UbuntuIRC / 2014 /08 /26 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
=== magic is now known as notmagic
=== deegee__ is now known as drussell
[06:18] <lordievader> Good morning.
[06:18] <elfy> morning
[06:23] <lordievader> Hey elfy, how are you?
[06:24] <elfy> good thanks lordievader - you?
[06:25] <lordievader> elfy: Waking up, but furthermode okay ;)
[06:25] <elfy> yea - a bit like that here too - not really wanting to go to work but heyho :p
=== magic is now known as Guest5641
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== deegee is now known as drussell
=== jpds_ is now known as jpds
[09:51] <BluesKaj> 'Morning folks
=== deegee is now known as drussell
=== Guest5641 is now known as notmagic
[15:21] <MichaelP> kubuntu 14.10 kde 4.14 plasma 5... after installed plasma 5 power management configuration module not be loaded... The power management service apears not to be running... ..system seetting startup and shutdown.. background services.. says power management is running... but under power management it is gray out
[15:48] <lordievader> MichaelP: Anyhow, is the power management service running?
[15:51] <MichaelP> lordievader: under startup and shutdown.. background services says it it
[15:51] <lordievader> MichaelP: Is it running or not?
[15:54] <MichaelP> startup and shutdown background services says it is... so what command wil tell
[15:55] <MichaelP> http://i.imgur.com/D4c3QnM.png
[15:59] <lordievader> MichaelP: Reading Riddel's comments I don't think this is a simple fix ;)
[16:03] <MichaelP> it was good kde 4.13 with plasma 5... then kde 4.14 with plasma 5 when it started
[16:04] <MichaelP> i running normal utopic 14.10 kde live.. then added ppa for plasma 5
=== magic is now known as Guest15450
=== Guest15450 is now known as magic
[19:44] <S0-2> Hi
[19:44] <S0-2> I'm using 14.10 on a Nexus 7.. What's the password for phablet?
[19:44] <S0-2> I'd like to install some stuff.
[19:47] <S0-2> 'phablet' doesn't work as password as Google suggests.
[19:48] <Beldar> S0-2, This ubuntu-touch?
[19:48] <S0-2> Yes
[19:49] <Beldar> S0-2, They have a channel, the utopic here is not the same, #ubuntu-touch
[19:49] <S0-2> Ah, thanks.
[19:49] <Beldar> no prob
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
=== tlyu_ is now known as tlyu
[22:48] <winael> Hi everyone
[22:48] <winael> I need a little help to fill a bug about utopic-desktop-next (It feel like a bug)
[22:50] <winael> in fact I don't know if it is an issue with the version itself or with Mir. According to dmesg I have a segfault with i915_dri.so module
[22:51] <winael> the result is a beautiful black screen with the possibility to move the mouse before being on the login screen
[22:52] <winael> I don't know if someone could help me to fill the bug, each time I want to report it, I jump to the how to fill a report bug wiki page :(
[23:01] <trism> winael: you can use: ubuntu-bug mesa; if you can't get that to work the wiki page describes how to file on the website, but they will probably need the info from ubuntu-bug