UbuntuIRC / 2014 /08 /16 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== Replop2 is now known as Replop
[00:22] <sy2gh02t> ;)
[00:39] <anarkhos> hmm
[00:40] <anarkhos> typing "startx" in runlevel 2 caused a hang. im probably not supposed to use that command
[00:42] <martin1989> hi peoplE!
[00:47] <phillw> anarkhos: as only run level 5 supports 'x' I'm not massivley suprised
[00:48] <phillw> anarkhos: as ubuntu / debian are non-standard, I'd suggest a read of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runlevel
[00:49] <phillw> hi martin1989 can we assist you?
[01:38] <anarkhos> phillw: that explains
[01:38] <anarkhos> phillw: i thought it wouls somehow jump to level 5 by issuing the startx command
[01:58] <anarkhos> no it didn't. same reaction with runlevel 5 too.
[01:58] <anarkhos> there are some other commands. i think startx isn't the best command
[02:07] <anarkhos> ok, "sudo start lightdm" worked on runlevel 5
[02:15] <anarkhos> "sudo stop lightdm" didn't land me too nicely in a command-line environment
[02:15] <anarkhos> it's a black screen with a cursor
[02:15] <anarkhos> im able to type but nothing happens
[02:16] <anarkhos> it's the ctrl+alt+f7 window. im able to user others
[02:17] <anarkhos> is there a way to make the f7 window revert to just the standard CLI login screen?
[02:21] <holstein> anarkhos: you are able to type, but, nothing happens?
[02:21] <holstein> you mean, you are *not* able to type?
[02:21] <anarkhos> yes
[02:22] <holstein> yes, what?
[02:22] <holstein> nothing is happening? or, typing is happening?
[02:22] <holstein> so, you are in thre F7 tty? b ut, you can use other ones?
[02:22] <holstein> just use the other one
[02:22] <anarkhos> when i press the keyboard, the corresponding sign appears on the screen, but the command is not performed, it is as if im writing in a text doc.
[02:23] <holstein> lubuntu should just start x automatically.. why is it not?
[02:23] <anarkhos> ive experimented a little
[02:23] <holstein> anarkhos: your experimentation has broken it? you mean?
[02:23] <anarkhos> im in ctrl+alt+f7 yes
[02:23] <holstein> i mean, you can easily reinstall.. or, experiment in the future with a live CD, or with a virtualbox install
[02:23] <holstein> otherwise, just keep experimenting..
[02:24] <anarkhos> no, nothing is broken as far as i know
[02:24] <anarkhos> im just curious about this strange exiting from x
[02:24] <anarkhos> why it gave me this screen instead of one where im able to use commands
[02:24] <anarkhos> ctrl+alt+f1 works
[02:24] <holstein> then, use that
[02:24] <anarkhos> but im still curious about the f7 window
[02:24] <anarkhos> why is it not normal?
[02:25] <holstein> anarkhos: i have no idea what is up with your installation
[02:25] <anarkhos> well
[02:25] <holstein> anarkhos: but, if you want to use a command, use it where it works
[02:25] <anarkhos> when you're in x
[02:25] <holstein> othewise, what did you do to break x ?
[02:25] <anarkhos> and type "sudo stop lightdm", what do you expect to happen?
[02:25] <anarkhos> x is not bokrne
[02:25] <holstein> undo/fix that, and all will be backk to normal
[02:25] <anarkhos> everything is basically normal
[02:26] <holstein> what are you trying to do?
[02:26] <anarkhos> it's just this minor detail im curious about
[02:26] <anarkhos> exit smoothly from x to CLI
[02:26] <holstein> !tty
[02:26] <ubottu> To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login). To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution
[02:26] <anarkhos> yes that works (f1-f6)
[02:26] <holstein> should be no need to "exit"... none of the ubuntu flavors are really trying to faciliatate that.. they dont promise "you can easily kill the x server and use the command line only system without any issues"
[02:26] <anarkhos> so a strange f7 window after exit is normal?
