UbuntuIRC / 2014 /08 /25 /#ubuntu-app-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:44] <pabloff9_> hello there
[00:45] <pabloff9_> I need help finding documentation on scopes for Unity 7
[00:45] <pabloff9_> I can only find them for Unity 8
[00:54] <inder_gt> hey guys, whats the better way to do indicator applets, pygtk or pygi?
[00:57] <sergiusens> pabloff9_: inder_gt both your questions might be better answered in #ubuntu-unity
[00:58] <inder_gt> got it sergiusens thanks
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[07:02] <dholbach> good morning
[07:04] <kalikiana> t1mp: please review this again https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/sourceOverflow/+merge/229960
[07:07] <justCarakas> Good mornign all
[07:24] <justCarakas> I'm working on a game, for those who want to try a test version: http://kamisado.gigapps.be/
[08:07] <t1mp> kalikiana: ok
[08:38] <kalikiana> t1mp: I fixed the typo in the FFFF florian noted and merged staging in https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/offWhite/+merge/229973 I can't see any failures except before I cleaned the branch after the merge, so I assume you had some left-over files when you got those errors
[08:40] <t1mp> kalikiana: perhaps it was an issue fixed in staging
[08:40] <t1mp> kalikiana: I'll review again
[08:40] <kalikiana> t1mp: it wasn't, it passed before as jenkins agrees on
[08:40] <kalikiana> hm, though I guess j would have merged it automatically
[08:41] <kalikiana> well, whichever it was, it seems to pass now
[08:54] <kalikiana> nik90: I noticed, as I got asked about example code, this is still collecting dust https://code.launchpad.net/~uonedb-qt/u1db-qt/advanced-game/+merge/209920
[08:55] <nik90> kalikiana: I will look at it now and try to get it merged today.
[08:55] <kalikiana> nik90: that would rock!
[08:55] <nik90> kalikiana: will ping you for a review a bit later
[09:35] <nik90> t1mp: Is it not possible to do Action { id: sampleaction }, and then use that in head.actions: [ Action { action: sampleaction } ] ?
[09:36] <nik90> t1mp: I want to define an action in one place and use it in other places
[09:37] <t1mp> nik90: yes
[09:37] <t1mp> nik90: did you try it?
[09:37] <nik90> t1mp: I did
[09:37] <nik90> t1mp: it says "Cannot assign to non-existent property "action""
[09:37] <t1mp> should be head.actions: [ sampleAction ]
[09:37] <nik90> ah that works yes
[09:37] <nik90> thnx
[09:37] <t1mp> :)
[09:55] <nik90> kalikiana: I updated the example to use the latest sdk headers and fixed some icon paths.
[09:56] <nik90> kalikiana: Is there anything in particular you would like to me to add?
[09:56] <nik90> kalikiana: I went through the example and it shows indexing and querying quite nicely
[10:02] <nik90> mzanetti: hey, good afternoon
[10:02] <nik90> mzanetti: when you have some time, can you show me how to run qmltestrunner within qtcreator
[10:08] <kalikiana> nik90: niiiiice upgrade. I think it's fine feature-wise. I'd probably add other samples rather than making this more complex.
[10:08] <kalikiana> if you're new, it tends to be more confusing than helpful if it there's too much at once
[10:11] * kalikiana changed it to Needs Review to get CI going
[10:11] <DanChapman> Good Morning all o/
[10:16] <nik90> kalikiana: other samples to the same qml project? or as a new project?
[10:17] <nik90> kalikiana: nvrmind I got it :)
[10:17] <kalikiana> new project :-)
[10:18] <nik90> kalikiana, t1mp: Question for either of you. Say I have a PageStack where I push Page1 and then on clicking a button I push Page2. In my QML Unit Test, I have only defined PageStack and Page1. After pushing Page2, how do I access elements in Page2?
[10:19] <nik90> I tried, var page2 = findChild(Page, "page2objectname")
[10:19] <nik90> and then, var elementinPage2 = findChild(page2, "elementobjectname)
[10:19] <nik90> but that dint work
[10:20] <kalikiana> could it be a race? is the page in a loader?
[10:20] <nik90> Page2 isn't in a loader. It is just defined in a separate file.
[10:20] <nik90> I can access Page2 by clicking on a header button in Page1.
[10:20] <nik90> since I defined Page1 in my test, I can access the header button
[10:20] <mzanetti> nik90: hi
[10:21] <nik90> mzanetti: hi :)
[10:21] <mzanetti> nik90: I don't think I've ran qmltestrunner from within qtcreator...
