UbuntuIRC / 2014 /08 /23 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[02:29] <holstein> anarkhos: "ubuntu 12" ? ubuntu 12.04?
[02:29] <holstein> anarkhos: its not really helpful to compart ubuntu 12.04 with lubuntu 14.04.. thats more about the hardware support of the differnt kernels, likely
[02:30] <holstein> compare*
[02:30] <anarkhos> ubuntu is fine now with vesa driver
[02:30] <holstein> anarkhos: sure.. ubuntu what? 12.04?
[02:31] <anarkhos> suspend is a little better too, at least it wakes up after suspend, althogh the screen is black
[02:31] <holstein> anarkhos: its not "ubuntu is fine and lubuntu is not". its more about "12.04 is fine and 14.04 is not"
[02:31] <anarkhos> 12.04
[02:31] <holstein> those are different kernels with different hardware support
[02:31] <anarkhos> yes
[02:31] <holstein> you are changing more than just one variable
[02:31] <anarkhos> im aware, im using language a little inaccurately
[02:31] <holstein> which is fine, but you cant make the assumption about which variable it is that is helping or harming
[02:32] <anarkhos> at least there are indications that the computer is capable of waking from linux suspend at alll
[04:59] <swift110> Helo all
[09:14] <joern_> good morning!
[09:14] <junka> o/
[11:09] <sgo11> hi, by following http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2144468, I add "@compton -b &" to the file ~/.config/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart. but compton does not autostart after login. any ideas why? thanks. (PS: I tried to manually run it. it works).
[16:13] <tore__> buonasera ho problemi a masterizzare file avi premetto che con i file iso e dati nessun problema ho provato con xfburn, con brasero ,con k3b ma niente dove ho sbagliato?
[16:14] <holstein> !it
[16:14] <ubottu> Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)
[16:14] <rafaellaguna> tore__, do you installed the restricted extras package? maybe it's not a "normal" avi
[16:15] <holstein> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1771692
[16:15] <holstein> !restricted
[16:15] <ubottu> For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats
[17:13] <koell> hi guys, just tried to install lubuntu 14.04.1 LTS 64bit on my "new" old pc i got today. after i choose try out or install i got the error (initramfs) unable to find a medium containing a live system. =( whats going wrong there?
[17:13] <koell> the pc has a amd 64 athlon 4200+ so i guess it is a 64bit cpu
[17:13] <phillw> koell: 1st thing to do is run the self test on the CD
[17:14] <koell> self test...? im using a usb, so you mean the ram check test phillw ?
[17:16] <koell> oh the self test okey
[17:16] <phillw> no, not RAM test. the check of medium itself
[17:16] <koell> just hit enter, may take a while... :/
[17:17] <phillw> should not be too long on a usb device (CD's take a while)
[17:17] <koell> i just come to the lubuntu . . . . screen :D
[17:19] <koell> wtf, im now on a black screen with the (initramfs) again. now what happened?
[17:19] <koell> there is no message like "unable to find live system"
[17:19] <koell> i guess the test is okey then
[17:21] <holstein> koell: sounds like i would want to test the hardware, and confirm the stick boots on another machine
[17:21] <holstein> i would make sure the machine is intended to support 64bit
[17:22] <koell> amd athlon 64 4200+ x2 seems to be. hmm
[17:23] <holstein> koell: it either supports 64bit OS's, or not.. i wouldnt assume
[17:23] <holstein> !nomodeset
[17:23] <ubottu> A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter
[17:23] <holstein> ^ alsl a common tool i use on machines like that
[17:23] <holstein> also*
[17:23] <koell> i may try another usb port. maybe the usb port from the apple keyboard isnt working
[17:24] <koell> i've a hd4870 in there :3
[17:25] <holstein> koell: i would remove *any* usb hubs from the euqation, and try *all* usb ports
[17:25] <koell> :D
[17:33] <koell> yeah im on the desktop now, used a usb keyboard from the backside :D
[17:33] <koell> hahah what a noob i am xD
[19:21] <faLUCE> hello. I installed 14.04 on an intel cedar trail netbook 1) when it suspends and I wake up the system, it shuts down. How can I fix that? 2) where can I donwload the drivers for this processor? (cedar trail)
[20:47] <anarkhos> why am i getting an error message (more accurately: many!) each time i boot lubuntu? it began after the suspend-resume failed the first time. -every- time i start X, i get these messages. is this a bug?
[20:47] <anarkhos> i have both tried clicking "cancel" and "report.."
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[22:15] <holstein> anarkhos: many things can contribute to those messages.. most of which, i would expect, hardware support, since that is the main issues you have been dealing with
[22:16] <holstein> anarkhos: i would just make a note of them, and cancel out of them, while trying to make sure you dont see them again
[22:16] <holstein> anarkhos: i have gone as far as just disabling the service
[22:41] <anarkhos> i have to click cancel every time X starts
[22:41] <anarkhos> that's a suboptimal solution. ill have a look at it right now and see if the messages are all about suspend-resume
[22:46] <anarkhos> just booted. not touched anything except changing run-level and starting X
[22:46] <anarkhos> there we have it: "System program problem detected"
[22:47] <anarkhos> yes, still about "apportcheckresume"
[22:47] <anarkhos> i have clicked on "report" many times before. it is as if it has not registered that i reported the problem before
[22:48] <anarkhos> also, the same message appears many times, not just one. ill try to click "report" on all, then restart x
[22:49] <anarkhos> 10 instances of the same message
[22:57] <anarkhos> ok there. i clicked "report problem" each time instead of "cancel". problem solved
[23:05] <phillw> anarkhos: nagging is apport, follow it you should :)