[02:27] <holstein> they are all providing x
[02:27] <anarkhos> yeah
[02:27] <holstein> if i wanted no x, i would use a server distro.. or just not install x from minimal iso
[02:27] <holstein> !mini
[02:27] <ubottu> The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want. The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD
[02:27] <anarkhos> yeah
[02:28] <holstein> if i wanted to kill x on a distro that is specificially providing x, and in killing it, the tty that x was in is "odd" or "tied up", i wouldnt personally be bothered with it, since there are others
[02:30] <anarkhos> first it was just a black window, i.e. not particularly odd. however, when i began hitting some keys, it was as if i had opened a text editor rather than a terminal
[02:31] <anarkhos> i assume there is no key combo for reverting a terminal window back to the login screen for instance
[02:31] <holstein> sure.. im just saying, its not odd for a distro that is desinged to provide x to have issues when you are trying to exit x, or kill it
[02:31] <holstein> i mean, why kill or exit? why not just open the terminal and run what you need? or tty?
[02:32] <holstein> anarkhos: you want to "revert a terminal window back to login screen" ? i type "exit" and logout in tty or terminal.. then, i do whatever i would like.. launch a login screen or greeter would be an option
[02:32] <anarkhos> yeah in general you're right. however, i fiddled with this because...
[02:32] <holstein> but, why are you doing that? what is the goal?
[02:32] <anarkhos> ...i wanted to try the suspend feature without x running in the background
[02:33] <anarkhos> however, it made no difference
[02:33] <anarkhos> "exit" works if the terminal window is normal
[02:33] <holstein> right.. x is likely not causing any issues with suspend
[02:33] <anarkhos> yeah the graphics card seems to be incompatible with that feature
[02:33] <holstein> anarkhos: you are not in "a terminal windows".. you are in whats left of what is reserved for x
[02:34] <anarkhos> ok
[02:34] <holstein> anarkhos: the graphics card is not resuming from suspend?
[02:34] <anarkhos> correct
[02:34] <anarkhos> Intel GMA500 Poulsbo
[02:34] <anarkhos> gma500 driver anyway
[02:34] <holstein> i would spend time forcing the vesa driver, and test.. remove the driver from the equation
[02:34] <anarkhos> VGA compatible Intel card
[02:35] <anarkhos> what's the easiest way of doing that?
[02:35] <holstein> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1270209
[02:36] <holstein> i would just put that file in place, and not "lose sleep" over the geometry of the desktop.. just test, then, you'll find the driver is likely not the issue, anyway
[02:36] <anarkhos> ok
[02:36] <holstein> and, if it is, you can decide what you like to do.. like, see if you have 3d support, or a different module option, or how a 12.04 kernel is supported by your hardware.. etc
[02:37] <anarkhos> opened the page. ill test it in some hours. thanks, see you
[02:49] <SamwiseGamgee> hello, is there a screen capture application better than screenshot?
[02:50] <SamwiseGamgee> One that is reliable and gives you more options for screen capping?
[02:51] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: what options are you looking for?
[02:51] <holstein> !info scrot
[02:51] <ubottu> scrot (source: scrot): command line screen capture utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8-13 (trusty), package size 15 kB, installed size 72 kB
[02:51] <SamwiseGamgee> I want to capture my desktop
[02:52] <SamwiseGamgee> Screen cap my desktop or select parts of the desktop to be captured and put them into a JPEG images
[02:52] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: did you try scrot?
[02:52] <holstein> thats what i would use.. assuming it meets my needs
[02:53] <holstein> i can do what you are asking with any screenshot and editor..
[02:53] <SamwiseGamgee> ok, thanks, I will look for it and find reviews on it
[02:53] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: reviews?
[02:54] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: its a command line utility that likely most GUIs use on the backend..
[02:54] <SamwiseGamgee> in the Ubuntu software centre they give you reviews you can read before install
[02:54] <holstein> you can read "man scrot".. that would likely be the most info for you. for flags and whatever
[02:55] <SamwiseGamgee> I don't know what a backend is
[02:56] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: why not just use your included screenshot tool, and edit the images?
