UbuntuIRC / 2014 /08 /21 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== daniel is now known as Guest1731
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[07:26] <ShalokShalom> hi there: what is the different between kubuntu 12.04.5 with KDE SC 4.14 from the Backports and 14.04 ? What is the sense of this backpors, since 12.04.5 use athe same kerne and x.org as 14.04, please ?
[07:28] <Tm_T> ShalokShalom: there's more than just kernel and Xorg
[07:28] <ShalokShalom> i know, what ? the init system ?
[07:28] <Tm_T> pretty much the whole userland software stack, sans Xorg and KDE in this case
[07:29] <ShalokShalom> and this makes a markable difference in stability, correct ?
[07:29] <ShalokShalom> even with 4.14 ? :)
[07:30] <Tm_T> 12.04 has bug, security and hardware support updates, 14.04 has the whole platform updated compared to 12.04
[07:30] <ShalokShalom> i know
[07:30] <Tm_T> ShalokShalom: possibly yes better stability too
[07:30] <ShalokShalom> thanks
[07:30] <ShalokShalom> so why not ship 12.04.5 with 4.14 on board as well ?
[07:30] <ShalokShalom> or 4.13
[07:31] <Tm_T> ShalokShalom: because 12.04 should only have bug, security and hardware support updates, not feature updates
[07:31] <Tm_T> otherwise it wouldn't be stable release but "rolling" release
[07:31] <Tm_T> same with 14.04 at this point btw
[07:31] <ShalokShalom> what include the whole userland software stack ? the GNU Tools, the init system and .. ?
[07:31] <valorie> ShalokShalom: also we have no people stepping up to do the necessary testing
[07:32] <Tm_T> ShalokShalom: tons of libraries KDE is relying to, tons of applications etc
[07:32] <Tm_T> system services
[07:32] <valorie> backporting that far back would need very complete testing
[07:33] <Tm_T> valorie: and I'm sure we wouldn't get SRU exception for that
[07:33] <ShalokShalom> o fine
[07:33] <ShalokShalom> that sounds sensefull to me
[07:33] <valorie> Tm_T: I bow to your superior wisdom
[07:34] <valorie> and knowledge
[07:35] <ShalokShalom> so, to include 4.14 is just a question of testing ? and the specific bug reports for tht, result in a specific updates, yes ?
[07:35] <ShalokShalom> via the backports repo ?
[07:36] <valorie> ShalokShalom: testers who are going to be around, and not just "one-shot" backports
[07:37] <valorie> testing is really important for good QC
[07:37] <ShalokShalom> what are one shot backports please ? :)
[07:37] <ShalokShalom> QC ?
[07:37] <ShalokShalom> i tend to use non buntu kde distro, please forgive me :D
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[07:39] <lordievader> ShalokShalom: QC stands for Quality Control ;)
[07:39] <ShalokShalom> oh fine
[07:39] <ShalokShalom> yes, ofc
[07:40] <ShalokShalom> i think, that 4.13 (and 4.14 is quiet similar to 4.13) is already tested on the 14.04 Stack.
[07:40] <ShalokShalom> so that increase the Stability for sure
[07:40] <lordievader> ShalokShalom: If you want to become a tester hang around in #kubuntu-devel and let them know.
[07:41] <ShalokShalom> thanks
[07:41] <ShalokShalom> google find nothing about one-shot backports, valorie :P
[07:41] <valorie> I meant that we don't need people stepping up to test for just a short time
[07:42] <valorie> but making themselves available for some time
[07:42] <valorie> doing things like backports is a lot of work
[07:43] <ShalokShalom> yes
[07:43] <ShalokShalom> the 4.14 backport is already done ?
[07:51] <MoonUnit`> upgraded to 4.14 last night
[07:58] <valorie> 4.14 for 14.04 is done, yes
[07:58] <valorie> Riddell announced it earlier
[07:59] <Riddell> MoonUnit`: how did that go?
[08:00] <MoonUnit`> perfect, no problems.
[08:03] <ShalokShalom> me stupid, i cant read
[08:03] <ShalokShalom> guess this counts for 12.04
[08:04] <ShalokShalom> ah, anyway, 4.13.2 is ready
[08:04] <ShalokShalom> fine as well :D
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[08:49] <Wizard> Hi
[08:52] <jubo2> is there a key-combination to show the scrolling white lines describing what the system is doing at start-up time ?
