UbuntuIRC / 2014 /08 /14 /#ubuntu-app-devel.txt
Initial commit
=== _salem is now known as salem_
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[03:56] <Mirv> nik90: hey, sure! my hours just are a bit like this :)
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[06:22] <dholbach> good morning
[06:54] <mihir> Good Morning :)
[07:09] <dpm> morning mardy - if I include an authentication plugin inside a click package, what will the user experience be for authentication? Will the account appear in system settings to choose from?
[07:09] <mardy> dpm: hi! Yes, it will
[07:10] <dpm> ah, cool
[07:10] <justCarakas> Goeie morgen
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[07:44] <nerochiaro> dpm: sorry, moving conversation here
[07:44] <nerochiaro> dpm: more appropriate
[07:44] <dpm> np :)
[07:45] <dpm> nerochiaro, that looks good to me. What is is you're mentioned you did differently as originally suggested?
[07:47] <nerochiaro> dpm: essentially the problem was that i was looking for .in.in.h in / instead of /po, so i fixed it as in here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/camera-app/camera-app-desktop-translation/revision/288
[07:47] <nerochiaro> dpm: the rest was all ok
[07:48] <ybon> popey: Your application SensorsStatus has completed the approval process. It is now available to the world from Ubuntu Software Center. \o/
[07:48] <dpm> nerochiaro, ah, that's what I was mentioning that "RELATIVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" on the line above should be "RELATIVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/po"
[07:48] <nerochiaro> dpm: right, different ways to fix the same problem i guess
[07:49] <nerochiaro> dpm: i can use your solution if you want, but i think this is more clear (at least to me). more explicit
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[07:51] <dpm> nerochiaro, the only reason I suggested that was because those paths are put in the .pot file and shown to translators, and by convention they are relative to the po/ folder
[07:51] <nerochiaro> dpm: ok, i can change it that way then, if you prefer
[07:52] <dpm> nerochiaro, if that's ok with you, I would still suggest to make it relative to po/ to be consistent with all other core apps and for translators
[07:52] <dpm> nerochiaro, also, I'm not sure if the .pot file in the MP is up-to-date, but it does not contain the .desktop file translations yet
[07:53] <popey> ybon: sweet!
[07:53] <nerochiaro> dpm: ok, let's do those
[07:53] <dpm> cool, thanks
[07:53] <zsombi_> mihir: ping
[07:53] <dpm> ybon, just tried your app, really cool :)
[07:53] <ybon> thanks :)
[07:54] <ybon> Made that initially as a helper for me, then thought it could be a helper for everyone :)
=== Guest89446 is now known as wgrant
[07:55] <mihir> zsombi_: pong
[07:55] <zsombi_> mihir: you're with Calendar app, right?
[07:55] <ybon> btw, I wonder why when you put your phone on a table without moving it the accelerometer values are not equal to 0, and they keep changing
[07:55] <mihir> zsombi_: yes
[07:55] <zsombi_> mihir: I've some suggestion for you for the DatePicker
[07:55] <ybon> Maybe because Earth is moving? :p
[07:56] <zsombi_> mihir: like on how to use it
[07:56] <mihir> zsombi_: sure , suggestions are always welcome :)
[07:56] <zsombi_> mihir: we are implementing the focus grabbing on teh components and I saw something in the NewEvent.qml that causes some problems
[07:57] <zsombi_> mihir: I saw you were using TextField for the date and time fields
[07:57] <mihir> zsombi_: yup, we are using it for creating new event , and time
[07:57] <zsombi_> mihir: it's not the best idea, especially that you are not making those textfields read-only...
[07:57] <mihir> zsombi_: they are readonly ,
[07:57] <zsombi_> mihir: I'd rather do some custom component instead of using that
[07:58] <mihir> zsombi_: it pop up Date & TIme picker at bottom of screen
[07:58] <zsombi_> mihir: I don't see any readonly setting of it...
[07:59] <zsombi_> mihir: startDateInput is set to RO where?
[08:00] <mihir> zsombi_: I see , we have used MouseArea, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-calendar-dev/ubuntu-calendar-app/trunk/view/head:/NewEvent.qml#L396
[08:00] <zsombi_> mihir: but that's the smallest issue. The bigger one is the MouseArea that you place over it
[08:01] <mihir> zsombi_: hmmm , i see that now, zsombi_ we were using custom component previously developed by Kunal , but after we got this into SDK we start using this.