[02:56] <SamwiseGamgee> may be I have a bad version of screenshot, because this screenshot's features does not match what the tutorial says
[02:57] <SamwiseGamgee> it's pretty limited in what it can do, and it only saves png images
[02:57] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: its not the same as the main ubuntu one
[02:58] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: this is lubuntu, the "l" is for "lxde", which, the "l" there is for "lightweight"
[02:58] <SamwiseGamgee> I know, I'm using xubuntu, not lubuntu
[03:02] <SamwiseGamgee> I would prefer a better screen capture app than one that uses a command line. Isn't there a better one? There must be dozens of them
[03:03] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: "better" is a matter of opinion and use case
[03:04] <SamwiseGamgee> is there one like KSnapshot, that's a really good one?
[03:04] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: why not use it?
[03:04] <SamwiseGamgee> I don't have Kubuntu
[03:04] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: "good" is a matter of opinion
[03:04] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: kubuntu *is* ubuntu
[03:04] <SamwiseGamgee> Wow, Ksnapshot works for xubuntu?
[03:04] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: you can install it from the repos.. if its in the ubuntu repos..
[03:05] <SamwiseGamgee> yeah, it's in the ubuntu software centre
[03:05] <SamwiseGamgee> thanks
[03:05] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: i do not know ksnapshot, friend.. im just saying, if you want to use it, install it.. it'll pull in kde libs
[03:05] <holstein> but, if its "good", or "better" for you, then get it, and use it
[03:05] <SamwiseGamgee> ok, what are libs?
[03:07] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: you will get kde applications pulled in.. lots of stuff.. that you dont really need.. added into your xubuntu to faciliate the kde application you are adding
[03:07] <SamwiseGamgee> Wow, Shutter got a better review
[03:08] <SamwiseGamgee> Would Shutter work better than KSnapshot?
[03:08] <SamwiseGamgee> for Xubuntu?
[03:08] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: friend, there is not "better"..
[03:08] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: either it meets your needs, or not
[03:08] <SamwiseGamgee> I mean better for me
[03:08] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: i use the included one, and make a screenshot, and edit it in an editor
[03:08] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: i do not know your needs..
[03:09] <SamwiseGamgee> I will try Shutter, thanks
[03:09] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: try them both.. they are literally free to try
[03:11] <SamwiseGamgee> I assume it's easy to uninstall an app with Ubuntu, is that right?
[03:15] <SamwiseGamgee> Wow, that's weird, according to the ubuntu software centre, screenshot is not installed, and yet the icon is still there, and it still works
[03:15] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: thats the *ubuntu* one, likely. the stock one that ships with ubuntu
[03:16] <SamwiseGamgee> May be I'
[03:16] <SamwiseGamgee> I'm not using the software centre properly
[03:17] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: you are not using ubuntu
[03:18] <SamwiseGamgee> is it ok to leave the screenshot installed and install Shutter, so I have both programs?
[03:18] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: you are on xubuntu, and in the #lubuntu channel
[03:18] <SamwiseGamgee> I am using xubuntu
[03:18] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: they are *all* ubuntu, and share repositories.. but, you are looking up "screenshot" in the ubuntu software center.. thats likely the stock one from ubuntu
[03:18] <holstein> xubuntu will use a different one
[03:18] <holstein> lubuntu, even a different one
[03:19] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: you can just try them all and see what meets your needs..
[03:19] <SamwiseGamgee> it's ok to have two screen cap apps installed at the same time?
[03:20] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: why would it not be?
[03:20] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: you will need to try them
[03:20] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: if you want to "experiement", use a live CD, then, you wont be "messsing up" your install
[03:20] <SamwiseGamgee> yeah, I want to try shutter, then if I like it, I will uninstall screenshot
[03:22] <SamwiseGamgee> yeah, that's a good idea, the Live CD may work better than the guest account for testing things?
