> hi all. i am considering to revive an old pc (celeron@400mhz with only 192 mb ram and a gforce with 60mb ram) installing lubuntu 10.04. Is that possible although this version is dicontinued. i am reading here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/PreviousReleases#A10.04 that : "10.04 is no longer supported and does not receive updates for desktop, the kernel is still supported until April 2015". what does this exactly mean?
[16:01] <holstein> akis: lubuntu 14.04 is the first long term support lubuntu..
[16:02] <holstein> akis: the 10.04 repos are hot and up for ubuntu 10.04 server.. and that is all
[16:02] <akis> i know this and i am running it already on a lenovo netbook. its great.
[16:02] <holstein> *if*, you were to have a question, issue, or problem with a package.. there is no support for it.. if there is a "vulnerability" in 10.04 that doesnt effect the server version, then it may not be addressed
[16:03] <holstein> if you want to run 10.04, run it.. but, there is no support for it. so you support yourself
[16:03] <holstein> personally, i would just run 14.04
[16:03] <holstein> i would start with...
[16:03] <holstein> !mini
[16:03] <ubottu> The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want. The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD
[16:03] <testdr> akis: you need the alternate-installer-version - you have less than 512MB memory and in use (after install) you will notice heavy swapping when using firefox-browser
[16:04] <holstein> but, firefox and other applications will swap on that hardware in 10.04, or whatever else
[16:05] <testdr> akis: if not already done, check: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Alternate_ISO
[16:05] <akis> i read about mini but i dont think that this old machine can run the newest 14.04 although in mini version
[16:05] <akis> 10.04 has chrome as default browser.
[16:05] <holstein> akis: sure.. dont "think" about it at all.. just try the mini iso i linked..
[16:06] <holstein> akis: *none* of the ubuntu's come with chrome as the browser.. chrome is not in the repos
[16:06] <testdr> did any one tell about the cpu-limitiations? Could be a computer without "pae"
[16:06] <holstein> akis: you can easily install chrome into any linux.. dont let the default browser dictate what you use
[16:07] <akis> repos are still available on 10.04?
[16:07] <holstein> if you have the pae issue preventing 14.04 from working.. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu-fake-PAE
[16:07] <holstein> akis: for the server.. 10.04 is still supported for the server..
[16:07] <holstein> !10.04
[16:07] <ubottu> Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended May 9 2013. Server support continues. See http://ubottu.com/y/lucid for more details.
[16:08] <holstein> akis: but not much longer.. as i stated above, if you use 10.04, you will support it yourself..
[16:08] <holstein> i would use the mini 14.04 iso and add whatever the hardware will support
[16:09] <holstein> the "forcepae" option will help, if your hardware needs that..
[16:09] <akis> in your opinion mini 14.04 could be installed with only 192 mb ram and run with a celeron@400mhz. i doubt about it!
[16:10] <holstein> akis: sure.. dont "doubt" or "think".. try it..
[16:11] <holstein> akis: i use the mini iso, and i dont select anything to install during that installation.. i just get the minimal commandline systemm installed, and then add what i need.. lxde or lubuntu-desktop.. as i said, whatever the hardware will support
[16:12] <holstein> the mini iso has the options of the older alternate iso that testdr suggested.. much lower spec requirements..
[16:12] <akis> i am trying every day many distros but i didnt find something to satisfy me instead of legacy os 2.1 based on puppy linux. but i am running in all my other 3 machines xubuntu 14.04 (2 pcs) and lubuntu 14.04 (1 machine) and i think that are the greatest!
[16:13] <akis> hmmm. i see !!! that is very interesting.
[16:14] <holstein> yeah.. if you want 14.04, try using 14.04.. 10.04 is EOL for your purposes.. and chrome is not in the repos at all..
[16:14] <holstein> chromium is.. but not chrome
[16:14] <holstein> !info chromium-browser
[16:14] <ubottu> chromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 37.0.2062.120-0ubuntu0.14.04.1~pkg1049 (trusty), package size 45591 kB, installed size 166372 kB
[16:15] <holstein> but, chrome can be installed easily into any ubuntu or ubuntu flavor, or any linux
[16:15] <holstein> though, nothing will make your machine any "better" or faster.. you will not have a good experience online with that machine with video online
[16:15] <akis> i wrote chrome, i meant chromium. anyway. forget it. is there any guide to how can i proceed with minimal installation and then add lubuntu desktop?
[16:16] <holstein> akis: the guide goes like this.. get the iso from the link above.. install, use the fakepae option i linked if you need.. install minimal, and *after* installation, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop ...*or* just install lxde, or whatever is lighter that you may prefer
[16:18] <akis> and after lubuntu gets life i can proceed with any extra package installation i want (ie abiworld, gnumeric etc) using the repos?
[16:19] <holstein> akis: nothing about any of those pacakge, or lubuntu, or ubuntu or linux prevents that
[16:19] <holstein> akis: *nothing* makes your machine any better or more appropriate for using those applications.. it either has the power, or not
=== dasdas is now known as gomaaz
[16:22] <akis> so i can choose to install midori for a better performance instead of heavy firefox or chromium. should i install manually any other useful application (ie pcfmman, gnome player etc) or if lubuntu desktop will be installed includes these?
