UbuntuIRC / 2014 /08 /29 /#ubuntu-ca.txt
Initial commit
[02:23] <Akiva-Thinkpad> hey guys
[02:23] <Akiva-Thinkpad> are we going to have a global jam?
[02:23] <Akiva-Thinkpad> :)
[02:54] <BobJonkman1> Hi Akiva-Thinkpad: I haven't seen any activity in any of the other chapters about a Global Jam.
[02:54] <Akiva-Thinkpad> BobJonkman1, sept 11 I think
[02:55] <Akiva-Thinkpad> the community team did a recent post about it
[02:55] <BobJonkman1> I'm organizing something on 13 September in Toronto; it would usually be an Ubuntu Hour, but since it falls right on UGJ weekend I'm going to brand it on the LoCO portal as a Global Jam event
[02:55] <Akiva-Thinkpad> I'm in vancouver, so if I join you, someone will need to skype me through :P
[02:55] <Akiva-Thinkpad> ah nice
[02:55] <BobJonkman1> Yup, I think UGJ is from 12-14 September, maybe 11-14 in some timezones :)
[02:56] <BobJonkman1> And the Waterloo Region chapter is having a big blowout Software Freedom Day event on 20 September, which is the same folks that would normally put on a Global Jam.
[02:56] <BobJonkman1> We're just too busy with SFD to do a UGJ this year
[02:56] <Akiva-Thinkpad> ah nice
[02:57] * Akiva-Thinkpad wonders if the vancouver loco will do anything
[02:57] <BobJonkman1> The Vancouver group is supposed to be pretty active, but I can't really tell since their Meetup.com page is closed
[02:58] <BobJonkman1> Start here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Vancouver
[02:58] <BobJonkman1> But I don't know how well-maintained that page is
[03:00] <Akiva-Thinkpad> yah
[03:00] <BobJonkman1> Randall Ross is a big wheel in the Ubuntu Community, and the chapter leader for Ubuntu-Vancouver
[03:36] <Akiva-Thinkpad> BobJonkman1, Does he hang out here?
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