UbuntuIRC / 2014 /08 /29 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[07:20] <apachelogger> dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/libnepomukcore4abi1_4%3a4.13.90-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb (--unpack):
[07:20] <apachelogger> trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/libnepomukcleaner.so.4', which is also in package libnepomukcleaner4 4:4.13.2-0ubuntu0.1
[07:29] <valorie> yes, that's the troubling bit
[07:29] <valorie> I've tried different ways around it, but with no success
[07:33] <sgclark> 4.13.90? oy too many versions
[07:34] <valorie> it seems so, yes
[07:37] <sgclark> wasn't that an alpha? wouldn't it get overruled by 4.14.0?
[07:37] <sgclark> where nepomuk was removed...
[07:37] <yofel> Riddell: ^ did you really completely remove nepomuk from the archive? There seem to be leftovers
[07:45] <valorie> sgclark: what I did was upgrade
[07:45] <sgclark> my right click menu to assign kactivity/desktop seems to have gone on vacation : /
[07:45] <sgclark> valorie: from?
[07:45] <valorie> a couple of weeks ago version of utopic next
[07:45] <valorie> http://paste.kde.org/poz1qs9LL
[07:48] <sgclark> err why would it want to install 4.13.95 when 4.14.0 is available... can you paste your sources.list?
[07:48] <sgclark> valorie ^
[07:49] <valorie> let me turn it back on
[07:50] <valorie> I hadn't added anything extra
[07:51] <valorie> uh, where is it again?
[07:51] <valorie> i thought etc
[07:54] <Quintasan> lelditt
[07:56] <valorie> http://paste.kde.org/p853rafdw
[07:57] <valorie> sgclark: ^^^
[07:57] <sgclark> valorie: looks right, do you have anything in /etc/apt/sources.d
[07:58] <valorie> I tried to cat that, and got nothing
[07:58] <valorie> so at least there is no text
[07:58] <valorie> isn't that
[07:58] <valorie> a systemd thing?
[07:58] <valorie> and so not text
[07:59] <valorie> so I guess I don't yet know how to read it, and see if there is anything in it
[08:02] <Riddell> yofel: right there's more to be cleaned up
[08:03] <sgclark> looks like where nepomuk was removed libnepomukcore4abi1 was missed and needs to also be breaks/replace. Riddell: where did you remove nepomuk?
[08:03] <valorie> nope, looks like it is text
[08:03] <valorie> so it must be empty
[08:03] <Riddell> sgclark: I only removed it as a build dep from various places
[08:04] <Riddell> apt-cache rdepends libnepomukcore4abi1 shows some plasma-active places that still need it removed
[08:04] <sgclark> Riddell: libnepomukcore4abi1 seems to be wreaking havoc out there somewhere
[08:05] <Riddell> probably needs the replaces/breaks versions bumped for backports/srus
[08:05] <valorie> Riddell: http://paste.kde.org/p853rafdw
[08:05] <valorie> after an upgrade attempt
[08:21] <Riddell> valorie: you're the one having problems with nepomuk file conflicts?
[08:24] <valorie> yep
[08:24] <Riddell> yeah just need the breaks version bumped, let me do that
[08:24] <valorie> I hadn't upgraded that laptop since before leaving for Randa
[08:25] <valorie> figured I better test it before leaving for Vienna
[08:25] <Riddell> sudo dpkg --install --force-overwrites /var/cache/apt/archives/libnepomukcore4abi1_4%3a4.13.90-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb to workaround
[08:26] <valorie> ok, trying taht
[08:29] <Riddell> ah yofel did bump the breaks versions but it didn't get uploaded cos nepomuk is dead (except it's ghost lives on)
[08:29] <Riddell> I'll upload with new breaks versions and then try to kill it properly
[08:30] <yofel> ah, I probably only uploaded that to the backports
[08:41] <valorie> Riddell: dpkg: error: unknown force/refuse option `overwrites`
[08:42] <Riddell> --force-overwrite then
[08:42] <Riddell> valorie: ↑
[08:42] <Riddell> plasma-mobile (active) and share-like-connect both require nepomuk to build, shall I remove the lot of them?
