UbuntuIRC / 2014 /08 /21 /#ubuntu-app-devel.txt
Initial commit
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
=== _salem is now known as salem_
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
[03:23] <krazeivan> good evening!
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
=== chriadam is now known as chriadam|away
[05:14] <davmor2> DanChapman: hey dude when you are about, I'm having issues creating an initial user for dekko :(
[06:44] <dholbach> good morning
[07:37] <zsombi> nik90: ping
[07:44] <justCarakas> good morning
[08:22] <nik90> zsombi: pong
[08:24] <zsombi> nik90: hi dude, have you gone any further with the alarm issue?
[08:25] <nik90> zsombi: other than debugging, nope
[08:25] <nik90> zsombi: it seems after the alarm model refresh it reverts back to the old value. No idea why it does that
[08:25] <zsombi> nik90: I think we have the problem with teh Switch component completion
[08:26] <nik90> zsombi: will I have the same issue with a checkbox?
[08:26] <zsombi> nik90: I think there must be one more condition for the onCheckedChanged.... it should toggle enabled only if the component is complete
[08:26] <zsombi> nik90: yep
[08:26] <zsombi> switch is a checkbox with different style
[08:27] <zsombi> nik90: so you need a bool property which is set to true once the component gets completed, and you update the alarm enabled field only if the Switch is complete
[08:28] <zsombi> nik90: try that
[08:28] <nik90> Ok
[08:30] <dholbach> jdstrand, --json and -v options implemented in https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/click-reviewers-tools/1355215/+merge/231569
[08:31] <dholbach> jdstrand, let me know if we need to get anything else done in there to get it landed
[08:31] <dholbach> once it's landed it'll make popey and my life a bit easier in terms of copy/pasting review results :-)
[08:34] <DanChapman> davmor2, hey chap. :-) So what's the issue? is it crashing out while saving the user account?
[08:34] <davmor2> DanChapman: that's the one
[08:37] <DanChapman> davmor2, ahh excellent. You might be able to help me out here, i've tried endless times to reproduce it. If you have some time could you try running the attached click in bug 1355493 and send me the log output
[08:37] <ubot5> bug 1355493 in dekko "0.2.3 does not remember/use configuration" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1355493
[08:38] <davmor2> DanChapman: right I had to wipe my phones so I'll re try after and see if I can reproduce it
[08:38] <DanChapman> davmor2, and also delete the current config file to be sure it's starting a fresh run
[08:38] <DanChapman> davmor2, awesome thanks :-)
[08:51] <nik90> zsombi: doesn't work :/ https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/fix-status-revert/+merge/231690
[08:51] <nik90> zsombi: it fails at the same exact issue which is disabling an alarm which was just edited
[08:52] <nik90> zbenjamin: hey, I saw your https://code.launchpad.net/~zeller-benjamin/ubuntu-clock-app/clock-sdktoolscompat, I am afraid you did it on the wrong branch
[08:52] <nik90> zbenjamin: the correct clock branch is lp:ubuntu-clock-app/reboot
[08:52] <zsombi> nik90: ok, pastebin the code pls
[08:52] <nik90> zbenjamin: sry :/
[08:53] <nik90> zsombi: even better I linked the MR itself
[08:53] <zbenjamin> nik90: dang :/
[08:53] <nik90> zsombi: https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/fix-status-revert/+merge/231690
[08:53] <nik90> zbenjamin: I wasn't aware until I checked now
[08:54] <zbenjamin> nik90: ok i'll check out the new branch
[08:54] <zsombi> nik90: it's not enough only for the onCheckedChanged, also for the alarm status change
[08:54] <zbenjamin> nik90: i thought this one is still used
[08:54] <nik90> zsombi: ah ok, let me try
[08:57] <nik90> zsombi: that's a negative, same issue
[08:58] <nik90> zsombi: i pushed it
[08:58] <zsombi> hmm
[08:58] <zsombi> nik90: have you tested with memory manager?
[08:59] <nik90> zsombi: no, what was the environment variable again? I will add it to my personal wiki permanently
[09:01] <zsombi> nik90: ALARM_MANAGER=memory
[09:02] <nik90> zsombi: same issue with memory manager as well
[09:02] <zsombi> nik90: thx, it's easier to debug 4 me
[09:03] <nik90> zsombi: I set the variable in the Build Environment in the Projects Tab.
[09:03] <zsombi> nik90: that's OK, it can be on teh runtime as well, doesn't matter, it's a runtime check, not build time
[09:08] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Senior Citizens Day! :-D
[09:08] <justCarakas> good morning ;)
[09:10] <zsombi> nik90: wow, this UI looks 1000 times better!!
