UbuntuIRC / 2014 /08 /21 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
[00:55] <RAOF> Laney: Huh.
[00:57] <RAOF> Laney: I saw in the emails colord adt flipping between pass and fail; since there haven't been any uploads I assumed it was transient failure from dependencies...
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== thumper is now known as thumper-afk
[07:01] <pitti> Laney: OOI, are you going to let dbus in after traincon-0 has lifted?
[08:04] <Laney> RAOF: Yeah, I ran it verbosely and saw it wasn't being bus activated in the VM with old dbus, so all the tests were being skipped which makes the testsuite "pass"
[08:04] <Laney> at least the daemon tests
[08:04] <Laney> pitti: yeah
[08:04] <Laney> morning all!
[08:06] <larsu> hi Laney!
[08:07] <seb128> hey Laney
[08:07] <seb128> good morning desktopers
[08:08] <Laney> hey larsu & seb128
[08:08] <Laney> how are you!
[08:10] <Laney> autumn is here
[08:11] <seb128> good, here as well, it sucks!
[08:13] <Laney> http://www.timeanddate.com/weather/usa/portland-or/ext
[08:13] <Laney> this looks better
[08:17] <seb128> nice!
[08:17] <seb128> when do you fly?
[08:21] <larsu> Laney: I'm great (except for a bit of a sore throat), thanks!
[08:21] <larsu> portland! Color me jealous
[08:22] <Laney> seb128: tomorrow
[08:22] <seb128> Laney, going to be online during the day?
[08:23] <Laney> unlikely
[08:24] <seb128> k
[08:24] <Laney> the flight is at like 10am
[08:24] <seb128> I'm having the afternoon off today, so have a safe trip in advance ;-)
[08:24] <Laney> going to stay down in london tonight
[08:24] <seb128> (I'm still there this morning)
[08:24] <seb128> k
[08:24] <Laney> oh cool, have a good afternoon ;-)
[08:25] <Laney> poezenboot
[08:26] <seb128> thanks
[08:26] <seb128> haha
[08:26] <seb128> you like cats, don't you? ;-) (I do too :p)
[08:27] <Laney> definitely!
[08:34] <pitti> hey larsu, wie gehts?
[08:36] <larsu> pitti: great, thanks! Had a nice holiday in Sri Lanka and India. How are you?
[08:36] <pitti> larsu: tired :) but ok otherwise; I just had some nice holidays in Gardinia last week :)
[08:37] <larsu> hehe, nice
[08:55] <SamwiseGamgee> What URI address should I use in Shutter to upload my desktop image to imgur.com?
=== thumper-afk is now known as thumper
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=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
[11:29] <seb128> ok, lunch time and I've the afternoon off, see you later or tomorrow
[11:29] <seb128> safe travel Laney
[11:29] <Laney> bye!
[11:29] <Laney> cheers, enjoy the cats
[11:29] <seb128> thanks ;-)
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
[13:57] <Laney> is gdocs borked in firefox for anyone other than me?
[13:57] <Laney> Every time I click on a document I get a "File Unavilable" error
[13:57] <pitti> I often get that for particular documents
[13:58] <pitti> works on others
[13:58] <pitti> that doesn't smell like a client-side issue, though
[14:01] <Laney> it doesn't happen in chromium for me anyway
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
[14:25] <Laney> pitti: can we mark the gir packages build from src:gobject-introspection as M-A: foreign?
[14:26] <pitti> Laney: hmm, good question
[14:26] <pitti> Laney: I'd have said "same"
[14:26] <pitti> Laney: mvo_ was working on multi-arching them
[14:27] <Laney> yeah?
[14:27] <Laney> I grepped the archive and there's a few foreign gir1.2s already
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|tea
[14:28] <Laney> anyway, this is the reason for u-s-s not having x-installable build-deps
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[14:33] <mvo_> Laney: there is a open bugreport, let me search it
[14:34] <mvo_> Laney: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=755874
[14:34] <ubot5> Debian bug 755874 in gobject-introspection "gobject-introspection: [patch] use multi-arch pathes for the .typelib files" [Wishlist,Open]
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[14:36] <Laney> mvo_: aha, that transition sounds like fun
[14:36] <Laney> pitti: do you have plans to do it?
[14:36] <mvo_> Laney: yeah, thats a bit of a pain indeed, trivial but lots of packages
[14:53] <pitti> Laney: I haven't talked to mvo recently about the current status
[14:53] <pitti> (sorry, in meeting)
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
[15:56] <pitti> kenvandine: can you top-approve https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/unity-scope-scopes/use-langpack/+merge/231403 please? I can't, and it's holding up the publication
[15:56] <kenvandine> pitti, sure
[15:56] <pitti> kenvandine: (all other similar branches were approved)
[15:56] <pitti> kenvandine: cheers!
[15:57] <kenvandine> done
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
=== om26er|doctor is now known as om26er
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|vt
=== alan_g|vt is now known as alan_g
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
[17:03] <Laney> see you
[17:03] <Laney> I'll be offline tomorrow mostly, for travelling
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
[20:35] <mterry> Is there a way to run indicator-network on the desktop? Even if I run the executable directly, it complains about URfkill not being available
[21:26] <robert_ancell> TheMuso, did the screen reader key change in the desktop or has it always been different in the greeter
[21:38] <TheMuso> robert_ancell: It changed in the desktop.
[21:39] <TheMuso> When we originally added that keystroke, none was defined even in the desktop.
[21:40] <TheMuso> Because at the time, Orca wasn't a user session service, it was an app. Now its much more a user session service.
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