UbuntuIRC / 2014 /08 /19 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
[11:17] <onla_> how can I locate what is taking so much space. Trying to sync dropbox but it says I don't have space. Suddenly my 59GB lubuntu partition is full
[11:18] <onla_> like listing files in order of size from dev/sda5
[11:47] <onla_> oh got something.. I forgot I had downloaded the babylon 5 to this drive :)
[12:25] <SamwiseGamgee> Which Libre Office application should I use to manipulate PDFs?
[12:29] <ikonia> SamwiseGamgee: are you using lubuntu ?
[12:33] <ikonia> SamwiseGamgee: 13:33 < SamwiseGamgee> xubuntu 14.04
[12:33] <ikonia> SamwiseGamgee: please do not use #lubuntu for your #xubuntu issues
[12:34] <SamwiseGamgee> ok
[12:34] <ikonia> you've been told this 3 times before
[12:34] <ikonia> you've been banned from channels because you can't follow the rules/topic
[12:34] <ikonia> @mark #lubuntu SamwiseGamgee knowingly using the wrong channel
[12:34] <ubottu> The operation succeeded.
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
[14:07] <anarkhos> hi
[14:07] <anarkhos> "WARNING: Although this configuration sets a "safe" refresh rate of ~60Hz, I cannot absolutely guarantee that your hardware won't be damaged. Use at your own risk" - why would the hardware be damaged?
[14:56] <holstein> anarkhos: if the hardware is broken by trying to display a rate it cant
[14:58] <anarkhos> holstein: according to the gma500 settings in windows, the default (actually, only choice) rate is 60 hz
[14:58] <holstein> anarkhos: ok..
[14:58] <anarkhos> so i suppose that should not be a worry. are there other sources of concern?
[14:59] <anarkhos> rendering it necessary with such a warning?
[14:59] <holstein> anarkhos: the tool in linux that is setting that cant guarantee.. if you can guarantee, then, move on
[14:59] <anarkhos> so it's only the refresh that is a concern?
[14:59] <holstein> anarkhos: the source of the concern is this.. the creator of the hardware didnt promise you that tool wont break the hardware
[15:00] <anarkhos> right
[15:00] <holstein> those settings *can* legitamately damage the hardware
[15:00] <holstein> you are responsible for checking the settings and making sure..
[15:07] <anarkhos> since the warning mentions specifically the refresh rate (and nothing else), i assume that that particular factor is the most crucial (maybe the only?) one, and if the hardware can handle a rate of 60 hz, it's reasonable to conclude that the configuration will not cause any damage. do you agree?
[15:08] <holstein> anarkhos: i would read the manufacturers notes about what *all* settings the device can and should work with
[15:09] <holstein> anarkhos: the "other settings" are likely just the geometry? i personally have set *many* devices to the incorrect geometry, and i'll just see a message
[15:09] <holstein> anarkhos: the big take-away here is, the burden of responsibility.. you must do the research and make sure you are not going to damage the gear
[15:10] <anarkhos> holstein: right
[15:10] <Ascavasaion> A window just popped up on my desktop, it says that there is an Ubuntu 14.04 distribution available. I am running Lubuntu... would this upgrade necessary stuff and remain a Lubuntu distro? And if so, should I do it?
[15:14] <holstein> Ascavasaion: lubuntu *is* ubuntu
[15:15] <Ascavasaion> I thought so... so this will then upgrade, but remain Lubuntu then?
[15:15] <holstein> Ascavasaion: are you currently on 14.04?
[15:16] <Ascavasaion> Description: Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS
[15:16] <holstein> Ascavasaion: lubuntu 12.04 is not supported any longer
[15:17] <Ascavasaion> Holstein... so I should upgrade?
[15:17] <holstein> Ascavasaion: main ubuntu 12.04 is supported for 5 years. so, the repos are there, and the core gets updates.. but, as for lubuntu specific things, those are only supported for 6 months
[15:17] <holstein> Ascavasaion: i am explaining facts to you.. you decide if you should upgrade
[15:17] <Ascavasaion> Holstein: Oh... I thought newer is better?
[15:18] <holstein> Ascavasaion: no..
[15:18] <holstein> Ascavasaion: "better" is a matter of opinion, and use case
[15:18] <Ascavasaion> Use case?