[08:53] <jubo2> I'm that much from the last millenium I miss it in Kubunutu
[08:54] <valorie> jubo2: I think you have to get into settings by pressing escape I think it is, at just the right time
[08:54] <valorie> and set "nosplash" on
[08:54] <valorie> so you get text instead of the splash screen
[08:55] <valorie> !nosplash
[08:55] <jubo2> and there is no cue/clue for when to press escape ?
[08:55] <valorie> boo
[08:55] <valorie> as I recall, the instant that letters appear on your screen
[08:55] <valorie> but it's been different with every laptop I've tried
[08:55] <hateball> jubo2: do you want it to be permanent or just when you feel like pressing a key?
[08:56] <valorie> too bad ubottu didn't know, but you can google with nosplash + your computer model
[08:56] <jubo2> hateball: I guess I'd like it permanent
[08:57] <hateball> jubo2: sudo nano /etc/default/grub and remove "quiet splash" in the default cmdline, then sudo update-grub
[08:57] <hateball> it will edit all grub entries, and make it default for any new kernels as well
[08:58] <valorie> awwww, then no pretty splash any more
[08:58] <valorie> it is interesting, though
[08:58] <valorie> to see what's starting up
[09:00] <jubo2> I try reboot now to check it worked
[09:03] <kbroulik> I was surprised to find that cups was not installed on my utopic install with plasma 5. is that intended, or is something else used now?
[09:05] <valorie> kbroulik: I've not heard of anything else
[09:05] <valorie> maybe fewer people are printing these days
[09:05] <kbroulik> hopefully :)
[09:07] <juboxi> hateball: didn't work .. I just commented it out instead of removing. Is that the problem ?
[09:07] <juboxi> hateball: the nosplash-thing
[09:10] <hateball> juboxi: pretty sure you need the entry there for update-grub to run properly. You can check /boot/grub/grub.cfg to see that the entries are correct
[09:11] <hateball> if you just comment it out I doubt it will overwrite existing entries
[09:17] <icetek> allo
[09:19] <icetek> ??
[09:19] <hateball> yes?
[09:19] <icetek> is my frist time on linux
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[10:09] <jubo2> Hey..
[10:10] <jubo2> Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, FLGOSS devel appreciation day, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. *repeat*
[10:10] <jubo2> So happy FLGOSS devel day!
[10:11] <jubo2> This new, clean Kubuntu14 works really nice also with only 2GB of RAM
[10:11] <jubo2> Got the same in a VirtualBox in the other machine.. that one gets by with only 1.7GB of RAM
[10:31] <Wizard> jubo2: How much RAM does default install eat?
[10:32] <jubo2> Wizard: as in seen in 'top' ?
[10:33] <Wizard> ;]
[10:33] <jubo2> Wizard: I think it was 1.3GB without tens-of-tabs-in-the-ff and 1.9GB with all
[10:33] <jubo2> it's obviously carefully avoiding going under 100MB free
[10:34] <Wizard> And Kubuntu without any running apps?
[10:34] <jubo2> coz you really wanna avoid going to IO-wait if you wanna a reputation of reliable good performance OS
[10:34] <jubo2> Wizard: I don't know the answer to that
[10:35] <Wizard> OK
[10:35] <Wizard> I'll check back home.
[10:35] <jubo2> Wizard: the system ( thank you for that FLGOSS ppl btw ) always loads all programs that were loaded when the OS was last time shut down
[10:35] <Wizard> Here I'm tortured by windows, served corpo style.
[10:35] <jubo2> This is sheer user friendliness candy in comparison to Windoozes
[10:35] <Wizard> jubo2: I've disabled that, I don't like it.
[10:36] <jubo2> Me gusta mucho
[10:36] <Wizard> I've selected "launch empty session".
[10:36] <jubo2> Wizard: should we move the thread to #kubuntu-offtopic ?
[10:36] <jubo2> coz you know..
[10:36] <Wizard> Sure
[10:38] <jubo2> [Wednesday, August 20, 2014] [04:04:48 PM] <jubo2> BluesKaj: 'k.. was forgetting in a support channel. channel traffic ~~ support demand, support demand == bad for us
[10:38] <jubo2> no channel traffic == no support demand == good for us
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[12:08] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all
[12:39] <alket> sorry for OT , but is kde 5 considered as stable ? I mean can it be used on production environment ?