[08:42] <apachelogger> yes
[08:43] <valorie> ok
[08:44] <valorie> paste.kde.org/pdytewsko
[08:45] <Riddell> valorie: then sudo apt -f install again
[08:45] <valorie> ok
[08:46] <valorie> ticking along
[08:46] <valorie> yes, success
[08:47] <sgclark> yay
[08:47] <valorie> nice to do testing that finds buglets!
[09:17] <lordievader> Good morning.
[09:26] <Riddell> hola lordievader
[09:27] <lordievader> Hey Riddell, how are you doing?
[09:31] <Riddell> I'm awesome thanks lordievader
[09:33] <lordievader> Cool :D
[09:37] <sgclark> Riddell: ok so autologin needs to be set in ./etc/sddm.conf but that does not exist only /etc/init/sddm.conf which does not appear to have user settings.
[09:38] <apachelogger> sddm.conf would have to be created
[09:39] <sgclark> I also find it odd the kcm module only supports kde4 and sddm is qt5 only now
[09:39] <apachelogger> defaults are builtin so there is no default config
[09:39] <sgclark> ahh
[09:39] <apachelogger> also I think shadeslayer was looking into this already
[09:40] <sgclark> ahh ok, on to other things then
[09:40] <sgclark> Riddell: ^
[09:44] * Riddell blogs http://wire.kubuntu.org/?p=178
[09:45] <Riddell> sgclark: hang on, I don't think he has looked at that yet
[09:45] <Riddell> sgclark: do you know where the kcm module is? it also needs packaged and included and I hear rumours that netrunner has packages but I haven't investigated
[09:46] <sgclark> Riddell: I can look into the kcm bit
[09:46] <Riddell> sgclark: you're right that /etc/sddm.conf doesn't seem to exist in which case it'll need to be created
[09:46] <Riddell> should be a simple case of writing the required values to the file in that ubiquity script
[09:47] <sgclark> Riddell: right, but if shadeslayer is already working on it, I can move on to the kcm module
[09:48] <sgclark> powerdevil seems to be functioning for me again. Needs others to test though
[09:48] <Riddell> sgclark: I don't think he is
[09:49] <Riddell> shadeslayer: alive?
[09:49] <sgclark> hmm, holding off till he says yay or nay
[09:53] <Riddell> shadeslayer: an OPO-FM-BLK has arrived for you from the states
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[09:59] <sgclark> apachelogger: is this an sddm kcm module that could be packaged? lp:~blue-shell-next/sddm-kcm/qt5
[10:00] * apachelogger fails to see point TBH
[10:00] <apachelogger> it would end up in experimental anyway
[10:00] <apachelogger> but yeah, that's the branch
[10:06] <Riddell> sgclark: asking d_ed
[10:07] <Riddell> sgclark: this one https://github.com/sddm/sddm-kcm
[10:07] <Riddell> sgclark: d_ed says he'll look at releasing it one he's spoken to the author
[10:08] <Riddell> sgclark: so package it for now and hopefully it'll be good to go shortly
[10:08] <sgclark> Riddell: that one is for kde4 which won't work will it?
[10:08] <Riddell> sgclark: there's a qt5 branch
[10:08] <sgclark> ahh ok
[10:08] <Riddell> https://github.com/sddm/sddm-kcm/tree/qt5
[10:09] <sgclark> ty
[10:09] <Riddell> he says it'll also need some changes to libpolkit-qt5-1-1
[10:10] <apachelogger> those are landed
[10:11] <Riddell> apachelogger: the ones needed for kauth?
[10:12] <apachelogger> yeah
[10:12] <Riddell> sgclark: looks like some chap called harald already did some packaging so you should be able to take that and tidy it up (he's a messy sort) https://code.launchpad.net/~blue-shell-next/sddm-kcm/packaging
[10:15] <apachelogger> Riddell: where should we run jenkins? I fear qa.kubuntu might be a bit too weak for a java web service
[10:15] <apachelogger> could put it on the server we use for neon orchestration right now
[10:15] <apachelogger> alas, that's a bluesystems thing
[10:17] <Riddell> apachelogger: fine with me but of course it'll limit access to yourself so just less likely other people can help
[10:18] <apachelogger> well, myself and shadeslayer
[10:19] <Riddell> if he wakes up
[10:20] <apachelogger> at any rate jenkins user access shouldn't be a problem, then again I don't think there'll be much management to be done via webui
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[10:21] <apachelogger> http://paste.ubuntu.com/8177384/ <- completely automated job changes using a template config xD
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[10:44] <sgclark> copy and paste is not functioning as expected...
