UbuntuIRC / 2014 /08 /23 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[08:11] <lordievader> Good morning.
[11:15] <BluesKaj> Howdy all
[11:21] <soee> some huge update today, what is it ?
[11:21] <soee> 4.14-ubuntu3
[11:24] <yofel> should be 4.14 archive build I think
[12:11] <soee> im not sure why, but after some updates in last days my system clock show snow time 2 hours behind, if i try to adjust it in System Settings -> Regional Settings -> Date & Time, than System Setting spanel freezes
[12:12] <soee> *plasma5
[12:15] <BluesKaj> no quicklaunch for the panel in plsama5 , i really miss that
[12:17] <BluesKaj> and no different backgrounds for the virtual desktops as well
[12:22] <ahoneybun> hello
[12:25] <soee> BluesKaj: differen bg for activities work :D
[12:25] <soee> hi ahoneybun
[12:28] <BluesKaj> i don't use activities soee, vds are sufficient for my needs
[12:28] <soee> BluesKaj: there would be a lot of new stuff in plasma 5.1
[12:29] <soee> so lets hope laso they will fix your issue :)
[12:30] <soee> that the ...
[12:30] <soee> Universal Time is now: Sat Aug 23 10:29:48 UTC 2014.
[12:30] <soee> huh ?
[12:30] <BluesKaj> soee, and when can we expect 5.1?
[12:30] * ahoneybun laptop is going to die soon
[12:31] <ahoneybun> soee: hows kubuntu land?
[12:31] <soee> BluesKaj: 5.1: Thursday 9 October tagging, Tuesday 15 October release
[12:31] <soee> ahoneybun: what wrong with your laptop ? :D
[12:31] <ahoneybun> batteru
[12:32] <ahoneybun> *y
[12:32] <soee> so battery not laptop :D
[12:32] <ahoneybun> it is part of the laptop
[12:35] <BluesKaj> that's too long to wait, think I'm reverting to 4 asap soee ... too early in the game for plasma5 as workable desktop that fits for me
[12:38] <soee> BluesKaj: might be, but it is possible to get used to :)
[12:40] <BluesKaj> nope, there are too many other things that i don't like soee
[12:48] <BluesKaj> soee, I'll probly install 5 when it's a better fit and more options available like desktop and icon themes etc. Right now it's still too annoying and irritating to use everyday
[12:50] <soee> BluesKaj: well depends what you do on your desktop, i agree it is missing a lot of features but i like what we have atm. teh only annoying thing is kded/kdeinit crashes with wifi but most of teh time im on cable so i can live with it :)
[12:50] <soee> also i like the current icon theme and breeze theme itself + qtcurve
[12:50] <soee> much more than oxygen
[12:55] <BluesKaj> using qtcurve, it's ok , but I don't care for the panel icon themes/looks
[12:56] <BluesKaj> soee, altho I've had only one freeze up so far and the wifi is stable here
[13:06] <soee> i like how plasma can die, and a few seconds later it is bringed to life :)
[13:21] <Quintasan> Riddell: ping?
[15:11] <BluesKaj> hey dougiel, alket ...been boringly quiet in here today :P
[15:11] <alket> hey BluesKaj xD
[15:57] <tester56> where should I report bugs for sddm?
[16:01] <soee> tester56: https://github.com/sddm/sddm/issues/new
[16:01] <tester56> soee: in kubuntu
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[18:39] <Riddell> apachelogger: getting excited?
[18:40] <kdeuser56> Riddell: despite removing all links in /etc/rc?.d/???sddm sddm still starts :-(
[18:41] <kdeuser56> Riddell: rohan patched casper scripts yesterday to allow the text and noninteractive options. his patch is in (i checked it by extracting the initrd).
[19:07] <kdeuser56> Riddell: it seems like sddm is invoked by something else and not by upstart
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=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - ¡My eyebrows are going to succeed! | https://trello.com/kubuntu
[20:25] <yofel> lol
[20:26] <yofel> at least you've got the doctor on your side now for independence :D
[20:45] <Riddell> but he still doesn't get a vote!
[20:55] <kdeuser56> shadeslayer: sddm starts despite your change ;-(((
[20:57] <kdeuser56> shadeslayer: the regex does what it is supposed to be though (I added some debug commands in the file and rebuilt the initrd), but despite removing /etc/rc?.d/???sddm it does start :-(
[21:43] <mhall119> does anybody know of an OAuth 2.0 library for QML (preferably) or Qt?
[21:44] <valorie> mhall119: have you looked at inqlude?
[21:44] <valorie> I believe I saw a couple
[21:44] <mhall119> what is inqlude?
[21:45] <kdeuser56> mhall119: http://inqlude.org/
[21:45] <mhall119> thanks kdeuser56
[21:48] <valorie> it's an effort to make qt libraries more accessible to developers
[21:50] <kdeuser56> mhall119: http://inqlude.org/libraries/o2.html might be of interest for you
[21:50] <mhall119> kdeuser56: yeah, that looks the most promising
[21:51] <mhall119> kqoauth only does OAuth 1.0, and qoauth looks like it's Qt4 only
[21:51] <mhall119> o2 I would have to make a make a QML plugin for though