[03:23] <SamwiseGamgee> by the way, is it easier to uninstall an application using the command line?
[03:24] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: again, there is no "better"
[03:24] <holstein> in this case, the guest account would need you to have installed the application, thus, changing the state of your current install
[03:25] <holstein> in the live cd, as i said above, you wont change your installation at all. and you can test without concern
[03:25] <SamwiseGamgee> that's awesome
[03:25] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: "easier" is also a matter of opinion, and use case
[03:25] <SamwiseGamgee> sounds like a great way to experiment
[03:25] <SamwiseGamgee> and learn
[03:26] <SamwiseGamgee> thanks holstein
[03:26] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: its easier for me to "sudo apt-get remove" whatever, rather than using the software center, since i prefer it, and i am more comfortable with it..
[03:26] <holstein> you may be faster in the software center..
[03:27] <SamwiseGamgee> I can access the software Centre using the Live CD?
[03:28] <SamwiseGamgee> And where does the Live CD store all the changes you make? It goes into your RAM, then the RAM gets wiped when you leave? is that how it works?
[03:29] <SamwiseGamgee> thanks for the remove command, that will be very useful
[03:34] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: it *deosnt* store them.. which is why its handy
[03:34] <SamwiseGamgee> screenshot add ons assume I have nautilus but I don't
[03:35] <SamwiseGamgee> that could be a problem
[03:36] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: xubuntu doesnt ship with nautilus
[03:36] <SamwiseGamgee> I forgot about nautilus, I had spent a lot of time researching nautilus on the Internet and came up with nothing
[03:36] <SamwiseGamgee> I even posted stuff on the forums about it
[03:37] <holstein> !info nautilus
[03:37] <ubottu> nautilus (source: nautilus): file manager and graphical shell for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 1:3.10.1-0ubuntu9.3 (trusty), package size 473 kB, installed size 1685 kB
[03:37] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: about what?
[03:37] <SamwiseGamgee> nautilus
[03:37] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: what about it?
[03:38] <SamwiseGamgee> is it something I need?
[03:38] <SamwiseGamgee> Can I use Shutter without Nautilus?
[03:39] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: i would get a live CD.. load it, and install shutter.. see what it pull in
[03:39] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: if you want, you can read about waht shutter pulls in
[03:39] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: does a screenshot tool need a file manager? no.. but i dont use shutter
[03:39] <SamwiseGamgee> I tried !info nautilus, but got nothing
[03:41] <SamwiseGamgee> it works better without the exclamation point
[03:42] <holstein> !info nautilus
[03:42] <ubottu> nautilus (source: nautilus): file manager and graphical shell for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 1:3.10.1-0ubuntu9.3 (trusty), package size 473 kB, installed size 1685 kB
[03:42] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: ^ thats the info about it
[03:42] <holstein> its just the file manager
[03:42] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: you dont need it to take a screenshot
[03:43] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: see if shutter pulls it in when you install it on the live CD
[03:43] <SamwiseGamgee> if it pulls in Nautilus?
[03:44] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: correct
[03:45] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: you asked if it would pull in nautilus
[03:45] <holstein> thats the question you asked.. will shutter install or need nautilus
[03:45] <SamwiseGamgee> Yeah, that's right
[03:45] <holstein> i dont know that, and im trying to show you how to find out, rather than just looking it up and telling you
[03:46] <SamwiseGamgee> ok, thanks for your help
[03:56] <SamwiseGamgee> it looks like Gnome was built in to my xubuntu OS, because it was installed onto my system probably the same day I installed xubuntu, but it's got bad reviews, and I never seen it anywhere, that sounds like trouble
[03:56] <SamwiseGamgee> Gnome, sorry, Nautilus
[03:57] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: *everything* gets "bad" reviews.. things either meet your needs, or they dont
[03:57] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: both xfce and gnome are gtk
[03:59] <SamwiseGamgee> I don't know gtk, but I do know that my File Manager is not Nautilus, so it's very strange that it has been installed on my OS all this time iwthout me knowing it
[03:59] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: l?