[15:18] <holstein> Ascavasaion: i would be applying upgrades to my 12.04, regardless.. in a terminal "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"
[15:19] <holstein> Ascavasaion: yes.. for example, if 14.04 is "Newer" but has dropped some software or drivers that you need from 12.04, then, the newer is *not* better for your specific use case
[15:19] <Ascavasaion> holstein: Okay, but is that not what I asked?
[15:19] <holstein> Ascavasaion: you asked, "should i upgrade"
[15:19] <Ascavasaion> holstein: Oh, I understand, thank you.
[15:19] <holstein> Ascavasaion: and i am still answering you
[15:20] <holstein> Ascavasaion: there will be no easy "yes" or "no" for that..
[15:20] <Ascavasaion> Holstein: I understand, thank you so much.
[15:20] <holstein> Ascavasaion: cheers
[15:42] <user123321> Does anyone have an idea why my LUbuntu showed only the background after logging in?
[15:43] <holstein> user123321: misconfiguration? bad drive? bug for your specific hardware? etc..
[15:43] <holstein> user123321: is this a fresh install? did the live CD work? is this something that broke after an upgrade? lubuntu 14.04?
[15:45] <user123321> holstein, I guess it's a misconfiguration, lubuntu 14.04 or later, I tried reinstalling lubuntu-desktop, bash, nothing worked, then I ended up wiping out my profile folder that start with a dot. It's a VM so I'm not scared to experiment :p
[15:45] <user123321> no luck o.O
[15:45] <user123321> now the login screen re-appears after logging in after deleting those files.
[15:45] <user123321> shall I install unity?
[15:45] <holstein> user123321: why?
[15:46] <user123321> might it solve?
[15:46] <holstein> user123321: unity isnt suggesting its a way to fix lubuntu installations? as i read
[15:46] <holstein> user123321: what did you do? you deleted a user?
[15:46] <user123321> I see
[15:46] <user123321> hmm, any suggestions? I was googling a lot :/
[15:47] <holstein> user123321: sure
[15:47] <holstein> user123321: tell me what you did?
[15:47] <holstein> user123321: you deleted a user account?
[15:47] <holstein> !details
[15:47] <ubottu> Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)
[15:48] <holstein> user123321: now, you have to tell me also what you have done to try and fix the issue, as well as what caused the issue..
=== RishabhTatiraju_ is now known as RishabhTatiraju
[15:49] <user123321> holstein, Ok there was some messing up with the bash config, so I reinstalled bash with --purge,
[15:49] <holstein> user123321: what messing up with what? how?
[15:50] <user123321> adding a line to install a software, I believe I might have added some unknown things over there which would be difficult to trace.
[15:50] <holstein> user123321: for you, i suggest this.. reinstall.. then, save a snapshot in the VM.. then, when you have issues come here *before* resinstalling or purging anything
[15:50] <silverlion> holstein o/
[15:50] <holstein> user123321: if you have added "some unknown things", then, you must reinstall, likely, to repair this.. i would need to know those things to volunteer support
[15:50] <holstein> silverlion: o/
[15:52] <user123321> Yeah, actually it wasn't me but I was told that it was some bash thingy :/ I was wondering if I could just reset the stuff back.
[15:53] <holstein> user123321: it depends
[15:53] <holstein> user123321: you are implying you have no idea what happened or who did what, so, i cant say how you can reset things that you cant explain to use
[15:54] <holstein> us*
[15:54] <holstein> user123321: snapshots are easy.. in the future, take one when the VM is stable.. and you can easily reset it from there
[15:54] <holstein> user123321: otherwise, i would go back and try and undo whatever you have done, and try removing the user ~/.config files and login
[16:00] <user123321> If I delete the bash config file, will it be recreated?
[16:02] <holstein> user123321: as i said, i dont know what you have done to your system
[16:02] <holstein> user123321: i dont know what was or is broken, or why
[16:02] <holstein> user123321: if *any* user configs are removed, then, they are regenerated as default when the user logs in.. but, you state you did other "unknown" things. installing software, purging, etc
[16:03] <user123321> ah, I purged lubuntu-desktop to check if it might fix.
