UbuntuIRC / 2014 /08 /26 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[01:41] <Layton> Hello
[01:42] <Layton> any proficient ubuntu / lubuntu users here who can aswer a few quick questions :o ?
[03:51] <swift110> Hey
[03:54] <swift110> Hey
[04:12] <swift110> Hmm
[05:17] <finrod> Do you need Git to run libDVDcss?
[05:19] <Unit193> Nope.
[05:19] <Unit193> !libdvdcss
[05:19] <ubottu> Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats
[05:20] <finrod> thank you Unit193, take care
[08:58] <billyo> Hi guys ..what's the deal with files saved under a guest login... the next time you login as guest another number is designated presumably ..does this alone explain why files saved by the guest are no longer there after restarting?
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[09:06] <billyo> Does anyone know how to access files saved as guest?
[12:08] <faLUCE> hello, how can I disable password after screen locking on 14.04?
[12:11] <ikonia> on lubuntu or ubuntu ?
[12:11] <ikonia> (as in which desktop)
[12:11] <junka> it should be disabled by default
[12:12] <junka> but you can check in menu preferences light locker settings
[12:50] <junka> i wonder does lubuntu 12.04 still get updates?
[12:51] <ikonia> junka: yes
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[12:59] <junka> how can i add a picture do lightlocker?
[12:59] <junka> s/do/to
[13:00] <winb> lubuntu 14.04 uses Firefox, not chromium?
[13:01] <junka> yes since 13.10
[13:02] <winb> good
[13:31] <winb> What is most common to use as text-editor in lubuntu? In ubuntu I used gedit
[13:32] <hateball> leafpad
[13:45] <holstein> winb: you can easily install gedit and use it in lubuntu.. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gedit
[13:46] <holstein> or, use the package manager of your choice.. you can also, if you feel main ubuntus' package selection better fits your needs/preferences, you can just add the lxde desktop to it
[13:46] <holstein> lots of folks use the mini iso, and build up whatever they like from scratch..
[13:46] <holstein> !mini
[13:46] <ubottu> The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want. The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD
[13:47] <holstein> winb: otherwise, lubuntu *is* ubuntu, having the same access to the same exact packages in the same repos.. so, if you want chromium, you can install chromium-brower easily, and have the *same* chromium you would in ubuntu or any of the official flavors
[13:55] <winb> holstein: I don't want to use gedit if I have other options. I'd like to use lubuntu as it is meant to be
[13:55] <winb> And I prefer ff
[13:58] <holstein> winb: you have literally thousands of options.. if you prefer gedit, its there. the *same* gedit from ubuntu that you are used to useing
[14:17] <Thordon> Hi. I'm trying to troubleshoot a problem with a program not starting on boot on lubuntu 14.04. I have added a startup file to ~/.config/autostart but the program is not starting on boot. Where can I find the log files for autostart if there are any?
[14:18] <holstein> Thordon: what i typically do is try the command in the terminal, and see that it works there.. does it?
[14:18] <Thordon> Yes, it works
[14:18] <holstein> Thordon: i would look at how im adding it where.. you are using the gui? and you input the exact command? what is the command?
[14:19] <Thordon> Its the Vino VNC server Im trying to start. It might have something to do with the fact that its plugged in via HDMI.
[14:20] <Thordon> the command is "/usr/lib/vino/vino-server --sm-disable"
[14:21] <Thordon> and its the same in ~/.config/autostart/vino-server.desktop
[14:21] <Thordon> the file has the line: "Exec=/usr/lib/vino/vino-server --sm-disable"
[14:21] <holstein> Thordon: you are trying to get it to start before the user logs in, though, correct? the "autostart" area you are in is for after
[14:21] <Thordon> Either is fine as long as it works
[14:23] <holstein> i would move on to /etc/rc.local
[14:23] <Thordon> I'd need to write a boot script to do it that way, right?
[14:25] <holstein> Thordon: i would just try it both ways.. you can make a script and test it easily before adding it
[14:25] <holstein> i made a CPU freq set script that i added there..
[15:31] <anavarro> Hi there! Can anyone help me set up a multi-display properly?
[15:32] <holstein> anavarro: i use the gui tool "arandr"
[15:32] <holstein> anavarro: you can easily test setup, and export a script for settings, or to add to startup, etc
[15:32] <anavarro> I've used ARandR and I can work with the two monitors now, but the problem is the menu panel
[15:32] <anavarro> ohh
[15:33] <anavarro> nice.
[15:33] <anavarro> I also have problems when locking my desktop
[15:33] <holstein> i find that in xfce, when i have panel problems, its usually becuase im letting the displays overlap
[15:33] <anavarro> when I get back in I have to do it all over again
[15:33] <holstein> anavarro: i disable locking, and use a custom locker
[15:34] <holstein> !info xtrlock
[15:34] <ubottu> xtrlock (source: xtrlock): Minimal X display lock program. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6 (trusty), package size 7 kB, installed size 64 kB
[15:35] <anavarro> So. To get it right. How can I add my configuration to startup and not having to do it every time?
