UbuntuIRC / 2014 /08 /25 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest72676
=== Guest72676 is now known as Aperion
[06:37] <buriedalive> hi, there!
=== clansman is now known as steel`afk
=== kevin is now known as Guest6621
[07:53] <jubo2> Is there a magnifying glass app for Kubuntu14 ?
[07:56] <buriedalive> jubo2 hi
[07:57] <buriedalive> I think should be
[07:57] <valorie> jubo2: do you mean for the desktop?
[07:57] <jubo2> valorie: yes
[07:57] <valorie> if so, yes there is a magnifier widget
[07:57] <jubo2> valorie: where do I install or activate it
[07:58] <valorie> click on the little cashew at the end of the taskbar
[07:58] <valorie> "Add widgets"
[07:58] <valorie> search for magnify
[07:58] <jubo2> it seems to be called Magnifique
[07:59] <buriedalive> excellent, widget
[07:59] <valorie> that's what I see as well
[07:59] <valorie> there may be more
[08:01] <buriedalive> valorie howto I clear app data cache?
[08:01] <buriedalive> see the picture
[08:02] <buriedalive> http://elmisery.ru:8083/snapshot005_kinfocenter.png
[08:02] <valorie> I'm not sure what you mean, buriedalive
[08:02] <valorie> if you cleared the app data caches, your applications couldn't work
[08:03] <buriedalive> disk cache I cleared with a little help drop caches in command line
[08:04] <buriedalive> but app data cache over 2-3 days increases
[08:04] <valorie> if there is a troublesome application, it is possible to clear caches for those
[08:04] <valorie> for that one, I mean
[08:06] <buriedalive> what I do fix thit? idea? 2-3 days and app cache too very big and I restart the computer
[08:07] <valorie> I don't know enough to help you with that
[08:08] <valorie> if nobody else speaks up, I recommend asking on either KDE forum or Kubuntu forum
[08:09] <buriedalive> trouble
[08:13] <tsimpson> "Application Data" is the memory used by running applications, unless there are memory leaks in long running applications it should grow and shrunk when you open/close programs
[08:15] <Ossido> Hello. I have a problem with system fonts
[08:15] <buriedalive> my comp just starts to slow down
[08:15] <buriedalive> tsimpson
[08:16] <Ossido> I had incorrectly thought that the problem was with Chromium, but actually it's with more or less all non-KDE applications
[08:16] <Ossido> they use an ugly monospaced font
[08:16] <Ossido> for example in the chromium UI, where I first noticed it
[08:16] <buriedalive> Ossido http://elmisery.ru/blog/ru/nicekde
[08:17] <Ossido> I'm sorry but I don't speak Russian
[08:17] <buriedalive> open terminal and typing
[08:19] <Ossido> I need to add another repository?
[08:20] <valorie> Ossido: here in english: http://askubuntu.com/questions/232395/handling-gtk-windows-in-kde4
[08:21] <Ossido> thanks. At least I can try to understand what I'm doing
[08:22] <Ossido> now, I have already installed all those things
[08:23] <Ossido> my problem is that, in the system settings, I have set the font to be Ubuntu 10, but what I see is not Ubuntu 10
[08:23] <Ossido> it's probably Courier, or FreeMono, or something like that
[08:24] <valorie> hmmm
[08:24] <buriedalive> try logoff and login?
[08:24] <Ossido> mmh, no, gtk-theme-switch was missing
[08:24] <Ossido> I'll try this
[08:26] <Ossido> I try rebooting
[08:33] <Ossido> I have rebooted, but it had no effect
[08:34] <jubo2> The "magnifique" widget isn't a magnifier glass.. it's just a window that shows what is on the desktop in it's area
[08:34] <valorie> hmmm
[08:34] <valorie> I know that we have one though
[08:34] <jubo2> If someone knows of magnifier glass app/widget it'd be appreciated
[08:35] <valorie> aha, Kmag
[08:35] <Ossido> to summarise. In System Settings > Application appearance > GTK the themes are both set to oxygen-gtk, and the font to FreeSans 10, but the font that I see in the application is not that one, it's an ugly monospaced one
[08:35] <jubo2> valorie: 'k dänks
[08:36] <hateball> jubo2: there's a zoom effect, if that would be OK for your use-case
[08:37] <hateball> Well, there are several zoom effects
[08:39] <jubo2> hateball: where do I activate the zooming effects ?