[16:22] <holstein> akis: install what you like, friend.. nothing prevents that.. but, they dont make your machine any faster
[16:23] <testdr> akis: only the time to boot the installed linux on such a machine will last around 2-3 (or more) Minutes!
[16:24] <akis> sure. i know this. i just want a very-very basic operation
[16:24] <holstein> as i said, sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop installs lubuntu.. you end up with stock ubuntu from that..
[16:24] <holstein> akis: if you need "very-very basic", then, just get *exactly* what you need.. lxde and whatever other applications
[16:25] <akis> lxde is lighter than lubuntu?
[16:25] <holstein> or, not even lxde.. even lighter than that. if you need
[16:25] <testdr> akis: because you already know lubuntu (from your other computers) you should try the 14.04-Version - it would have the same options like you already know. --- LXDE = Lubuntu
[16:25] <holstein> akis: lubuntu uses lxde.. if you dont need want lubuntu, you dont have to get it
[16:26] <akis> i know that lubuntu=lxde but i am wondering if there is lightest version...
[16:26] <holstein> akis: lubuntu is ubuntu with lxde and other tweaks.. with lust lxde you can build something arguably lighter, with less things.. more "very-very basic"
[16:26] <holstein> akis: lxde is not advertised as "the lightest things ever"..
[16:26] <akis> openwm maybe?
[16:27] <holstein> akis: its light.. but, you have *very* old hardware.. in my opinion, no desktop environment is going to help you do what you want to do
[16:27] <akis> is it installable on ubuntu core?
[16:27] <testdr> akis: for a memory-compare of desktop/windowmanagers, you may check: http://l3net.wordpress.com/2013/04/09/a-memory-comparison-of-light-linux-desktops-part-2/
[16:28] <holstein> but, a couple MB's is not going to allow that machine to play youtube, for example
[16:28] <akis> on this configuration i realized that only xubuntu 6.06 was fine!
[16:29] <akis> i tested already! under legacy 2.1 and using opera 12 the browser can open the first page of youtube but it cannot proceed to play a video.
[16:30] <holstein> akis: that machine is *not* capable of using youtube.. you would need to ask youtube to support your hardware, and they are not interested in doing that
[16:31] <holstein> i would consider repurposing that box as a headless server without x running..
[16:31] <akis> it is really impressive how can run under legacy 2.1 with plenty of kde application with less of 100 mb ram.
[16:32] <holstein> you can install opera into whatever you would like.. but, its likely an older version of opera..
[16:32] <akis> i am wondering if lubuntu can succeed a similar performance.
[16:34] <akis> legacy os 2.1 its a new release (apr 2014) and it can manage this old system smoothly. i wish i could come off the same result with lubuntu which is (with xubuntu) my favorite distro
[16:35] <Ahmuck> hi. i'm having a problem with icons on the panel re-ordering themselves after an edit to the application bar.
[16:36] <Ahmuck> er, problems on the application bar with icons re-ordering themselves.
[16:36] <Ahmuck> i wasn't sure what was the cause and have been watching and trying to determine what it was
[16:37] <Ahmuck> i observed it hapens after deleteing an icon via the application launch bar edit
[16:37] <Ahmuck> the icons them are all out of set order and i have to go through and re-set many of them to the desired places
[16:37] <holstein> akis: i would just use what is working.. the goal of ubuntu/lubuntu may not be matching your hardware..
[16:37] <holstein> akis: i feel i could burn up an afternoon and make lubuntu/ubuntu 14.04 run tolerably on that hardware..
[16:38] <akis> holstein: thank you my friend your very useful advises and for your time time. i will try mini installation and i will report any problem or i will ask for any further assistance.
[16:39] <holstein> akis: good luck
[16:39] <akis> thanks!
[16:40] <holstein> Ahmuck: i usually just consider another panel in those cases.. lxde is so light, and made to be that way.. i find tint2 to be light, and arguably easier to "lock down"
[16:53] <holstein> Ahmuck: did you try tint2?
[16:54] <Ahmuck> yes and no. i recently tried crunchbang (after the mouse battery icon fiasco) and iirc it was using tint2
[16:55] <Ahmuck> i guess my problem with the idea ... is obviously there is a bug in the panel. is there a reason for not investigating the problem and fixing it?
[16:55] <Ahmuck> it's kinda like asking me to change from windows to mac just because double clicking an icon no longer works
[16:56] <holstein> Ahmuck: my reason is just that i dont do code.. did you file a bug? if you would, that would help outline what you do and help someone else replicate the bug
[16:56] <Ahmuck> and i'm sorry, it's just i've had so many of these type of issues that i've become defensive on the issues
[16:56] <holstein> Ahmuck: im not asking you to switch, really. its just a matter of the right tool for the right job.. tint is more easily locked down
[16:56] <Ahmuck> did you get my message the other day on a bug i had filed earlier and recieved feedback on?