[03:59] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: friend, its not like that, at all
[03:59] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: if you installed something that pulled in nautilus, then, it got pulled in
[04:00] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: you are not checking when you install applications to see what is getting installed
[04:00] <SamwiseGamgee> normally, I do
[04:00] <holstein> SamwiseGamgee: just take your time, and try and do your experimentation in live CD's or in virtualization
[04:01] <SamwiseGamgee> ok
[05:25] <martin1989> hi people
[05:25] <martin1989> i want to set my screensaver
[05:25] <martin1989> with a specific image that i have on mi hd
[05:25] <martin1989> how can i do that?
[06:46] <blackhawk_> Bonjour toutes et tous
[07:07] <manuel_> Hi
[07:11] <manuel_> I have a little problem
[07:14] <Noskcaj> !ask | manuel_
[07:14] <ubottu> manuel_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience
[07:14] <Noskcaj> !patience
[07:14] <ubottu> Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/
[07:15] <manuel_> Sorr,but I wanted to ask, befor I know, that other people here, and write.
[07:15] <manuel_> SO now to my problem.
[07:17] <manuel_> I have on my Laptop, a lenovo g505, Ubuntu installed and later have I Lubuntu-core install. All programms going good, but the Logout and shutdown is not so good.
[07:18] <manuel_> I go normaly on the start button, or on the button left on the bar and click on log out. And then feels a half minute, to get the dialog with shutdown, logout, .... what can I do, that thats not every sshutdown happen.
[07:19] <Noskcaj> wxl, I'm trying to get my old mac mini to work again, but i get an error about message about "live" not being a file or directory
[07:19] <Noskcaj> "live video=radeonfb:1024x768-32@60" is what i'm trying to run
[07:20] <Noskcaj> manuel_, So is your computer just too slow?
[07:20] <manuel_> now, thats not
[07:22] <manuel_> in the .xsession-error file in my home, can I read that the script for the ibus under run_im started.
[07:22] <manuel_> sorry, Ilive in germany and have a little problem with english
[07:27] <bivin> Is lubuntu better for virtual box?
[07:31] <Noskcaj> wxl, never mind, fixed it
[08:17] <manuel_> Ehm, can everyone help me now, or what is?
[09:03] <manuel___> exit
[11:27] <onla> whre can I set what app opens acestream:// links
[11:28] <onla> chrome asks if I want to launch app but it launches another chrome instance when it should launch acestream player :( can't see acestream on lxsession configuration applet
[11:29] <onla> same with sop:// links for sopcast
[16:08] <MrZodiac> Anyone know of any good twitter clients?
[16:09] <MrZodiac> I'm looking for something as light-weight on resources as well.
[16:09] <holstein> http://standardsandfreedom.net/index.php/2014/02/18/twitterclient/
[16:09] <holstein> !info gwibber
[16:09] <ubottu> gwibber (source: gwibber): transitional dummy package. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.7.0bzr13.04.05-0ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 2 kB, installed size 45 kB
[16:10] <MrZodiac> Thanks but something besides Gwibber
[16:10] <holstein> MrZodiac: sure.. the link suggests *many* other options
[16:10] <MrZodiac> Viewing it now.
[16:10] <holstein> !info twyt
[16:10] <ubottu> Package twyt does not exist in trusty
[16:10] <MrZodiac> Thanks
[16:11] <holstein> !info twidge
[16:11] <ubottu> twidge (source: twidge): Unix Command-Line Twitter and Identica Client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.0 (trusty), package size 1837 kB, installed size 6687 kB
[16:11] <holstein> something in the terminal.. or, whatever twitter might suggest for you to use
[16:12] <MrZodiac> Nice
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[21:31] <UltimaKR> Hello, I was hoping someone could help me with reading an IDE hard drive. I have a computer with Lubuntu 12.10 and I was trying to retrieve data off an old HDD. I set it to slave and plugged it in, but I am not sure how to access it in Lubuntu.