[16:03] <user123321> I guess.
[16:04] <holstein> user123321: sure. and, lubuntu-desktop purge has nothing to do with that.. and you say "i guess" , so you are not sure who did that, when, or why
[16:04] <holstein> user123321: i need more details to assist you better..
[16:12] <user123321> I went through bash history. I did sudo apt-get install --reinstall bash, and then, purging lubuntu desktop and reinstalling.
[16:15] <anarkhos> holstein: ive found some relevant messages in dmesg that may give some clues about the suspend problem
[16:15] <holstein> anarkhos: ok.. i dont know about your suspend problem..
[16:16] <anarkhos> holstein: "tsc: Marking TSC unstable due to TSC halts in idle states deeper than C2", "ACPI Error: Could not enable PowerButton event (20131115/evxfevnt-212)", "ACPI Warning: Could not enable fixed event - PowerButton (2) (20131115/evxface-628)"
[16:17] <anarkhos> it enters suspend mode, but never wakes up
[16:17] <holstein> anarkhos: on hardware that doesnt specifically state that it supports linux, i expect glitches like that
[16:17] <anarkhos> hmm
[16:17] <holstein> anarkhos: on machines that "never wake up", i'll just not suspend them
[16:18] <anarkhos> so there's no obvious fix i take it
[16:18] <holstein> otherwise, i'll try *many* live CD's. the latest LTS, the upcoming 14.10.. 12.04.. even older releases like 10.04 and see if anything "just works"
[16:18] <holstein> anarkhos: well, even thinking of it like a "fix" is a bit odd
[16:18] <holstein> nothing is broken
[16:18] <anarkhos> right
[16:19] <holstein> i'll also try main ubuntu, or xubuntu.. see if gnome services addresses anything.. i typically throw 8 or so live CD's at hardware as a test before installing anything
[16:19] <holstein> on problematic hardware*
[16:27] <anarkhos> yeah
[16:28] <anarkhos> somebody with this problem revived the computer by hitting ctrl-alt-f1. it's a bug
[16:28] <anarkhos> not sure if that is exactly what's going here
[16:29] <anarkhos> no. stone dead
[16:33] <holstein> anarkhos: the problem is, the hardware is not guaranteed to support linux
[16:34] <holstein> !tty
[16:34] <ubottu> To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login). To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution
[16:34] <anarkhos> ok
[16:34] <holstein> you may be able to tty or ssh into the machine and reboot it. but, if the graphics are not coming back up, who knows.. i have in the past been able to work around that
[16:34] <holstein> with kernel mod lines, and other fixes.. and in a few cases, i have *not* been able to work around it
[16:35] <holstein> in those cases, i disable suspend, and use the hardware..
[16:36] <anarkhos> "you may be able to tty or ssh into the machine and reboot it." - i don't see how that could be possible. it seems to be in the exact same state as when i enter "sleep mode" on windows xp. there is absolutely no reaction until i disconnect the battery, power.
[16:37] <anarkhos> the difference is that on xp, it resumes again when the power button is pushed
[16:40] <holstein> anarkhos: sure.. tty is "pressing control-alt-f1" as you say others did
[16:40] <holstein> anarkhos: if you havent setup ssh server and tried, you may want to
[16:40] <holstein> !ssh
[16:40] <ubottu> SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)
[16:40] <holstein> anyways, reviving the machine from that state would only be what i would be doing to test, and so i dont have to keep hard rebooting it
[16:41] <holstein> i'll use live CD's, as i said, with the hard drive removed, if possible.. to test all of this and work arounds.. then, i know that hard reset doesnt hurt anything permanently
[16:41] <anarkhos> holstein: i am pretty sure that the computer disconnects from the network when it enters sleep mode. actually, it is in practice powered off
[16:41] <holstein> anarkhos: ok
[16:41] <holstein> anarkhos: then, disregard
[16:41] <anarkhos> yeah
[16:41] <holstein> anarkhos: this will be case by case
[16:41] <holstein> anarkhos: i have see it many ways
[16:42] <holstein> anarkhos: i have see them with just the lcd lamp off, and i could barely make out the screen
[16:42] <anarkhos> it seems to be a notorious issue with acer netbooks and ubuntu
[16:42] <holstein> anarkhos: not really
[16:42] <holstein> anarkhos: i think its "notorious" with *any* hardware where one tries to run an operating system that is not intended or officially supported
[16:43] <anarkhos> ok
[16:43] <holstein> i mean, look at the major operating systems and that hardware.. android wont run on it.. OSX wont.. iOS wont.. most major windows versions wont if its older.. so that leaves you with xp, which is well supported and EOL, and open options
[16:45] <anarkhos> eol?