[09:10] <nik90> zsombi: :D
[09:10] <popey> heh
[09:11] <nik90> zsombi: too late to the party my friend
[09:46] <zyga> hey
[09:46] <zyga> I'm trying to get a list of items that the user can select
[09:46] <zyga> I tried using ListItem.SingleControl with a checkbox
[09:46] <zyga> but I'd like a label as well
[09:46] <zyga> should I just roll my own component that is composed of a checkbox and some text?
[09:46] <zyga> or is there a better way?
[09:46] <nik90> zyga: use ListItem.Standard
[09:46] <nik90> zyga: it offers a control element as well where you can add a checkbox
[09:47] <nik90> zyga: or any control element for that matter
[09:47] <zyga> nik90: let's try, thanks!
[09:47] <nik90> zyga: yw
[09:47] <zsombi> nik90: have you see the warning about "do not put Page/Tabs/PageStack inside another Page" warning? ;)
[09:47] <zyga> nik90: that works very well
[09:47] <zyga> nik90: is there a way to move the checkbox to the left side of the column?
[09:48] <zyga> nik90: other than forcing it with anchors?
[09:49] <zsombi> nik90: so which use-case was problematic? editing an enabled alarm?
[09:49] <nik90> zsombi: so edit a saved alarm (which is already enabled) and then save it. Try disabling it.
[09:50] <zsombi> nik90: aham...
[09:50] <zsombi> nik90: crap, onCompleted and model.ready comes almost the same time...
[09:50] <nik90> zyga: no you shouldn't do that. If you do, then ListItem.Standard is not what you need since you are breaking design
[09:51] <zyga> nik90: ok, thanks
[09:51] <zsombi> nik90: it is caused due to the entire model update...
[09:51] <Akiva-Thinkpad> morning all
[09:51] <nik90> zsombi: yes
[09:52] <zsombi> nik90: the status goes to ready, and that's ok, but then comes a model refresh, and that messes up the states... damn
[09:52] <nik90> zsombi: I mentioned that yesterday in http://paste.ubuntu.com/8096923/
[09:52] <nik90> zsombi: I have seen two warnings, the first "do not put Page/Tabs/PageStack inside another Page", I was told by t1mp that it needs to be disabled in the SDK side ;)
[09:53] <zsombi> nik90: aaah, t1mp boy ;)
[09:53] <nik90> zsombi: the second warning is about "ShaderEffect: Property 'source' is not assigned a valid texture provider (QQuickImage*)." which I have no idea why it comes
[09:53] <zsombi> nik90: seems it comes from UbuntuShape
[09:53] <nik90> zsombi: I decided to postpone my investigation of the warning after fixing some more pressing issues
[09:54] <nik90> zsombi: I don't use any UbuntuShape
[09:54] <nik90> zsombi: it comes from the Clock shape which has the shader effects
[09:54] <zsombi> nik90: actually comes from some ShaderEffect you use
[09:55] <nik90> zsombi: yup :D
[10:11] <zsombi> nik90: ehh, I have to convert this memory manager alarm DB into a JSON db...
[10:11] <nik90> ?
[10:15] <zsombi> nik90: it's not easy in this way to see whether the enabled value got changed... and apparently doesn't get changed :/
[10:16] <nik90> oh ok
[10:46] <Akiva-Thinkpad> someone help me out here; can you position the elements in a column to the centre?
[10:47] <nik90> Akiva-Thinkpad: parent.horizontalCenter?
[10:47] * Akiva-Thinkpad tries that
[10:48] <nik90> Akiva-Thinkpad: you can do any horizontal anchoring...column doesn't accept top, bottom and vertical anchoring since that defies the purpose of a column
[10:48] <Akiva-Thinkpad> ah yes I see that now
[10:48] <Akiva-Thinkpad> thanks
[10:49] <Akiva-Thinkpad> that did it
[11:22] <Akiva-Thinkpad> I have a row that I am trying to have its elements equally spaced in accordance to the window size. Do i have to calculate this manually, or is there something I'm missing here?
[11:22] <justCarakas> o/ Akiva-Thinkpad
[11:22] <Akiva-Thinkpad> justCarakas, holo!
[11:23] <Akiva-Thinkpad> hows the database dump coming along?