[21:33] <anarkhos> it doesn't show up at all?
[21:33] <UltimaKR> anarkhos: What do you mean? I am not sure where to look.
[21:35] <anarkhos> the menu, accessories i think, then... i don't recall what it's called. the program to explore drives, partitions, folders, files
[21:37] <UltimaKR> anarkhos: I am in File Manager, but does Lubuntu automount? I see two things under storage that say "ATA" but one says it is a seagate, the other doesnt (they both should)
[21:38] <rafaellaguna> hello
[21:38] <anarkhos> im pretty sure my ntfs partition was automounted
[21:38] <rafaellaguna> you can configure pcmanfm to automount or not, and to auto-open
[21:38] <rafaellaguna> ntfs or whatever partition
[21:39] <UltimaKR> anarkhos: So where do i go to see what is on it?
[21:39] <anarkhos> isn't it just a matter of clicking on it?
[21:40] <UltimaKR> anarkhos: it is plugged in internally
[21:40] <rafaellaguna> open preferences menu in pcmanfm and go to "volume management"
[21:41] <rafaellaguna> there you can choose mount disks (volumes), media (usb, discs) and show (open a window)
[21:41] <UltimaKR> thats what is weird to me....i cannot get to volume management
[21:42] <UltimaKR> the other computer with the exact same lubuntu can, but it only reads SATA drives
[21:42] <rafaellaguna> wha version of Lubuntu do you use?
[21:42] <rafaellaguna> *what
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[21:43] <UltimaKR> it is 12.10...i have yet to do a fresh install with the 14
[21:43] <rafaellaguna> yes, 12.10 is very outdated, I recommend to upgrade
[21:43] <rafaellaguna> also, your new desktop will recognize better usb drives and partitions
[21:44] <UltimaKR> it is not plugged in by usb
[21:44] <UltimaKR> it is connect with an ide cable internally
[21:44] <rafaellaguna> doesn't matter, it should see it
[21:45] <rafaellaguna> maybe the volume preferences is in other place
[21:45] <rafaellaguna> I have 14.04 so I don't know how you see it
[21:45] <UltimaKR> i will try this ide to usb cable with the other computer and see, be right back...this one has 14
[21:46] <rafaellaguna> ok, we'll be here... or not :D
[21:46] <rafaellaguna> kidding, there's always someone here
[21:46] <UltimaKR> alright, it didnt do anything
[21:48] <UltimaKR> i see a 48GB partition, but I know that is the main drive
[21:48] <rafaellaguna> nice, so you can access it?
[21:49] <UltimaKR> that is the original drive, not the one i am looking for
[21:49] <rafaellaguna> do you have a tool called palimpsest or gnome-disk-utility?
[21:50] <UltimaKR> where would i find them or where do i get them
[21:52] <rafaellaguna> open lxterminal and use "sudo apt-get install palimpsest" or "sudo apt-get install gnome-disk-utility", with that you can see and manipulate your drives, be careful, it's a partition editor
[21:54] <UltimaKR> which of those two do you recommend
[22:06] <anarkhos> i don't know much about either. maybe you could just try one first and if it doesn't work, install the other?
[22:07] <rafaellaguna> try the first one, and if it doesn't work, the second :)
[22:10] <UltimaKR> rafaellaguna: While I am installing that I am plugging the drive into the 12.10 computer by IDE, and Primary Disk 1 is "Unknown Device"
[22:10] <rafaellaguna> that happens when there's no partition or an error
[22:10] <rafaellaguna> or an unrecognized file system, rare in Linux
[22:16] <UltimaKR> rafaellaguna: Ok so in fdisk I get something finally, but "no valid partition table"
[22:16] <rafaellaguna> see? you'll need to make another one, but you'll loose any data on it, if there's any
[22:18] <UltimaKR> rafaellaguna: Is there a way to back it up first? The purpose of this exercise is to back up THEN wipe and install a fresh OS
[22:19] <rafaellaguna> no if you can't access to it :|