UbuntuIRC / 2014 /08 /24 /#ubuntu-app-devel.txt
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=== timc is now known as Guest41763
[10:42] <ybon> popey: ping
[10:48] <twstddev> Guys, does anybody experience troubles running the core applications in emulator after upgrading all system packages to the most recent ones? Creator creates packages for arm instead of i386.
[11:31] <popey> ybon: pong
[11:31] <ybon> :)
[11:31] <popey> ybon: tested the app last night and saw an odd effect
[11:31] <ybon> oh
[11:31] <ybon> tell me
[11:31] <popey> couldn't get a photo last night, dunno if it's your app or qt or what
[11:31] <ybon> (I've made some changes btw, do you want an updated click?)
[11:31] <popey> basically launched your app, but could see some artifacts on the screen
[11:31] <ybon> a photo?
[11:31] <popey> like the black ring of the camera app icon
[11:32] <popey> like things were burned into the screen
[11:32] <popey> let me try again now I'm home
[11:32] <ybon> wow
[11:32] <ybon> never seen that
[11:33] <popey> right, do this.
[11:33] <popey> 1. open osm touch, 2. switch back to dash, 3. swipe back to osm touch directly from the dash. 4. Move map around.
[11:33] <popey> in the white (unpainted) areas of the map you can see reminants of the icons that are in the dash, like the black lens ring of the camera
[11:34] <ybon> oh
[11:34] <ybon> now I see what you mean
[11:34] <ybon> that a bug on QtLocation (one more)
[11:34] <ybon> it doesn't paint the background
[11:34] <popey> ahh
[11:34] <ybon> and there is no way to add a rectangle or whatever
[11:35] <ybon> it's already the case on the current version, btw
[11:35] <popey> ok
[11:35] <popey> how is this a bug in qtlocation?
[11:35] <popey> is it filed upstream?
[11:35] <ybon> it's the map that bugs
[11:35] <ybon> I don't know where to fill QtLocation bugs
[11:36] <ybon> I mean, a place to file them where someone will look at them
[11:36] <ybon> there are a bunch
[11:36] <ybon> like double-tap to zoom that doesn't work
[11:37] <ybon> no way to add mouse event on the map
[11:37] <ybon> no way to have device rotation working
[11:37] <popey> I'd be filing them upstream in the qt bug tracker.
[11:37] <popey> https://bugreports.qt-project.org
[11:38] <ybon> https://www.wetransfer.com/downloads/7f727eb98ac5dbecd1bb65d227677d1520140824113533/ad54a397fb9dee0e97b5c894e14197e920140824113533/3ec3d6 this is latest version, with some changes last night if you wanna have a look
[11:38] <ybon> oh, let me check this bug tracker
[11:42] <ybon> the thing is that I don't know if the issue is on Qt side or on our UT implementation :s
[11:46] <popey> k
[11:46] <popey> ybon: well, good question. could file a bug in launchpad and link to upstream bug
[11:48] <ybon> popey: I've made one some days ago https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtlocation-opensource-src/+bug/1355459 but for now it doesn't have any answer
[11:48] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1355459 in qtlocation-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "Make tile URL configurable" [Undecided,New]
[11:48] <ybon> so I'm not sure it's the place to add more
[11:49] <ybon> on Qt bug tracker issues are quite old https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTMOBILITY-866
[11:50] <ybon> it seems to me that QtLocation is a planet with no galaxy
[11:50] <popey> hah
[11:50] <ybon> each time I try to understand who maintains this, I end lost in the black ;)
[11:52] * popey goes to do his chores
[11:55] <ybon> this one seems a good summary of the situation https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTMOBILITY-1116 :p
[11:56] <ybon> "Rumor has it that MeeGo Harmattan has an QtLocation offline map plugin in a experimental repository."
[12:02] <ybon> nik90: ping
[12:02] <nik90> ybon: pong
[12:02] <ybon> :)
[12:03] <ybon> I'm about to release a new version of OSMTouch, I guess something need to be done on the debian/ part?
[12:03] <nik90> well with the new headers you drop support of trusty
[12:03] <nik90> so you will have to release it for utopic
[12:05] <ybon> humm, ok
[12:06] <ybon> maybe I will need your help, I've never played with that
[12:09] <ybon> nik90: also, any feedback on the version you tested yesterday? :)
[12:10] <ybon> And if anyone else want to test it before release https://www.wetransfer.com/downloads/7f727eb98ac5dbecd1bb65d227677d1520140824113533/ad54a397fb9dee0e97b5c894e14197e920140824113533/3ec3d6 is the last version
[12:10] <daker> mzanetti: dash locked again :D
[12:10] <nik90> it is pretty nice.. much better ui in my opinion.
[12:10] <ybon> I agree :)
[12:10] <nik90> I like the icons used, I will have to do some more testing
[12:10] <ybon> I've now switched (yesterday night) the popup to pages
[12:11] <ybon> so when you click on a POI marker it pushes a page on the stack
[12:11] <ybon> I think it's more fluid this way
[12:11] <ybon> Have you tested the bottom edge?
[12:12] <nik90> yup I did
[12:12] <ybon> cool
[12:12] <nik90> I have one suggestion
[12:12] <ybon> tell me
[12:13] <nik90> when you press the search icon, rather than show a blank page, may be it would be cool to show a 80% opaque rectangle over the current map and show results in that rectangle
[12:13] <nik90> kinda like an overlay above it
[12:14] <nik90> I am not fully sure how it would feel yet, but just an idea to experiment on
[12:14] <nik90> maybe it might break consistency with the other pages like the bottomedge
[12:14] <daker> wow 5days without charging and the battery is still 16% :D
[12:16] <ybon> nik90: I take note, I will make some tests
[12:16] <ybon> nik90: in the next version, I will add autocomplete
[12:16] <ybon> (with Photon)
[12:17] <ybon> so at this point, the seach field will only be a state of the header
[12:17] <nik90> ooh cool
[12:59] <jan> hi
[12:59] <jan> i have a question can someone help me?
[14:05] <rpadovani> Hey :-) Does anyone tried the new connectivity api on utopic desktop?
[14:35] <nik90> rpadovani: Hey, I haven't tried it yet. Why something not working as expected?
[14:35] <rpadovani> nik90, well, on computer doesn't work at all, I have to try on phone
[14:35] <nik90> rpadovani: may be you are missing the package it requires (not sure which one)
[14:36] <rpadovani> nik90, nope, it's qml-module-ubuntu-connectivity and I have installed it
[14:37] <nik90> oh ok