UbuntuIRC / 2014 /08 /29 /#kubuntu.txt
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[00:08] <zartoosh> HI I am getting this error during installation of my debian packages; "libc6-i386 : Depends: libc6 (= 2.19-0ubuntu6.1) but 2.19-0ubuntu6.3 is to be installed"
[00:08] <zartoosh> why please help?
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[01:03] <valorie> zartoosh: you can try `sudo apt-get -f install`
[01:03] <valorie> which will force it
[04:02] <zxq9> Ugh. Why does the Japanese local adhere to outdated Windows standards by default? Backslashes have yen mark glyphs in several fonts, jis7 instead of utf-8, etc. :-/
[04:03] <zxq9> I think Ubuntu is the only distro that behaves like this in ja-JP locale.
[04:05] <valorie> very strange
[04:06] <valorie> please file a bug zxq9
[04:06] <valorie> best way is `ubuntu-bug locale` in the commandline
[04:07] <zxq9> I'm almost certain the response will be "that's a feature" -- but I'll file it anyway.
[04:08] <valorie> it doesn't sound like a feature to you, or to me
[05:08] <blahblahblah99> anyone here
[05:08] <blahblahblah99> Hi could anyone help me my kubuntu kde x64 issue please
[05:13] <blahblahblah99> Or can anyone point me in the right direction to fix my issue. Its about my video card?
[05:17] <valorie> blahblahblah99: can you give more detail?
[05:18] <blahblahblah99> Valorie yes I can
[05:21] <blahblahblah99> So I have laptop with the GeForce 8200M G in it and I installed Kubuntu KDE x64. So my screen or desktop is huge and I'm trying to get it to normal. When I type a command in terminal it reads the GeForce 8200M G but in the "Driver Manager" it reads GeForce 9200M G. I'm guessing that's the issue. I also have not found anything that helped on line, but I'm also a newbie with linux.
[05:24] <blahblahblah99> I'm just looking for steps or command to do. I don't want to install ubuntu, and I really wanted to use OpenSuse but samething although suse felt way too savy for me. But i'm liking the Kubuntu just stuck, I appreciate it ""Valorie"" for your time.
[05:26] <valorie> !nvidia
[05:26] <ubottu> For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto
[05:26] <valorie> pfff
[05:27] <valorie> there it is
[05:27] <blahblahblah99> tha's the link?
[05:27] <valorie> blahblahblah99: I've found a lot of help in the above link
[05:30] <blahblahblah99> "Valorie" where in the link, so sorry I also can't read
[05:31] <valorie> For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto <<< blahblahblah99
[05:37] <blahblahblah99> "Valorie" is this the same if it's a the 14.04
[05:38] <valorie> if you go through the steps, and determine the correct driver, yes
[05:40] <blahblahblah99> daumn this way harder than what i thought
[05:40] <valorie> did you try this bit? "
[05:40] <valorie> Video Cards
[05:40] <valorie> Note: Most nVidia-cards will work if you just install the nvidia-glx ("nvidia-glx-legacy" for older cards) package, and run this command: "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable"
[05:40] <valorie> it isn't hard, there are just lots of steps
[05:40] <valorie> and you have to be sure you don't skip any
[05:41] <valorie> I would try the above bit first, if you haven't already tried that
[05:41] <blahblahblah99> I can I give you my email incase I gotta ask you some more questions? I gotta get ready for work
[05:43] <valorie> I'm no expert, blahblahblah99
[05:43] <valorie> your best bet is this channel
[05:43] <valorie> also I'll be out of town quite a bit soon
[05:43] <valorie> there are also forums if you can't use irc
[05:43] <valorie> !forum
[05:43] <ubottu> The Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. Kubuntu Forums are found at http://www.kubuntuforums.net. There is also a channel on freenode IRC #ubuntuforums
[05:44] <blahblahblah99> ok I appreciate it a lot thanks again. I'll be back when I fail
[05:44] <valorie> IF you fail!
[05:44] <valorie> you may very well succeed
[05:44] <valorie> :-)
[05:45] <blahblahblah99> I sure hope so, thanks again you helped out tons, at least got me in the right direction. How does someone become awesome with linux?
[05:45] <valorie> hang out in irc!