[10:21] <mzanetti> nik90: however, if you have a make target for it, you should be able to select that in qtc
[10:21] <nik90> mzanetti: I thought u showed of runnign unity8 tests in qtc
[10:22] <mzanetti> nik90: hmm... maybe... IIRC someone asked that question and I just told the same
[10:22] <mzanetti> nik90: if you have a make target for it, you should be able to select that in qtc
[10:23] <nik90> mzanetti: can I add the make target in the cmake file itself?
[10:23] <nik90> mzanetti: or do I need a separate makefile
[10:23] <mzanetti> no, you don't need a separate make file
[10:23] <mzanetti> nik90: but don't you have that already?
[10:23] <mzanetti> "make test" does execute your tests, no?
[10:24] <nik90> make test does execute the tests, but that's defined in the cmake files
[10:24] <nik90> we don't have a separate make file
[10:26] <nik90> mzanetti: I think this is fine since it is a minor inconvenience. I think I hit a bigger issue though.
[10:27] <mzanetti> nik90: why would you want a separate make file?
[10:27] <nik90> mzanetti: I don't, its just that I noticed in the default qtc templates that they add a separate makefile with the instructions to run AP and unit tests
[10:27] <nik90> mzanetti: so I figured may be I might need it
[10:28] <mzanetti> nik90: no... drop that
[10:28] <mzanetti> we're not writing makefiles manually any more
[10:28] <mzanetti> :)
[10:28] <nik90> :)
[10:30] <nik90> mzanetti: I started writing a bigger qml test which involves creating a new alarm. However I am unable to access the elements in the pages I push.
[10:31] <nik90> mzanetti: these pages I push, I didn't declare them in my test file.
[10:31] <nik90> https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/10-add-more-qmltests/view/head:/tests/unit/tst_alarm.qml
[10:31] <nik90> I only declared the first alarmPage.qml. The rest of the file like alarmRepeat.qml, alarmSound.qml etc are pushed but not declared. Any thoughts on how to access them?
[10:32] <nik90> or is that a wrong way to do in qml tests?
[10:32] <mzanetti> no... its ok
[10:32] <mzanetti> what exactly is the issue? I didn't understand
[10:32] <mzanetti> you can findChile() anything in the object tree
[10:32] <mzanetti> findChild() :)
[10:33] <mzanetti> line 60 is broken... what us "Page" ?
[10:33] <nik90> yup it fails at https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/10-add-more-qmltests/view/head:/tests/unit/tst_alarm.qml#L60
[10:33] <nik90> Page is a SDK Page. I am not sure how else to define it :P
[10:33] <mzanetti> yeah... what do you expect it to do?
[10:33] <mzanetti> create a new "Page" and search that?
[10:34] <t1mp> nik90, mzanetti the first parameter is the object id where you want to start searching for the child
[10:34] <t1mp> so Page is invalid there
[10:34] <mzanetti> t1mp: I know... that's what I'm trying to say
[10:34] <nik90> so can I do findChild("addAlarmPage") ?
[10:35] <t1mp> nik90: you are confused with select_single in autopilot
[10:35] <t1mp> nik90: findChild(parent_id, child_objectName)
[10:35] <nik90> t1mp: well the SDK docs for findChild() says the first argument is findChild( obj, objectName)
[10:36] <nik90> t1mp: so I figured obj is ObjectType aka Page and the objectName is addAlarmPage
[10:36] <t1mp> nik90: obj is the object in which you search for the object with the specified name. It is not an object type
[10:36] <t1mp> nik90: for example, testCase.back_button = findChild(app_header, "backButton");
[10:37] <nik90> t1mp: ah ok
[10:39] <nik90> hmm, I am still stuck
[10:40] <nik90> so say I want to go from AlarmPage.qml -> EditAlarmPage.qml -> AlarmRepeat.qml. Do I have to declare all these pages in my qml test file?
[10:41] <nik90> atm I have only declared AlarmPage.qml in my file.
[10:41] <nik90> as a result I cannot access the object EditAlarmPage by its specified name
[10:55] <rpadovani> nik90, just fyi, alarms work very well. I set an alarm 2 weeks ago for a test, I forgot it, and now it sounds. I was very surprised to hear a sound from my nexus 4 device :D
[10:55] <nik90> rpadovani: :D
[11:04] <nik90> t1mp: In https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/trunk/view/head:/tests/unit/tst_components/tst_pagestack.qml, how would you access page2 if you didn't declare it in the test file but it was part of your project?
