UbuntuIRC / 2014 /08 /29 /#ubuntu-app-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:39] <Akiva-Thinkpad> RTM is close
[00:39] <Akiva-Thinkpad> Any huge bugs that need to be attacked?
[02:09] <Akiva-Thinkpad> ;_; I wish lenovo thinkpads did not suck... IBM was so good to us.
[02:10] * Akiva-Thinkpad desires a coreboot, open hardware laptop with a trackpoint
[04:31] <Bharat> hi
[04:31] <Bharat> i need someone who can help me with installing ubuntu touch on my samsung galaxy tab 10.1 with android running
[04:32] <Bharat> anyone?
[04:32] <Bharat> hi
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[06:55] <dholbach> good morning
[07:02] <justCarakas> good morning
[07:22] <mihir> good morning all :)
[08:39] <liuxg> if I want to use sqlite or u1db to save settings, may I know what kind of policy I should in the app. So far, only if I set the template to "unconfined" to make it work.
[08:41] <mihir> popey: which is the latest release for image?
[08:42] <mihir> devel-proposed ?
[09:01] <popey> mihir: thats what I use, yes
[09:03] <mihir> popey: okay
[09:04] <mihir> nik90: ping
[09:09] <nik90> mihir: pong
[09:11] <mihir> nik90: so , shall we fix AP on that branch and merge it to trunk ?
[09:11] <mihir> or what would you suggest
[09:11] <mihir> ?
[09:11] <nik90> mihir: you said you wanted to move some code to a new file?
[09:12] <nik90> mihir: the remind me if I remember correctly
[09:12] <mihir> nik90: yup , i am almost done, it should go in this branch only. ok i'll push that by today
[09:13] <mihir> popey: nik90 what would you suggest on this bug , https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calendar-app/+bug/1362962 ?
[09:13] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1362962 in Ubuntu Calendar App "Calendar icon usually shows the wrong date" [Undecided,New]
[09:14] <nik90> mihir: it shouldn't change the UI?
[09:14] <nik90> mihir: just code being moved around?
[09:15] <mihir> nik90: but it uses hard code icon image right?
[09:15] <nik90> mihir: yeah the same bug was reported against the clock app :)
[09:16] <nik90> mihir: I will have to ask around if it is possible to change the icon dynamically
[09:17] <popey> mihir: i wondered who would bring that up one day.
[09:18] <mihir> popey: hehehe ,
[09:21] <popey> mihir: wishlist imo, we can't do it without platform changes
[09:21] * mihir mark bug #1362962 as wishlist
[09:21] <ubot5> bug 1362962 in Ubuntu Calendar App "Calendar icon usually shows the wrong date" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1362962
[09:22] <nik90> popey: oh btw, I had some good luck with testing the location finding MP this morning. I know how to get the location prompt to be shown by resetting some config files. After some code fixes, I will update the MP and the instructions to test it easily.
[09:24] <mihir> popey: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calendar-app/+bug/1362781
[09:24] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1362781 in Ubuntu Calendar App "After date recurrence end is not functioning." [Critical,Confirmed]
[09:29] <popey> nik90: awesome
[09:34] <seb128> who is working on the calendar? is anyone looking at making the hours follow the locale rather than being am/pm only?
[09:36] <nik90> mihir: ^^
[09:36] <nik90> seb128: out of curiosity, where? In the New Event Page or in the calendar view?
[09:37] <mihir> seb128: in day view / or new event page or event details ?
[09:37] <nik90> seb128: In the New Event Page, they use the SDK DateTime Picker which doesn't follow the user locale. A bug has already been reported
[09:39] <mihir> nik90: now, i am configuring my device , if i want to run calendar app from my device , i need to push click pacakge, or i can do it directly from SDK
[09:39] <mihir> nik90: i configured all the required kits as well
[09:40] <mihir> nik90: i can see run option while creating new application but not while using calendar or calculator app
[09:40] <nik90> mihir: through manual click package installation
[09:40] <nik90> mihir: your source tree is not compatible with the sdk
[09:40] <nik90> mihir: not sure how to fix it
[09:40] <mihir> nik90: :|
[09:41] <mihir> so, if i have to build project ,push that click package to device and then run , right ?
[09:41] <nik90> yes
[09:41] * mihir checks how to run manual click package
[09:41] <nik90> adb push .clickPackage /tmp
[09:41] <nik90> phablet-shell
[09:41] <nik90> pkcon install-local /tmp/.clickpakcage
[09:41] <nik90> run app
[09:45] <seb128> mihir, nik90, day/week views, the column
[09:49] <nik90> seb128: oh yeah..just realised.
[09:49] <nik90> mihir: ^^ should be easy to fix
[09:49] <nik90> seb128: can you report a bug pls?
[09:51] <mihir> nik90: yup , currently , it is just am/pm format there is no locale we have implemented.
[09:51] <seb128> nik90, sure, going for lunch now but doing that once I'm back
[09:55] <mihir> nik90: i believe it is in locale , text: new Date(0, 0, 0, index).toLocaleTimeString(Qt.locale(), i18n.tr("hh ap"))
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[11:01] <nik90_> popey: can you check if https://i.imgur.com/amYuW2b.png looks okay. That's the logic we have for GPS at the moment
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[11:08] <DanChapman> hey guys. need some translation advice. At the moment dekko uses qsTr() throughout it's qml files but i'm wanting to change to use i18n.tr but how do I handle translating ListElement properties? See http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8177658/ I have previously been using QT_TR_NOOP, on askubuntu i came across using the dynamicRoles property is a workaround for i18n.tr & listviews which i have yet to try but what about OptionSelectors and oth
[11:08] <DanChapman> er ubuntu components
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[11:09] <nik90_> DanChapman: here's what I did http://paste.ubuntu.com/8177705/
[11:11] <nik90_> In the delegate I use text: _resultsList.model.title(index)
[11:16] <DanChapman> nik90_, that's perfect thanks :-) although i was kind of expecting there to be something similar to QT_TR_NOOP with i18n.
[11:17] <nik90_> DanChapman: I don't know QT_TR_NOOP at all, so I just pasted what I use :D
[11:17] <brendand> DanChapman, not sure if this is exactly the same use-case but it sounds similar: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8177767/
[11:19] <nik90_> brendand: ooh I like your method better
[11:20] <brendand> nik90_, thanks :)
[11:20] <brendand> nik90_, it was the cleanest way i could find
[11:21] <DanChapman> brendand, ooh that's pretty neat!! :-).... I like that. Thanks
[11:23] <nik90_> m-b-o: when you called position source stop() and start() does it work as expected? I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/8177801/
[11:23] <nik90_> m-b-o: and it continues trying to get the gps coordinates
[11:24] <nik90_> m-b-o: I also tried setting active = false, but same issue
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[11:50] <m-b-o> nik90_ with which image have you tried?
[11:50] * nik90_ checks
[11:50] <nik90_> m-b-o: 213
[11:51] <nik90_> m-b-o: I manually started the location services by "start ubuntu-location-service-trust-stored"
[11:51] <nik90_> m-b-o: http://people.ubuntu.com/~nik90/touchwiki/#!pages/tricks.md
[11:51] <m-b-o> nik90_ will install it and try with that one
[11:51] <m-b-o> fine! :)
[11:53] <nik90_> m-b-o: i see that error on utopic desktop as well even thoug it gets the location correctly
[11:58] <seb128> nik90_, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calendar-app/+bug/1363062
[11:58] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1363062 in Ubuntu Calendar App "day/week view should use time format adapted to the locale" [Undecided,New]
[11:59] <nik90_> seb128: thnx. confirmed
[11:59] <seb128> thanks
[11:59] <seb128> is anyone going to look at it? or should I try to add that to my todo? ;-)
[12:00] <nik90_> seb128: erm I think mihir will look at it. If not I will do it.
[12:00] <seb128> thanks
[12:00] <nik90_> :P
[12:00] <seb128> it makes the calendar quite confusing to use atm ;-)
[12:01] <nik90_> it should be an easy fix since they must be using a repeater to show those labels. I will help them out with it
=== DanChapman is now known as DanChapman|afk
[12:07] <seb128> great
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[12:28] <m-b-o> popey: the fontcolor is fixed in weather! Made the changes on top of the pagestack-branch. We would get a merge conflict otherwise.
[12:28] <popey> \o/
[12:28] <popey> thanks m-b-o
[12:31] <popey> m-b-o: triggered a rebuild of https://code.launchpad.net/~martin-borho/ubuntu-weather-app/pagestack/+merge/231093 now jenkins is apparently fixed
[12:40] <beuno_> lso
[12:40] <beuno_> sl
=== beuno_ is now known as beuno
[12:40] <beuno> are there any apps we should be highlighting in the store, that we aren't?
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[12:43] <popey> m-b-o: failed differently
[12:43] <popey> beuno: dekko
[12:43] <m-b-o> popey: yeah, will have a look
[12:44] <beuno> popey, ack, anything else?
[12:44] <popey> beuno: quick memo is nice.
[12:45] <popey> beuno: blabble if you want a nice puzzle game.
[12:45] <m-b-o> popey: that's a flaky test, which happens sometimes. Could you restart, please?
[12:45] <popey> m-b-o: sure
[12:45] <m-b-o> balloons: ping
[12:45] <popey> done
[12:46] <m-b-o> popey: thanks
[12:46] <popey> https://code.launchpad.net/~martin-borho/ubuntu-weather-app/1363023-header-overlay-textcolor/+merge/232698 failed too
[12:46] <popey> want me to re-run?
[12:47] <m-b-o> popey: not now... depends on the one running now
[12:47] <popey> ok
[12:52] <mihir_> seb128: i'll try to look into it
[12:52] <m-b-o> popey: seems someting more serious, will have a look
[12:52] <seb128> mihir_, thanks
[12:53] <popey> thanks m-b-o
[12:55] <nik90_> popey: hey, not sure if you got my message do you freenode network ddos, does https://i.imgur.com/amYuW2b.png look good wrt location finding?
[12:55] <nik90_> s/do you/due to
[12:57] <popey> i didnt, lets see
[12:58] <popey> nik90_: do we need to do location detection every time we wake?
[12:58] <popey> nik90_: also, what does it look like if someone says "no" to location detection?
[12:59] <rpadovani> popey, are you good with CMAKE?
[12:59] <nik90_> popey: I was thinking of the use-case where the user just keep the clock app in the background before catching a train and then on arriving at the destination opens the clock app. It is a rare use case though
[12:59] <nik90_> popey: perhaps I can make it more intelligent by checking the time at suspend and again when it is active, if the time difference is more than 30-60 mins I can start GPS again?