[08:01] <nerochiaro> dpm: i don't get it. if i use relative to po then it will find the .in.in.h but it won't find the QML files anymore
[08:01] <nerochiaro> dpm: i don't understand how it can find them in the core apps
[08:01] <zsombi_> mihir: but the thing is that teh component is too heavy for the purpos you need it
[08:02] <mihir> zsombi_: to match the design guidelines
[08:02] <zsombi_> mihir: beside, highlighted property will be soon deprecated, teh new design does not have that functionality anymore
[08:02] <mihir> zsombi_: oops, :|
[08:02] <dpm> nerochiaro, in the core apps, in here we add a line to look for in the build dir too -> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/camera-app/camera-app-desktop-translation/view/head:/po/CMakeLists.txt#L15
[08:03] <zsombi_> mihir: I do get it, but the problem is that you shoudl always challenge design, especially if the page loading seems slow, or the content seems crowded ;)
[08:03] <mihir> zsombi_: what would you recommended then , custom component would be too heavy task to match our design .
[08:03] <dpm> nerochiaro, i.e.
[08:03] <dpm> -D ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}
[08:03] <dpm> -D ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}
[08:03] <zsombi_> mihir: perhaps revisit the design with teh designer
[08:03] <mihir> zsombi_: yup true.
[08:04] <dpm> nerochiaro, and in here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/camera-app/camera-app-desktop-translation/view/head:/po/CMakeLists.txt#L18 - you'll need to add --keyword=N_ too
[08:04] <mihir> zsombi_: there is no way we can utilize SDK datePicker or Datepicker panel ?
[08:04] <zsombi_> mihir: because this text field would be useful if the OSK would have the ability to open the DatePicker, or, more if the user would be able to enter the date manually
[08:04] <zsombi_> in this way it cannot
[08:04] <zsombi_> mihir: of course you can!
[08:05] <zsombi_> mihir: you can invoke PickerPanel.openDatePicker() from any omponent, AbsttactButton, Button, whatever
[08:05] <zsombi_> *component
[08:06] <nerochiaro> dpm: are you sure you are linking to the right file ? i don't see -D ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} anywhere in the file you just linked
[08:06] <dpm> nerochiaro, that's the camera file, it needs to be added there
[08:07] <mihir> zsombi_: hmmm i see.. we have calendar meeting today with popey will have discussion of this
[08:07] <zsombi_> mihir: if you need same design, you can do that with a custom component derived from UbuntuShape + SharedSource to be able to render the content
[08:07] <zsombi_> mihir: please do
[08:07] <mihir> zsombi_: if we can make it work using readonlying textbox ?
[08:07] <zsombi_> mihir: also remember that lots of UbuntuShapes on a UI cause performance decrease
[08:07] <mihir> popey: ^^^
[08:08] <zsombi_> mihir: no, you cannot :/
[08:08] <nerochiaro> dpm: why keyword "N_" ? where is it used ? I thought the desktop file used just "_"
[08:08] <zsombi_> mihir: the problem is that even if you make a textfield RO, it won't open the PickerPanel
[08:08] <dpm> nerochiaro, look at the generated .desktop.in.in.h file, it uses N_
[08:08] <nik90> t1mp: Hey Good Morning, I am in the process of writing some unit tests for the clock app and I am wondering how to press the clear button in a textfield. At the moment I press on the right edge corner of the textfield.
[08:08] <mihir> zsombi_: hmmm , what about putting clickable label with some shadow and highlights ?
[08:09] <mihir> zsombi_: if user clicks , it opens same way and update label values , just a random thought
[08:10] <zsombi_> mihir: that's fine as well
[08:10] <mihir> zsombi_: thanks for this ,i'll bring up in today's meeting and will file bug for this too.
[08:10] <zsombi_> mihir: you can use a Stroke button for instance
[08:11] <dpm> nerochiaro, in summary, you'll need this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8043322/ (in core apps we use CMAKE_CURRENT_* for the build and source dirs, not sure if it makes a difference)
[08:11] <zsombi_> mihir: that will kinda look nice and you will be able to set its label based on the DatePicker's response
[08:11] <nerochiaro> dpm: check if it works for you now, just pushed a new commmit
[08:11] <zsombi_> mihir: thx dude :)
[08:12] <mihir> zsombi_: yeah, we can try stroke button.
[08:12] <zsombi_> mihir: it even looks better than a text field ;)
[08:13] <dpm> nerochiaro, looks good to me, thanks!
[08:14] <zsombi_> t1mp: I have some changes in the header on the focus handling, please check it https://code.launchpad.net/~zsombi/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/focus-handling-on-touch/+merge/230296
[08:20] <mihir> zsombi_: for using button stroke , we just have to provide property for that ? i couldn't find in docs http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/current/Ubuntu.Components.Button/
[08:21] <zsombi_> mihir: wrong URL :)
[08:23] <zsombi_> mihir: http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-14.10/Ubuntu.Components.Button/
[08:23] <zsombi_> mihir: there supposed to be a property called "strokeColor", but for some reason the doc doesn't have it...