[11:23] <justCarakas> it works :) imported it yesterday :)
[11:23] <Akiva-Thinkpad> :)
[11:23] <justCarakas> now I can start cracking my brain on queries
[11:23] <Akiva-Thinkpad> ha ha
[11:23] <Akiva-Thinkpad> I laughed
[11:23] <justCarakas> I also started a new project
[11:23] <Akiva-Thinkpad> really?!
[11:24] <Akiva-Thinkpad> what ?!
[11:24] <justCarakas> this game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPKEmzLV9TA
[11:24] <Akiva-Thinkpad> qml?
[11:25] <justCarakas> gameboard and towers are already working
[11:25] <justCarakas> no, html
[11:25] <Akiva-Thinkpad> html5?
[11:25] <justCarakas> uhu
[11:25] <Akiva-Thinkpad> wow this looks interesting
[11:25] <justCarakas> it is
[11:25] * Akiva-Thinkpad loves board games
[11:25] <justCarakas> its an awesome game
[11:25] <justCarakas> if you know the rules and play it fair you can already play it with 2 persons
[11:25] <justCarakas> :p
[11:26] <Akiva-Thinkpad> justCarakas, I was developing dominion earlier before
[11:26] <Akiva-Thinkpad> had fun, need to revisit it though
[11:26] <justCarakas> :)
[11:26] <justCarakas> I hope to finish it in the comming days
[11:27] <Akiva-Thinkpad> wow quick
[11:27] <justCarakas> the first version :)
[11:27] <justCarakas> no AI
[11:27] <justCarakas> and than I'll write the AI
[11:27] <Akiva-Thinkpad> wow nice logic
[11:27] <Akiva-Thinkpad> very interesting
[11:27] <justCarakas> anybody know where I can hook a designer for a logo and some small things for the towers ?
[11:28] <Akiva-Thinkpad> justCarakas, you know what I would do?
[11:28] <justCarakas> what ?
[11:28] <Akiva-Thinkpad> find some unicode for a tower, perhaps a chess rook
[11:28] <Akiva-Thinkpad> and use that svn (the scaleable graphic)
[11:29] <Akiva-Thinkpad> and make a logo from that.
[11:30] <justCarakas> good Idea :D
[11:30] <justCarakas> thx
[11:34] <Akiva-Thinkpad> justCarakas, yep; thats what I did for logic
[11:34] <justCarakas> tried it, but I need to do stuff with colours aswell so it doesn't work
[11:34] <Akiva-Thinkpad> https://code.launchpad.net/~akiva/logic-calculator/trunk
[11:35] <Akiva-Thinkpad> mmmm yah
[11:47] <nik90> mzanetti: Do you know if it is possible to reverse geocode usingn QtLocation? For instance if I know the coordinates of the iss, can I reverse geocode that to get the city or country name?
[11:48] <mzanetti> nik90: hmm... not sure...
[11:48] * nik90 looks at osmtouch
[11:53] <karni> nik90: heh, whenever I come here, you happen to have *just* asked the question I was going for :D if you find that, please be so kind to ping me the url/solution. I think we could use this in one of our scopes (where the provider supports data for a limited set of cities). thanks in advance :)
[11:53] <nik90> karni: lol
[11:54] <nik90> karni:but will do if I get the answer
[11:56] <nik90> karni: have you tried OSMTouch?
[11:56] <nik90> karni: it has this feature where one can search for near by places. And it returns places of various interest like pubs, restaurants etc perfectly on the map
[11:57] <nik90> karni: which makes it think that it is some type of reverse geocoding. I suspect we could use the same
[11:58] <karni> nik90: wow, that is pretty cool! haven't tried OSMTouch yet.
[12:00] <nik90> karni: it seems like it just does http://api.openstreetmap.fr/oapi/xapi?node[bbox=4.290088886425934,52.09501793986946,4.341587299511872,52.1366818616302][amenity=fast_food] to get the coordinates of these places of interest
[12:00] <nik90> karni: if that's the case, I know what I need to do.
[12:01] <nik90> karni: I will get the user location via gps, and then pass that to geoname.org at http://api.geonames.org/findNearbyPlaceNameJSON?formatted=true&lat=55.93&lng=-3.24&username=krnekhelesh&style=full and get the closest city name
[12:05] <karni> nik90: good findings. I see your username, I suppose there's a quota for the number of calls?
[12:07] <nik90> karni: there is, but the geonames.org is temporary. We are trying getting this into http://geoname-lookup.ubuntu.com/?query=Farnborough&release=utopic where we are searching by city name atm.
