UbuntuIRC / 2014 /10 /01 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[06:20] <soee> good morning
[06:28] <jussi> hi soee
[06:29] <lordievader> Good morning.
[07:21] <apachelogger> valorie: it's unsupported because no dev ever done it
[07:21] <apachelogger> we just pretend like it should work
[07:21] <apachelogger> you know, the way we deal with bug reports as well
[07:21] <apachelogger> :S
[07:21] <valorie> which is why I tried it!
[07:21] <valorie> and wrote to the list about it
[07:22] <valorie> just about to work on that laptop again
[07:22] <apachelogger> which I greatly appreciate until devs start doing exactly that thing on a semi-regular basis it won't work though
[07:22] <valorie> maybe I should hit amazon and order some more usb keys
[07:22] <valorie> sorry it took me so long
[07:24] <valorie> woah, you can get a 1 GB for 71 cents
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[10:06] <valorie> weeeeeee, logging in from plasma5 konvi
[10:06] <valorie> this is awesomely cool
[10:28] <soee> konvi ?
[10:39] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all
[10:50] <tsdgeos> valorie: naming!
[10:50] <tsdgeos> KF5 konvi
[10:50] <tsdgeos> not Plasma5 konvi
[10:57] <Riddell> valorie: I'm a bit confused by your install report, is everything fixed? do you know what caused the problems?
[10:57] <Riddell> Pali: did you see my testing report of yesterday?
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[12:11] <Riddell> hmm, anyone a git equivalent of bzr-buildpackage ?
[12:16] * Riddell finds https://wiki.debian.org/PackagingWithGit
[12:39] <SourBlue> Hei guys, do you know where I can get an example config for a apt repository (maybe an official kubuntu/ubuntu repo)
[12:40] <Riddell> SourBlue: I'm not sure what you mean
[12:41] <Riddell> configuring what?
[12:41] <SourBlue> http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=mirrorer/reprepro.git;a=blob_plain;f=docs/short-howto;hb=HEAD
[12:42] <Riddell> well that seems to describe settings up an apt repository if that's what you want to do
[12:42] <Riddell> we don't tend to have a need to do that as we juse use launchpad PPAs
[12:43] <SourBlue> I need one for work
[12:47] <yofel> SourBlue: see https://wiki.debian.org/HowToSetupADebianRepository#reprepro_for_new_packages for a howto
[12:47] <Riddell> I think I've used mini-dinstall when I've done it before
[12:48] <lordievader> SourBlue: This one [1] is also usefull, prevents the authentication errors. https://wiki.debian.org/SettingUpSignedAptRepositoryWithReprepro
[12:49] <SourBlue> That looks promising thank you!
[12:49] <SourBlue> did someone find a solution for the sddm problem?
[12:55] <Pali> Riddell: https://launchpad.net/~pali/+archive/ubuntu/kubuntu-backports/+sourcepub/4449433/+listing-archive-extra
[12:55] <Pali> I added Breaks and Replaces
[12:56] <Pali> but I'm using my own version of kdepim so I cannot test it on my machine if kdepim is working correctly...
[12:56] <Pali> so reason why I did not see this problem
[12:58] <Riddell> Pali: I just tested the install in a virtual machine
[13:19] <alvin> Backports for 4.14.0? Careful there. IMAP may break in kmail when used with a courier server. It's supposedly fixed in 4.14.1
[13:20] <Riddell> Pali: ↑
[13:21] <Pali> ok, so wait for 4.14.1?
[13:22] <Pali> when packages for trusty will be in ppa, I can start that kubuntu-automation script for repacking them for precise
[13:22] <Riddell> sgclark said she'd start on that, not heard from her today
[13:45] <Riddell> Pali: but of course you can start on it too if you want to become an elite kubuntu ninja :)
[13:51] <SourBlue> We don't have a Script that helps / automates repackaging?
[14:17] <Riddell> SourBlue: we have lots, what scenario were you thinking of
[14:18] <Riddell> most are in bzr branch lp:~kubuntu-packagers/+junk/kubuntu-automation
[14:18] <Riddell> where, for example, I just finished porting kubuntu-initial-upload to use debian git where we've just moved our plasma 5 packaging
[14:19] <Riddell> to backport we have kubuntu-batch-backport
[14:21] <SourBlue> What?
[14:21] <SourBlue> scenario?
[14:30] <Riddell> new release of plasma 5 from kde? kubuntu-initial-upload to update the changelogs and throw into the next-staging PPA
[14:30] <Riddell> then I set up kubuntu-ppa-build-status on the web server to show us an overview of what's built and what's broken
[14:30] <Riddell> then we fix bits as needed
[14:31] <Riddell> kubuntu-archive-upload is the script to ready it for upload to ubuntu
[14:31] <Riddell> and kubuntu-batch-backport if you want to backport to kubuntu-ppa/backports or wherever
[14:34] <SourBlue> ah okay i get it now
[14:35] <Riddell> so blue http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/plasma-status/build_status_5.0.95_utopic.html
[14:35] <Riddell> and notes are kept on https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas-frameworks
[14:35] <Riddell> although they're a bit messy now and the kubuntu-automation scripts have precious little documentation
[14:35] <Riddell> all linked from http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/
[14:36] <SourBlue> What does blue mean?