[16:45] <ianorlin> end of life
[16:45] <holstein> ^ yup... no longer security updates and upgrade from MS
[16:47] <anarkhos> i found something:
[16:47] <anarkhos> "OK. let's explain. the default psb_gfx was fitted to 50Hz LVDS vblank. but almost panel must have nearly 60Hz, so I've decreased values of "mdelay". but its function might be better to use "msleep" to wait for the cycle of vblank."
[16:48] <holstein> personally, i have *never* found settings like that to help the machine wake from sleep
[16:48] <holstein> i have found what i have suggested to help
[16:48] <holstein> kernel mod lines.. driver support.. etc
[16:48] <holstein> !nomodeset
[16:48] <ubottu> A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter
[16:48] <holstein> i would try all options from the f6 menu from a live CD.. noapci or whatever else is there..
[16:49] <holstein> but, im not sure that that is your issue at all..
[16:49] <holstein> you seem to be saying the machine is *stuck* off.. and never resumes.. its not that the graphics are not resuming, its more like the machine is not being given the wake up message
[16:50] <anarkhos> yes
[16:50] <holstein> so, you close the lid, or sleep the machine, and what? you open the lid? and nothing? you press power and nothing? you press all the keys on the keyboard and nothing? any lights flashing?
[16:50] <anarkhos> the lid isn't important. the suspend command is
[16:51] <holstein> anarkhos: ok
[16:51] <holstein> anarkhos: however you choose to sleep the thing
[16:51] <anarkhos> right
[16:51] <holstein> anarkhos: please share the details of the waking attempt
[16:51] <holstein> anarkhos: thats what im asking
[16:51] <anarkhos> first hitting some keys
[16:51] <holstein> anarkhos: thats why i said "you close the lid or sleep the machine"
[16:51] <anarkhos> then ctrl-alt-f1
[16:51] <anarkhos> then pushing the power button
[16:52] <anarkhos> then holding the power button for a few seconds
[16:52] <holstein> anarkhos: control alt f1 is for ty
[16:52] <holstein> !tty
[16:52] <ubottu> To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login). To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution
[16:52] <holstein> its not a magic combination that will sneak in through the sleep
[16:53] <anarkhos> right
[16:53] <holstein> those guides you are reading assume you are not able to get the graphics up
[16:53] <holstein> thats not the case
[16:53] <holstein> thats what i though
[16:53] <holstein> thought*
[16:53] <anarkhos> some of them assume that it seems
[16:53] <holstein> anarkhos: no
[16:53] <holstein> anarkhos: thats what you stated before
[16:53] <anarkhos> well
[16:53] <holstein> anarkhos: thats why you are not in the correct place for addressing the issue
[16:54] <holstein> anarkhos: you are asking about, and reading about "my graphics wont come back from suspend".. and thats not the case at all
[16:54] <holstein> your machine is not recieving the wake up message..
[16:54] <anarkhos> after i explored dmesg, i thought that maybe the fundamental problem goes beyond the graphics
[16:54] <holstein> that could be much simpler..
[16:54] <holstein> anarkhos: you cant exploer anything
[16:54] <holstein> anarkhos: the machine is asleep.. its not recording anything that you can read
[16:54] <anarkhos> correct
[16:55] <holstein> anarkhos: its out.. off.. suspended.. and not getting the message to come back on.. so, nothing you can read on the machine will help
[16:55] <anarkhos> well
[16:55] <holstein> anarkhos: dmesg is not recording anything.. its asleep
[16:55] <anarkhos> im able to wake it up by disconnecting battery and power
[16:55] <anarkhos> then i may log on again and read dmesg
[16:55] <ianorlin> that is booting it from off
[16:55] <holstein> yeah
[16:55] <holstein> thats a cold reset, as i read it
[16:56] <holstein> anarkhos: is that a cold reset? does it reboot? or wake up?