[05:45] <valorie> lol
[05:45] <valorie> and read stuff, try things out, don't give up
[05:46] <valorie> also I write a blog so when I learn something new, I can consult it later to refresh the knowledge
[05:46] <valorie> 'linuxgrandma' blog
[05:47] <blahblahblah99> lol sweet I will check that out
[05:47] <blahblahblah99> Thank you very much again Valerie have a great day
[05:49] <valorie> you too
[07:03] <Naphatul> how do i keep firefox consistent with my default applications? this time it's opening images in internet explrorer, last time it was opening pdfs in gimp, is there a way to automatically sync them? i had to edit the mime list manually last time
[07:42] <bipul> Hello My headphone is not working with youtube videos. I have checked the volume and all inside my Kubuntu, all seems ok. Don't knwo what to do?
[07:57] <valorie> bipul: that's controlled by pulseaudio
[07:57] <valorie> !pulseaudio
[07:57] <ubottu> PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions
[09:08] <skramer_> Hi. I seem to have a problem with the Meta+Tab key combination, it doesn´t switch activities anymore. Using KDE 4.14.0 on Trusty.
[09:08] <skramer_> I did check in systemsettings already, Meta+Tab is set...
[09:08] <skramer_> Anybody has an idea how to get it working?
[09:17] <lordievader> Good morning.
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[12:46] <krissi> how can i get power manager configuration modle to load so can make my screen stay alive on kde neon 5 ?
[13:26] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all
[13:55] <kubuntuplasma5> hi
[13:56] <kubuntuplasma5> can anyone help me with advanced utopic beta installation?
[13:56] <kubuntuplasma5> I want to setup crypto+lvm+btrfs and got key error when creating crypto partition
[13:57] <kubuntuplasma5> and even when I install using guided sddm displays blank screen and complains about object being created in different QThread
[14:00] <BluesKaj> kubuntuplasma5, this is a question for #ubuntu+1, but if you installed the new kernel for beta and using nvidia graphics sddm fails if you use plasma5..plasma 5 isn't ready for regular use, it's very broken
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[14:13] <kubuntuplasma5> BluesKaj: I'm using Intel gfx and I tried clean install from beta image; as for the crypto part I think it was broken even in trusty
[14:15] <kubuntuplasma5> BluesKaj: but thanks for info, I'll try asking in #ubuntu+1
[14:15] <BluesKaj> kubuntuplasma5, i have no experience with crypto ..no need for it since my pcs are home user machines
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[17:43] <alesan> hello
[17:43] <alesan> is it safe to install pulseaudio?
[17:43] <alesan> on kubuntu?
[17:44] <tsimpson> alesan: it'll be installed already
[17:45] <alesan> tsimpson, well but pgrep pulse gives me nothing
[17:45] <alesan> is there anything special I should do?
[17:47] <tsimpson> no, it should just work from a default isntall
[17:47] <alesan> I started it on the command line and now... I see it
[17:47] <alesan> and also skype 4.3 works
[17:48] <alesan> skype 4.3 needs pulseaudio
[18:05] <hid> hello
[19:03] <rberg> anyone have experience with the sipe protocol? I may need to try and connect mto MS lyrc in the future :(
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[20:23] <ed653> hi, quick question, I installed krfb on my desktop, set it to allow uninvited connections, set password, port etc, how do I connect to this machine from my (also) kubuntu laptop
[20:30] <BluesKaj> ed653, krdc or a vnc client I believe
[20:43] <jerware> sudo: unable to resolve host jerware
[20:43] <jerware> hi
[20:44] <jerware> so how do I make sudo work?
[20:46] <BluesKaj> jerware, more detail please
[20:54] <ScottyK> Hi! I'm running Kubuntu 13.04 with Libreoffice How can I upgrade it to 4.3.1?
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[21:24] <valorie> ScottyK: 13.04?
[21:24] <valorie> I believe that is EOL
[21:24] <valorie> !eol
[21:24] <ubottu> End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades
[21:25] <valorie> yes, that is no longer supported
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[21:35] <ScottyK> valorie - correction, 14.04! UGH can't even type right, LOL
[21:35] <valorie> ok, that certainly is supported!
[21:36] <valorie> !libreoffice
[21:36] <ubottu> LibreOffice is a Free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install libreoffice". User help available in #libreoffice.
[21:36] <valorie> oh pfff
[21:36] <valorie> !info libreoffice
[21:36] <ubottu> libreoffice (source: libreoffice): office productivity suite (metapackage). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:4.2.4-0ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 26 kB, installed size 161 kB
[21:36] <ScottyK> So it's best to wait for 14.10 for the latest libreoffice?