[14:38] <Riddell> waiting to be built
[14:39] <Riddell> I just uploaded all of plasma 4.0.95 to kubuntu-ppa/next-staging PPA and launchpad will built it
[14:39] <Riddell> except they seem to have the wrong version of extra-cmake-modules so it's wanting on that to appear
[14:39] <Riddell> I'll change the version in build-depends as that version doesn't exist yet
[14:43] <Riddell> and there's new tars that needs whole new packages being made
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[14:56] <Riddell> apachelogger, shadeslayer: someone can probably turn off the sddm-kcm in blue-shell now, it's failing and we have a real release in next ppa
[15:04] <Riddell> first build failures/fixes needed incoming! http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/plasma-status/build_status_5.0.95_utopic.html
[15:48] <Riddell> hmm, breeze translations? in the breeze metapackage or in the breeze .deb they're related to? breeze_style_config.mo and kde-style-breeze
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[16:57] <Riddell> breeze-qt4 uploaded but it fails, a task for tomorrow
[16:57] <Riddell> time to wander oof, adios todo
[18:21] <soee> ding dong :)
[18:44] <soee> hows teh plasma5.1 b2 ? ?
[18:49] * BluesKaj waits for a response to soee's question :)
[18:50] <soee> oh its b1 not b2 right ?
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[21:36] <waddlesplash> ok, another bug for ya
[21:36] <waddlesplash> on KDE Plasma 5 Kubuntu, plugging in headphones does not mute speakers
[21:36] <waddlesplash> "cat /proc/asound/card0/codec\#* | grep Codec" outputs "Codec: Realtek ALC889"
[21:37] <waddlesplash> (by not muting speakers, I mean that identical sound comes out of the speakers and the headphones)
[21:37] <kdeuser56> waddlesplash: is kmix running?
[21:37] <waddlesplash> kdeuser56: indeed it is, I have it open right now
[21:37] <kdeuser56> waddlesplash: which application produces the sound?
[21:38] <waddlesplash> kdeuser56: any application, KMix's own sound dings come out both for example
[21:38] <waddlesplash> I can play stuff in VLC or Firefox or Flash Player and it'll come out everywhere
[21:38] <kdeuser56> waddlesplash: and that does not happen on the other utopic iso?
[21:39] <waddlesplash> kdeuser56: Did not try. It doesn't happen on Windows with the proprietary Realtek drivers
[21:40] <kdeuser56> waddlesplash: hm. would be great if you tested it with the other utopic iso: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/
[21:40] <waddlesplash> why would that change anything?
[21:40] <waddlesplash> isn't the Alsa/Pulseaudio versions the same?
[21:40] <waddlesplash> I don't see why this is a KMix problem...
[21:40] <kdeuser56> waddlesplash: yeah exactly. but plasma5 is not there
[21:40] <waddlesplash> So? And KMix is the KDE4 version anyway
[21:40] <waddlesplash> (Kmix 4.5 using KDE Platform 4.14)
[21:41] <kdeuser56> waddlesplash: hm okay ... then it as nothing to do with plasma 5
[21:41] <waddlesplash> yep
[21:41] <waddlesplash> so far the only differences between the v4 ISO and v5 ISO are that this one has Plasma Workspace v5
[21:41] <waddlesplash> and KSysguard is v5
[21:41] <waddlesplash> all the other apps are v4
[21:42] <waddlesplash> well, ok, KWin too
[21:42] <kdeuser56> waddlesplash: this problem is specific to your hardware then. I am using utopic too
[21:42] <waddlesplash> ok
[21:42] <waddlesplash> wierd, because this did not happen on 14.04
[21:42] <waddlesplash> and I didn't change my hardware since then
[21:42] <kdeuser56> waddlesplash: I would not be sure on the changes you listed. There are A LOT more changes between the isos
[21:43] <waddlesplash> themes, etc. yes.
[21:43] <waddlesplash> but the base kernel/compiler/drivers/etc. are all the same
[21:43] <waddlesplash> no idea what's going on
[21:44] <kdeuser56> waddlesplash: if I were you I'd test with a normal utopic iso and then try to report a bug
[21:44] <waddlesplash> AlsaMixer detecs the headphones
[21:44] <waddlesplash> kdeuser56: well, I installed it
[21:44] <waddlesplash> so, not so easy
[21:45] <waddlesplash> kdeuser56: well, AlsaMixer detecs my headphone jack and can modify the volume independently of the speaker output
[21:45] <waddlesplash> not sure what the issue is then
[21:46] <kdeuser56> waddlesplash: in fact kmix may have a lot to do with sound ... try it ... kill kmix and see whats left of your soundoutput
[21:47] <waddlesplash> kdeuser56: "killall kmix" and everything still plays
[21:47] <waddlesplash> still can modify volumes via alsamixer
[21:47] <kdeuser56> waddlesplash: weird
[21:48] <kdeuser56> waddlesplash: okay that it back ... not weird
[21:48] <kdeuser56> waddlesplash: seems I ran in a problem last time i tried
[21:48] <waddlesplash> You don't know much about the KMix<->ALSA stuff do you?
[21:48] <waddlesplash> because, I know enough to know that KMix is just a GUI
[21:48] <waddlesplash> and really not much else
[21:49] <kdeuser56> waddlesplash: its a gui yes, but one that has the power to mess around
[21:49] <kdeuser56> waddlesplash: (the backend)
[21:50] <waddlesplash> so? still can't do everything
[21:50] <waddlesplash> nothing relies on it but other KDE apps really
[21:51] <kdeuser56> waddlesplash: I am not saying I know much about alsa etc. I was just trying to make suggestions and to rule out all possible causes
[21:51] <waddlesplash> yeah, already did that
[21:51] <waddlesplash> thanks for your help tho
[21:51] <waddlesplash> maybe Riddell can shed some light on this, if not, I suppose it's not hard to unplug the speakers when I want to use headphones
[21:51] <waddlesplash> which is not that often
[22:48] <valorie> Riddell: sorry, I was probably incoherent with sleep deprivation + joy at finally getting a ... mostly working install