[13:00] <popey> rpadovani: I am not ☻
[13:00] <nik90_> popey: I haven't looked at what happens if someone says no to location detection. Let me try that
[13:03] <nik90_> mzanetti: would you have time later today to review https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/conditionally-load-alarmmodel/+merge/232412 ?
[13:04] <nik90_> mzanetti: its mostly using a qmml loader and then doing corresponding changes for that to work.
[13:04] <mzanetti> nik90_: I guess if I do that rpadovani will kill me... I have a bunch of his branches on my todo still :)
[13:05] <rpadovani> mzanetti, and an hangout :P
[13:05] <mzanetti> nik90_: but maybe I can get to them today
[13:05] * mzanetti hides
[13:05] <nik90_> mzanetti: hehe
[13:05] <nik90_> mzanetti: np, I will try to find someone for the review
[13:05] <mzanetti> ok... need some food now
[13:05] <mzanetti> bbl
[13:05] <rpadovani> mzanetti, well, for hangout there is no problem, we can have a chat :-) Good lunch!
[13:06] <mzanetti> :)
[13:07] <seb128> does anyone know if there is a gettext string variant, which can be used in qml, including a "context"?
[13:07] <seb128> e.g to allow the same string to be listed several times in the template with different translations
[13:08] <beuno> popey, update.
[13:08] <seb128> that's useful if you have the same word that might have different translations in different context
[13:08] <seb128> like in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/1362143
[13:08] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1362143 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Change translation for "None" in Lock Security" [High,Triaged]
[13:08] <popey> beuno: http://popey.mooo.com/screenshots/device-2014-08-29-140833.png ☻
[13:09] <beuno> popey, it's like I have root on your phone
[13:10] <popey> haha ☻
[13:10] <popey> (C) sabdfl
[13:10] <beuno> well remembered!
[13:11] <mihir_> nik90_: wrt , the time display , i feel it is already have locale , but it is not converting with resepct to hour display , have you done that in clock ?
[13:11] <mihir_> nik90_: currently it says, new Date(0, 0, 0, index).toLocaleTimeString(Qt.locale(), i18n.tr("hh ap"))
[13:11] <mihir_> nik90_: where index is , repeater index
[13:12] <nik90_> mihir_: yup you shouldn't have toLocaleTimeString(Qt.locale(), i18n.tr("hh ap"))
[13:12] <rpadovani> The ubuntu logo in the dashboard is awesome
[13:12] <nik90_> mihir_: can you check the clock app to see what I have done
[13:13] <mihir_> nik90_: then it ends up with messy data
[13:14] <nik90_> mihir_: I just meant that toLocaleTimeString(Qt.locale(), i18n.tr("hh ap")) should be replaced with a better locale function which clock uses
[13:16] <popey> beuno: will we ever get search-by-author? I know the name of someone who submitted an app but cant recall the app name...
[13:18] <mihir_> nik90_: hmm yup i did check , but when i test on desktop , again clock is not behaving the same.
[13:18] <mihir_> nik90_: i change my time format to 24 hrs, the analog clcock displayed time in AM , PM format
[13:19] <beuno> popey, sure, will add that to the ToDo
[13:19] <popey> thanks
[13:21] <mihir_> nik90_: i meant digital mode
[13:21] <seb128> mihir_, nik90_, sorry in fact that bug is invalid, it's a translation issue
[13:21] <popey> beuno: we have a problem... https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/reviewer/ i dont see payui listed
[13:21] <popey> beuno: https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/878/changerequest/ directly shows it has an update
[13:22] <popey> beuno: seems sometimes we don't see apps that need updating
[13:22] <popey> oh, nvm, dholbach beat me to it 6 hours ago
[13:22] <beuno> popey, right, see at the bottom
[13:22] <beuno> "Apps waiting on dev updates"
[13:22] <beuno> if you expand that, it's there
[13:23] <popey> gatox: dholbach rejected it
[13:23] <nik90_> mihir_, seb128: I don't think so.
[13:23] <gatox> popey, dholbach why?
[13:23] <popey> "ERROR: could not find desktop hook for 'payui'
[13:23] <popey> "
[13:23] <seb128> nik90_, it's the "hh ap" format option, which can be translated
[13:23] <seb128> " // TRANSLATORS: this is a time formatting string,
[13:23] <seb128> // see http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtqml/qml-qtquick2-date.html#details for valid expressions
[13:23] <seb128> text: new Date(0, 0, 0, index).toLocaleTimeString(Qt.locale(), i18n.tr("hh ap"))"
[13:23] <nik90_> mihir_, seb128: When you display the time using Qt.formatTime(new Date()), format time should return the correct time according to the user locale
[13:23] <gatox> popey, yes, and we talked about that yesterday with jdstrand and it was ok
[13:23] <seb128> nik90_, that's the code ^
[13:23] <nik90_> seb128: the "hh ap" shouldn't be there, that's my point
[13:24] <gatox> popey, ted explain it why
[13:24] <dholbach> gatox, popey: looks like jdstrand pushed some changes to click-reviewers-tools - now I get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8178671/
[13:24] <seb128> nik90_, that might be a valid point indeed
[13:24] <nik90_> seb128: the "hh ap" should be used only when the dev wants to overwrite the time format
[13:24] <seb128> k
[13:24] <popey> dholbach: do you want to approve it?
[13:24] <seb128> nik90_, well, what I'm saying is that translating "hh ap" to "hh" resolves it
[13:24] <dholbach> this error message is new since 0.3.15: - lint_hooks_redflag_payui
[13:24] <dholbach> (MANUAL REVIEW) 'pay-ui' not allowed
[13:24] <seb128> nik90_, but it's true that shouldn't even be there
[13:24] <popey> yes, it is dholbach
[13:25] <mihir_> nik90_: because , if you check qt time formats , http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qml-qtqml-date.html#details
[13:25] <gatox> dholbach, yes, that was approved by jdstrand yesterday
[13:25] <nik90_> seb128: true, but changing "hh ap" to "hh" is just half the solution since qt already offers to do this automatically for you
[13:25] <dholbach> aha!
[13:25] <dholbach> gatox, popey: I wonder if we should somehow document what's approved and what isn't
[13:25] <dholbach> kind of keep a mapping of apps we know override some of the checks
[13:25] <seb128> nik90_, yeah, we agree
[13:26] <nik90_> mihir_: I tested the clock app on the phone using Netherlands locale and US locale. In netherlands it correctly shows time in 24 hrs while in US it shows 12 hrs format
[13:26] <mihir_> nik90_: i tested on desktop , with just changing time format..
[13:26] <nik90_> mihir_: I know, I tested on desktop and it doesn't change it but I am not sure why
[13:26] <dholbach> popey, what do you think ^?
[13:27] <mihir_> nik90_: so , the whole locale should change or it should also affect if you have diff timeformat?
[13:27] <popey> dholbach: perhaps, dunno where you'd put that?
[13:27] <dholbach> popey, into c-r-t itself
[13:27] <nik90_> mihir_: but setting "hh ap" is not the way to go for sure. Unfortunately I don't have time to debug why it doesnt work on the desktop since it is not a high priority
[13:27] <dholbach> gatox, ok, I'll approve it with a short note, saying that jdstrand approved it
[13:27] <nik90_> mihir_: so everything should depend on the locale, like the date, time format, the currency etc etc
[13:27] <gatox> dholbach, ack, thanks
[13:28] <dholbach> popey, I'll have a look at it
[13:28] <seb128> nik90_, mihir_, speaking of desktop, I would like to ship the calendar app on there by default next cycle, we currently don't have a calendar at all and I think it would fit nicely
[13:28] <nik90_> seb128: you mean in unity7 desktop or unity-next desktop?
[13:28] <seb128> nik90_, both
[13:29] <popey> gatox: sorry it didnt land in the image.
[13:29] <nik90_> seb128: wow cool
[13:29] <seb128> is there any reason it wouldn't work/fit on unity7?
[13:29] <nik90_> seb128: it won't have global menus?
[13:29] <nik90_> seb128: basically requires some desktop integration features
[13:29] <mihir_> nik90_: agreed, then i have to test on device, in desktop it is not fit, i'll try that on device
[13:30] <gatox> popey, no problem at all.... i knew that something might be wrong with all this exceptions
[13:30] <nik90_> seb128: also it requires contenthub to add guests in the new event page which won't work
[13:30] <seb128> oh, hum, good point
[13:30] <seb128> nik90_, well, menus are not required
[13:30] <jdstrand> popey, dholbach: if we are going to keep track of what came before and what didn't, I think it needs wider discussion
[13:30] <seb128> if it would only display e-d-s events and be able to create some it would already be useful
[13:30] <seb128> even if it's not integrated with e.g contacts
[13:30] <seb128> nik90_, but we shouldn't show options that don't work
[13:31] <jdstrand> popey, dholbach: it is a good topic, but it can get unsafe quickly
[13:31] <nik90_> seb128: true
[13:32] * jdstrand imagines an app that requests some weird permission, needs a manual review, gets it and is approved, then the next update add something seemingly innocuous like the networking permission, but also adds malicious code to ship off data exposed via the weird permission
[13:33] <popey> i worry about that too
[13:33] <dholbach> jdstrand, ok - what's your gut feeling? where would you store that information? what would you like to make sure? personally, I just wanted to make popey's and my life a bit easier - so: errors/warnings are still shown, but they're shown under a "overridden" category, and the last line says "pass" instead then - I thought I'd just store app name, check name and check result in a json file or something
[13:33] <mihir_> nik90_: we can change date/time zone from time date setting ,but i couldn't see anywhere , where i can change time format, like 12 hr or 24hr
[13:33] <mihir_> nik90_: how can we do that?
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[13:34] <nik90_> mihir_: you can't change time format from 12hr-24hr yet. I think it should be part of system settings app.
[13:34] <popey> dholbach: be nice if it said "this is overriden, but be aware this list of things has changed since the last version in the store:-" (which I admit may be hard to do)
[13:35] <dholbach> popey, it could list new issues, and list the old known ones
[13:35] <mihir_> nik90_: so in all case time will be 12 hr only ?
[13:36] <nik90_> mihir_: yes
[13:36] <nik90_> mihir_: well it will be different in different locales
[13:36] <mihir_> nik90_: i selected PST and again it was in 12 hr format, any locale you know can dispaly time in 00 to 23?