[16:56] <anarkhos> "dmesg is not recording anything.. its asleep" - dmesg records what goes on immediately before it goes to sleep
[16:56] <anarkhos> yes of course
[16:56] <holstein> anarkhos: friend.. is it rebooting? or waking up?
[16:56] <anarkhos> after i disconnect battery, power, yes
[16:56] <anarkhos> yes it is
[16:56] <holstein> anarkhos: yes, what?
[16:56] <holstein> anarkhos: reboot? or wake?
[16:56] <anarkhos> reboot
[16:56] <holstein> anarkhos: then, its irrelevant.. thats not triggering the wakeup
[16:57] <anarkhos> i know
[16:57] <holstein> anarkhos: have you tried F6 options from live CD?
[16:57] <anarkhos> no
[16:57] <anarkhos> what's that?
[16:57] <holstein> !nomodeset
[16:57] <ubottu> A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter
[16:57] <anarkhos> what options
[16:57] <anarkhos> oh ok
[16:57] <holstein> ^ that is one o the f6 options
[16:57] <holstein> there are *many*. . and as i said, i try them all..
[16:58] <anarkhos> let's see
[16:58] <holstein> now that we know what the issue is, you can better ask for and parse information about help for it
[16:58] <holstein> anarkhos: what is the hardware?
[16:59] <anarkhos> acer aspire one ao 751h, 1.3 ghz (intel atom i think), 1(+1)gb ram, intel gma500 graphics card
[16:59] <holstein> my aspire one just works
[16:59] <anarkhos> what hardware?
[16:59] <holstein> makes me wonder what is different about your installation
[16:59] <anarkhos> yes
[16:59] <holstein> anarkhos: that *same* hardware
[16:59] <anarkhos> oh
[17:00] <anarkhos> what lubuntu version?
[17:00] <holstein> anarkhos: i have one.. and i have administered another
[17:00] <holstein> anarkhos: TBH, everything i threw at it just worked
[17:00] <anarkhos> yeah im satisfied with it generally
[17:01] <anarkhos> i began trying some linux distros as xp got slower, but now even xp seems better after running windows update and looking through the list of enabled/disabled services
[17:01] <holstein> anarkhos: here is a "Fix" state for that hardware
[17:02] <holstein> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne/AO751h
[17:02] <holstein> sudo gedit /etc/pm/config.d/gma500
[17:02] <holstein> ADD_PARAMETERS='--quirk-vbemode-restore'
[17:02] <holstein> then, save..
[17:02] <holstein> maybe you have a slightly different rev than i... and the other one is not in front of me.. so could be a different model
[17:03] <anarkhos> i tried the ADD_PARAMETERS solution. no difference
[17:03] <holstein> in 12.04?
[17:04] <anarkhos> isn't it 14.04?
[17:04] <anarkhos> hold on
[17:04] <holstein> maybe it was just addressed in 14.04, and thats why i didnt see it
[17:07] <anarkhos> hmm
[17:07] <anarkhos> "head -n1 /etc/issue" suggests the distribution is Ubuntu 14.04 LTS \n \l
[17:09] <phillw> anarkhos: 12.04, for lubuntu, is very old. Only our 2nd release and only had 9 month support. 14.04.1 is the debugged version. I'd suggest running it in LiveCD mode to ensure your hardware is happy with the default settings :)
[17:11] <anarkhos> first i ran the lubuntu live usb. then i liked it and decided to install it
[17:11] <anarkhos> but have i accidentally installed ubuntu?
[17:11] <anarkhos> or is it really lubuntu despite suggestions that it is... Ubuntu 14.04
[17:12] <anarkhos> i just ran the installer within the lubuntu live usb
[17:12] <anarkhos> maybe i neglected something while installing, it was getting very late
[17:12] <phillw> anarkhos: look at the bottom left corner :)
[17:12] <anarkhos> im in CLI
[17:12] <anarkhos> however, gonna start the gui now
[17:13] <phillw> the menu bar 'may' be at the top, but I prefer it at the bottom :)
[17:14] <phillw> but, on GUI, you should see the lubuntu icon for 'menu'.