[12:41] <Wizard> Well, since it won't be included in 14.10 I guess no :]
[12:45] <BluesKaj> alket, kde5 isn't available yet, only the framework and plasma 5s
[12:45] <alket> BluesKaj: thanks
[12:45] <alket> didnt knew that
[12:46] <shadeslayer> alket: what's KDE 5?
[12:46] <shadeslayer> there's no KDE 5 :)
[12:46] <BluesKaj> it's a rumour about kde5 ..a lot of users are mistaking the plasma5 and kf5 as kde5
[12:47] <alket> yeah , I don't understand KDE well , I just like kubuntu and I know that it uses KDE
[12:48] <alket> do you guys use it ?
[12:48] <BluesKaj> well, they are part of what will be kde5 in the future
[12:48] <BluesKaj> I don't due to breakage
[12:49] <alket> thanks
[12:50] <Wizard> I don't since I like things working and I avoid PPAs and other dirty magic.
[12:51] <BluesKaj> alket, ask in #kubuntu-devel for more info about it
[13:04] <soee> alket: yes im on plasma5 :)
[13:05] <Wizard> Brave one :)
[13:25] <alket> any good screen recorder ?
[13:29] <alket> found it
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[13:40] <jubo2> alket: what was it ? if you took 4 minutes to look for one yourself please do take the 15 seconds respond
[13:40] <jubo2> I use whatever comes with KDE to take the snapshots but sometimes recording would be powerful
[13:41] <alket> im using recordMyDesktop , which is not a kde app
[13:43] <alket> it says that it has qt4 frontend but can't find it
[13:44] <alket> but terminal version works just fine
[13:44] <Wizard> I used something with weird name once.
[13:45] <Wizard> xsomethingcam
[13:45] <Wizard> xvidcap
[13:46] <Wizard> Small GTK app.
[13:46] <alket> jubo2: found another one , recorditnow
[13:46] <alket> i thnk its a frontend for recordmydesktop
[13:46] <alket> its kde
[13:47] <BluesKaj> kamoso
[13:48] <BluesKaj> !kamoso
[13:48] <BluesKaj> !info kamoso
[13:48] <ubottu> kamoso (source: kamoso): tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.0.2-2ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 187 kB, installed size 819 kB
[13:49] <alket> BluesKaj: i meant a desktop recorder
[13:49] <BluesKaj> oh yeah , my mistake :)
[13:50] <BluesKaj> there are 2 versions of recordmydesktop
[13:56] <jubo2> 'k dänks alketzor & BluesKajzor
[13:56] <BluesKaj> jubo2, zor ?
[14:10] <jubo2> Quick newb question: how do I chown recursively ?
[14:26] <tsimpson> jubo2: chown -R ...
[14:28] <jubo2> tsimpson: tnx.. I tried -r intuitively and it complained about the it not existing
[14:53] <rostam> hi I am trying to suppress the output of the "apt-get install" I have used "-q" and still prints too much stuff, what should I do ? thanks
[14:55] <tsimpson> rostam: you can use -qq to make it very silent, but beware it implies -y
[15:02] <locsmif> hi all. I have a problem. I upgraded Kubuntu to the latest version through the system tray updater, and now my desktop environment won't start anymore. Screen goes off after the glowing 'kubuntu' text and I'm forced to reboot.
[15:02] <locsmif> In rescue mode now, 80x40 text mode, I started networking, so that's how I was able to get here. What's going on ?
[15:04] <BluesKaj> locsmif, try updating, upgrading and dist-upgrade again
[15:04] <locsmif> okay
[15:05] <BluesKaj> 12.04 to 14.04 ?
[15:05] <BluesKaj> LTS
[15:05] <locsmif> Doing d/u now, I have icedtea, openjdk, stuff like that
[15:05] <locsmif> yeah
[15:06] <locsmif> At 14.04.1 LTS now
[15:17] <rostam> tsimpson, thx
[16:08] <locsmif> Hi all. Can't boot into desktop after upgrade to 14.04.1. I get the "kubuntu" logo and then the screen just switches off, looking for signal on DVI-D
[16:10] <locsmif> Is this is a known problem?