[12:07] <nik90> karni: http://geoname-lookup.ubuntu.com/?query=Farnborough&release=utopic is used by the ubuntu installer and managed by canonical
[12:08] <karni> nik90: sweet
[12:10] <nik90> karni: feel free to exert pressure on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-geonames/+bug/1359206
[12:10] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1359206 in Ubuntu Geonames "Need to be able to search cities by their lat and long" [Undecided,New]
[12:10] <karni> thanks :)
[12:13] <karni> nik90: by the way, I noticed sudoku uses a hamburger style icon on the far left, I assume this is some new api (or are they using custom header content perhaps?)
[12:13] <karni> I admit I'm not up-to-date with the bleeding-edge latest developments of the platform.
[12:14] <karni> i.e. such toolkit details as the one mentioned
[12:14] <nik90> karni: it is the new tab button
[12:14] <nik90> karni: if you set "useDeprecatedToolbar: false" and use the 1.1 ubuntu components, you should have it :D
[12:14] <nik90> karni: although you will require utopic and later to run your app then
[12:14] <karni> lol. /me tries changing 0 to 1 haha
[12:15] <karni> sure, we do that anyway. thanks :)
[12:15] <nik90> np
=== _salem is now known as salem_
[12:28] <alsu> I’m trying to get my app to make a core file. when it crashes, I see “Segmentation fault (core dumped)”, however no core file appears in the current directory
[12:29] <alsu> where is it?
[12:36] <alsu> cat /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern says “|/usr/share/apport/apport %p %s %c” which sounds terrible. /var/crash/ is empty. ulimit -c is 0 even though /etc/security/limits.conf has “* hard core unlimited”
[12:37] <alsu> and “ulimit -c unlimited” says “ulimit: core file size: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted”
[12:37] <alsu> I’m at a loss.
=== Guest60224 is now known as renatu
[12:47] <alsu> oh my god. https://github.com/keithw/mosh/issues/196
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
[13:04] <Akiva-Thinkpad> core file?
[13:04] <Akiva-Thinkpad> alsu^
[13:05] <nik90> ara: ping
[13:48] <ara> nik90, pong
[13:49] <nik90> ara: hey, I was told that you are well versed with launchpad translation tools
[13:50] <nik90> ara: Would you be able to check if https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/reboot/+translations has the translation enabled correctly since I haven't see any .po files in that branch.
[13:50] <ara> nik90, mmm, who told you that, I am very bad with lp translations tools :D
[13:50] <ara> nik90, wrong person?
[13:50] <popey> oops
[13:50] <popey> my bad
[13:50] <nik90> ara: oops, sry
[13:51] <ara> popey, nik90: no worries, just sorry I cannot help
[13:51] <nik90> ara: no worries
=== om26er is now known as om26er|doctor
[14:33] <nik90> mzanetti: In your experience, do you know why qml might output Location:Label_QMLTYPE_40(0x24916a0, "location") instead of Location: Edinburgh ?
[14:33] <nik90> mzanetti: I did qDebug() << location which shows the correct output. But in the QML side, it returns Label_QMLTYPE_40(0x24916a0, "location")
[14:34] <mzanetti> nik90: show me the line that prints it
[14:34] <nik90> on the qml side it is essentially,
[14:34] <nik90> onLocationChanged: {
[14:34] <nik90> console.log("Location:" + location)
[14:34] <nik90> }
[14:35] <nik90> where location is a QString Q_PROPERTY
[14:35] <Akiva-Thinkpad> interesting
[14:35] <mzanetti> nik90: I rather think "location" is somewhere defined as "id: location"
[14:35] <nik90> mzanetti: ah yes...stupid me :?
[14:35] <mzanetti> Label { id: location ... } to be precise
[14:35] <nik90> :/
[14:35] <nik90> yup
[14:35] <mzanetti> :)
[14:36] <nik90> :p
[14:38] <Akiva-Thinkpad> hey I have a question for mergers
[14:39] <Akiva-Thinkpad> up until this point, I have been tackling each bug by pulling the latest image from trunk, and fixing one bug exclusively on that, and then linking the bug report. Repeat for the next, etc
[14:39] <Akiva-Thinkpad> is it better for me to just do say, one merge request and link 3 bugs to it?