[17:14] <anarkhos> yeah it is my impression that it is lubuntu
[17:14] <anarkhos> ubuntu i imagine is more comprehensive
[17:14] <anarkhos> and it does say "lubuntu" if i make the kernel boot command start the gui
[17:15] <anarkhos> and when shutting down from the gui
[17:15] <anarkhos> "lubuntu . . ."
[17:16] <anarkhos> so "head -n1 /etc/issue" says "Ubuntu 14.04" because it is -based on- Ubuntu i suppose?
[17:16] <phillw> anarkhos: for updates etc, all the family say ubuntu. It simply is not worth the risk of messing up the upgrader to name all the distros :)
[17:16] <phillw> then you have lubuntu :)
[17:16] <anarkhos> right
[17:16] <anarkhos> as i thought
[17:21] <anarkhos> holstein: assuming that the graphics is not the most relevant factor, what should i check out in the lubuntu live usb menu?
[17:23] <holstein> anarkhos: lubuntu *is* ubuntu
[17:23] <holstein> anarkhos: thats why you'll see the distro referenced as ubuntu
[17:24] <holstein> anarkhos: what i check is *all* the options in the f6 menu, and see if anything responds
[17:24] <anarkhos> ok
[17:30] <anarkhos> not even able to access the f6 menu
[17:31] <holstein> anarkhos: you press shift at boot of the live media.. i'll start tapping it after the bios screens
[17:31] <holstein> this is not a "Fix" in any way, so dont wast too much time on it
[17:31] <holstein> these are only ways of getting data, and information.. you are basically a detective
[17:32] <anarkhos> shit before it has reached the main live usb menu?
[17:32] <anarkhos> shift
[17:32] <holstein> right.. i do it right after the bios
[17:32] <anarkhos> ok
[17:32] <holstein> i see bios post.. i just start tapping shift
[17:33] <anarkhos> damn it happens too fast
[17:33] <holstein> anarkhos: its not like that
[17:33] <holstein> i see the bios, and i start casually tapping shift.. then, in a few minutes, i generally see the older menu, not the newer one that hides things
[17:33] <anarkhos> i started hitting shift too late i think
[17:33] <holstein> the shift is a way to get around that, and show the advanced options
[17:34] <holstein> yeah.. it may get around you
[17:34] <anarkhos> yeah there
[17:34] <anarkhos> syyslinux
[17:35] <anarkhos> then f6?
[17:35] <anarkhos> no
[17:35] <anarkhos> enter, then f6?
[17:35] <holstein> i'll look like this http://i.stack.imgur.com/O2m9a.png
[17:35] <holstein> regardless, i think this is more like it https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pm-utils/+bug/602029
[17:35] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 602029 in Baltix "Acer Aspire One ZA3 751h does not resume from suspend" [Undecided,New]
[17:36] <holstein> "After triggering suspend the green LED turns into an orange blinking LED.
[17:36] <holstein> To resume, I hit the power button and the LED then turns green and the hard disk LED blinks once but nothing happens after that, The screen stays black"
[17:36] <anarkhos> no i got a CLI syslinux boot
[17:36] <anarkhos> yes, orange blinkling led - exactly
[17:37] <holstein> "Hm, unfortunately the BIOS on this machine is broken, it does not provide a product name at all. So we can't actually match against this device in the quirks database. You should be able to fix it locally with
[17:37] <holstein> sudo pm-suspend --quirk-vbestate-restore --store-quirks-as-lkw"
[17:37] <anarkhos> if i hit the power button, the LED doesn't even turn green
[17:37] <holstein> again, i wouldnt waste too much time in any of these steps
[17:37] <anarkhos> hm, i think i tried "--quirk-vbestate-restore", but probably not "--store-quirks-as-lkw"
[17:37] <holstein> just keep trying things.. try them live when possible, so you dont have permanent changes
[17:38] <anarkhos> right
[17:38] <anarkhos> ill try suspending from the live usb
[17:38] <anarkhos> then ill try sudo pm-suspend --quirk-vbestate-restore --store-quirks-as-lkw from the live usb
[17:38] <holstein> i test all things that i can from live environments when possible..