[13:37] <nik90_> let me check
[13:37] <nik90_> mihir_: netherlands?
[13:39] <nik90_> mihir_: I am only able to change the language of the phone. Does that also change the locale?
[13:39] <mihir_> nik90_: i am looking for time format change , so that i can test 12 hr or 24 hr :|
[13:40] <nik90_> mihir_: ok I got it working
[13:40] <nik90_> mihir_: change language to Dutch (Netherlands) and then restart phone
[13:40] <nik90_> mihir_: It then changed from 12hr to 24hr format for me
[13:41] * mihir_ tries
[13:42] <nik90_> mihir_: in the language menu, it is Nederlands
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[14:17] <m-b-o> popey: who can help me with a autopilot problem?
[14:18] <popey> m-b-o: wassup?
[14:19] <m-b-o> popey: the test which fails is related to a problem in ubuntu-ui-toolkit-autopilot
[14:19] <m-b-o> the test want to lcik an action , without the overflow menu is visible
[14:19] <m-b-o>
[14:22] <popey> the menu doesn't appear?
[14:23] <m-b-o> it's not checked, if it has appeared
[14:23] * balloons looks
[14:24] <popey> thanks balloons
[14:24] <m-b-o> balloons it's probably in AppHeader method "_get_action_button_in_overflow()"
[14:25] <balloons> m-b-o, which mp?
[14:26] <m-b-o> https://code.launchpad.net/~martin-borho/ubuntu-weather-app/pagestack/+merge/231093
[14:27] <m-b-o> balloons: that is where it fails: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~martin-borho/ubuntu-weather-app/pagestack/view/head:/tests/autopilot/ubuntu_weather_app/tests/test_settings.py#L34
[14:28] <balloons> well I will say one thing, those methods are we;; used and tested, so I'm curious about the issue
[14:28] <m-b-o> balloons: me too... :)
[14:29] <m-b-o> balloons: had no luck to reproduce this, on desktop and on device
[14:30] <balloons> that's what I'm trying atm
[14:40] <balloons> m-b-o, is your action bar in any way custom?
[14:42] <beuno> dholbach, popey, so
[14:42] <beuno> automatic reviews have landed
[14:42] <m-b-o> balloons: no, I guess not
[14:42] <m-b-o> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~martin-borho/ubuntu-weather-app/pagestack/view/head:/components/LocationTab.qml#L153
[14:42] <beuno> you'll see them on each review
[14:42] <beuno> we need to land the updated review scripts
[14:42] <beuno> so they're slightly out of date until Mon
[14:42] <beuno> but
[14:42] <beuno> all apps will get the review scripts auto-run against them
[14:43] <beuno> pindonga will now work on auto-rejections first
[14:43] <beuno> and then, auto-aprovals
[14:43] <balloons> m-b-o, I can see some animation of them painting.. I'm not sure I've seen that before
[14:43] <beuno> so what you should see in the next few weeks is that the review queue thins up quite a bit
[14:44] <m-b-o> balloons: we had the same issue two weeks ago, if you remember.
[14:44] <m-b-o> same failing test
[14:45] <dholbach> beuno, woohoo wooohooo wooooohooooo
[14:45] <dholbach> popey, champagne! :)
[14:45] <balloons> m-b-o, no I don't, refresh my memory
[14:45] <popey> ooh!
[14:45] <dholbach> beuno, in which way are the review scripts updated?
[14:45] <mihir> nik90_: ping , need litlte help on QML
[14:46] <balloons> m-b-o, well what we can do is override the helper and try and see if we can account for the animation.
[14:47] <beuno> dholbach, we do it via bzr, atm
[14:47] <balloons> then we can push the change upstream to the helper and when released, remove the override from the tests
[14:47] <beuno> it's a bzr-based dependency in our deploy
[14:48] <dholbach> beuno, so an incoming app has all the test run, then which apps will be rejected next?
[14:48] <DanChapman|afk> popey hey, just replying to the email. Quick question has any indication been given on when it will like be deprecated in the image by?
=== DanChapman|afk is now known as DanChapman
[14:48] <m-b-o> balloons: sounds like a plan. what would be the best way to override the helper?
[14:49] <m-b-o> overwrite (with a modified copy) AppHeader as such?
[14:49] <balloons> m-b-o, more or less
[14:50] <balloons> did get 1 fail on the device, but otherwise it worked
[14:50] <dholbach> beuno, you and everybody who worked on this are heroes!
[14:51] <m-b-o> balloons: yeah, a flaky one
[14:52] <balloons> so I'm looking at the header helper again
[14:52] <popey> pmcgowan: DanChapman is asking about qtwebkit.. do you have a timeline? (I emailed the guys about the bug you filed)
[14:52] <beuno> dholbach, the script runs, if there are any ERRORs, it gets rejected with the errors
[14:52] <beuno> dholbach, the user has a chance to manually request a review
[14:52] <dholbach> beuno, how about warnings?
[14:52] <beuno> for whatever reason
[14:52] <beuno> dholbach, we don't reject on warnings, but do tell the user about them
[14:53] <dholbach> beuno, will the app be ACKed in case of warnings?
[14:53] <beuno> dholbach, not sure what ACKed means
[14:53] <beuno> we'll approve, yes
[14:54] <beuno> wlel
[14:54] <dholbach> beuno, ok
[14:54] <beuno> actually
[14:54] <beuno> we can do whatever
[14:54] <beuno> it's software
[14:54] <beuno> this is my proposal, actually
[14:54] <dholbach> I don't know what's the best option
[14:54] <beuno> if you feel differently, we can do it differently
[14:54] <beuno> it seemed to be warnings would be where we put deprectations and best practices
[14:54] <beuno> FYIs
[14:54] <beuno> ERRORS, rejects
[14:54] <m-b-o> balloons: I'll try to make a workaround in the tests
[14:54] <beuno> and if no errors, Profit.
[14:55] <dholbach> I don't - it just feels like something that should be discussed somehow - or we need to doublecheck our list of errors/warnings and make sure we all interpret it the same way
[14:55] <beuno> initially, there's no whitelisting of errors for reserved APIs
[14:55] <beuno> so that'll need to be manually requested a review every time, for now
[14:55] <beuno> dholbach, yes
[14:55] <beuno> dholbach, I'll have pindonga kick off that thread
[14:56] <pmcgowan> popey, it would need to happen in the next 3 weeks I'd say, ideally by 9.11
[14:56] <balloons> m-b-o, you can completely remove the Tabs class I think
[14:56] <nik90_> mihir: what's up?
[14:56] <popey> DanChapman: ^
[14:56] <mihir> nik90_: i am trying to pass index to parent page , and setting up value same as i am doing for other , http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8179239/ (Child Page)
[14:57] <mihir> nik90_: parent page code , http://paste.ubuntu.com/8179248/
[14:57] <popey> zbenjamin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8179353/ why am I seeing amd64 packages on an armhf chroot!?
[14:57] <mihir> i wrote signal as well , it is not changing index anytime
[14:57] <balloons> m-b-o, did you see http://pad.lv/1318829?
[14:57] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1318829 in Autopilot Qt Support "Get a property that is an object" [Undecided,New]
[14:57] <popey> zbenjamin: I used maintain, and did an "apt-get" and got amd64 packages in it
[14:57] <zbenjamin> popey: yeah you have to add a :armhf suffix when installing libraries for you app
[14:58] <dholbach> beuno, perfect - thanks a bunch
[14:58] <balloons> m-b-o, the helper notes the header must be linked to a flickable that fills the main view
[14:58] <dholbach> perfect way to start the weekend :-D
[14:58] <zbenjamin> popey: apt-get install mylibrary:armhf
[14:58] <dholbach> popey, automated reviews - can you believe it?
[14:58] <popey> (click-ubuntu-sdk-14.10-armhf)root@deep-thought:/home/alan# dpkg --print-architecture
[14:58] <popey> amd64
[14:58] <popey> that seems wrong
[14:58] <popey> dholbach: I am being automated out of a job. I'll join a union.
[14:59] <popey> zbenjamin: surely it should default to the right one?
[14:59] <m-b-o> balloons: thats right, but I'm unsure it _show is called in that test
[14:59] <zbenjamin> popey: no basically you have a amd64 chroot with armhf crossbuild tools and libraries in it
[14:59] <popey> ahhh
[14:59] <popey> makes more sense ☻
[14:59] <popey> I trust you ☻
[14:59] <dholbach> popey, haha, brilliant
[15:00] <zbenjamin> popey: the problem is what is the right arch, for tools you want amd64 so they can be executed, for libraries you want to link you need armhg
[15:00] <nik90_> mihir: may be try changing the variable names? I am not sure tbh
[15:00] <zbenjamin> armhf
[15:00] <popey> got it
[15:00] <mihir> nik90_: it should work right ?
[15:01] <nik90_> mihir: I think so
[15:01] <nik90_> mihir: try it out with a sample app to be sure
[15:01] <nik90_> mihir: just the variable value passing back and forht
[15:01] <nik90_> forth*
[15:01] <DanChapman> pmcgowan, ouch!! :-/ that's not very long... ok thanks
[15:02] <mhall119> popey: ah yeah, package arch has bitten me more than once :)
[15:02] <popey> \o/ it builds
[15:02] * popey hugs zbenjamin
[15:02] * zbenjamin hugs popey back :D
[15:02] <popey> mhall119: http://popey.mooo.com/screenshots/device-2014-08-29-160222.png
[15:02] <mhall119> pmcgowan: can we get priority work on Ubuntu.Web.WebView if we need additions to it in order to port dekko?
[15:03] <mzanetti> rpadovani: hehe: http://i.imgur.com/anhouzM.png
[15:03] <pmcgowan> mhall119, yes we can try, if you guys can identify the feature set
[15:03] <mhall119> DanChapman: is it just the schemaHandlers that you need?
[15:03] <pmcgowan> mhall119, DanChapman there is also the option to include the package with the app short term
[15:04] <mihir> nik90_: hmmm , let me try that.i hope it is not an issue of creating Object
[15:04] <rpadovani> mzanetti, this is an interesting feature :P
[15:04] <mzanetti> not sure if this accounts as feature
[15:04] <mzanetti> but interesting is definitely true :D
[15:04] <balloons> m-b-o, you are correct _show() is not run
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[15:05] <m-b-o> balloons: I've traced it to _get_action_button_in_overflow, I'm currently overwrite that one and use wait_select_single instead of select_single
[15:06] <m-b-o> what do you mean?