[16:11] <locsmif> This PC has an [AMD/ATI] BeaverCreek [Radeon HD 6550D] video card
[16:13] <jalomann> I had the same when I installed 14.04 and now I am having difficulties installing 14.10
[16:13] <locsmif> Hmmm
[16:14] <locsmif> Sounds ominous, like I'm fucked :P
[16:14] <locsmif> I wish I hadn't upgraded..
[16:14] <jalomann> Try to press shift when you boot to get boot options.
[16:14] <locsmif> Somehow kdm was migrated to lightdm
[16:14] <jalomann> And then F6. Select acpi=off
[16:14] <locsmif> jalomann: I'm booted now, I modified some kernel options to get a workable terminal
[16:15] <locsmif> acpi=off ?
[16:15] <jalomann> yes. enter toggles.
[16:16] <jalomann> so that you get x mark.
[16:16] <locsmif> Right
[16:17] <locsmif> I don't necessarily need shift though, I get a grub 2 boot menu, and I'm booting from external USB HDD. I have an option "advanced", where I can modify the boot options as usual with "e", or are you referring to another boot phase?
[16:18] <locsmif> I guess there's no harm in trying, but I doubt this will work. Brb
[16:18] <jalomann> Yes. I am talking about DVD boot. But I think you can enter the same option on boot parameters.
[16:20] <jalomann> I am struggling here as well. I am stuck with installation.
[16:24] <locsmif> Well, that didn't work
[16:24] <locsmif> I don't know why I even thought it would
[16:25] <jalomann> It worked for one of my istallations but I have still two left.
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[16:28] <locsmif> Most likely something is wrong with the X.org configuration and the mode set
[16:29] <locsmif> I need to alter my normal boot configuration so that Kubuntu won't start X. Any ideas on how to achieve that? I'm not used to upstart and all that cruft
[16:29] <jalomann> Then you can try with boot option nomodeset
[16:29] <locsmif> X.org must set a mode
[16:29] <locsmif> a resolution, a color depth
[16:30] <locsmif> I don't even know what nomodeset does
[16:30] <locsmif> I presume it's an option for the kernel and the framebuffer
[16:32] <jalomann> These were the tips I read but they doesn't me either. :(
[16:32] <Wizard> Hi everybody?
[16:33] <Wizard> jalomann: Whya re you sad?
[16:33] <jalomann> I don't have too much success with installation.
[16:34] <Wizard> Installation of what?
[16:34] <Wizard> Sorry, I've just dopped in :)
[16:35] <jalomann> Now I try to install 14.10 32bit
[16:35] <Wizard> 14.10 will be released in october.
[16:35] <jalomann> Yes but I try test http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/
[16:36] <jalomann> But I difficulties to install 14.04 64bit as well.
[16:36] <Wizard> Hmm.. current can by " just broken" :D
[16:37] <Wizard> I thnk alfa or beta has been relesed use that.
[16:37] <Wizard> Or upgrade from 14.04.
[16:38] <jalomann> I can try. But I just burned two 14.04 DVDs for my friend and they failed too.
[16:39] <jalomann> So they installed 13.10
[16:39] <Wizard> Did you check iso images checksums after dowloading?
[16:39] <jalomann> Yes I did.
[16:40] <jalomann> Annd I burned severad DVDs. Not only one.
[16:40] <Wizard> Hmm.. What was the exact problem?
[16:40] <Wizard> Because, you know.. "just failed" is not pretty detailed.
[16:41] <jalomann> The screen stays black. The installation didn't go further.
[16:42] <jalomann> I have one installation going. If you have tips they are wellcome.
[16:43] <jalomann> I tried to start: "check disc for errors" but it didn't start either.
[16:44] <kokeboy1> you could use an emulation software first, such as WMware player... you can install kubuntu from windows...
[16:45] <jalomann> Yes I know but I usually run on iron.
[16:45] <BluesKaj> or virtualbox
[16:47] <jalomann> Ok. I can try that. I still have 12.10 on this box with VM.
[16:59] <jalomann> Now I noticed I don't have kernel module for VM.
[17:00] <jalomann> I compiled my own kernel for my network card.
[17:02] <jalomann> I need to change the harddisk. I will be back.
[17:25] <jubo2> I just noticed the mouse scroll wheel works with nano inside of ssh.. Thank yous go to the KDE and Kubuntu devels
[17:26] <jubo2> never had a scroll wheel work in nano before..