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[08:44] <hateball> jubo2: alt+f2 -> desktop effects -> all effects
[08:44] <hateball> or some such.
[08:49] <Ossido> valorie: do you know where the gtk configuration files are? This seems to be another instance of the kde System settings not doing what they should
[08:53] <valorie> maybe look in ~/.config
[08:53] <valorie> there are also config files in ~/.kde
[08:53] <valorie> and ~/.local
[09:02] <Ossido> mmh, the ones in ~/.config and ~/.kde have the right font in them
=== max is now known as Guest66179
[09:23] <Ossido> also, the kde GTK System Settings don't remember my settings. I had set the font to Droid Sans, and after a reboot it's back to Ubuntu
[09:35] <Ossido> mmh, valorie, the problem does not seem to be with GTK, because Firefox does obey those settings. Programs that display the weird font are, for example: Chromium, Audacity, Cheese
[09:38] <Ossido> also Comix, GIMP
=== toscalix_ is now known as toscalix
[10:23] <Ossido> !info kde-config-gtk
[10:23] <ubottu> Package kde-config-gtk does not exist in trusty
[10:32] <buriedalive> Ossido do via instructions, there have pictures, don't suffer
[10:32] <Ossido> do via instuctions what?
[10:32] <buriedalive> find a trusty ppa
[10:32] <Ossido> I'm stumbling around blindly
[10:33] <Ossido> for what?
[10:33] <buriedalive> wait plz
[10:35] <Ossido> As of now: Some programs (Chromium, Audacity, GIMP, Gramps, Cheese, Comix...) all have a wrong monospaced font. But others, like Firefox, do obey the GTK settings. The font written in the config files is the right one, so the problem is not in the kde thingy that sets the settings
[10:36] <hateball> Ossido: do you get any hints if you launch from terminal?
[10:36] <hateball> like if they cant find any expected engines or paths or such
[10:36] <Ossido> launch from terminal one of those programs? I'll try
[10:37] <Ossido> Cheese opens perfectly without printing a single line
[10:38] <Ossido> Comix only says Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
[10:38] <Ossido> twice
[10:38] <Ossido> but it's a message that I've seen often, even before the upgrade that caused this mess
[10:39] <buriedalive> good
[10:39] <buriedalive> stay
[10:39] <buriedalive> no ppa for trusty
[10:40] <buriedalive> maybe add repo from precise? help guys
[10:41] <Ossido> maybe I should try and reinstall gtk?
[10:41] <Ossido> how does one do that?
[10:41] <hateball> Ossido: But it applies window decorations properly, just fonts that are wonky?
[10:42] <Ossido> no, for example the chrome menu is a grey rectangle without any decoration at all
[10:42] <buriedalive> into sources.list
[10:42] <Ossido> but firefox, on the other hand, works perfectly
[10:42] <Ossido> and it responds to the changes I make in the kde System Settings
[10:42] <hateball> in the case of chrome/ium that seems to have broken with the upgrade to 36 I think
[10:43] <hateball> they are not using GTK but rather Aurora or some such
[10:43] <Ossido> mmh, I'm trying with Audacity
[10:43] <buriedalive> old repo is also possible to add? no?
[10:43] <Ossido> the fonts are certainly wrong. It's hard ot say with the menues
[10:43] <buriedalive> hateball
[10:44] <Ossido> but yes, I'd say that there are the decorations
[10:44] <hateball> buriedalive: I'm not sure what you are asking, could you explain it all on one line? It's hard to follow
[10:45] <Ossido> the corners are lightly rounded, and the dividing lines smooth out correctly, so yes, I'd say that the problem is only with the fonts, not with the gtk style
[10:45] <hateball> Ossido: Are you using the "use my kde fonts" option, or a specified font? in the gtk config
[10:45] <buriedalive> Ossido http://elmisery.ru/blog/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/images/20142603104300.png?itok=BNgo1JDW
[10:45] <buriedalive> maybe?