[15:07] <DanChapman> mhall119, yes the custom url schemes is probably the biggest blocker.
[15:08] <DanChapman> pmcgowan, yeah I suppose that is a short term option. Not ideal though, I want to try and avoid that if possible :)
[15:08] <popey> balloons: when m-b-o is done with you, I have one for you ☻
[15:11] <mhall119> DanChapman: let's see if osomon can implement those custom handlers in our component in the timeframe we have
[15:11] <mhall119> even if it's in a like-wise "experimental" namespace
[15:11] <mzanetti> rpadovani: https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/reminders-app/editNotebooksName/+merge/231124
[15:15] <rpadovani> mzanetti, mhh, what's your doubt? I need to hide the label to switch to textfield
[15:15] <mzanetti> rpadovani: actually onls line 44 is the bad one
[15:16] <rpadovani> mzanetti, hum, let me check, probably I addded it before you did your branch for the backend
[15:16] <mzanetti> rpadovani: you're breaking the binding. so if the title changes on the server, this wouldn't update any more
[15:16] <mzanetti> because it's assigned to some value with =
[15:18] <rpadovani> mzanetti, so how can I update the value of the notebook?
[15:19] <mzanetti> rpadovani: it should update automagically
[15:19] <mzanetti> not working?
[15:19] <rpadovani> mzanetti, mhhh nope
[15:20] <mzanetti> ok. that sounds like a bug in my code then
[15:20] <mzanetti> let me check
[15:22] <rpadovani> mzanetti, more: it updates online, but the label doesn't update
[15:22] <mzanetti> rpadovani: yeah, definitely a bug in the plugon
[15:24] <balloons> m-b-o, I don't believe it has any issue getting the button
[15:28] <balloons> popey, shoot
[15:28] <balloons> m-b-o, here's my version of emulators.py
[15:28] <balloons> http://paste.ubuntu.com/8179587/
[15:29] <popey> balloons: https://code.launchpad.net/~twstd-dev/ubuntu-terminal-app/require-password-check/+merge/232078
[15:29] <balloons> I assume with the sleep between getting the button and clicking it, it will work. If so, we'll need to figure out a better way to account for that animation time. I checked the buttons and objects and didn't find any animation properties or things we could wait_for
[15:29] <balloons> m-b-o, ^^
[15:30] <dholbach> beuno, in myapps there's a "move to waiting for updates queue" - is that for when we provided an update of what's wrong and where we expect the app author to reply?
[15:30] <m-b-o> balloons: okay, I'll use your version. Where shoudl I put it?
[15:30] <balloons> popey, so what's up with it?
[15:31] <balloons> m-b-o, that's a complete copy of emulator.py I pasted
[15:31] <balloons> I removed the Tabs helper in there; didn't seem to be used
[15:31] <balloons> I also converted to importing ubuntuuitoolkit directly
[15:32] <popey> balloons: fails AP ☻
[15:32] <balloons> m-b-o, https://bugs.launchpad.net/reminders-app/+bug/1341681 is the bug for deprecated module use
[15:32] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1341681 in Ubuntu Calculator App "Autopilot tests should stop using deprecated emulators module" [Low,In progress]
[15:33] <mihir> nik90_: bad luck , it didn't work ,
[15:33] <mihir> nik90_: main page , http://paste.ubuntu.com/8179628/
[15:33] <mihir> nik90_: child page , http://paste.ubuntu.com/8179632/
[15:33] <m-b-o> balloons: yes saw, will have a look
[15:33] <popey> Friday is _easily_ the busiest day in this channel!!
[15:33] <balloons> m-b-o, it's simple to fix, but that's the changes I did in emulators.py while I was at it :-)
[15:34] <balloons> m-b-o, you could even remove emulators.py and put it in __init__.py
[15:34] <nik90_> mihir: erm both pastbins are the same page
[15:35] <balloons> popey, did you see the video? It's black
[15:35] <beuno> dholbach, yes
[15:35] <dholbach> beuno, ok
[15:35] <mihir> nik90_: sorry, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8179653/
[15:35] <mzanetti> rpadovani: here's a fix: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/fix-model-update-on-notebook-change/+merge/232721
[15:36] <mzanetti> rpadovani: so you can remove that line 44 from your branch, it'll start working when mine merges on top of it
[15:36] <rpadovani> mzanetti, already removed
[15:36] <rpadovani> now I test your branch
[15:36] <mzanetti> ack
[15:37] <popey> balloons: I would if I could find the video...
[15:37] <balloons> popey,
[15:37] <dholbach> popey, I moved the two apps which had been sitting in the "updates available" queue elsewhere
[15:38] <popey> dholbach: so i see, thank you
[15:38] <mihir> nik90_: that's only thing i am stuck :( rest all is done
[15:38] <dholbach> popey, I can't believe that the queue is officially empty
[15:38] <nik90_> mihir: then just start the AP tests
[15:38] <m-b-o> balloons: we need Tabs for def get_tabs(self):, aren't we?
[15:38] <nik90_> mihir: let's postpone the repeat page
[15:38] <popey> dholbach: great way to start the weekend
[15:38] <nik90_> mihir: sry, Remind page
[15:38] <mihir> repeat or reminder
[15:38] <dholbach> oh god - my life makes no sense any more
[15:38] <mihir> okay , nik90_ i am still trying to fix that, if i can
[15:39] <mihir> just left with passing an index rest all is done.
[15:39] <balloons> m-b-o, I'm not sure. There is a tabs helper; it was confusing to me and I did a quick search and never saw it called in the tests
[15:39] <popey> balloons: any idea why they are black?
[15:39] <m-b-o> balloons: ok, will remove it
[15:39] <nik90_> mihir: I am a bit busy trying to merge some stuff for the clock app. So I won't have time to help with AP.
[15:39] <nik90_> mihir: also it doesnt work for me because of the fixture errors still
[15:39] <mihir> nik90_: sure, i am looking at APs
[15:40] <balloons> popey, might be something with the jenkins.. but before I go crazy, trying to debug locally
[15:40] <popey> balloons: kk
[15:40] <popey> balloons: i need to land this asap and push to the store - two major terminal updates that need to land
[15:40] <balloons> popey, ahh I see an issue right off the top. So for filemanager we had to do the same thing.. no passcode on the desktop
[15:41] <popey> balloons: i can understand it having no passcode, but don't get why it's blank.
[15:41] <balloons> popey, no, I mean the code needs changed to not prompt for a passcode
[15:41] <balloons> then everything should work
[15:42] <balloons> let me look at fm merge
[15:42] <popey> ta
[15:43] <balloons> popey, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-filemanager-dev/ubuntu-filemanager-app/require-screenlock-password/revision/265
[15:44] <balloons> it does appear to be in the mp as it is
[15:46] <rpadovani> mzanetti, works good, thanks
[15:46] <rpadovani> topapproved
[15:47] <gerlowskija> balloons: ping
[15:48] <popey> balloons: so do we create a merge for terminal based on that, and then land the first and then this one?
[15:49] <dholbach> popey, I uploaded an app for you!
[15:49] <dholbach> just so you don't get bored
[15:49] <popey> does it have cats?
[15:49] <balloons> popey, well it appears the PAM module has the code I wanted in it.. So I'm confused why I'm seeing the prompt on the desktop
[15:49] <balloons> gerlowskija, pong
[15:49] <popey> balloons: oh
[15:50] <dholbach> popey, I'm afraid not
[15:50] <popey> REJECT
[15:50] <dholbach> that's it
[15:50] <popey> APPROVED
[15:50] <balloons> we'll have to look closer at the changes
[15:50] <dholbach> I'm switching to arch
[15:50] <popey> \o/
[15:50] <balloons> ^^ +1
[15:50] <popey> Finally, is that _all_ it took?
[15:51] <dholbach> yeah, you know what - I never really liked you
[15:51] <dholbach> any of you
[15:51] <dholbach> and now you reject my app
[15:51] <dholbach> I can't believe it!
[15:51] * balloons notes it's getting personal
[15:51] <dholbach> and you shut down my favourite mailing list
[15:51] <dholbach> :-P
[15:51] * popey ticks that off his bucket list
[15:51] * dholbach hugs popey
[15:51] * popey hugs dholbach
[15:52] <dholbach> and on that high note I think I can start the weekend :-)
[15:52] <gerlowskija> balloons: You might be the wrong person to ask about this..if so just let me know. I was looking at: http://unity.ubuntu.com/autopilot/tutorial/good_tests.html#scenarios...is there a way to specify that the scenarios are only used on some of the tests in the class? My understanding is that each test is run once for each scenario in the list. Is
[15:52] <gerlowskija> there a way to override that, or do tests that use scenarios and tests that don't always have to be in separate classes?
[15:52] <mhall119> dholbach: have a good one
[15:52] <dholbach> but yeah, I'll see what I can do in terms of cats
[15:52] <dholbach> maybe we should have a separate app category called CATS
[15:52] <m-b-o> balloons: pushed. Tabs still need, though
[15:52] <dholbach> in capital letters
[15:53] <mhall119> Department->OMGLOLCATS!!!111ELEVEN
[15:54] <beuno> just say the word...
[15:58] <balloons> gerlowskija, a good question. Why don't you repeat it in #ubuntu-autopilot? As far as I know, they would need to be seperate classes. But I suspect if there is a way, the folks in #ubuntu-autopilot would know
[15:59] <balloons> m-b-o, so we wait now then and see if it passes
[15:59] <dholbach> have a great weekend everyone - see you all on Monday!
[15:59] <gerlowskija> ok, thanks for the pointer balloons..will do.
[16:00] <m-b-o> balloons: #242 it should be
[16:00] <balloons> m-b-o, yep it's running
[16:03] <mihir> nik90_: bingo , find another way so now it works :D
[16:03] <mihir> nik90_: i am proposing new branch against your branch lets get it merged , and will start working on AP
[16:06] <mihir> balloons: ping
[16:09] <balloons> mihir, pong
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[16:29] <balloons> meh looks like we're still waiting for a testrunner m-b-o
[16:36] <balloons> popey, I'll note https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-terminal-dev/ubuntu-terminal-app/require-password-screenlock/+merge/231064 did pass.. I wonder what the diff between david's and twistd's is
[16:37] <nik90_> mihir: awesome
[16:37] <nik90_> mihir: ping me link to the MP when doe
[16:37] <nik90_> done*
[16:37] <popey> balloons: bah!
[16:38] <popey> balloons: i think david's didn't have the qml frontend
[16:40] <balloons> that would make sense for it to pass then, hehe
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[16:41] <popey> thats what we asked twistd to add..