[14:45] <popey> no
[14:45] <popey> unless the bugs are related
[14:45] <popey> like 3 different UI bugs with the same component, one merge could fix them all
[14:46] <popey> but if they're different features then separate merges should be done for each and linked to each bug
[14:47] <Akiva-Thinkpad> popey, thanks
[15:31] <dholbach> jdstrand, let me know if https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/click-reviewers-tools/1355215/+merge/231569 can be merged - I think the --json thing makes sense now - maybe we could have a --full-info output which shows json and additionally display stuff like click-show-files, etc
[15:31] <dholbach> but let's add that later on :)
[15:32] <dholbach> or maybe add a --old-sdk-output option :)
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
=== om26er|doctor is now known as om26er
[16:03] <Akiva-Thinkpad> think im gonna head out
[16:04] <Akiva-Thinkpad> what is the rtm date btw?
[16:04] <Akiva-Thinkpad> is it just august 30th?
[16:19] <Akiva-Thinkpad> ahh, Brian Lunduke calls the dash, the "Hud" in his unity review, http://www.networkworld.com/article/2466595/opensource-subnet/the-linux-desktop-a-week-review-ubuntu-unity.html
[16:20] <Akiva-Thinkpad> that bothers me so much >:9
[16:59] <jdstrand> hi! I'll try to take a look at it in a bit
[16:59] <jdstrand> dholbach: thanks for that! :)
[17:00] <dholbach> awesome
[17:00] <justcarakas> hey
[17:00] <justcarakas> I have a question
[17:01] <justcarakas> I'm trying to display a chinese character using &#40644; but for some reason it is not showing, any ideas
[17:01] <justcarakas> its an HTML5 app btw
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
[17:05] <justcarakas> dholbach do you know someone who could help me with that ?
[17:06] <dholbach> maybe dbarth or alex-abreu in #ubuntu-webapps
[17:06] <dholbach> or maybe daker
[18:11] <nik90> popey: so quick question, in 203 any app that requires location will not get the gps coordinates since the location service is not running?
[18:12] <popey> i believe so
[18:12] <nik90> popey: if yes impeccable timing just when I want to test location retrieval in the clock app :P
[18:12] <popey> well, the popup doesn't appear
[18:12] <popey> haha
[18:12] <popey> image #202 is → that way
[18:12] * nik90 roots to 202
[18:12] <nik90> hehe
[18:59] <ahayzen> davmor2, popey have you seen this bug on the promoted image? https://bugs.launchpad.net/libusermetrics/+bug/1359022
[18:59] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1359022 in libusermetrics "Welcome screen on image #200 always states that there are no data sources available" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[19:15] <nik90> popey: === https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/update-project-name/+merge/231618 -> Click Upload Done ===
[19:16] <popey> ahayzen: yes
[19:16] <popey> ahayzen: i think ogra_ mentioned someone had broken that recently
[19:17] <ahayzen> popey, ah ok so it is 'known' ?
[19:17] <ogra_> popey, wasnt me ... i was only complaining about missing translations :)
[19:17] <ahayzen> popey, should it be added to the landing mail with that tag? or is there another bug tracking it
[19:17] <popey> hmm, who was that then
[19:18] <ogra_> probably dave
[19:18] <nik90> any surprise there ^^ :P
[19:18] <ogra_> i didnt even notice it until i saw the bug above
[19:18] <ahayzen> popey, we also weren't sure if it was usermetrics or unity8
[19:19] <popey> nik90: will test shortly
[19:20] <nik90> popey: ok, no hurry, I am uploading more stuff
[19:20] <ahayzen> popey, totally random off topic question, where did u get that orange cover for the nexus 4 from?
[19:22] <popey> ahayzen: http://www.slickwraps.com/
[19:23] <ahayzen> popey, thanks :)
[19:26] <nik90> popey: ==== https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/implement-location-finding/+merge/231793 ==== Location Retrieval.
[19:40] <popey> nik90: clock wont launch here
[19:40] <nik90> popey: you will have to search for it
[19:41] <popey> dont like the version number
[19:41] <popey> 3.1.
[19:41] <popey> that shouldn't have a trailing dot IMO
[19:41] <popey> not sure that's related
[19:41] <nik90> popey: that fixes itself when a click package is created
[19:41] <nik90> popey: it is there since I created the click on qtc.
[19:41] <popey> I did search but it just wont start
[19:41] * popey reboots
[19:41] <nik90> popey: it should take the revision number automatically and become 3.1.71
[19:41] <nik90> hmm strange
[19:43] <popey> launches after a reboot
[19:43] <nik90> you should no longer have the old clock?
[19:44] <popey> correct
[19:44] <nik90> sweet so that was it
[19:46] <popey> alarm is taking a looooong time to save
[19:46] <popey> oh, its not saving
[19:47] <nik90> eh
[19:47] <popey> http://popey.mooo.com/screenshots/device-2014-08-21-204730.png that is the alarm I am about to try to save...