[21:36] <valorie> so that's the package; if you want newer you'll have to get it from elsewhere
[21:37] <valorie> I dunno what they have released; I imagine we package the newest available as long as it is stable
[21:38] <ScottyK> I'm not having any problems with, just thought it would be fun to grab the latest. But I can wait for 14.10
[21:40] <valorie> no guarantees, ScottyK - kubuntu packages KDE stuff
[21:41] <valorie> libreoffice is done by the ubuntu packagers -- MOTU probably
[21:41] <valorie> I assume it has a launchpad pad you can check out for progress
[21:42] <valorie> or ask in #libreoffice perhaps
[21:42] <ScottyK> sounds good. thanks!
[21:43] <Unit193> Utopic has the RC, ppa backports from there. I'm pretty sure LO is in main, thus not MOTU.
[21:43] <Unit193> Erm, duh it's right there, in universe. :P
[21:43] <mhlds> where can i find info of my hdd in kubuntu and disks ?
[21:43] <Unit193> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice says main, actually.
[21:43] <mhlds> and so i can format my usb
[21:46] <valorie> thanks, Unit193
[21:47] <repos> hello
[21:48] <repos> i am new arround here
[21:48] <valorie> hi repos
[21:48] <valorie> what can we help you with?
[21:49] <repos> i installed ubuntu today and changed the desktop to the kde and i wondered that should i remove the unity?
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[21:53] <valorie> repos: if you want to
[21:53] <valorie> no necessity to do so, however
[21:54] <valorie> use the applications you enjoy on either desktop
[21:54] <repos> thanks for the reply
[21:54] <valorie> personally I just install kubuntu directly, but I know what I like
[21:55] <repos> i guess i will make clean install with kubuntu
[21:56] <mhlds> where do i find, disks in kubuntu ?
[21:58] <valorie> disks?
[21:59] <valorie> not sure what you mean, mhlds?
[21:59] <Unit193> valorie: It's what gnome-disks is called, for drive info and such.
[21:59] <mhlds> i want to format my usb
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[21:59] <mhlds> i had lxde before. and all i needed to do was clicking on disks
[22:00] <mhlds> then id get info of my hdd and usb and such
[22:00] <mhlds> but i cant find it in kubuntu
[22:00] <mhlds> diskutilities
[22:02] <repos> did you tried dolphin?
[22:03] <mhlds> yes
[22:04] <mhlds> i want something like this http://ttcshelbyville.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/ubuntu-disk-properties.jpg
[22:05] <valorie> KDE Partition Manager is perhaps what you need
[22:05] <repos> Gparted can help you i guess
[22:12] <mhlds> i find a solution
[22:12] <mhlds> sudo apt-get install gnome-disk-utility
[22:12] <mhlds> it worked ;)
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[22:13] <mhlds> but i cant se any eta when transferring files to usb
[22:14] <mhlds> fixed that to :P
[22:14] <mhlds> i haver never tried kde before now
[22:14] <mhlds> allways used lxde and windows
[22:15] <valorie> lots of choices, mhlds
[22:15] <repos> same club mhlds
[22:15] <mhlds> :)
[22:15] <valorie> this isn't religion, it's tools to make your life easier
[22:16] <mhlds> kds is much mor fancy than lxde
[22:16] <mhlds> i like how it looks :)
[22:16] <valorie> me too!
[22:24] <repos> i came from the ubuntu unity and kde is the best :D
[22:26] <valorie> repos: I so agree, and again, it's not religious but a matter of taste (and also I love the KDE community)
[22:29] <mowdy> hey
[22:29] <mowdy> What is the best c/c++ editor for linux
[22:33] <valorie> mowdy: lots of choices; most choose kdevelop or Qt Creator
[22:33] <valorie> if not vim, kate, or other editors
[22:33] <mowdy> does any of them shows syntax colors ?
[22:34] * valorie is not a coder; no clue
[22:34] <mowdy> ;)
[22:34] <valorie> they are easy to google
[22:34] <mowdy> ill try out kdev
[22:34] <Unit193> vim and kate do, at least.
[22:34] <valorie> obv. qt creator is useful if you are using qt
[22:34] <valorie> kdevelop has a lot of fans
[22:38] <mowdy> kdev seems to do the job :D
[22:38] <mowdy> Thank you 1
[22:38] <mowdy> !
[22:39] <valorie> yay, one more kdev lover!
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[23:09] <alex_rock> hello @ all
[23:10] <valorie> hi alex_rock, how can we help?
[23:11] <alex_rock> i got a problem with displaying the remaining battery time on my dell 7537 inspiron. GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="acpi_osi=Linux" fixes the problem. but now i had no wifi after suspend to ram
[23:11] <alex_rock> (standby)
[23:11] <alex_rock> only a reboot fixes the problem...