[11:04] <nik90> t1mp: that's what I am trying to do
[11:23] <nik90> mzanetti: So in https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/trunk/view/head:/tests/unit/tst_components/tst_pagestack.qml#L138, if page2 wasn't declared there, one cannot use page2 in the test?
[11:29] <mzanetti> nik90: no... that's not how it works :)
[11:29] <mzanetti> nik90: you know autopilot vis, do you?
[11:30] <nik90> mzanetti: yeah I do, can I use that?
[11:30] <mzanetti> nik90: so its basically the same with that...
[11:30] <nik90> mzanetti: hmm that would mean I need declare all the files alarm requires in my test..which seems like a waste
[11:30] <mzanetti> nik90: you have a tree of objects at any point when your application runs
[11:31] <mzanetti> nik90: and you can use findChild() to get any of those objects from the object tree
[11:31] <mzanetti> nik90: you shouldn't need to declare anything in your test except for the component you want to test...
[11:32] <nik90> mzanetti: true, but I want to test "creating an alarm" which in turn requires about 4-5 qml files
[11:32] <mzanetti> nik90: so?
[11:33] <nik90> mzanetti: well erm..I guess I can do that :D
[11:33] <mzanetti> sure
[11:33] <mzanetti> nik90: I assume it works like this:
[11:33] <mzanetti> you have Page1.qml
[11:33] <mzanetti> and in there you have a button or whatever that does a pageStack.push(page2)
[11:33] <nik90> yup exactly that
[11:34] <mzanetti> so both pages are children of the pageStack, no?
[11:34] <mzanetti> so you can do findChild(pageStack, "page2")
[11:34] <mzanetti> and if the pageStack is a child of your mainView, you can also do findChild(mainView, "page2")
[11:35] <mzanetti> findChild searches the whole object tree
[11:35] <nik90> ah yes
[11:35] <nik90> that could work
[11:36] <nik90> mzanetti: ha that worked!
[11:58] <mihir> nik90: i have looked at clock app
[11:58] <mihir> nik90: i'll try that today and will push changes.
[11:59] <nik90> mihir: sure
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[12:37] <dholbach> popey, mhall119, balloons, bzoltan: if we provide people at an event with virtualbox images of ubuntu+sdk installed... does it make sense to stay on 14.04 for this?
[12:38] <t1mp> dholbach: can you run the emulator or 14.10 chroot in a virtualbox?
[12:39] <dholbach> let me see
[12:46] <bzoltan> dholbach: 14.10 image at the moment would bring more... like running the scopes
[12:48] <dholbach> bzoltan, ok... so for Mac and Windows users at conferences we'd give them a vm image with the latest and greatest, you'd say?
[12:48] <dholbach> currently we have scopes docs, but no scopes training material yet
[12:49] <bzoltan> dholbach: I would go with the Utopic, yes.
[12:49] <justCarakas> daker: did I do something wrong or has the HTML5 UI not changed since the app showdown ? I was looking to use the new header but it was nowhere to be found
[12:49] <dholbach> ok
[12:49] <daker> justCarakas: yes :/
[12:51] <justCarakas> daker: is there something I can do to get it in there ?
[12:52] <daker> justCarakas: most of the work i have done is still waiting review, since Alex is focusing is work on Oxide
[12:52] <daker> new header is here https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-html5-theme-devs/ubuntu-html5-theme/new-header
[12:53] <daker> still WIP
[12:53] <justCarakas> can I contribute ?
[12:53] <daker> sure
[12:54] <justCarakas> what should I do to get started ?
[12:54] <daker> juste grab the code and open the editor :)
[12:54] <justCarakas> oki :)
[12:55] <justCarakas> I'll look into it after work
[12:55] <daker> just ping if you want to ask/know something
[12:58] <justCarakas> oki
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[13:12] <om26er> popey, Hi! are we testing an image ?
[13:12] <popey> om26er: I'm not, UK vacation
[13:12] <om26er> popey, ok, sure.
[13:28] <justCarakas> daker if I want to work on it, do I need to fork it ?
[13:33] <Drew____> Hi
[13:36] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: when you have a minute, this is the problem I was having last week with AP tests that I wanted to ask you about: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8140784/ -- all the tests fail with the same error
[13:46] <twstddev> Guys, do you need any help with development?