[16:41] <popey> balloons: building to test on desktop here
[16:44] <balloons> popey, you can just try running the binary.. it shouldn't prompt but does
[16:44] <balloons> we can look closer after the call
[16:44] <popey> well, once it builds, sure ㋛
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
[16:52] <m-b-o> balloons: it runs
[16:55] <balloons> m-b-o, I see failures
[16:55] <daker> t1mp: :) https://www.dropbox.com/s/8j4u693w1xi9jz9/out-3.ogv?dl=0
[16:56] <balloons> m-b-o,
[16:57] <balloons> ahayzen, howdy
[16:57] <ahayzen> balloons, yo
[16:57] <balloons> I started looking at your refactor3 a bit., but there's some other pending things I need to look at
[16:57] <balloons> feel free to merge without me.
[16:57] <m-b-o> balloons: I have no clue... I have to go now, will try otomorrow again
[16:58] <balloons> m-b-o, we will see the full results soon enough. It's complaining about not finding objects again, the videos may explain more
[16:58] <balloons> but it seems it's not so simple. My guess is nothing has chnaged
[16:58] <balloons> the menus aren't opening
[16:58] <balloons> m-b-o, guten nacht!
[16:58] <m-b-o> balloons: danke :)
[16:58] <ahayzen> balloons, ok cool....did u see the strange jenkins errors we had one that mp and another at around the same time last night
[16:59] <ahayzen> balloons, both on the same tests as well which was even more weird
[16:59] <ahayzen> balloons, they looked network related or something?! i wasn't sure wht it was saying...
[16:59] <balloons> ahayzen, link to what you are talking about? and no I didn't see though
[16:59] <balloons> though jenkins is acting a bit funny
[16:59] <popey> balloons: terminal runs fine on desktop here
[17:00] <ahayzen> balloons, this mp https://code.launchpad.net/~vthompson/music-app/allow-current-to-resize/+merge/232659 failed with this
[17:00] <ahayzen> balloons, this mp https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/music-app/ap-helper-refactor-003/+merge/232655 failed with this
[17:00] <balloons> ahayzen, ok, wild
[17:01] <ahayzen> balloons, same two tests ...completely different mps touching completely different code!
[17:01] <balloons> popey, runs fine, as in, no password prompt?
[17:01] <ahayzen> balloons, do we just rerun and ignore?
[17:02] <balloons> ahayzen, I've asked ci to have a look.. we'll re-run after they look at the boxes
[17:03] <popey> balloons: yes
[17:03] <ahayzen> balloons, cool thanks
[17:03] <popey> balloons: https://imgur.com/lav6TEy
[17:05] <t1mp> daker: cool. you made the new header available in html5? :)
[17:06] <mihir> nik90_: here is the link , https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-calendar-dev/ubuntu-calendar-app/revamp-reminder-deisgn/+merge/232725
[17:08] <balloons> popey, you built with cmake ., make?
[17:08] <balloons> then ran the app? or did you build with qtcreator
[17:08] <popey> balloons: debuild
[17:08] <popey> i built the deb, installed it and ran it
[17:08] <balloons> popey, hmmm
[17:09] <balloons> I didn't do that. but I suppose we could steal the debs from jenkins as well to see
[17:09] <daker> t1mp: WIP :)
[17:10] <ahayzen> balloons, are our (music-app) tests running under python2?
[17:10] <nik90_> mihir: nice, clean code looks good
[17:11] <balloons> ahayzen, it's possible they are
[17:11] <ahayzen> balloons, i see this in the cmake... COMMAND python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()"
[17:11] <balloons> we've pushed for python3, but the default is py2
[17:11] <balloons> look at the output you will see
[17:11] <ahayzen> balloons, shall i convert to py3? and put in another mp?
[17:12] <ahayzen> balloons, oh which output?
[17:12] <balloons> ahayzen, yea, it's py2
[17:12] <balloons> ahayzen, it's up to jenkins to run as py3
[17:12] <ahayzen> balloons, is it best to move to py3 while i'm refactoring anyway?...as there are some unicode things that would need tweaking?
[17:13] * ahayzen doesn't mind doing the transition
[17:13] <balloons> ahayzen, tests are already py3
[17:13] <balloons> i only run everything as py3
[17:13] <ahayzen> balloons, hmmmm
[17:15] <ahayzen> balloons, and it all passes?
[17:15] <balloons> ahayzen, lol.. yes.. ahayzen python2 is not even on the devices
[17:15] <balloons> all tests run as python3
[17:16] <ahayzen> balloons, hmmm ok... popey, maybe my assumption is not correct ^^
[17:16] <ahayzen> balloons, yeah i do see some py3 looking encode()'s in the code now....so what is that line in the cmake doing?
[17:17] <balloons> it's attempting to determine whether or not to run py2 or py3
[17:17] <balloons> I think.. the point is everythng should run in jenkins as py3, but it's up to ci to make that change
[17:17] <balloons> for now though, i doubt py2/py3 is the source of any issues
[17:17] <ahayzen> balloons, ah ok...and phablet-test-run would be py3 as well then ?
[17:18] <ahayzen> balloons, just wanted to double check with our patches we do on the db
[17:18] <balloons> phablet-test-run would be why it's making it py2
[17:19] <balloons> the check is broken imho
[17:19] <balloons> but we're off target, why the fascination with py2?
[17:20] <ahayzen> balloons, just some error popey sent me ;)
[17:21] <balloons> popey, you are correct the deb package from jenkins runs fine
[17:23] <balloons> mmm.. you know, we need to change jenkins to produce a subunit file as well so we can get a screenshot of the errors
[17:26] <balloons> so popey I'll do a few things to the tests and see if it makes jenkins happier
[17:26] <balloons> trouble is, it's not my branch
[17:27] <ahayzen> balloons, no worries about the py2/3 issue we've found a fix on #ubuntu-ci-eng
[17:27] <balloons> ahayzen, was it the encoding thing?
[17:27] <balloons> lol
[17:27] <ahayzen> balloons, yep
[17:28] <ahayzen> balloons, i just saw unicode erorrs and remembered some issues i had converting my own apps from py2->3 so wanted to be sure
[17:29] <balloons> ahayzen, makes more sense now.. I was really confused by what you were wondering about
[17:29] <ahayzen> balloons, hah sorry
[17:32] <nik90_> balloons: is it possible to reply to a bug report via email?
[17:32] <nik90_> s/reply/comment
[17:32] <t1mp> daker: looks very good :)
[17:33] <t1mp> daker: ..until everybody starts using it and my qml work becomes useless ;)
[17:33] <balloons> nik90_, I've never tried actually
[17:33] <ahayzen> nik90_, i have replied to the launchpad emails for a bug before and then eventually appear in the bug as comments
[17:33] <daker> t1mp: :)
[17:34] <nik90_> ahayzen: ah ok...I am waiting on mine to appear
[17:34] <ahayzen> nik90_, can take a while i've found
[17:34] <t1mp> perhaps we should come up with some hints when html is good and when qml and when cpp
[17:34] <ahayzen> nik90_, usually i get impatient and then post via the website and then end up with a double post :P
[17:34] <t1mp> I'd have problems deciding for myself if I had to pick one right now
[17:34] <nik90_> ahayzen: :D it just appeared
[17:34] <daker> t1mp: yes
[17:35] <ahayzen> nik90_, \o/
[17:35] <nik90_> popey, jdstrand: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/1362803
[17:35] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1362803 in Ubuntu UX "Clock should support creating one-time alarms on any day of the current week" [Wishlist,Confirmed]
[17:35] <t1mp> nik90_: it also needs a stopwatch :p
[17:35] * t1mp going to do some fitness now and I bring along my old sonyericsson phone to use as a stopwatch
[17:36] <nik90_> t1mp: lol don't get me started...I already have way too much work to do :P
[17:36] <t1mp> nik90_: just sayin' :)
[17:36] <nik90_> t1mp: both timer and stopwatch will return post-rtm
[17:36] <t1mp> nik90_: hmm.. if you have so much work to do, try the pomodoro technique
[17:36] <t1mp> nik90_: do you know it?
[17:36] <t1mp> nik90_: all you need for that is.... lp
[17:37] <nik90_> t1mp: yes
[17:37] <t1mp> ;p
[17:37] <t1mp> nik90_: you just need a timer :p
[17:37] <nik90_> t1mp: :D
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[18:10] <popey> balloons: so once music and terminal are happy bunnies, it would be good to do a sweep of the core apps and push them to the store for weekend testing ☻
[18:11] * balloons is having fun with terminal still
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[18:11] <nik90_> popey: what do you think of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/1362803/comments/4 from a user's perspective?
[18:12] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1362803 in Ubuntu UX "Clock should support creating one-time alarms on any day of the current week" [Wishlist,Confirmed]
[18:13] <mihir> nik90_: :)
[18:13] <mihir> nik90_: did you merge ?
[18:14] <nik90_> mihir: I haven't tested it yet.
[18:14] <mihir> nik90_: okay , no issues.
[18:14] <nik90_> mihir: feel free to merge it if you want
[18:14] <nik90_> mihir: since you will be fixing the AP stuff in the main branch anyway
[18:14] <mihir> nope , it would be great, if you can test and merge
[18:14] <nik90_> ok
[18:15] <balloons> popey, it would be lovely if you could kick off builds of everything
[18:15] <balloons> makes it easy for me to grab and push
[18:16] <popey> balloons: will do
[18:22] <popey> nik90_: left a comment
[18:33] <nik90_> popey: I don't follow "It's not reasonable to expect me to set tomorrow (being Tuesday) repeat alarm for Mon-Fri now (on Monday) and have to wait until Saturday to set it."
[18:34] <nik90_> at the moment you can set repeat alarms for any day. The issue is with one-time alarms
[18:37] <josharenson> I'm trying to deploy the clock app from my desktop to my tablet via the SDK (so I can debug), but the sdk says its not signed. Is there a work around?
[18:37] <nik90_> josharenson: which image are you running?
[18:38] <josharenson> nik90_ a recent (last week?) build on Nex7
[18:38] <nik90_> josharenson: I think somewhere around image 205-208 the phone accepted only signed click packages. This was however fixed later in 209 and higher
[18:38] <josharenson> ah, ok ill upgrade
[18:39] <nik90_> josharenson: Can you try upgrading to the latest image to make sure you dont get that error.
