UbuntuIRC / 2014 /08 /29 /#ubuntu-autopilot.txt
Initial commit
=== nik90_ is now known as nik90
=== dkessel_ is now known as dkessel
[13:50] <m-b-o> Hi, I have a problem with ubuntuuitoolkit and the AppHeader proxy
[13:51] <m-b-o> with "_get_action_button_in_overflow()" in particular
[13:52] <m-b-o> sometimes the action is clicked, without a visible overlay
[13:52] <m-b-o> which happens here:
=== om26er is now known as om26er|dinner
[16:01] <gerlowskija> I was looking at: http://unity.ubuntu.com/autopilot/tutorial/good_tests.html#scenarios...is there a way to specify that the scenarios are only used on some of the tests in the class? My understanding is that each test is run once for each scenario in the list. Is there a way to override that, or do tests that use scenarios and tests that don't alwa
[16:01] <gerlowskija> ys have to be in separate classes?
[16:01] <balloons> I was hoping barry would be around, but he's not.. Might be difficult to get an answer today.. holidays :-)
[16:02] <gerlowskija> ok. I can always ask again later, nbd.
[16:04] <balloons> https://pypi.python.org/pypi/testscenarios/
=== elopio_ is now known as elopio
=== om26er|dinner is now known as om26er
[17:38] <cgoldberg> gerlowskija, offhand, I don't know of a nice way to selectively apply scenarios within a class. But that smells to me like your TestCase classes are too big... generally you'd only group very similar tests into a class.
[17:41] <cgoldberg> in that same guide, see 'Test One Thing Only', and 'Test Length' :)
[17:41] <cgoldberg> gerlowskija, that's a good document btw.. I forgot that was part of AP docs
[19:22] <gerlowskija> cgoldberg: haha fair enough. I'm not against splitting classes, just wanted to make sure there wasn't some other best-practice I was missing. Thanks for weighing in; I'll split the classes
=== lderan_ is now known as lderan