[15:36] <holstein> anavarro: well, "right" can be a matter of opinion and use case, but, for me, i use arandr to get things "right" for me, then, i save the script for the settings from the arandr menu.. i then, navigate to the script and test it.. then, add it to the starup if i want to use it.. i'll typically add a sleep command in the script
[15:39] <anavarro> holstein, ohhh
[15:39] <anavarro> holstein, I see. What ARandR generates is a bash script so you can added to the start up...
[15:39] <anavarro> holstein, I think I got it now.
[15:43] <holstein> anavarro: thats how i use it.. but, you can just save them, and click on them for going between settings.. whatever you might need the script for.. and, you can "cherry pick" the info from the script for other purposes
[15:44] <anavarro> holstein, I'm doing it right now. I'll come back soon to let you know!
[15:49] <anavarro> holstein, It worked like a charm!
[15:50] <holstein> anavarro: enjoy!
[15:50] <anavarro> holstein, Now. Every time a lock my desktop I get all my apps closed when I get back in.
[15:50] <anavarro> holstein, Is that normal? How do I fix that?
[15:54] <holstein> anavarro: all i can say is, i dont use the locker.. i use xtrlock.. i prefer it, and disable/remove other lockers
[15:55] <anavarro> holstein, I'll take a look at that now. Can you point me to a good tutorial on how to do that?
[15:56] <holstein> anavarro: i just remove what isnt working, and i install xtrlock and issue it from the commandline when i want it, but it could be scripted to a button or a key combo or whatever
[15:58] <anavarro> holstein, Is it weird that LXDE drop all you apps when look the desktop? I really appreciate all your help!!
[16:00] <holstein> anavarro: tbh, this is just part of what i do to setup a machine, so i actually havent personally tested or tried desktop locking by default in a while
[16:00] <holstein> !bug
[16:00] <ubottu> If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.
[16:00] <holstein> anavarro: if you dont find a bug, and make a new one, let me know, and i'll try and confirm the behavior
[16:02] <anavarro> holstein, What would be the package in this case?? :s
[16:03] <holstein> anavarro: i suppose thats the locker in the screensaver, correct?
[16:04] <anavarro> holstein, I have no idea, but I'll read how to report a bug since it is my first time (believe it or not)
[16:04] <anavarro> LOL
[16:06] <randi> hi, I have a problem accessing files from home directory of a lubuntu 14.0.1 installation on a flash drive
[16:07] <holstein> randi: what problem? permissions?
[16:07] <randi> encrypted home directory that is
[16:07] <randi> I selected encrypt home directory during the installation
[16:08] <holstein> randi: sure.. so, when you login to the user, the /home is decrypted. are you in another user account trying to access the /home?
[16:09] <randi> No I am on a different os on the host laptop that I have the usb stick plugged into
[16:10] <holstein> randi: what would i do? boot the stick, login, and move files to an unencrypted area.. the files i want
[16:11] <randi> I could do that but is there a way to set up access to the encrypted directory ?
[16:11] <holstein> otherwise it'll be like http://askubuntu.com/questions/238047/how-do-i-mount-an-encrypted-home-directory-on-another-ubuntu-machine
[16:11] <testdr> randi: NO
[16:11] <randi> period ?
[16:12] <holstein> randi: the whole idea is that you have restricted the access with encryption
[16:12] <randi> Of course
[16:13] <randi> Its the first time I thought I would try the encryption
[16:14] <randi> Often times encryption can be unlocked with a password
[16:14] <testdr> randi: thats what u do if u log in as the user, who owns this home
[16:15] <holstein> randi: the link i gave shows how to unlock it with the passphrase
[16:15] <holstein> i would find it easier to just login to the user account traditionally and get the files
[16:21] <randi> thanks holstein
[16:22] <randi> I'll try that
[17:25] <chaotix> hi
[17:25] <chaotix> i installed cairo dock, but there is a transparency issue
[17:28] <chaotix> xcompmgr seems to fix it... nvm
[17:28] <chaotix> thanks though
[17:28] <chaotix> lol
[17:53] <junka> how can i add a picture to lighdm? i read about renaming a pic to .face in my home folder, did not work
[18:00] <genii> Probably needed to be a PNG
[18:01] <junka> it was a png :/
[18:01] <genii> junka: What says result of: file .face
[18:04] <junka> cannot open
[18:05] <genii> Odd.
[18:07] <genii> Is it owned by the user who's home directory it is in?
[18:07] <junka> mine and mine
[18:12] <genii> junka: Does using sudo with the file command produce a different result, or still can't open?
[18:12] <testdr> junka: did you check the lightdm config-files in /etc/lightdm vor the naming of the backgrounds?