[10:44] <Riddell> ?
[10:45] <sgclark> ctrl c close file ctrl v new file and nothing gets pasted. however if you leave the original file open it pastes...
[10:45] <yofel> latter is the native X behavior, so it klipper is somehow broken
[10:46] <sgclark> klipper has the paste in it so can paste from there, but that involves extra steps
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[11:46] <sgclark> Riddell: apachelogger: sddm-kcm cleaned up and builds. I am testing now and the standalone module seems mostly functional, shouldn't there be a place in systemsettings for it? is there an extra step to make that happen?
[11:53] <Riddell> sgclark: it'll install a .desktop file
[11:54] <Riddell> which system settings will pick up
[11:54] <Riddell> maybe running kbuildsycoca5 will help if it doesn't
[11:56] <Riddell> sgclark: should go in /usr/share/kservices5/
[12:00] <sgclark> ok that file is there, will try kbuildsyscoca5
[12:01] <sgclark> that was it
[12:11] <sgclark> Riddell: where do you want this?
[12:14] <Riddell> sgclark: I guess in experimental for now then we poke d_ed to make a release
[12:14] <sgclark> Riddell: ok
[12:15] <Riddell> sgclark: shadeslayer just appeared, you can fight it out who wants to do the sddm autologin stuff in ubiquity
[12:16] <sgclark> Riddell: he can have it, I am going to take a lunch at 5 am lol, otherwise I will get to it when I get back
[12:17] <Riddell> bug 1361474
[12:17] <ubottu> bug 1361474 in usb-creator (Ubuntu) "Error erasing device when there is dos partition table but no partition" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1361474
[12:17] <Riddell> bug 1300361
[12:17] <ubottu> bug 1300361 in OEM Priority Project "cannot format when no partition table is present" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1300361
[12:18] <Riddell> hmm fixes just been proposed for those
[12:20] * shadeslayer materializes out of thin air
[12:22] <shadeslayer> Riddell: have you guys done lunch yet?
[12:22] <Riddell> shadeslayer: nope, and I'm in a mood to just get a sandwich, I'm deep in ubiqutiy code
[12:22] <shadeslayer> heh ok
[12:23] <shadeslayer> I want to go to Gat Blau
[12:23] <shadeslayer> been ages since I've been there
[12:23] <Riddell> oh you and your fancy smancy food, back when I was wee we were lucky to have half a jeely piece for lunch!
[12:23] <shadeslayer> lol
[12:24] <shadeslayer> well, it's not the 90's anymore
[12:25] <Riddell> ...and even then it was the half without the jeely!
[12:34] * apachelogger has changed up jenkins jobs xD
[12:37] <apachelogger> http://i.imgur.com/DsCns5M.png much dep tracking everywhere
[12:37] * apachelogger does wonder how to efficiently manage dep tracking tho
[12:37] <shadeslayer> :D
[12:38] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: 20 build slaves :O
[12:38] <apachelogger> real men have many cores
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[12:42] <apachelogger> perhaps we should simply let the heap of projects be generated from kde-build-metadata
[12:42] <apachelogger> that way we can simply reuse upstream's inter-dep list to generate the job dependencies
[13:26] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all
[13:26] <soee> hiho BluesKaj
[13:29] <BluesKaj> beta 1 works ok on the desktop, but the nvidia 331 driver fails to load X and the login screen lightdm here. Had to revert to nouveau for to get a working desktop altho nouveau behaves very well with the desktop effects enabled
[13:29] <BluesKaj> hi soee
[13:30] <BluesKaj> haven't tried beta 1 on this laptop yet
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[14:07] <sgclark> shadeslayer: are you working on sddm autologin stuff in ubiquity
[14:07] <shadeslayer> sgclark: just got back from lunch, it's on my todo for today
[14:08] <sgclark> shadeslayer: ok ty
[14:08] <sgclark> Riddell: I will go through bugs and find dups and see if there is anything I can attempt
[14:10] <Riddell> sgclark: new packaging needed for kdevelop comes to mind
[14:10] <sgclark> Riddell: ok sure
[14:14] <Riddell> also wacomtablet https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=kubuntu-packaging
[14:14] <sgclark> Riddell: also experimental is a mess of old stuff like frameworks 4.100.0 can I clean that up?