[10:45] <Ossido> I don't see that option anywhere, hateball
[10:46] <buriedalive> foolish problem
[10:46] <Ossido> buriedalive, that menue there is for kde applications, I think. I have set it up correctly
[10:46] <hateball> Ossido: Oh, hmm. I launch by alt+f2 -> type "gtk"
[10:46] <hateball> you should get a config dialog
[10:47] <hateball> Ossido: or in a terminal "/usr/bin/kcmshell4 kcmgtk"
[10:47] <Ossido> from alt+f2 I don't get the config dialog
[10:47] <Ossido> Could not find module 'kcmgtk'. See kcmshell4 --list for the full list of modules.
[10:48] <Ossido> I have used System Settings > Allplication Appearance > GTK
[10:48] <hateball> Ossido: it should be pulled in with the package kde-config-gtk
[10:48] <Ossido> to set the style and font
[10:48] <Ossido> !info kde-config-gtk
[10:48] <ubottu> Package kde-config-gtk does not exist in trusty
[10:49] <Ossido> I don't have that package, hateball
[10:49] <buriedalive> sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tehnick/kde-gtk-config
[10:49] <buriedalive> what u see?
[10:49] <Ossido> should I really add a new repository?
[10:49] <buriedalive> yes
[10:49] <buriedalive> add
[10:50] <hateball> It's in the main repo....
[10:50] <Ossido> ok, added the ppa
[10:50] <buriedalive> now sudo aptitude update
[10:51] <Ossido> ok
[10:51] <buriedalive> and now - sudo aptitude install kde-config-gtk-style
[10:51] <Ossido> ok, done
[10:52] <buriedalive> do it this? - sudo aptitude install gtk2-engines-oxygen gtk3-engines-oxygen
[10:52] <Ossido> they were already installed
[10:52] <buriedalive> ok
[10:53] <hateball> you should be able to launch the config tool now at least
[10:53] <buriedalive> I dont know any way? only - sudo aptitude install fonts-droid
[10:53] <buriedalive> nice fonts
[10:53] <buriedalive> try
[10:53] <Ossido> I already could launch "one" config tool, in System Settings > Application Appearance > GTK
[10:54] <buriedalive> and try
[10:54] <buriedalive> http://elmisery.ru/blog/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/images/20142603104300.png?itok=BNgo1JDW
[10:54] <Ossido> I already have those installed, buriedalive
[10:54] <Ossido> hateball: Could not find module 'kcmgtk'. See kcmshell4 --list for the full list of modules.
[10:55] <hateball> Ossido: And this is on 14.04?
[10:55] <Ossido> yes
[10:55] <buriedalive> restart de and you get all nice kde
[10:55] <Ossido> Description: Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS
[10:56] <Ossido> I'll try to reboot
[10:56] <Ossido> brb
[11:00] <BluesKaj> 'Morning folks
[11:01] <buriedalive> evening)
[11:02] <Ossido> hateball, buriedalive, I am back
[11:02] <Ossido> and everything is as before
[11:02] <buriedalive> Ossido no works for you?
[11:03] <Ossido> the situation is the same, Firefox has the right fonts, Audacity, for example, or Chrome don't
[11:03] <Ossido> also, I was thinking, you say that chromium doesn't use GTK any more?
[11:03] <hateball> Ossido: Well I don't get what could be broken for you... that package is in universe and should be installed with kubuntu-desktop
[11:04] <buriedalive> hm, chrome aura maybe?
[11:04] <Ossido> what package?