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[13:57] <mhall119> dholbach: I would agree with 14.10 being used for VM images
[13:57] <dholbach> ok
[13:58] <dholbach> setting it up and testing it now
[14:00] <davidcalle> mhall119, dholbach, hi there :)
[14:00] <dholbach> hey hey davidcalle
[14:01] <dholbach> davidcalle, still sitting in the train? :)
[14:01] <davidcalle> dholbach, nope, home at last!
[14:01] <dholbach> excellent
[14:03] <mhall119> hello davidcalle
[14:06] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: the log says: "RuntimeError: Application Launch Failed: Application crashed." but the only crashfile in /var/crash is _usr_lib_python3_dist-packages_autopilot_run.py.32011.crash
[14:07] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, if you remove this crash file and run again, does it crash again?
[14:07] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: yes
[14:08] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, does the app run at all, outside of autopilot?
[14:08] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: yes, runs just fine
[14:09] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, you’re gonna have to inspect this crash file to know what’s happening then
[14:10] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: it just smells like something is bad with my setup, but i'll see if i can inspect that
[14:14] <balloons> nik90, ping
[14:17] <nik90> balloons: pong
[14:17] <balloons> nik90, so clock reboot becoming clock. We should be all set to do it now, eh?
[14:18] <nik90> balloons: we were supposed to do that last friday, unfortunately I decided against it since we had a fix in the SDK that I badly wanted in the promotion before making the replacement :D
[14:19] <nik90> balloons: the SDK bug fixes the alarm status toggling which I considered high priority
[14:19] <nik90> balloons: so I am back to waiting for the next promoted image.
[14:19] <nik90> balloons: the SDK fix is already in a silo and waiting to be pushed into an image
[14:21] <dholbach> davidcalle, does the login I sent over work now?
[14:21] <davidcalle> dholbach, yes thanks, I've just tried
[14:22] <nik90> balloons: http://people.canonical.com/~platform/citrain_dashboard/#?distro=ubuntu&q=landing-009
[14:23] <dholbach> davidcalle, perfect - is there anything else you need? or are you generally set up?
[14:24] <balloons> nik90, ohh I thought that fix did land in the image
[14:24] <balloons> well then, we continue to ait
[14:24] <nik90> balloons: no previously we were waiting on another fix :)
[14:24] <nik90> balloons: this fix I am talking about landing just on friday in sdk-staging
[14:25] <nik90> s/landing/landed
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[14:27] <davidcalle> dholbach, I should be fine : I'm setting up my dev env + phone and trying to work around https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/phablet-tools/+bug/1360582 . The first article is fully drafted, I just need to put the theory in practice...
[14:27] <ubot2> Ubuntu bug 1360582 in phablet-tools "Can't manually install clicks "Signature verification error" since #205" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[14:27] <dholbach> davidcalle, do you write up things in WP or anywhere else? I'm just wondering how best we could reviews, so you can get a bit of feedback from others
[14:27] <dholbach> bzoltan, did you find anyone to look into https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/phablet-tools/+bug/1360582?
[14:28] <davidcalle> dholbach, I was planning to use gdrive, if that's ok
[14:28] <dholbach> davidcalle, that's brilliant
[14:28] <dholbach> davidcalle, it's a bit of a pain, if you copy it over into WP (because it has its own preferences of how to HTML), but it makes commenting and other stuff super easy
[14:29] <dholbach> so in general: sounds good to me :-)
[14:30] <bzoltan> dholbach: only mvo can fix it and hopefully he will join us as the debconf lets him to do so
[14:30] <dholbach> ahhh ok
[14:30] <davidcalle> dholbach, yeah, that's what I was wondering... Well, we'll make it work :)
[14:30] <dholbach> bzoltan, you're right... he went to debconf - I totally forgot that
[14:30] <dholbach> davidcalle, of course :)
[14:31] <bzoltan> dholbach: but the workaround is to use the RTM image instead of the Ubuntu
[14:32] <dholbach> davidcalle, let me know whenever you want to have a chat or anything else - maybe we can have a quick call to catch up tomorrow (if you're not in the train again :-))
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[14:34] <davidcalle> dholbach, a call tomorrow sounds good. Please ignore the crying baby in the background. ;)
[14:35] <dholbach> davidcalle, and you ignore lazy, chatty coworking people around me :-P
[14:37] <davidcalle> dholbach, hehe
[14:37] <nerochiaro> bfiller: did you mention AP tests failing on gallery during the standup ?