[18:39] <josharenson> nik90_ sure, ill let you know what happens after the download/flash
[18:39] <nik90_> ok
[18:51] <popey> nik90_: just setting my expectations
[18:54] <nik90_> popey: I know I was trying to understand what you meant by having to wait until saturday to set your mon-fri repeat alarms.
[18:55] <popey> the implication from design is that anything other than the next 23:59 is not possible
[18:56] <nik90_> popey: ah..I think design meant anything other than the next 23.59 is not possible for one-time alarms
[18:56] <nik90_> which in itself is debatable
[18:58] <popey> beuno: "Changes can not be accepted and published at this time. Please try again later." on https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/403/changerequest/
[18:58] <popey> i just approved 8 others...
[19:09] <beuno> popey, looking
[19:10] <mhall119> pmcgowan: are you able to set a higher priority on https://bugs.launchpad.net/oxide/+bug/1260016 ?
[19:10] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1260016 in Oxide "Add an API to allow defining custom URL scheme delegates" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[19:11] <mhall119> I don't have access
[19:11] <beuno> popey, looks like the update isn't signed
[19:11] <beuno> trying to figure out why
[19:12] <pmcgowan> mhall119, yes
[19:12] <beuno> popey, while I do, you downloaded and ran the script locally? one way it wouldn't be signed is if it's not really a proper click
[19:12] <popey> beuno: i didnt upload the click
[19:13] <beuno> popey, nm, I see the error to sign in out logs
[19:13] <popey> beuno: i downloaded it, checked it and then tried to approve it
[19:13] <beuno> *our
[19:13] <beuno> I'll chase
[19:13] <popey> k ta
[19:13] <beuno> may need to request a reupload
[19:13] <popey> let balloons know when you do
[19:13] <beuno> yeah, it's a leftover from turning on signing
[19:13] <beuno> which we'll fix properly
[19:14] <beuno> but I suggest uploading a newer version, balloons
[19:14] <josharenson> nik90_ new image works, thanks
[19:14] <nik90_> josharenson: cool
[19:14] <nik90_> josharenson: what did you want to debug in clock btw?
[19:15] <josharenson> nik90_ clock is fine :-) I just want to instrument it to help debug a qtmir issue
[19:15] <nik90_> josharenson: ah ok
[19:15] <nik90_> :)
[19:16] <popey> balloons: reminders in case it wasnt clear
[19:16] <vitimiti> I want to use a folders selector to choose where to save some files, and can't find anything, maybe because I'm not looking for it with the right words. What should I look for?
[19:17] <balloons> popey, so re-upload what for reminders?
[19:17] <nik90_> vitimiti: Your app won't have permission to save in any other folder other than your local app cache folder.
[19:17] <beuno> balloons, a new version
[19:17] <vitimiti> nik90_, thanks
[19:17] <balloons> so not https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/403/changerequest/?
[19:18] <popey> will need a version bump?
[19:18] <popey> ugh
[19:20] <beuno> yes
[19:20] <beuno> sorry
[19:22] <popey> balloons: if we fixed the AP issue then other merges could land ㋛
[19:24] <mhall119> thanks pmcgowan
[19:24] <ahayzen_> balloons, do you reckon this change will have the same affect? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/music-app/fix-for-unicode-errors/revision/606
[19:25] <ahayzen_> balloons, but still work under jenkins when it does that py2 thing
[19:29] <balloons> popey, yes, I know
[19:29] <beuno> balloons, popey, https://bugs.launchpad.net/software-center-agent/+bug/1363225
[19:29] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1363225 in Software Center Agent "failure to sign upload due to existing file" [Undecided,New]
[19:29] <beuno> sorry, etc
[19:29] <beuno> also
[19:29] <balloons> ahayzen_, jenkins didn't like the former huh?
[19:29] <beuno> DEBSIG dkbfsjkl;afkljkdghfskj;kdjlshfglskhlfdjdsljgfkjhdf
[19:30] <ahayzen_> balloons, yep because some tool is py2....lookie here
[19:30] <ahayzen_> balloons, TypeError: 'encoding' is an invalid keyword argument for this function
[19:30] <balloons> ahayzen_, we can try asking plars to bump music to python3.. not sure he would be able
[19:31] <ahayzen_> balloons, popey thought infact it may be one of the other tools?
[19:31] <popey> well, it saw an apt-get which pulled in python-setuptools
[19:31] <popey> which seemed very py2
[19:31] <ahayzen_> yeah
[19:32] <ahayzen_> balloons, i've got dinner now so i'll wait for the response from jenkins :)
[20:36] <ahayzen_> balloons, why is jenkins exploding? https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/music-app/fix-for-unicode-errors/+merge/232730
[20:36] <ahayzen_> balloons, and i need to check that the mp works on the device before landing as that is the point of it ;)
[20:36] <balloons> I left you a message
[20:37] <ahayzen_> yeah i saw :) ....
[20:38] <ahayzen_> balloons, just need to check it works on krillin as that is the point of the mp
[20:38] <balloons> it always worked for me on krillin.. it's lucas that had the issue
[20:39] <ahayzen_> balloons, yeah some encoding thing....
[20:40] <ahayzen_> balloons, as victor said to me ' wouldn't think char encoding would be device specific'
[20:40] <ahayzen_> balloons, so it is a little odd but hopefully we've fixed it
[20:40] <ahayzen_> balloons, any ideas why those two tests keep failing?...is it us or jenkins?
[20:41] <balloons> i've no idea, and sadly francis isn't around
[20:41] <balloons> assume it's you I guess
[20:41] <ahayzen_> :/
[20:41] <ahayzen_> hmm ok i may see if i can spot anything specific to those two tests
[20:43] <nik90_> balloons: you are running utopic with latest sdk? Can you test something for me?
[20:43] <balloons> yes and sure
[20:44] <nik90_> balloons: can you get the latest clock app code, create an alarm and most importantly try to change the alarm sound. For me the clock app crashes if I try to choose a different alarm.
[20:44] <nik90_> balloons: i tried various branches of mine, and same result. just want to make sure its my system at fault
[20:44] <nik90_> balloons: I meant clock app crashes when trying to choose a different alarm sound*
[20:46] <balloons> nik90_, ugh I lied.. I have to build clock now
[20:47] <nik90_> balloons: ?
[20:47] <nik90_> balloons: how did you get from "yes and sure" to ^^ :D
[20:47] <ahayzen_> balloons, also to add to the weirdness...there are 3 videos but 2 failures?
[20:49] <ahayzen_> balloons, and the autolanding just failed
[20:49] <balloons> nik90_, I get sound
[20:49] <balloons> nik90_, that said, there was a long pause when I first went into the sound selection
[20:49] <nik90_> balloons: as in the page where you can choose different sounds opens correctly?
[20:49] <balloons> nik90_, yep and previews work
[20:49] <balloons> i like counterpoint
[20:49] <nik90_> balloons: the sound plays only when you choose a sound. So when it loads it doesnt play anything automatically
[20:50] <nik90_> balloons: ok my system at fault, phew :)
[20:50] <balloons> :-)
[20:51] <nik90_> hmm I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/8181794/ :/
[20:52] <balloons> ahayzen_, jenkins still dislikes you strongly
[20:52] <ahayzen_> balloons, our love hate relationship continues :/ grrrrr
[20:52] <balloons> ahayzen_, so honestly for those 2 test failures the app never even starts
[20:52] <balloons> it's the SAME exact code for each for laucnhing
[20:53] <ahayzen_> balloons, victor says he is seeing the same with trunk on his VM
[20:53] <ahayzen_> balloons, yeah wtf
[20:53] <balloons> ahayzen_, well that's a good place to look.. reproduce it locally it if fails locally, it's you :'-)
[20:53] <ahayzen_> balloons, i'm just trying to update my vm
[20:53] <ahayzen_> balloons, but why those two tests arrrggggg lol
[20:56] <mzanetti> hi. trying to create a click chroot I get this error: click chroot: error: schroot not installed and configured; install click-dev and schroot
[20:56] <mzanetti> but they are installed...
[20:56] <mzanetti> can't figure what I broke... anyone seen this before?
[20:59] <balloons> mzanetti, I can point you at http://developer.ubuntu.com/apps/sdk/tutorials/building-cross-architecture-click-applications/ to use qtcreator
[20:59] <balloons> mzanetti, I believe if you look into click, there is some sort of config required after schroot is installed. I don't remember, I don't use it
[20:59] <mzanetti> balloons: yeah... that's exactly where I'm getting this error
[21:00] <balloons> oO, not on the command line?
[21:00] <mzanetti> well, I figured the command line that qtcreator executes here and tried it myself, but getting the same error
[21:01] <mzanetti> balloons: http://i.imgur.com/cMGbvyU.png
[21:01] <balloons> if it's inside qtcreator you'll get more love :-) you could ask sergiusens, I don't even see my old notes
[21:02] <balloons> wild.. I haven't tried to make a new one, one sec, I will
[21:02] <mzanetti> sergiusens: :) ^
[21:02] <mzanetti> probably I broke something. It used to work 2 weeks back when I last tried
[21:03] <mzanetti> but I just can't figure what it is... I tried reinstalling all involved packages
[21:03] <mzanetti> mk-sbuild etc works fine, just click doesn't
[21:04] <ahayzen_> balloons, ok so victor is saying he can't even run the app on his VM and it was working yesterday....here is the log http://paste.ubuntu.com/8181853/
[21:04] <balloons> mzanetti, yea, works fine for me here
[21:04] <balloons> I assumed you were doing something on the command line with it.. still interesting you managed to break it
[21:05] <mzanetti> well, I get the same error on the command line, with everything "click chroot"
[21:06] <nik90_> ahayzen_: I get that same error on my VM -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/8181794/
[21:06] <nik90_> ahayzen_: me and victor have the same issue on utopic vm then.
[21:06] <nik90_> balloons: ^^
[21:06] <ahayzen_> nik90_, is that running music?
[21:06] <nik90_> ahayzen_: no I am running clock
[21:06] <ahayzen_> nik90_, yey join our club :)
[21:07] <nik90_> ahayzen_: is victor online?
[21:07] <ahayzen_> nik90_, yep....on hangouts
[21:07] <nik90_> ahayzen_: ah
[21:07] <ahayzen_> nik90_, balloons this is what changed on his VM this morning http://paste.ubuntu.com/8181878
[21:08] <nik90_> ahayzen_: I am not how to get that list on my vm
[21:08] <balloons> nik90_, clock is broken for me now
[21:08] <balloons> mwahahah
[21:08] <ahayzen_> he says even dropping letters is broken!