[17:38] <anarkhos> yes
[17:39] <holstein> the graphics drivers are not easily tested like that.. since they are kernel modules that require reboot
[17:39] <holstein> or, for tme, they require reboot.. im sure there is a way around that..
[17:39] <holstein> for me*
[17:41] <anarkhos> same reaction from the live usb suspend
[17:41] <holstein> yeah, but with what changes?
[17:42] <holstein> did you apply *all* options in the f6 menu?
[17:42] <anarkhos> im not able to access the f6 menu
[17:42] <holstein> ok
[17:42] <anarkhos> so im trying the other suggestions you've mentioned
[17:42] <anarkhos> next, the pm-suspend command with additions
[17:42] <holstein> you'll need to apply some changes, otherwise, it's likely going to be the same
[17:42] <holstein> you are comparing installed 14.04 lubuntu with live 14.04 ubuntu, stock..
[17:43] <holstein> not enough differences there to make anything change
[17:43] <holstein> not on a hardware level like that...
[17:43] <holstein> but, i would try those commands from a stock live CD.. personally, i might remove my hard drive while troubleshooting..
[17:44] <holstein> it wasnt trivial getting to the drive in my acer aspire one
[17:52] <anarkhos> "sudo pm-suspend --quirk-vbestate-restore --store-quirks-as-lkw" - no difference
[18:39] <Kaleel> hi
[18:39] <Kaleel> anybody from india???
[18:40] <holstein> !in
[18:40] <ubottu> #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India
[18:41] <Kaleel> thanku!! :)
[18:42] <rafaellaguna> Kaleel, you can talk with nehaljwani
[18:43] <nehaljwani> Kaleel, kaise madad kar sakta hu mai aapki?
[18:49] <rafaellaguna> he's shy, nehaljwani :D
[18:50] <nehaljwani> rafaellaguna, too shy :)
[18:53] <absk007> how to edit menu?
[18:54] <holstein> http://askubuntu.com/questions/196614/how-do-i-edit-the-menu-in-lubuntu http://wiki.lxde.org/en/Main_Menu http://www.everydaylinuxuser.com/2013/11/how-to-customise-lxde-desktop-using.html http://lxmed.sourceforge.net/
[19:04] <absk007> holstein, lxmed is great. Thanks.
[19:09] <rafaellaguna> holstein, you can use MenuLibre, if you how to handle PPAs it has one: https://launchpad.net/~menulibre-dev/+archive/ubuntu/devel
[19:18] <Glorfindel> what is the shortcut to open the menu?
[19:23] <Glorfindel> the "start" menu
[19:40] <Glorfindel> nm
[20:10] <absk007> Glorfindel, Alt + F1
[20:11] <absk007> Glorfindel, Ctrl + Esc
[20:11] <absk007> both works
[20:16] <Glorfindel> yeah, I found out the alt+F1 using trial and error :)
[20:16] <Glorfindel> didn't know about the second though, thanks
[20:21] <holstein> rafaellaguna: thanks.. absk007 please note what rafaellaguna suggested above as well for editing the menu
[20:26] <absk007> holstein, sure
[20:31] <absk007> how to exit from fullscreen games if they hang?
[20:32] <holstein> absk007: i would ask the creator of the game, or just tty and kill the process
[20:32] <holstein> !tty
[20:32] <ubottu> To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login). To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution
[20:32] <rafaellaguna> ctrl+alt+f1, enter your user and password and type "pkill <game>"
[20:32] <holstein> then "ps aux | grep *something*"
[20:32] <rafaellaguna> same, holstein :D
[20:32] <holstein> where, something is likely to return the game
[20:32] <holstein> then, kill the process
[20:32] <holstein> pkill is likely easier.. ^
[20:34] <absk007> ok. But Linux 101 - What's a TTY?
[20:34] <holstein> !tty ^
[20:34] <holstein> absk007: above, that link explains tty, and how to get to one
[20:34] <holstein> "To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back"
[20:35] <holstein> you can login there, and "kill" the process
[20:39] <absk007> holstein, will getting to a TTY terminal logout my current session?
[20:39] <Glorfindel> tty is a terminal basically
[20:39] <Glorfindel> nope
[20:41] <absk007> Glorfindel, why is it like this?