[14:38] <nerochiaro> bfiller: nevermind, artmello updated me on these
[14:53] <ybon> thanks dholbach :)
[14:53] <dholbach> ybon, anytime
[15:07] <nerochiaro> zbenjamin: do you know why after flashing the latest image when i try to install a package on the device i get "Cannot install /home/phablet/com.ubuntu.gallery_2.9.1.latest_armhf.click: Signature verification error: debsig: Origin Signature check failed. This deb might not be signed." (when clicking run from qtcreator but also if i try manually"
[15:08] <zbenjamin> nerochiaro: yes, package signing was enabled, but it should be disabled in developer mode. Seems to be a bug.
[15:09] <nerochiaro> zbenjamin: workarounds so i can keep on working ?
[15:11] <zbenjamin> nerochiaro: you can use the ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09-proposed channel to flash your device
[15:13] <nerochiaro> zbenjamin: doing that now, thanks
[15:16] <ybon> is the Dekko maintainer around?
[15:18] <nik90> DanChapman: ^^
[15:18] <ybon> thanks nik90 :)
[15:18] <nik90> :)
[15:19] <DanChapman> ybon, hey whats up?
[15:20] <ybon> DanChapman: well, I have an issue, and would like to see if you are interested in details, but first I want to send you a bunch of thanks for takling the missing email app! :)
[15:22] <DanChapman> ybon :-) yeah it's providing some challenges. What issues are you having?
[15:22] <ybon> DanChapman: it crashes when I try to save my account
[15:23] <DanChapman> meh still that :-(
[15:23] <ybon> :s
[15:23] <ybon> I can give you some info of what I've done previously
[15:23] <ybon> maybe it helps
[15:23] <DanChapman> ybon ok is that with the version just landed in the store
[15:23] <ybon> DanChapman: yes
[15:23] <ybon> but was the same before
[15:24] <DanChapman> ybon yeah info would be awesome. I just cannot reproduce it myself and the the log file would be handy. :-D
[15:24] <ybon> DanChapman: I've first created an accoutn with "ybon@enix.org" as username, which is wrong because my account is "ybon", so I renamed it, and then I've add two account instead of one
[15:25] <ybon> but even in the "ybon" one, I was able to rename the username for the stmp iirc, so I've deleted both
[15:25] <ybon> and since then I cannot create any new account
[15:25] <ybon> let me check the logs
[15:26] <ybon> humm, logviewer crashing too :p
[15:26] <ybon> let's ssh
[15:28] <ybon> strange, logviewer crashes only if I try to acces the Dekko logs
[15:28] <DanChapman> ybon, right first can you delete the conf file in ~/.config/com.ubuntu.developer.dpniel.dekko/ and try creating again. there were some quite big changes to the accounts saving process that I expected may break stuff for some people
[15:28] <ybon> DanChapman: ok, let me try that right away
[15:28] <ybon> DanChapman: FIY, this file is empty
[15:29] <ybon> it exists, but it has no content at all
[15:29] <ybon> 651908 0 -rw------- 1 phablet phablet 0 Aug 15 20:28 .config/com.ubuntu.developer.dpniel.dekko/com.ubuntu.developer.dpniel.dekko.conf
[15:31] <ybon> DanChapman: crashed again after deleting the config file :(
[15:32] <DanChapman> ybon :-( is that crash on start or crash when creating account?
[15:33] <ybon> when I click save on the last screen of the account creation process
[15:33] <ybon> note that now the config file isn't empty
[15:33] <ybon> ah
[15:33] <ybon> now it crashes also at start :s
[15:33] <DanChapman> ybon right that's progress and is there a log file?
[15:34] <ybon> I don't remember where I can find it (the log file)
[15:34] <ybon> it's not in /var/log it seems
[15:35] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: by reflashing the image these crashes I was having before disappeared. Now though I get this when running tests: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8141624/
[15:35] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: is there some configuration I'm missing ?
[15:35] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: (i'm following the instructions in the email you pointed out to me some time ago)
[15:36] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, I don’t know, maybe artmello can help?
[15:36] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: artmello: it was apparently hablet-config autopilot --dbus-probe enable that didn't work the first time I launched it
[15:37] <nerochiaro> no idea why as it didn't give any error message, but i ran it again and now tests work
[15:37] <ybon> found it
[15:37] <DanChapman> ybon under .cache/upstart i believe
[15:39] <ybon> yep
[15:39] <ybon> I'm reading it
[15:39] <ybon> do you want it?