[08:24] <zsombi_> mihir: perhaps the doc on the web is outdated a bit
[08:24] <zsombi_> mihir: do you use QtCreator?
[08:25] <mihir> zsombi_: yes i do i'll try that :)
[08:26] <zsombi_> mihir: then you should have context help, so if you open the help whil on Button, you will see the doc there
[08:36] <nerochiaro> dpm: can you please work with oSoMoN to get that MR landed and approved ?
[08:36] <nerochiaro> dpm: also, anything else I can help with in terms of desktop file translations ?
[08:36] <oSoMoN> dpm, nerochiaro: which MR?
[08:37] <dpm> nerochiaro, yes, the dialer-app and messaging-app don't seem to load translations. I mentioned the details and findings on my e-mail
[08:38] <nerochiaro> dpm: ok, i'll look into these later today
[08:40] <dpm> cool, thanks
[08:41] <dpm> oSoMoN, https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/camera-app/camera-app-desktop-translation/+merge/223229 - nerochiaro, I think I'll have to leave it to you guys, I'm not sure I'm the best person to coordinate landings in system apps
[08:42] <nerochiaro> dpm: can you please top approve the MR if you haven't done it already ?
[08:42] <dpm> nerochiaro, I can't, I'm not otherwise involved in system apps development and I'm not a member of the phablet-team
[08:43] <dpm> so no permissions to top-approve
[08:43] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, I’ll take a look in a moment
[08:59] <dpm> mardy, I'm setting up reminders to ship the authentication plugin in the .click. Does the hook for the account in the manifest need to have a specific name, or match any provider id, etc? I just named it "evernote-account-plugin" -> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8043589/
[09:29] <nik90> mzanetti: hey, have you had the issue where a QTest passed when you run that specific testcase but fails when you run ctest -v ? I think I may have timing issues since adding a wait(2000) seems to do the trick.
[09:30] <nik90> mzanetti: I thought about using signalSpy but then it is a group of listitems that are clicked. So I don't know what the signal spy should target
[09:30] <mzanetti> nik90: use "tryCompare()"
[09:30] <mzanetti> nik90: that's the equivalent of AssertThat(Eventually())
[09:31] <mzanetti> nik90: or well, let me see the code
[09:31] <nik90> mzanetti: but it is already outside the loop that presses on the listitem.
[09:31] <mzanetti> nik90: yeah... not sure exactly what the issue is atm. would need to see code
[09:31] <nik90> mzanetti: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/add-first-qmltest/revision/60
[09:32] <nik90> mzanetti: line 80 // #FIXME: Without this wait, it fails when running ctest -V
[09:34] <mzanetti> I see
[09:34] <mzanetti> nik90: remove the wait(2000)
[09:34] <mzanetti> nik90: and add this as the first line of this test:
[09:34] <mzanetti> waitForRendering(alarmRepeatPage);
[09:35] <mzanetti> nik90: that once waits until the alarm page has finished rendering and then starts the test
[09:35] <mzanetti> passes fine here
[09:35] <nik90> mzanetti: ok that passes
[09:35] <mzanetti> nik90: in gernal waitForRendering(item) should be a good friend of yours when writing qmltests :)
[09:35] <nik90> mzanetti: do I add the waitRendering before each testcase?
[09:35] <mardy> dpm: it can have any name, because it will be renamed by the hook program
[09:35] <mzanetti> nik90: well, if its not needed, I wouldn't add it
[09:36] <mzanetti> nik90: but if you have some timing issues, waitForRendering should be the first thing you try
[09:36] <nik90> mzanetti: ok, this is kinda cool. I think I am getting comfortable with this :)
[09:39] <dpm> thanks mardy
[09:39] <popey> nik90: i have updated my merge proposal for admin2, filed an RT, need to find someone to approve the merge.
[09:39] <nik90> popey: this is the same MP as the timezone one?
[09:40] <mzanetti> nik90: *\o/*
[09:44] <dpm> mardy, with this in the manifest, I'm getting an error (I believe it comes from the click review tools) "The apparmor path is missing in the manifest file"-> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8043589/
[09:45] <dpm> mardy, does the account plugin hook need an apparmor entry?
[09:47] <mardy> dpm: I don't know, but it looks like it does :-)
[09:47] <mardy> dpm: just ask for network and accounts
[09:47] <popey> nik90: yes
[09:47] <popey> nik90: updated it.
[09:48] <mzanetti> nik90: thanks for cleaning up my typos :D
[09:49] <nik90> mzanetti: lol
[09:49] <mzanetti> how did you find that bug report anyways?
[09:49] <nik90> its in the main sdk page as the first bug report
[09:50] <nik90> mzanetti: is this the UI toolkit on the latest phone image as well that you are having issues with? or staging?