[11:04] <hateball> Yes, Aura is the name, not Aurora like I said
[11:04] <hateball> Ossido: kde-config-gtk*
[11:04] <Ossido> it's not in trusty
[11:04] <Ossido> !info kde-config-gtk*
[11:04] <ubottu> Package kde-config-gtk does not exist in trusty
[11:04] <Ossido> anyway, I have installed it from the ppa
[11:05] <Ossido> so I have it, now
[11:05] <hateball> it is, but in universe
[11:05] <Ossido> well, wherever it is, I have installed it already
[11:06] <buriedalive> hm, removed support kde-config-gtk* into 14.04
[11:07] <Ossido> could it be that the problem is in the fonts, and not in the gtk? If you say that chromium doesn't use gtk but has the same problem
[11:07] <Ossido> but on the other hand Firefox has the right fonts
[11:07] <Ossido> is there a way to reinstall ftk from scratch?
[11:07] <Ossido> gtk
[11:08] <buriedalive> I do not know, really just wait for updates?
[11:08] <Ossido> updates of what?
[11:09] <buriedalive> Ossido stop
[11:09] <buriedalive> show picture us?
[11:09] <Ossido> yes
[11:09] <buriedalive> screen
[11:13] <joshwambua> permit
[11:16] <Ossido> where do I put them?
[11:18] <Ossido> http://imgur.com/a/SFPdl
[11:19] <Ossido> buriedalive, hateball, this is an example of the font that I see
[11:21] <Ossido> at the moment I don't understand if the problem is in the GTK, or in the way the fonts are installed
[11:23] <buriedalive> preferences in audacity try?
=== steel`afk is now known as clansman
[11:24] <Ossido> there are no preferences to change the fonts of the UI
[11:25] <buriedalive> it's a not kde base gtk app
[11:30] <Ossido> !info audacity
[11:30] <ubottu> audacity (source: audacity): fast, cross-platform audio editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.5-1ubuntu3.2 (trusty), package size 1842 kB, installed size 6553 kB
[11:30] <Ossido> anyway, it's a general problem of many applications, buriedalive
[11:34] <Ossido> is there a way to reinstall gtk?
=== toscalix__ is now known as toscalix
[11:49] <Exagone313> Ossido: it's just a font, lol
[11:51] <Ossido> surely the right attitude, Exagone313, thank you
[11:51] <Exagone313> :/
=== havingFun is now known as xrosnight
[13:48] <Voyage> HOW to get rid of my local language text (put into every app), ? i just want english only
[13:49] <Ossido> ideally, you should go into the System settings and move it down in the lost of the system languages
[13:50] <Ossido> for me, this didn't work and I had to unistall it completely
[13:50] <Voyage> how to go to languages and uninstall them
[13:51] <Ossido> System settings > Locale > Languages
[13:51] <Ossido> on the right there is the list of "preferred languages"
[13:51] <Ossido> the topmost should have priority
[13:52] <Voyage> I only have american english there. still I see "urdu' language in my appss
[13:52] <Ossido> :/
[13:52] <Ossido> sorry, I can't help you. I'm here to solve a problem myself, I'm far from being an expert
[13:53] <Voyage> np. thanks!
[14:17] <wheezy123> hello, "Open Containing Folder" in Firefox Downloads opening in Gwenview instead of Dolphin, any fix?
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[14:52] <alket> Hi , im trying to "ppa-purge" something , but its stuck at "Calket@alket-gt:~$ sudo ppa-purge xorg-edgers \n Updating packages lists"
[14:55] <shadeslayer> alket: for how long?
[14:56] <alket> like 10 minutes
[14:56] <alket> i tried two times
[14:56] <alket> i screwed up by GFX driver
[14:57] <shadeslayer> alket: ls -la /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
[14:58] <alket> shadeslayer: http://paste.kde.org/p80bpdgk2
[14:59] <shadeslayer> alket: run it again, but with : sudo ppa-purge ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa , and give it some time?
[14:59] <shadeslayer> it needs to download all the cache again
[15:00] <alket> ok thanks ,will do
[15:03] <zetheroo> I am trying to install a new desktop theme using the "Get New Themes" feature - the theme installs and I hit Apply, but nothing changes
[15:07] <soee> zetheroo: is it visible on themes list ?