[16:56] <holstein> Ahmuck: no
[16:57] <Ahmuck> i filed a bug in 2010 and recieved a response in 2014
[16:57] <Ahmuck> they finally closed the bug
[16:57] <holstein> Ahmuck: sure. 2010 would be dead by now
[16:57] <Ahmuck> i looked carefully at the bug report. it wasn't completly complete but this is part of the reason i no longer file bugs ( wxl )
[16:57] <holstein> Ahmuck: i mean, its not a perfect system... but, it *is* the way to convey facts and get the issue looked at
[16:58] <Ahmuck> the bug has since then been resolved (via software channel).
[16:58] <holstein> what bug?
[16:58] <holstein> the one you posted in 2010?
[16:58] <Ahmuck> i agree in both, not a perfect system, and a way to convey facts. the facts no longer matter after four years
[16:59] <Ahmuck> i've been thinking bout starting a blog and documenting the time it takes to get the simplest things done in lubuntu and making comparisons to other operating systems
[16:59] <holstein> Ahmuck: sure.. go for it. but, the issue is, you are not accounting for what users are accustomed to.. a lot of it is just simple familiarity
[17:00] <Ahmuck> recently my hardware changed. it's been a bit of a challenge because they changed the keyboard layout. however, doing the simplest thing has been a real challenge. (like turn of the mouse pad upon boot)
[17:00] <Ahmuck> which users?
[17:00] <holstein> Ahmuck: you may also feel more comfortable at one of the larger flavors.. the issue is, you cant compare window 7 or windows 8 full editions with lubuntu, which is not amied at the same target
[17:01] <Ahmuck> even windows xp had basic hardware support
[17:01] <holstein> Ahmuck: "users" generally.. for example, if you take a user that is used to windows, things in windows will be "easier" for them, than in linux
[17:01] <holstein> Ahmuck: actually, windows xp had no hardware support at all. you add drivers to get hardware support
[17:01] <Ahmuck> i've not used windows for about 20 years
[17:01] <Ahmuck> but i'm aware of how it works
[17:02] <Ahmuck> actually, it might be closer to 14 years
[17:02] <Ahmuck> i did a stint of support for a company in 94
[17:02] <Ahmuck> and again in 10-12
[17:03] <holstein> lubuntu is LXDE + ubuntu.. the L is for light.. its meant to be light weight, and for older hardware.. its not intended to be a drop in desktop replacement for all purposes
[17:04] <Ahmuck> let's go back to the application bar. tint2 locks it down, correct? this is a simple file where it's specified how they are set. deleting an icon would re-set the order in the file. this is such a simple thing (it appears, though i'm not a programmer).
[17:05] <Ahmuck> so what would change it? possible a cached or temp saved file while the user is changing icons that is getting re-loaded while the changes are being made?
[17:05] <Ahmuck> *shrugs*
[17:05] <holstein> Ahmuck: i find tint2 more easily locked down..
[17:05] <Ahmuck> yes, and i enjoy the light. i install and lock down a lot of lubuntu desktops and laptops for people that want to move from windows
[17:06] <Ahmuck> tint2 is not lxde, is not lubuntu
[17:06] <Ahmuck> it's off topic
[17:06] <holstein> well, tint2 , as i said, its a panel.. lxde has its own panel.. but, tint2 is in the repos
[17:06] <holstein> !info tint2
[17:06] <ubottu> tint2 (source: tint2): lightweight taskbar. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11+svn20121014-1 (trusty), package size 142 kB, installed size 375 kB
[17:06] <holstein> it may fit your needs better.. especially for locking them down for other users
[18:23] <phillw> wxl: I've put your call for testers on the Fb areas and G+ area
[18:23] <wxl> thanks phillw :)
[18:23] <phillw> Hey, I used to have this each cycle :)
[18:23] <wxl> yeah yeah
[18:31] <phillw> wxl: oh, and Sergio has prepped up the 14.10 pages e.g. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Release%2B1
[19:44] <pacmyc> Hi there! Suddenly after kernel update I can no longer mount cifs-shares from fstab, I receive the error CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -5
[22:56] <Glorfindel> how do I install KDE?
[22:56] <Glorfindel> it doesn't show up in the software center
[23:05] <Glorfindel> please memoserv the answer to me :) thanks
[23:23] <holstein> Glorfindel: how about now?
[23:24] <holstein> Glorfindel: you should be able to search for whatever KDE packages you would like, but, if you want to switch, you'll want "kubuntu-desktop"
[23:24] <holstein> !info kubuntu-desktop
[23:24] <ubottu> kubuntu-desktop (source: kubuntu-meta): Kubuntu Plasma Desktop/Netbook system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.308.1.1 (trusty), package size 4 kB, installed size 56 kB
[23:24] <holstein> you can just install kde if you like, though..
[23:24] <holstein> !kubuntu
[23:24] <ubottu> Kubuntu is the Ubuntu flavour using KDE Software and the KDE Plasma Workspaces. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join #kubuntu - See also !kde
[23:53] <Glorfindel> holstein: thank you :)
[23:54] <Glorfindel> I was searching for kde and couldn't find it :)