[15:40] <DanChapman> ybon yes please :-)
[15:40] <ybon> DanChapman: https://gist.github.com/yohanboniface/90b763aa0c1e8913dd6b
[15:44] <DanChapman> ybon thanks. Just looking :-)
[15:46] <ybon> cool :)
[15:47] <nik90> mzanetti: I got a bare basic "create alarm" test finished :D. I still need to check if the alarm count increased by one or not...but it works for the most part.
[15:47] <mzanetti> nik90: hehe. congrats
[15:48] <nik90> mzanetti: I did not add any tests within the createAlarm test like checking if the alarm label was set correctly etc because i do that in the unit tests in those individual pages already
[15:48] <mzanetti> nik90: yes. perfect!
[15:49] <nik90> woohoo
[15:49] <nik90> mzanetti: quick question, everywhere i look in the sdk and unity8, you guys use signalSpy. I read the official docs on it but didn't really understand why it is required.
[15:50] <nik90> when I click on a button, I just do waitForRendering(page2) instead of the signal spy stuff
[15:53] <dholbach> mhall119, balloons: is https://bugs.launchpad.net/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/+bug/1361276 what you had in mind0ß
[15:53] <ubot2> Ubuntu bug 1361276 in qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu "Build/run app locally, if host = target" [Undecided,New]
[15:53] <ubot5`> Ubuntu bug 1361276 in qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu "Build/run app locally, if host = target" [Undecided,New]
[15:53] <dholbach> mind?
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[15:56] <mzanetti> nik90: well, sometimes its not that easy :) and sometimes a SignalSpy is just convenient
[15:56] <mzanetti> nik90: for example to check signal arguments
[15:56] <mzanetti> or need to count how often a signal is triggered
[15:57] <nik90> ok
[15:58] <DanChapman> ybon ok so i have an idea of what's happening. Just to confirm do the contents of the config file look correct. And is there an [Accounts] section?
[15:58] <balloons> dholbach, mhall119 I was slightly confused by the conversation.. I can select my local system as the build target
[15:58] <dholbach> balloons, maybe it should automatically be default if that's what I'm building for?
[15:58] <dholbach> or add a "kit" for "local"?
[15:59] <ybon> DanChapman: yes and yes
[16:00] <ybon> [Accounts]
[16:00] <ybon> b2447d19-369a-4be7-b62e-5fcc66436677\AccountName=b2447d19-369a-4be7-b62e-5fcc66436677
[16:00] <ybon> this is the content of Accounts (the \AccountName seems a bit weird btw)
[16:00] <ybon> missing a \n maybeN
[16:00] <ybon> s/N/?/
[16:00] <balloons> dholbach, for me the default was/is 'Desktop', with system paths and no sysroot
[16:00] <balloons> aka, local..
[16:01] <dholbach> balloons, hunm
[16:01] <dholbach> hum
[16:01] <dholbach> then I misunderstood the discussion somewhat
[16:01] <dholbach> I thought the problem was that you were somehow brought to use a chroot in cases where just using "desktop" (or "local") would be easier
[16:02] <balloons> dholbach, lol.. I'm confused as well on the problem, and indeed there could be one, but I'm not sure what it is
[16:02] <dholbach> mhall119, ^ :)
[16:02] <dholbach> 1361276
[16:03] <dholbach> all rightie... I'm going to head out now - let me know on the bug report if I made sense or not ;-)
[16:06] <ahayzen> popey, are you able to set the status of powerd (ubuntu) back to confirmed from fix released for bug 1337239 ?
[16:06] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1337239 in powerd "Digitiser still works when phone locked" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1337239
[16:06] <ubot5`> bug 1337239 in powerd "Digitiser still works when phone locked" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1337239
[16:07] <ahayzen> yey 2 bots \o/
[16:08] <balloons> ahayzen, why the status change?
[16:08] <ahayzen> balloons, it was changed to fix released by accident
[16:08] <ahayzen> balloons, and it isn't fixed :P
[16:09] <ahayzen> balloons, just me, victor and jim can't change it back :/
[16:11] <balloons> ahayzen, I also cannot, I would ask in #ubuntu-bugs
[16:12] <ahayzen> balloons, thanks :)
[16:13] <ahayzen> balloons, when u have a spare moment would you mind scanning over https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/music-app/ap-helper-refactor-002/+merge/231815 ?