[21:08] <balloons> someone broke something
[21:08] <ahayzen_> something bad has happened
[21:08] <nik90_> balloons: let me guess you updated utopic?
[21:08] <nik90_> yay
[21:08] <balloons> nik90_, it was updating in the background earlier
[21:08] <nik90_> I was a bit worries that I broke my vm
[21:08] <balloons> so I thought I'd try again when I noticed
[21:08] <nik90_> ahayzen_: oh tell victor hi from me
[21:09] <popey> heh
[21:09] <balloons> and with that, I'm off to labor day fun
[21:09] <sergiusens> mzanetti: creating the click chroot?
[21:09] * ahayzen_ 's VM is broken beyond belief ... GTK is broken and it won't update due to some unity-schemas conflicting with unity-common or something
[21:09] * balloons waves
[21:09] <mzanetti> sergiusens: yeah
[21:09] * balloons can't stop laughing
[21:09] <sergiusens> mzanetti: clic fails as well?
[21:10] <ahayzen_> nik90_, so what has broken everything
[21:10] <popey> balloons: have fun!
[21:10] <nik90_> ahayzen_: no idea
[21:10] <ahayzen_> victor> Waves with both hands. in a non-distressed manner
[21:10] <balloons> individual package rollback time
[21:10] <mzanetti> sergiusens: yep. whenever I use "click chroot something"
[21:10] <balloons> who wants to try?
[21:10] <nik90_> ahayzen_: I was running my qml unit tests and noticed the tests hanging. And then on testing manually I noticed the error
[21:11] <nik90_> balloons: I upgraded nearly 50 packages today
[21:11] <balloons> popey, way to exciting to leave now.. but it was funny
[21:11] <mzanetti> sergiusens: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8181930/
[21:11] <popey> this isn't the systemd thing thats broken everyone elses systems?
[21:11] <nik90_> balloons: since I dont update my vm too often
[21:11] <balloons> nik90_, I would focus on toolkit stuff
[21:11] <ahayzen_> hmm well my VM needs flattening as it is properly broken
[21:11] <ahayzen_> nik90_, victor's VM changes this morning http://paste.ubuntu.com/8181878/
[21:11] <ahayzen_> popey, systemd thing?
[21:12] <balloons> let me compare with yours and mine
[21:12] <sergiusens> mzanetti: sudo click chroot -aarmhf -fubuntu-sdk-14.10 -s utopic create
[21:12] <sergiusens> mzanetti: does that work?
[21:12] <mzanetti> sergiusens: same error
[21:12] <balloons> nik90_, can you share your updates>
[21:12] <sergiusens> not sure why you get that schroot is not installed, it may be a false positive
[21:12] <nik90_> balloons: is there a quick way to find out what packages I updated today?
[21:12] <balloons> tail var/log/apt/history.log
[21:13] <ahayzen_> nik90_, cat /var/log/apt/history.log
[21:13] <ahayzen_> or ^^
[21:13] <popey> there was an issue earlier today where a number of people had broken utopic systems
[21:13] <popey> (me included)
[21:13] <sergiusens> mzanetti: sudo apt install --reinstall click
[21:13] <sergiusens> are you on utopic btw?
[21:13] <popey> mostly related to guis tho
[21:13] * sergiusens is still not living the dream
[21:13] <ahayzen_> popey, mine is flashing! lol
[21:13] <mzanetti> sergiusens: :D yes I am on utopic
[21:14] <sergiusens> mzanetti: I'll test this on my chromebook
[21:14] <mzanetti> sergiusens: reinstalled click, same error still
[21:14] <sergiusens> that's on utopic
[21:14] <nik90_> ahayzen_, balloons: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8181953/
[21:15] * balloons diffs
[21:15] <nik90_> popey: me and victor are getting http://paste.ubuntu.com/8181794/
[21:15] <nik90_> popey: when running music, clock, dropping letters etc
[21:16] <mzanetti> sergiusens: apt-get purge schroot click click-dev and reinstalling ubuntu-sdk did it
[21:16] <ahayzen_> nik90_, nothing in gst/media-hub has changed recently right?
[21:16] <nik90_> ahayzen_: no idea
[21:16] * nik90_ looks at the packages that got upgraded
[21:16] <sergiusens> mzanetti: your schroot configs might have been busted then
[21:16] <nik90_> balloons: could it be glib-networking-services?
[21:17] <ahayzen_> jhodapp, you don't have any idea what this log means? http://paste.ubuntu.com/8181794/
[21:17] <nik90_> ahayzen_: hmm actually you could be right
[21:17] <jhodapp> ahayzen_, what is that from?
[21:17] <ahayzen_> nik90_, seems to be related to any apps that have audio right?
[21:18] <nik90_> ahayzen_: clock app crashes only when tryingn to load Audio{}
[21:18] <ahayzen_> jhodapp, when running clock/music/dropping letters on utopic
[21:18] <balloons> it's really small
[21:18] <ahayzen_> jhodapp, the applications fail to start
[21:19] <nik90_> jhodapp: clock app crashes when trying to load the page which has Audio{} while music crashes on start itself
[21:19] <balloons> glib-networking-services is one that is common to all
[21:19] <mzanetti> sergiusens: looks like... I still can't figure what's different now... but well. at least it works
[21:19] <balloons> let's roll it back
[21:19] <ahayzen_> or what nik90_ said :)
[21:19] <sergiusens> mzanetti: /var/lib/schroots has some configs in there; destroying those with the purge might have set things right
[21:19] <jhodapp> not sure what's going on there
[21:20] <nik90_> jhodapp: do you have the latest utopic?
[21:20] <mzanetti> sergiusens: ah. that might be it... thanks
[21:20] <ahayzen_> jhodapp, ok ... has pulse/gst/media-hub changed recently in utopic ?
[21:20] <jhodapp> no
[21:20] <jhodapp> well gst might have
[21:20] <jhodapp> 1.2 to 1.4...check your version
[21:20] <popey> you can check /var/log/dpkg.log to see what changed
[21:21] <ahayzen_> hmm jhodapp do you have utopic? if so do the apps run for you?
[21:21] <jhodapp> ahayzen_, desktop?
[21:21] <balloons> nik90_, ahayzen_ nope, didn't fix it
[21:21] <nik90_> jhodapp: yes
[21:21] <ahayzen_> jhodapp, yeah we're seeing in VMs
[21:21] <jhodapp> no haven't run them...they don't use media-hub there
[21:21] <jhodapp> *yet
[21:22] <ahayzen_> hah
[21:22] <nik90_> oh yeah
[21:22] <balloons> glib-networking* didn't help
[21:22] <ahayzen_> so why would it just suddenly break...and sometimes break in jenkins..
[21:22] <jhodapp> that's straight QML to QtMultimedia to Gst
[21:22] <jhodapp> ahayzen_, check your gst version please
[21:22] <ahayzen_> jhodapp, my vm doesn't work... nik90_ ?
[21:23] <nik90_> jhodapp: what's the package name?
[21:23] <jhodapp> nik90_: just dpkg --get-selections | grep gstreamer
[21:23] <nik90_> gir1.2-gst-plugins-base-1.0?
[21:23] <jhodapp> no
[21:23] <jhodapp> you want the one that is just gstreamer-1.0 something
[21:24] <nik90_> jhodapp: yup 1.4
[21:24] <popey> hmm, yes, nik90_ i have the same issue here.
[21:24] <jhodapp> might have changed things
[21:24] <jhodapp> 1.4 that is
[21:24] <jhodapp> tough to say
[21:25] <nik90_> mzanetti: would you know how to run qmltestrunner on a device or emulator?
[21:26] <nik90_> hmm I see two gstream packages being upgraded
[21:26] <nik90_> but they are not the 1.4 versions ones..but some other versions
[21:28] <popey> nik90_: have we got a bug for this?
[21:28] <nik90_> popey: well we are not sure package is responsible yet
[21:28] <nik90_> which package*
[21:28] <mzanetti> nik90_: you log into the device and execute it. You might need to pass --desktop_file_hint
[21:30] <nik90_> mzanetti: so I would also need to build the plugins in the phone then
[21:30] <mzanetti> nik90_: well, you can also create a click package and cross compile them
[21:31] <mzanetti> basically using the ones from the package you already have
[21:31] <nik90_> mzanetti: ah
[21:37] <nik90_> mzanetti: hmm I get phablet@ubuntu-phablet:/tmp/tests/unit$ qmltestrunner -input tst_alarmLabel.qml
[21:37] <nik90_> qmltestrunner: could not exec '/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/bin/qmltestrunner': No such file or directory
[21:37] <mzanetti> its not installed
[21:37] <nik90_> mzanetti: ah it autocompleted the command, so i thought it had it
[21:37] <mzanetti> yeah, its from qtchooser...
[21:37] <mzanetti> which just installs a symlink
[21:42] <nik90_> mzanetti: hmm strange, I installed qtdeclarative5-dev-tools to get qmltestrunner and also the qmltestplugin. But on running I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/8182111/
[21:43] <nik90_> not sure why it split the -input option like that
[21:43] <mzanetti> hmm... don't know atm
[21:45] <mzanetti> same here
[21:46] <nik90_> do you guys run unity8 tests on the device?
[21:46] <nik90_> or just on desktop?
[21:47] <mzanetti> on desktop and in xvfb
[21:47] <nik90_> ah ok
[21:52] <balloons> well nik90_ ahayzen__ I rolled back many packages but no luck
[21:52] <ahayzen__> :/
[21:53] <ahayzen__> balloons, i'm just reinstalling my VM
[21:53] <nik90_> balloons: hmm that's scary
[22:23] <ahayzen_> nik90_, how far did u get .... my internet decided it didn't like me anymore..
[22:24] <ahayzen_> nik90_, and FYI i've taken the latest cd image of utopic (it is displaying the set of updates that victor installed this morning todo)..and am going to try running music on that
=== salem_` is now known as _salem
[22:27] <ahayzen_> nik90_, ok so i installed the cd image, ubuntu sdk, ran music-app and it doesn't work
[22:29] <ahayzen_> nik90_, so you should be able to rule out these packages http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8182405/
[22:39] <daker> nik90_: did you try --input instead of -input ?
[22:43] <daker> just ignore me :|
[22:54] <ahayzen__> nik90_, this diff may be interesting...http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/214.changes ... especially if the CI fails :) and then we'll find out if it is related to only the desktop or not
[22:54] <nik90_> ahayzen__: I will try upgrading phone to 214 and check
[22:55] <nik90_> daker: I tried both --input and -input :)
[22:55] <ahayzen__> nik90_, good luck :)
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[23:06] <nik90_> ahayzen__: it works!