[17:28] <nagerst> Where can i find the sound files from kubuntu hardy?
[17:29] <nagerst> I really love the minimize/maximize sounds
[17:29] <Wizard> In hardy repo :]
[17:30] <nagerst> Wizard: i understand that, but in what package?
[17:31] <Wizard> No idea, really :D
[17:32] <Wizard> jalomann: Did you figure it out?
[17:33] <jalomann> No. I tried to boot this PC but it didn't start.
[17:35] <Wizard> nagerst: If you know filenames it can be easy.
[17:35] <Wizard> Hardy was an LTS?
[17:36] <jalomann> I burned a new DVD with Brassero. The first one was burned with k3b
[17:38] <BluesKaj> !Hardy
[17:38] <ubottu> Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on May 12 2011, Server support ended on May 9th 2013. See http://ubottu.com/y/hardy for more details.
[17:39] <BluesKaj> !EOL
[17:39] <ubottu> End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades
[17:39] <BluesKaj> nagerst,^
[17:39] <nagerst> BluesKaj: thta still does not help me finding the sound files.
[17:40] <jalomann> One more try with DVD+R (the first was DVD-R)
[17:40] <nagerst> i am not trying to run hardy, i just want the sound files to use in kde4
[17:41] <Wizard> BluesKaj: He only wants thes media files. I have no idea which package holds them :)
[17:41] <BluesKaj> nagerst, it means you need to upgrade to anewer OS in order to upgrade those sound drivers/files and receive support for OS in the support channels like this one.
[17:41] <nagerst> i *have* a newer os installed
[17:42] <nagerst> oi vey
[17:42] <Wizard> :D
[17:42] <BluesKaj> oi vey for sure what are you asking about old sound file sfor anyway/
[17:43] <nagerst> BluesKaj: the minimize and maximize sounds from kde3 so i can use them for the same sound effect in kde4
[17:43] <nagerst> i believe it is in .wav format.
[17:43] <Wizard> BluesKaj: Take it easy :) No museum here.
[17:43] <Wizard> nagerst: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/allpackages
[17:43] <nagerst> I just really like the sounds :P
[17:44] <BluesKaj> nagerst, there are archives available if you feel like searching
[17:45] <nagerst> yup, but i though someone might have been around packaging them or perhaps even the creator of the sound files.
[17:45] <nagerst> oh well, i will search manually then
[17:45] <BluesKaj> nagerst, that's your best bet
[17:46] <Wizard> nagerst: kdeatwork-misc may be the one.
[17:46] <jalomann> No chance. Same thing. The istallation stops.
[17:47] <BluesKaj> Wizard, there's no support here for old OSs like hardy, it's just a fact , the repos are no longer available so we can't encourage support
[17:47] <Wizard> BluesKaj: OK
[17:47] <Wizard> Can we take it to #kubuntu-offtopic?
[17:48] <jalomann> I'll quit for today.
[17:48] <BluesKaj> well, I have nothing more to say about it anyway
[18:02] <locsmif> jalomann: nomodeset worked; it was indeed about kernel framebuffer configuration, but it appears that that is what is causing the eventual switch to radeon Xorg drivers to fail. Or something to that effect.
[18:05] <locsmif> But now I have a horrible 80x25 mode on tty1..n
[18:24] <M4RC377U5> valorie: just changing my nick because "it was already taken"
[18:29] <alket> how to make Ark to display the extracting process in a dialog, not in notification area
[18:31] <kbroulik> alket: you can turn off "progress and jobs" in the notification plasmoid's settings, however this will affect all copy and move jobs also
[18:32] <alket> kbroulik: thanks
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[18:38] <nagerst_> Wizard and BluesKaj, thanks for helping me find the files. Very helpful as usual.
[18:42] <Ironlenny> I have an upstart job which runs a ruby script after boot. It was working at one time, but fails now. Anyone have any ideas? http://paste.kde.org/pqbmkt6qj
[18:44] <jalomann> locsmif: nice to hear it helped. I don't remember the next step without google.