[16:16] <popey> ahayzen: done
[16:17] <ahayzen> popey, sweet thanks :)
[16:17] <popey> np
[16:17] * popey goes to make food
[16:17] <swordfish> Hello app-develepers, I'm having some issues building the latest trunk of terminal-app. This is the the output I'm getting: http://pastebin.com/wk448Uji. I already setup an i386 emulator with a 14.10 chroot, and I'm able to deploy simple application on the emulator. Am I missing something or is this a problem in the CMakeFile.txt of the project?
[16:20] <DanChapman> ybon right I have a solution on the way are you going to be around in an hour or so? I've got to pop out.
[16:21] <twstddev> swordfish, Hello. Got to projects in creator and in "build" tab add -DCLICK_MODE=on to CMake arguments. As well in manifest.json change architecture to i386 in order to launch the app in emulator
[16:21] <ybon> DanChapman: yes, just ping me when needed :)
[16:26] <swordfish> twstddev, And that was it! :D ... Two hours trying everything and it was only the arch in the manifest. Thank you!
[16:26] <twstddev> no worries :)
[16:32] <mihir> nik90: ping
[16:33] <nik90> mihir: give me a few minutes, on a call
[16:33] <mihir> nik90: no issues, what are PPA for adding timezone modules?
[16:33] <mihir> balloons: hi
[16:34] <balloons> mihir, hello
[16:40] <gerlowskija> balloons: if you get a chance today, can you please take a look at the revisions I made on https://code.launchpad.net/~gerlowskija/ubuntu-calendar-app/fix-for-bug1350605/+merge/231252?
[16:41] <mihir> gerlowskija: it looks good to me
[16:42] <mihir> gerlowskija: it passes all the test cases as well
[16:42] <nik90> mihir: what timezone modules?
[16:42] <mihir> nik90: nothing resolved
[16:42] <mihir> nik90: it was my mistake
[16:42] <balloons> gerlowskija, certainly
[16:43] <nik90> mihir: oh ok :)
[16:45] <balloons> gerlowskija, can we just chat in IRC to finish?
[16:48] * popey approves camera into the store /cc bfiller
[16:48] <bfiller> thanks popey, gallery coming too
[16:49] <popey> will keep an eye out
[16:49] <popey> ooh its there
[16:50] <popey> bfiller: done.
[16:50] <popey> bug 1234
[16:50] <gerlowskija> balloons: sure, do you have time now, or want to chat later?
[16:50] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1234 in launchpad "Gina is an unmaintainable mess of command line options, environment variables and shell scripts" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1234
[16:50] <ubot5`> bug 1234 in Launchpad itself "Gina is an unmaintainable mess of command line options, environment variables and shell scripts" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1234
[16:52] <IdleOne> hmm
[16:52] <balloons> gerlowskija, now is fine. I guess I should just comment on the mp
[16:53] <popey> thanks IdleOne
[16:53] <balloons> I can't kick popey now :-(
[16:54] <popey> \o/
[16:54] <IdleOne> welcome
[16:54] * popey goes to check on pie
[16:54] <popey> mmmm pie
[16:54] <popey> http://drool.popey.com/
[16:56] <IdleOne> bug 1234
[16:56] <ubot5`> bug 1234 in Launchpad itself "Gina is an unmaintainable mess of command line options, environment variables and shell scripts" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1234
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[18:20] <DanChapman> ybon hey, please could you try this click for me http://people.ubuntu.com/~dpniel/dekko/click/com.ubuntu.developer.dpniel.dekko_0.2.5_armhf.click. Hopefully should work or at least give a better idea of what's going on.
[18:22] <ybon> DanChapman: sure, doing that now
[18:23] <ybon> DanChapman: do you know from the top of you head the command line to install it? I usually install from QtCreator
[18:27] <DanChapman> ybon from commandline i usually use 'adb push' then 'phablet-shell' then i think it's pkcon install-local dekko.click. There's probably a better way :-) I usually use QtCreator aswell
[18:27] <balloons> gerlowskija, approved
[18:27] <ybon> ok thanks :)
[18:27] <balloons> left a couple comments
[18:28] <gerlowskija> balloons: Thanks balloons, I'll take a look in a little bit and respond if I can.
[19:03] <ybon> DanChapman: Installed com.ubuntu.developer.dpniel.dekko-0.2.5.armhf (installed:click,removable=1,app_name=dekko)summary goes here
[19:03] <ybon> but still crash on start :/
[19:03] <ybon> DanChapman: should I modifiy/delete the config file?