[23:06] <nik90_> ahayzen__: no crashes
[23:06] <ahayzen__> nik90_, \o/
[23:06] <nik90_> ahayzen__: well we are still stuck at why it crashes on our desktops
[23:07] <ahayzen__> nik90_, well the main difference is it doesn't use media-hub
[23:07] <nik90_> yes
[23:07] <ahayzen__> nik90_, so http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/20140829/ is broken...i wonder if http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/20140828/ is ok?
[23:08] <nik90_> ahayzen__: but in the clock app, I am just importing Qt Multimedia and using the standard Audio{} component
[23:08] <ahayzen__> nik90_, yeah but that still goes through media-hub on device
[23:08] <nik90_> ahayzen__: so media-hub shouldn't affect since that would mean all qt audio players will crash then
[23:08] <ahayzen__> nik90_, doesn't it...
[23:08] <nik90_> ahayzen__: well let me try vlc then
[23:08] <nik90_> vlc works
[23:08] <ahayzen__> nik90_, well it maybe something in the way qtmultimedia is exposed/starts up inside qml
[23:08] <nik90_> no crashes
[23:09] <nik90_> I suppose
[23:10] <ahayzen__> nik90_, but this is above my knowledge of how things work
[23:11] <ahayzen__> nik90_, so who do we ask next?
[23:12] <nik90_> no idea
[23:13] <ahayzen__> hah
[23:13] <ahayzen__> nik90_, well it means we can't land anything as jenkins explodes so this is pretty serious
[23:13] <ahayzen__> popey, any ideas?
[23:14] <nik90_> ahayzen__: I know, same
[23:14] <popey> sorry, was afk
[23:14] <popey> wassup?
[23:14] <ahayzen__> popey, we have identified that the issue is only on desktop
[23:15] <ahayzen__> popey, it is present here http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/20140829/
[23:15] <popey> how did you figure that? boot a live cd and then?
[23:16] <ahayzen__> popey, well my VM was stuffed so i made one from that installed the ubuntu-sdk attempted to run music-app and kaboom!
[23:16] <popey> can you define 'kaboom'?
[23:17] <ahayzen__> popey, something like http://paste.ubuntu.com/8181794/
[23:17] <ahayzen__> popey, and nothing appears
[23:18] <ahayzen__> and note that these packages are still being listed to be installed (which i haven't) so they can be ruled out http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8182405/
[23:19] <ahayzen__> popey, so who do we talk to next to try and figure out where the issue is?
[23:19] <ahayzen__> popey, as it is blocking landings for music/clock as jenkins doesn't pass
[23:19] <popey> tried running under strace?
[23:20] <ahayzen__> not yet...
[23:20] <popey> http://paste.ubuntu.com/8182778/
[23:20] <popey> hangs like that
[23:20] <ahayzen__> popey, yep i get the same
[23:21] <nik90_> me too
[23:22] <popey> bug 1235484 seems related
[23:22] <ubot5> bug 1235484 in thumbnailer (Ubuntu) "UI toolkit introduced dependency on two versions of gstreamer on the desktop" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1235484
[23:22] <nik90_> balloons: ping
[23:22] <popey> i suspect it only affects desktop because the packages landed in the archive and haven't landed in a phone image yet
[23:22] <ahayzen__> popey, blimey that looks exactly the same as us
[23:22] <popey> so expect this to bork tomorrow
[23:22] <nik90_> popey: how the hell did you find that 1 year old bug. It does seem similar though
[23:22] <ahayzen__> popey, #214 image was just made and thats fine
[23:23] <ahayzen__> popey, but yeah ur probably correct http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/214.changes
[23:23] <popey> hm
[23:23] <nik90_> ahayzen__: i think 215 will bork
[23:23] <ahayzen__> yeah maybe
[23:24] <popey> https://lists.canonical.com/archives/utopic-changes/2014-August/009104.html
[23:24] <popey> have we received that yet?
[23:24] <nik90_> ahayzen__, popey: I remember seeing thumbnailer being in a silo 2 days ago. Could that be the issue? Since it is also the issue in the bug report you linked
[23:24] <ahayzen__> yeah i do as well
[23:25] <popey> ii libthumbnailer0:armhf 1.2+14.10.20140827 armhf generate thumbnails from files
[23:25] <ahayzen__> hmmm can't we remove the thumbnailer and still run music ? it just doesn't render any of the images
[23:25] <popey> in the current image
[23:26] <nik90_> popey: I have that in my desktop
[23:26] <nik90_> 214 has it as well
[23:27] <ahayzen_> damn internet...
[23:28] <popey> so questions are 1) when did it break, 2) how can we reproduce
[23:28] <ahayzen_> popey, victor claims it was fine yesterday
[23:29] <ahayzen_> popey, run latest utopic to reproduce
[23:29] * popey grabs http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/20140828/
[23:29] <nik90_> well reproducing is easy
[23:29] <nik90_> not sure when it started
[23:29] <popey> i mean, if i take a live cd, what commands do i need to say "this works" or "this is broken"
[23:29] <nik90_> most likely yesterday or today
[23:30] <popey> 28th is the oldest iso on cdimage
[23:30] <popey> lemme boot that on my other pc
[23:30] <ahayzen_> popey, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-sdk ... then branch clock/music and run it
[23:30] <popey> then whats the test case?
[23:30] <popey> ok
[23:30] <ahayzen_> ^^ what i did
[23:30] * popey dd's
[23:30] <ahayzen_> :)
[23:31] <ahayzen_> victor and me predict 28 'should' be fine...but we'll see
[23:31] * popey hugs ddrescue
[23:32] <popey> so the question is what changed between 28/8 and 29/8
[23:32] <ahayzen_> yep
[23:32] <popey> https://lists.canonical.com/archives/utopic-changes/2014-August/
[23:32] <popey> ☻
[23:32] <ahayzen_> \o/
[23:32] <ahayzen_> assuming 28th works...
[23:32] <popey> well indeed
[23:33] <popey> I'll write a 29 image while 28 boots
[23:33] <popey> *exciting* friday evening! ☻
[23:34] <ahayzen_> eventful is another word that springs to ones mind
[23:34] <nik90_> lol
[23:35] * popey is glad that two USB3.0 32GB sticks arrived today!
[23:35] <ahayzen_> \o/
[23:38] <nik90_> ooh usb 3.0 sticks..I got to try them
[23:38] <popey> fyi on a live cd you need to edit sources.list and add universe/multiverse
[23:38] <popey> otherwise sdk not found
[23:38] <popey> ok, installing
[23:38] * popey puts bins out
[23:39] <ahayzen_> hmmm mine just appeared....
[23:39] <ahayzen_> i did a sudo apt-get update ... and apt-get install bzr ...
[23:39] <ahayzen_> oh live cd...yeah
[23:43] * popey branches
[23:44] <popey> core dump
[23:44] <popey> suspect I'm missing mediascanner, thumbnailer etc on a live cd
[23:44] <popey> lemme get the deb from the ppa
[23:45] <ahayzen_> start mediascanner-2.0
[23:45] <ahayzen_> popey, ^^
[23:45] <ahayzen_> popey, the ms2 service doesn't automatically start forgot to tell u u need to start it
[23:45] <popey> heh
[23:45] <popey> ok, on 28th image it fails with the glib thing
[23:45] <ahayzen_> awww damn
[23:46] <popey> however, it could be an sdk thing given I had to install that
[23:46] <ahayzen_> yeah i suppose
[23:47] <ahayzen_> popey, so who do we talk to/poke about this issue?
[23:47] <popey> hmmm
[23:48] <popey> so it's qmlscene that barfs...
[23:48] <ahayzen_> but could be anywhere from gstreamer up... i guess?
[23:48] <ahayzen_> or have we identified it is actually inside QML ?
[23:49] <popey> can we simplify the issue
[23:49] <popey> it's limited to a small set of apps right?
[23:50] <ahayzen_> popey, anything that uses Audio {} right nik90_ ?
[23:50] <ahayzen_> or MediaPlayer {]
[23:50] <ahayzen_> i'll create a mini app
[23:50] <nik90_> yes
[23:51] <nik90_> Audio{} triggers it I think since clock app opens fine and functions normally
[23:51] <nik90_> only when you get to to the alarm sound page it freezes
[23:51] <popey> so if I reboot and bzr branch music app, whats the bare minimum packages I need to install to make it work?
[23:52] <popey> i.e. not the full ubuntu-sdk metapackage?
[23:52] <ahayzen_> popey, ubuntu-sdk .... errrr
[23:52] <ahayzen_> popey, i guess whats in our deb/control?
[23:52] <popey> of course
[23:54] <popey> not sure that's going to get us anywhere really
[23:54] <ahayzen_> popey, bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/+junk/test-mediaplayer-app/
[23:54] <ahayzen_> or https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/+junk/test-mediaplayer-app
[23:54] <ahayzen_> popey, ^^ explodes and that is the simplest thing ever!
[23:55] <ahayzen_> popey, all i've done is do 'Simple UI' template then put in import QtMultimedia 5.0 and MediaPlayer {}
[23:55] <ahayzen_> nik90_, ^^ fail for u as well?
[23:55] <nik90_> ahayzen_: let me check
[23:56] <nik90_> ahayzen_: yup it crashed on start
[23:56] <ahayzen_> nik90_, cool so same behaviour as music-app
[23:57] <ahayzen_> nik90_, and thats as simple as u can go :) http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/+junk/test-mediaplayer-app/view/head:/main.qml
[23:57] <nik90_> yup indeed
[23:57] <popey> so what libs are required for that to work?
[23:57] <popey> if you only import those two..
[23:57] <popey> clearly some deps - turtles all the way down
[23:57] <popey> but whats the minimum
[23:57] <ahayzen_> import QtMultimedia 5.0 ... which is...
[23:58] <popey> qtdeclarative5-qtmultimedia-plugin
[23:58] <ahayzen_> qtdeclarative5-qtmultimedia-plugin
[23:58] <ahayzen_> yeah
[23:58] <nik90_> qtdeclarative5-qtmultimedia-plugin
[23:58] <ahayzen_> and then the minimum to get a Ubuntu qml project running
[23:59] * nik90_ goes to sleep..nite
[23:59] <ahayzen_> nik90_, night o/
[23:59] <popey> nn
[23:59] <nik90_> nite, cya later