[14:14] <Riddell> sgclark: sure
[14:29] <mcstr_> does anyone knows what kind of script is used for the kipi plugins used in ksnapshot to upload on several image hosters?
[14:29] <Riddell> mcstr_: plugins in C++ I think
[14:30] <Riddell> apt-get source kipi-plugins for the code
[14:30] <mcstr_> riddell i would love to do one for postimage.org because i really like their service seems someone else was trying this already tho http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18689409/image-uploading-script-in-python
[14:31] <Riddell> https://projects.kde.org/projects/extragear/graphics/kipi-plugins/repository
[14:31] <Riddell> mcstr_: it they have no API it's likely to be tricky
[14:32] <mcstr_> riddell too tricky for me then :(
[14:33] <mcstr_> http://postimage.org/mod.php
[14:34] <mcstr_> seems like they are using a script
[14:34] <mcstr_> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://mod.postimage.org/website-english.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
[14:38] <mcstr_> i have made a html site and added the code but not even this does anything
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[15:52] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: ping
[15:52] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: thoughts on why this gives a permission error : http://pastebin.kde.org/pycnimjvv
[16:00] * Riddell does the I found a way to fix bug 1182784 dance
[16:00] <ubottu> bug 1182784 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Install with non English language fails on Keyboard: "ubi-console-setup failed with exit code 141" or "Installer Crashed"" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1182784
[16:02] <tsimpson> shadeslayer: the redirect is done by the shell not sudo
[16:03] <shadeslayer> tsimpson: http://paste.kde.org/pmy4cqrdp
[16:03] <shadeslayer> tsimpson: what would be the right way to do this?
[16:03] <tsimpson> you can use 'sudo tee filename' instead of '> filename'
[16:04] <tsimpson> little difficult sometimes
[16:04] <tsimpson> or you can just run it from a root shell
[16:05] <tsimpson> ... cat << EOF | sudo tee /etc/sddm.conf; may work
[16:07] <shadeslayer> nope
[16:08] <shadeslayer> tsimpson: writes to host system that does
[16:08] <tsimpson> maybe you're just missing quotes then
[16:09] <tsimpson> and/or wrapping it in sh -c
[16:09] <shadeslayer> hmm
[16:10] <shadeslayer> wrapping it sh -c will work
[16:10] <shadeslayer> but it's going to be weird
[16:10] <shadeslayer> trying to extract the user
[16:22] <Riddell> adiu
[16:28] <shadeslayer> Riddell: wrong spelling Ithink
[16:28] <shadeslayer> ok nope
[16:28] <shadeslayer> nothing works
[16:28] <shadeslayer> *headdesk*
[16:28] <shadeslayer> spent too much time on this
[16:28] <shadeslayer> screw it
[16:28] <shadeslayer> will have a look on Monday
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[20:59] <Quintasan> Riddell: hmm
[21:13] <kdeuser56> how do I get the build deps of a package in neon again?
[21:14] <kdeuser56> "apt-get build-dep project-neon5-kwin" does not work :-(
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[21:28] <kdeuser56> it says unable to find source package for ...
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[21:53] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: I am not sure what you are trying to do
[21:53] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: you are supposed to change user-setup to write that thing
[21:56] <valorie> so, one last error last night, after I logged off here: paste.kde.org/ptxsvdknk
[21:57] <valorie> first bit and last bit
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[22:10] <valorie> anyway, I'm leaving for the cabin after dinner ~3 hours from now, so I guess unlikely to be fixed until Sunday at the earliest
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[22:13] <valorie> I assume it is done the same with with the --forceoverwrite but I don't know the name of the file to do that with, and the underlying problem should be fixed anyway
[22:14] <valorie> perhaps I'll just send an email to kub-devel
[22:32] <valorie> sent
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[23:56] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: that is from user-setup