[20:41] <Glorfindel> why is what like what? Why doesn't it log you out?
[20:41] <absk007> Glorfindel, what's the history behind this TTY?
[20:42] <Glorfindel> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terminal_emulator
[20:45] <holstein> absk007: you are asking how to do something when the screen is overtaken
[20:45] <holstein> absk007: thats how... you can tty, and kill the game..
[20:45] <absk007> holstein, that i understood
[20:45] <absk007> thanks.
[20:46] <Glorfindel> now here is my question, is there any way to get an irc client to run in a tty?
[20:46] <Glorfindel> like a cli client?
[20:46] <holstein> Glorfindel: sure..
[20:46] <holstein> Glorfindel: i use irssi in screen.. can connect in tty, no problem
[20:46] <holstein> weechat would be similar
[20:46] <Glorfindel> cuz I can never remember how to kill a game and connecting to irc to find out when I am in a tty would be helpful
[20:47] <Glorfindel> that is great!
[20:47] <holstein> Glorfindel: :)
[20:47] * Glorfindel installs irssi
[20:48] <holstein> i mean, you can just run it nativetly in the TTY, if you want.. but screen is handy.. i have this session of irssi running on a freeshell server.. then, i just connect in with screen from where ever or whatever
[20:48] <holstein> putty on windows.. tty.. any terminal emulator..
[20:48] <Glorfindel> wow, that would be nice
[20:48] <Glorfindel> how much does it cost?
[20:48] <Glorfindel> or kitty :P
[20:48] <holstein> its a "free" freeshell..
[20:49] <holstein> https://freeshell.de/
[20:49] <holstein> there are many shell providers like that. with different prices and rules/restrictions
[20:51] <Glorfinder> yay! it worked
[20:51] <Glorfindel> ^that
[20:51] <Glorfindel> 's
[20:52] <Glorfindel> me on a tty with irssi!
[20:52] <holstein> :)
[20:53] <Glorfindel> thanks a bunch!!
[20:55] <absk007> rafaellaguna, how to use MenuLibre? I've installed it. Couldn't find how to use.
[20:56] <rafaellaguna> isn't it at accessories? sorry, I can't check it now, I'm using another desktop now
[20:56] <rafaellaguna> anyway, you can always launch it with a terminal
[20:59] <holstein> absk007: if you already have the menu edited...
[21:00] <absk007> holstein, rafaellaguna, actually when i run menulibre from terminal, it shows that menulibre is visible in accessories but in the accessories from menu, it's not visible
[21:01] <rafaellaguna> it happens sometimes, maybe the panel needs a reboot to re-seek the installed apps
[21:04] <absk007> rafaellaguna, how to manually refresh the panel?
[21:06] <rafaellaguna> you can't
[21:06] <rafaellaguna> just log out and log in
[21:07] <rafaellaguna> sorry, you can, but it's a terminal command: lxpanelctl restart
[21:09] <absk007> thanks.
[21:29] <Lunario> My etc/lxdm folder has only a default.conf in it, though I have read on several boards that there should be files like LoginReady, Xsession etc. (needed to start x11vnc automatically at boot). Is that an error of my lubuntu installation or did were those other files merged into default.conf?
[22:12] <phillw> Lunario: phillw@piglet:/etc/lxdm$ ls
[22:12] <phillw> default.conf
[22:12] <phillw> my lubuntu is a happy one :)
[22:30] <Lunario> well here is my problem: I have added "x11vnc -usepw -display :0 -ncache 10" to the /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart folder so that this command is executed automatically at startup. However it is not.
[22:30] <Lunario> What could be the reason for that?
[22:42] <phillw> Lunario: hi, have a read of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxsession/+bug/1309698 and see if that takes you forward. At the least, if it is close mark it as 'affects me' after which you will receive any updates for it.
[22:42] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1309698 in lxsession (Ubuntu) "Lubuntu does not handle /etc/xdg/autostart " [Undecided,Confirmed]
=== Glorfinder is now known as Glorfindel
[23:30] <Lunario> phillw: thanks, am reading it :)
[23:35] <phillw> Lunario: that should take you forward. If it does not, please comment back here and then be patient for another reply.
[23:39] <Lunario> alright, will do