[19:06] <DanChapman> ybon, no the config file should be fine now. The log should have a bit more info in it now though, could you paste it somewhere again for me?
[19:07] <ybon> DanChapman: humm, I don't see a 0.2.5 log file
[19:07] <ybon> not sure it's installed so
[19:07] <ybon> when I long click on Dekko icon, it still says 0.2.4
[19:08] <ybon> DanChapman: I need to step out for diner, bbiab
[19:08] <DanChapman> ybon I usually have to reboot to see a local install. Sure... enjoy your dinner :-)
[19:16] <ogra_> searching helps ...
[19:16] <ogra_> just search for something and the .desktop files get refreshed
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[19:35] <balloons> nik90, did you get your translation stuff worked out?
[19:37] <nik90> balloons: ?
[19:38] <balloons> nik90, I remember last week the clock reboot needed something with translations?
[19:39] <nik90> balloons: dpm added the translation support in clock reboot.
[19:39] <nik90> balloons: the desktop file is not translated however
[19:39] <nik90> balloons: but I haven't any translations in the clock reboot though
[19:39] <nik90> not sure if it is a bug
[19:39] <balloons> nik90, yes, and that's a problem as it's not replaced the clock app yet
[19:40] <balloons> and I'm not sure it shows up as needing help
[19:40] <nik90> balloons: but even if it does, it will still stay in lp:ubuntu-clock-app/reboot?
[19:40] <nik90> or do we switch that to lp:ubuntu-clock-app ?
[19:40] <balloons> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+translations
[19:41] <balloons> hmm https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/reboot/+translations
[19:43] <balloons> nik90, so we can switch the translation focus for instance
[19:43] <balloons> and we also need to import on the reboot branch I think
[19:44] <nik90> balloons: I tried manually to add translations for my language for reboot, but couldn't find any way to do so
[19:44] <nik90> balloons: but yes we will come back to this when we do the switch
[19:44] <balloons> nik90, well I'm going to ask for a big translation push from everyone, and I want to make sure clock gets it
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[19:44] <balloons> we really need to make the switch
[19:45] <nik90> yeah
[19:46] <nik90> when r u planning to make the call?
[19:47] <balloons> nik90, starting this week
[19:47] <balloons> today/tomorrow
[19:48] <balloons> I worry about the focus going to the current clock app (which is already happening)
[19:48] <nik90> hmm
[19:51] <ybon> DanChapman|afk: rebooted, but still the same, I will investigate
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[19:52] <balloons> nik90, QA efforts are also focusing on the old app.. just feeling the crunch
[19:53] <balloons> I didn't mean this to turn into a guilt trip, heh, my apologies
[19:54] <nik90> sry
[19:57] <ybon> is pkcon install-local xxx.click the command to install a click package by hand on the device?
[19:57] <ybon> It's says installed, but then it still seem to be the old version
[20:04] <ybon> humm, even if I try to uninstall it from the UI, it's still there :s
[20:07] <ybon> I'm trying pkcon remove, but not luck to find the expected parameter, dekko doesn't work, full package name either
[20:11] <ybon> ok, reboot + pkcon remove seems to have done it
[20:16] <ybon> DanChapman|afk: https://gist.github.com/yohanboniface/8e8ab888fba106a90bf3 new log
[20:16] <ybon> (still crashing at start)
[20:44] <mihir_> nik90:
[20:45] <mihir_> nik90: i have pushed the new changes
[20:45] <mihir_> https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-calendar-dev/ubuntu-calendar-app/revamp-repetition-deisgn/+merge/231967
[20:45] <mihir_> nik90: it has small bugs , i will need to resolve that , i am doing that right nows
[20:45] <mihir_> now*
[20:46] <nik90> mihir_: ok. will check it now
[20:46] <mihir_> nik90: i am still left with the slider and all, as focusing on functionlity first
[20:48] <nik90> ok
[21:05] <mihir_> nik90: will you leave comments over there , i might probably go to bed
[21:06] <nik90> mihir_: ui wise it is mostly good
[21:06] <nik90> Just some small tweaks only
[21:06] <nik90> I will add comments tomorrow morning
[21:06] <mihir_> nik90: hmm , i am fixing functionally bugs i have noticed
[21:07] <mihir_> nik90: after this , we can merge our branch , and big task will be AP
[21:30] <nik90> Yes
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