[18:13] <junka> i dont wanna change the background
[18:13] <junka> but the profile pic
[18:14] <genii> If the .face exists and is a square PNG file smaller than about 300 pixels x 300 pixels the greeter should automatically display it
[18:18] <junka> it is
[18:18] <testdr> junka: only for shure - its about the user-profile-face and you dont use an encrypted home-directory?
[18:19] <junka> yes and yes
[18:20] <testdr> junka: for Ubuntu-13.04 it was said, the picture should be a jpeg and a Dot-File named ".face"
[18:21] <testdr> junka: and for shure, the file and the directory (=your home-directore) need to have access-rights for lightdm
[18:22] <junka> do i need to reboot?
[18:22] <testdr> junka: no - logout should be enough
[18:23] <junka> what if i switch users
[18:23] <junka> cause i did and still blank
[18:26] <genii> Should logout, then ctrl-alt-f1 and sudo service lightdm restart ...to make sure it's not using anything cached
[18:28] <testdr> junka: for shure, i did check it and it works - do you wanna try it?
[18:29] <junka> testdr, yes please. I'm finishing saving some stuff
[18:29] <testdr> junka: ok - first create a new simple user and name it: test
[18:30] <testdr> junka: then cp with sudo like this: sudo cp /usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-about-logo.png /home/test/.face
[18:30] <junka> testdr, why not my current user?
[18:30] <junka> :P
[18:31] <testdr> junka: because you should not mangle your system-user - and i dont know what you might do
[18:31] <junka> ok
[18:32] <testdr> junka: then change the access-rights of this file with: sudo chmod a+rw /home/test/.face
[18:33] <testdr> junka: then use the "switch-user-option" of the lubuntu-logut-menu to call the lightdm-login-screen and select this new test-user and there is the gnome-foot with its name
[18:33] <genii> Perms should be 664 for .face
[18:33] <testdr> junka: this works with lubuntu-14.04.1 (have tested it)
[18:34] <junka> no such file
[18:35] <testdr> junka: he - no gnome? Then use the synaptic.png or gksu.png of this directory
[18:35] <testdr> junka: this is only to make shure you have no special missconfigured image-file
[18:36] <junka> should i change perms
[18:36] <testdr> junka: i already did type this, its a few lines above..
[18:37] <junka> i did not have to. I just cp the image
[18:37] <junka> and tried to switch user
[18:37] <junka> there was the synaptic image in test profile
[18:38] <testdr> junka: now you can check why it may not work with your own account - maybe access-rights, wrong image and so on - try it with the synaptic.png in your home-directory
[18:38] <junka> ok
[18:39] <junka> worked. My image is eeew
[18:39] <junka> :P
[18:39] <testdr> junka: now load this .face into (maybe) gimp and look for the dimensions and copy your own face into it (from your face-picture)
[18:40] <junka> i just saw my .face pics lol
[18:40] <junka> synaptic is .face and my i have two of my iamges .face.jpg and .face.png
[18:40] <junka> ...
[18:41] <junka> renamed to .face and finally got it right :D
[18:41] <junka> thanks testdr for your time
[18:43] <testdr> junka: now you can delete the "test"-user or use it for other tests
[18:53] <junka> there is no volume osd
[18:53] <junka> and the brightness one, the level is weird
[20:35] <Unit193> rafaellaguna: (Rather catch you on -ot, but) lxpanel release post on your blog states it'll be in Utopic, what's your source on this?
[20:36] <rafaellaguna> on Utopic? who says that?
[20:36] <Unit193> Ah, that's what I took you to mean with "Soon in Lubuntu repositories."
[20:36] <rafaellaguna> yes, Lubuntu repositories, for Trusty, Utopic, etc.
[20:37] <rafaellaguna> once inside bazaar we can make packages for all releases
[20:37] <rafaellaguna> usually Julien compiles for the last three of four ones
[20:37] <rafaellaguna> so we can keep compatibility and still giving support
[20:37] <Unit193> bazaar is a vcs. Oh, you mean a PPA? OK, that's a bit different.
[20:37] <wxl> Unit193: see, told you to talk to the boss
[20:38] <rafaellaguna> I mean a PPA first and then onto main repos
[20:38] <Unit193> It's past feature freeze, and I didn't see any FFe on it.
[20:38] * Unit193 shrugs.
[20:38] <rafaellaguna> Stage PPA ;)
[20:39] <rafaellaguna> or simply Dev PPA
[20:39] <wxl> yeah it's doubtful that an FFe is going to come about
[20:39] * wxl points at offtopic
[20:39] <Unit193> OK, so still with 0.6.2 in utopic, great.
[20:39] <rafaellaguna> of course, the 90% of news are for Utopic, that's logical
[20:39] <rafaellaguna> dunno, version guy is Julien, he decides when importing things from git
[21:50] <Alex___> How do I connect to wifi?
[21:57] <anarkhos> network manager
[21:57] <anarkhos> via the menu
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