[19:47] <popey> note I unticked repeat:thursday
[19:48] <nik90> popey: then u didnt choose any day
[19:48] <popey> i dont want to repeat though
[19:48] <popey> and the label is "Repeat"
[19:48] <nik90> popey: atm there is no single type alarms. i am working on that
[19:48] <popey> ah okay
[19:49] <nik90> popey: there is a bug in progress for that. I just need some design info on that before proceeding further
[19:49] <popey> kk
[19:57] <nik90> popey: shall I add the check for the empty days and disable the back button? It should be a small patch + unit test. When I land single alarm support, unchecking all days will show the label "Never" in the Repeat listitem.
[19:58] <nik90> popey: other than that, does it look okay?
[19:58] <popey> yes.
[19:58] <popey> (it looks okay)
[19:59] <popey> I'm not sure that's needed, it's fine as is. When do you think single alarm support will land?
[20:00] <nik90> popey: I have been trying to get in touch with the designer the past 2 days..It should land hopefully by monday since code wise the implementation is quite simple.
[20:00] <popey> alarm I set just went off, so that's good ☻
[20:00] <nik90> hehe
[20:00] <popey> be good to get a reply before next week as many of them are out at a sprint.
[20:00] <popey> lets poke john lea tomorrow if you have no reply
[20:00] <nik90> oh
[20:01] <nik90> I definitely need to do a hangout with the designer since there are 2-3 other pressing design issues I need to discuss
[20:01] <nik90> so yeah we will definitely check tomorrow with john lea then
[20:02] <nik90> popey: can you top approve https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/update-project-name/+merge/231618 and https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/update-potfile-aug18/+merge/231198
[20:05] <popey> done
[20:05] <nik90> thnx
[20:15] <mhall119> hey, Graphite and uDraw work now! I don't know when that happened, but this is great!
[20:20] <popey> mhall119: wut! are they in the store?
[20:22] <mhall119> popey: yeah
[21:29] <ahayzen_> balloons, ping
[21:33] <balloons> ahayzen_, pong
[21:33] <ahayzen_> balloons, I'm converting more tests over and I have got this method set_shuffle(state) http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8109321/ should I be putting this in the helpers? or the tests? If the helpers should it go in the main MusicApp one or the toolbar/player and should you do assertThat inside helpers? If the tests am I accessing the pointing_device correctly?
[21:38] <balloons> ahayzen_, helpers shouldn't have asserts in them
[21:38] <balloons> maybe that helps clarify where it should go?
[21:39] <ahayzen_> balloons, or could i use a wait_for(state) ?
[21:39] <balloons> yes. What page has the shuffle?
[21:39] <ahayzen_> balloons, as it could potentially be changing the state or shuffle
[21:39] <ahayzen_> balloons, erm well it is in the toolbar...but only visible on the now playing page at the moment
[21:39] <ahayzen_> balloons, so does that answer it?...put it in the now playing page helper?
[21:40] <ahayzen_> balloons, and with a wait_for(state)
[21:40] <ahayzen_> balloons, yeah that makes most sense i'll do that :)
[21:41] <balloons> ahayzen_, :-) Awesome..
[21:41] <balloons> you start to get a feel for how these things should layout as you go eh?
[21:41] <ahayzen_> balloons, the first refactoring mp landed by the way \o/
[21:41] <balloons> I saw victor's comments on it as well.
[21:42] <ahayzen_> balloons, yeah getting there ...just a few more examples and i'll probably understand it all...hence my question :)
[21:42] <ahayzen_> balloons, ended up changing the same line of code 3 times lol
[21:42] <balloons> ahayzen_, I saw that hehe
[21:42] <ahayzen_> balloons, *nothing* gets past victor ;) hehe
[21:42] <balloons> which is totally fine.. I mean, I rewrote some of my own code several times
[21:44] <ahayzen_> balloons, am i ok to add u as a reviewer to the next round of autopilot refactor branches when i mp them?
[21:45] <ahayzen_> balloons, ah...ok so inside my MusicNowPlaying helper how do i get back up to the MusicApp ?
[21:46] <ahayzen_> balloons, oh is that the self.get_root_instance() part of Leo's way of getting back up to MainView self.get_root_instance().select_single(MainView)
[22:41] <ahayzen_> balloons, ah damn that doesn't work, so how can i back up to MusicApp ?
[22:50] <ahayzen_> balloons, no worries i've found a solution :)