[15:07] <zetheroo> no
[15:10] <soee> zetheroo: than it might be not compatible
[15:11] <zetheroo> I tried 2 themes
[15:12] <zetheroo> how does one know if it's compatible or not?
[15:12] <alket> shadeslayer: thanks, it looked like steam PPA was doing all the wrongness , i removed it now it works , thanks xD
[15:12] <shadeslayer> cheers
[15:13] <zetheroo> soee: I just installed another one called Excalibur and it works :)
[15:15] <zetheroo> out of 4 installed themes only one works
[18:01] <reflectionalist> Hi, I recently installed Kubuntu. But I was really confused by KParted. No matter I start it in user mode or root mode, I could not edit any partition. Most editing operations were disabled (grayed out). Why? I remember I encountered this problem long time ago when I were in KDE. Is this a bug of KParted?
[18:07] <lordievader> reflectionalist: Can you tell me exactly what you did?
[18:10] <reflectionalist> lordievader: I have already described it. I simply start KParted either from the menu by searching (which surprisingly does not require password) or start it from the System submenu (which requires password). Either way, I can not edit any partition.
[18:17] <lordievader> reflectionalist: Could you perhaps send a screenshot?
[18:17] <lordievader> !paste | reflectionalist
[18:17] <ubottu> reflectionalist: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.
[18:20] <genii> Was this after installation from an installed system, or from the livecd?
[18:30] <reflectionalist> lordievader: Here is the screenshot: http://imgur.com/fPlG3TH
[18:31] <reflectionalist> genii: In both the installed and live system.
[18:32] <rberg_> is sda mounted or in use by lvm or mdadm?
[18:32] <rberg_> ohh I guess being ntfs eliminates 2 of those options
[18:33] <genii> Probably automounted or something
[18:36] <BluesKaj> looks like my laptop partitions when I first received it ...6 partitions, most of them useless
[18:36] <reflectionalist> rberg_: I am currently in the installed Kubuntu. sda is surely mounted since my root in on it. But is it normal that even when I select an unallocated part of it, I still could not do any editing, like even creating a new partition from the unallocated area?
[18:36] <lordievader> reflectionalist: Is it just the ntfs partition that you cannot edit or also the ext ones?
[18:36] <reflectionalist> rberg_: I am not using lvm. I do not know what is mdadm.
[18:37] <reflectionalist> lordievader: all partitions, including unallocated areas.
[18:38] <reflectionalist> The funny things is that the situation was the same in the live session. I could not use KParted to do anything. But I could using GParted.
[18:39] <lordievader> reflectionalist: Hmm, makes me think it is a bug.
[18:41] <reflectionalist> lordievader: Do you have KParted installed. Could you try to see if it is the same for you. I am in Kubuntu 14.04, partitionmanager version 1.0.3-2ubuntu2
[18:43] <lordievader> reflectionalist: As long as they are not in use I can edit them.
[18:44] <reflectionalist> lordievader: Hmm, then I am confused.
[18:46] <lordievader> reflectionalist: I also have the same partitionmanger version.
[18:47] <lordievader> reflectionalist: Do you happen to have a Dynamic Disk? (The Microsoft Dynamic Disk thingie)
[18:47] <reflectionalist> lordievader: I do not know what is dynamic disk. I have an SSD.
[18:49] <lordievader> reflectionalist: Wait, no that has to do with ntfs partitions. It shouldn't be related.
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[19:24] <pandera> join #linux.de
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[20:54] <jhutch412> hi, i have a small prob im hoping someone can help me with..
[20:55] <alket> jhutch412: just post the problem , someone might answer
[20:58] <jhutch412> i installed the unity 8 launcher preview and, it doesn't work, just a black screen. i have the laptop sign in automatically, which gives me
[20:59] <jhutch412> the prob of not being able to set it back upon login
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[21:59] <Orestis> Hello, I have a questions. Is it possible when I plug my laptop to tv via hdmi to have the same screen in both? I have nvidia close drivers and Kubuntu 14.04
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[23:29] <skinux> How can I make the search in KMenu NOT show internet search results?