[23:11] <alex_rock> to avoid this i removed the grub parameter
[23:12] <alex_rock> valorie: thank you for asking :-)
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[23:17] <valorie> !acpi
[23:17] <valorie> hmmm, ubottu has no help
[23:18] <valorie> do you have battery monitor widget?
[23:18] <valorie> oops
[23:21] <rocket_nozzle> valorie: yes. i modified ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc . there is now a empty space where the battery widget have to be, or was before..... after removing grub entry.
[23:23] <valorie> perhaps re-add it?
[23:23] <rocket_nozzle> valorie: i have reconnet via wifi and have now another name (was alex_rocket before)
[23:23] <valorie> you do that in the plasma toolbar directly
[23:23] <rocket_nozzle> yes
[23:23] <rocket_nozzle> can i send u a snapshot?
[23:24] <valorie> !paste
[23:24] <ubottu> For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.
[23:24] <valorie> I'm not the expert here, so you are talking to the channel of experts
[23:25] <valorie> unfortunately, it's friday night in europe, so many are away or asleep
[23:25] <rocket_nozzle> hehe
[23:26] <rocket_nozzle> http://i.imgur.com/MXbWNNs.png the battery icon is displayed, when the mouse pointer is over the empty field
[23:27] <valorie> even after re-adding via the plasma "cashew"?
[23:27] <rocket_nozzle> valorie: but why was no battery symbol at beginning. Dont worry about the Debian button. Its kubuntu. changed the button, because i like debian
[23:28] <valorie> ok
[23:28] <rocket_nozzle> cashew? what?
[23:28] <valorie> well, it's possible to just trash your old plasma panel and instead add a new one
[23:28] <valorie> and see if that fixes it
[23:30] <rocket_nozzle> ah ok. I backup my settings before. Which file is for the panel? PS where are u from? europe?
[23:30] <valorie> Washington state in the US
[23:31] <valorie> you click the cashew at the end of the panel
[23:31] <rocket_nozzle> ok
[23:31] <valorie> I see in your image that you have the battery icon on your desktop, rather than down in the panel
[23:31] <valorie> I think that's part of the problem
[23:31] <valorie> you added it to the desktop
[23:32] <valorie> the cashew is on the very end of the panel
[23:32] <valorie> rather small and faint
[23:32] <rocket_nozzle> it is only shown when i go to the panels free space, where it have to be
[23:32] <valorie> I see it on your desktop
[23:32] <valorie> and I suppose you can't drag it down to where it belongs
[23:33] <rocket_nozzle> it is only diplayed at mouse over
[23:33] <vendre_> hello currently have 3/4 versions of the same ubuntu 14.10 as well as a couple of other distros that I dont use all on one netbook. How do I delete all except the one?
[23:34] <valorie> vendre_: are you speaking of ISOs?
[23:34] <valorie> actual installed versions?
[23:34] <vendre_> yes
[23:35] <vendre_> yes
[23:35] <valorie> isos are easy, since they are just a file
[23:35] <valorie> right-click and delete
[23:35] <valorie> installed versions are a bit trickier
[23:36] <valorie> unless you just do a fresh install "use whole disk"
[23:36] <valorie> which is quite fast and easy
[23:37] <valorie> you realize that 14.10 is only in beta?
[23:37] <valorie> sorry, I need to leave
[23:37] <valorie> good luck to you, vendre_ and you rocket_nozzle
[23:38] <vendre_> that did not work
[23:38] <rocket_nozzle> valorie: http://imgur.com/FpTzzcU so no battery icon. I said before the grub parameter fixes the problem with battery completly. But after thet my wifi does not work after suspend...... so i have to choose diplayed battery correct, or wifi after suspend
[23:39] <valorie> I hope you find someone more expert than me!
[23:39] <rocket_nozzle> ok
[23:39] <rocket_nozzle> have fun
[23:39] <rocket_nozzle> thank you
[23:39] <rocket_nozzle> :-D
[23:40] <valorie> that image shows that your battery widget is NOT installed
[23:40] <valorie> it will have a green checkmark if used on the panel
[23:40] <valorie> bye!
[23:40] <rocket_nozzle> yes! the problem with the dell is known
[23:40] <rocket_nozzle> its nothing with kde
[23:40] <rocket_nozzle> dell 7537
[23:41] <vendre_> It is showing Cntl-x or F10 to boot, Cntl-c or F2 for a command line or ESC to discard and return t the GRUB menu