[18:46] <locsmif> I think I've neglected the changes to the init system, dbus, udev, etc. for too long. I'm lost. I don't even know where Xorg gets its configuration. There's nothing in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d
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[18:47] <locsmif> .. that involves what I remember looks like an actual X config, just some input device config stuff that doesn't make much sense
[18:48] <locsmif> Let alone a way to reliably determine what *driver* Xorg is actually using, save for skimming the logs. It's all very frustrating.
[18:48] <jalomann> they are in /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[18:52] <locsmif> I don't have that file.
[18:52] <locsmif> Do you?
[18:54] <jalomann> I have nvidia driver too but it was long time ago when I set up that.
[18:54] <jalomann> My nvidia has backupped the file and
[18:55] <jalomann> I have /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup only
[18:56] <locsmif> I've got Radeon
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[18:56] <locsmif> [AMD/ATI] BeaverCreek [Radeon HD 6550D]
[18:56] <locsmif> This is interesting: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2204560
[18:56] <jalomann> Ok
[18:56] <locsmif> "Didn't you have to use 'nomodeset' ? I have had to use 'nomodeset' with my A4 from 12.04 installs."
[18:57] <locsmif> They are talking about the same hardware setup I have
[18:58] <jalomann> Yes. Somehow I remember there is a trick to get it sorted out on the terminal.
[19:01] <locsmif> They are saying their kernel version solved the problem, but I'm using a newer version than they're mentioning. So I'm still screwed for now, it seems. Let's see if there's an Xorg channel I can ask.
[19:03] <jalomann> Ok. I need to quit for today. Back tomorrow.
[19:03] <Wizard> Hmm.. It takes ages to load KDE. Is there any "speed up guide"?
[19:08] <locsmif> Wizard: perhaps #kde knows. I think the lack of proper diagnostic tools makes it impossible to detect where the slowdowns are coming from
[19:09] <genii> Wizard: You can install and check bootchart to get an idea where the slowdowns are
[19:09] <Wizard> locsmif: Well, KDE works ok after loading, however its loading time doubles system boot :D
[19:09] <Wizard> genii: Will it allso monitor KDE startup?
[19:10] <genii> Wizard: No, basically everything up to lightdm login though
[19:11] <Wizard> Nah, that time is OK.
[19:11] <Wizard> It is KDE which bothers me.
[19:13] <Wizard> I'll ask on #kde.
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest12229
=== OnkV is now known as Haudegen
[19:30] <joejoejoejoejoej> Hi
[19:30] <joejoejoejoejoej> I just did the patches today and now I have no audio
[19:35] <jevsan> ??
[19:39] <kbroulik> Whn I'm running apt-get update on my utopic I get : GPG-Fehler: http://de.archive.ubuntu.com utopic Release: Die folgenden Signaturen waren ungültig: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>
[19:40] <kbroulik> "The following signatures were invalid"
=== julio is now known as saitodisse
[19:50] <Wizard> kbroulik: Weird..
[19:51] <Wizard> kbroulik: Did you try to update -keyring first?
[19:52] <kbroulik> Wizard: update keyring?
[19:52] <Wizard> There is such package.
[19:53] <Wizard> ubuntu-keyring or something like that.
[19:53] <Wizard> You can also ask on #ubuntu+1
[19:57] <kbroulik> already newest version :/
[20:04] <Wizard> kbroulik: Than ask on #ubuntu+1
[20:04] <Wizard> 14.10 isn't supported yet.
[20:05] <kbroulik> Wizard: okay, sorry to bother, thanks anyway
[20:05] <Wizard> No worries.
[20:05] <Wizard> Sorry, guys here usually takes very serious what is supported or what is not.
[20:06] <kbroulik> seems my brain put emphasis on the K ubuntu part rather than the +1 part :)
[20:07] <Wizard> :D
=== sari is now known as Guest26222
=== Toast_ is now known as Toast
=== rado is now known as Guest4719
[21:28] <djs_> im having issues getting skype to work
[21:28] <djs_> no matter what i do i get a seg fault
[21:28] <djs_> can some one please help me
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest80475
=== Guest80475 is now known as goodtime
[22:07] <alket> How to show a dialog when I copy/move files . I disabled in notifcation area to now show there , but i thought it would display a dialog ?
=== ubuntu___ is now known as goodtime
[23:02] <Witcher> Hello. I have problem, I have kubuntu on usb witch persistent so I create account and now when I running linux on persistent i cannot login..I write password and nothing. Please Help