[09:51] <mzanetti> nik90: image. I don't use staging here
[09:51] <mzanetti> nik90: http://i.imgur.com/GDQUlxF.png :)
[09:52] <popey> ybon: you might want to switch your sensors app to the new header..
[09:52] * nik90 tests
[09:53] <ybon> popey: damn, I though it was automatic
[09:53] <ybon> OH
[09:53] <ybon> I know
[09:53] <ybon> I need to switch useDeprecatedAction to false or something like that right?
[09:53] <nik90> ybon: affirmative
[09:53] <ybon> :)
[09:54] * ybon prepares a 0.0.2 with that change
[09:54] <nik90> mzanetti: https://imgur.com/rKN4JE7
[09:54] <nik90> mzanetti: why do you have the overflow button
[09:55] <mzanetti> nik90: because I wanted that. But because of the ugly popover I decided to publish it as is for now
[09:55] <mzanetti> nik90: I think the way it is atm is not really good for 2 reasons:
[09:55] <mzanetti> a) you don't need the add account buttons often enough to have them visible all the time
[09:55] <mzanetti> b) if they're in the popover you get the text explaining what the camera icon actually does
[09:55] <mzanetti> so I'd prefer it to have like in my screenshot
[09:56] <mzanetti> but obviously not as the popover is atm
[09:56] <nik90> hmm I am trying to test against other apps which have a overflow
[09:56] <mzanetti> nik90: well, the old clock app looks the same
[09:56] <mzanetti> http://i.imgur.com/lz4oQHC.png
[09:57] <nik90> mzanetti: that's because its background is purple
[09:57] <mzanetti> nik90: ^
[09:57] <mzanetti> nik90: no
[09:57] <mzanetti> nik90: that's because the background is "dark"
[09:57] <nik90> mzanetti: check out the music app, its overflow is black
[10:00] <nik90> mzanetti: even in my app Flashback https://github.com/krnekhelesh/flashback/blob/master/Flashback.qml, I set the background color to UbuntuColors.coolGrey and the tab overflow menu looks black.
[10:00] <mzanetti> nik90: indeed... still broken though... text color should be white
[10:00] <nik90> mzanetti: yeah there is a bug for that
[10:00] <mzanetti> nik90: so why is the authenticator's one purple?
[10:01] <nik90> mzanetti: I am not sure, I suspect it could be because of the gradient
[10:01] <mzanetti> nik90: also the clock app's background purple and the overflow purple do not match
[10:01] <DanChapman> Good Morning all o/
[10:01] <nik90> mzanetti: try removing that and setting only the background color
[10:01] <nik90> mzanetti: https://code.launchpad.net/~fboucault/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/better_visual_feedback/+merge/230121
[10:07] <mzanetti> nik90: you're right
[10:08] <mzanetti> nik90: it only turns purple when there's a gradient
[10:08] <mzanetti> nik90: which explains why its the same purple in clock app and authenticator
[10:08] <nik90> mzanetti: lol
[10:08] <mzanetti> Saviq: fyi: ^
[10:08] <nik90> mzanetti: I heard the SDK devs are deprecating gradient backgrounds
[10:08] <nik90> mzanetti: afaik all core apps were asked to move towards solid backgrounds instead
[10:08] <ybon> popey: you whould now have an ugrade :)
[10:09] <ybon> what about the name, btw? "Sensors Status" is what I was able to put out from my globish, but it's not that good
[10:10] <Saviq> mzanetti, right, so it's a $random_color when gradient is used
[10:10] <mzanetti> Saviq: rather $purple, but yeah
[10:11] <mzanetti> Saviq: removing the gradient and only setting background color makes the popover black
[10:11] <mzanetti> blackish
[10:11] <Saviq> with grey text I assume ;)
[10:11] <mzanetti> ofc
[10:11] <mzanetti> http://i.imgur.com/xGWiv98.png
[10:12] <nik90> mzanetti: both of these are fixed in the MP that I linked above
[10:12] <mzanetti> nik90: both?
[10:12] <mzanetti> what's the other issue?
[10:12] <mzanetti> an the gradient one
[10:12] <mzanetti> ?
[10:12] <nik90> mzanetti: the black box in your overflow
[10:12] <popey> ybon: name is fine to me
[10:13] <mzanetti> nik90: oh really? I just wanted to report a bug
[10:13] <dpm> mardy, would you mind reviewing the branch for the migration of the Evernote account plugin into the click package? It's not a big change, but it'd be good check if the layout and the rest is as expected for the account to work inside the click -> https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/reminders-app/account-click/+merge/230768
[10:13] <mzanetti> nik90: that seems to be that iconSource is ignored in Action
[10:13] <nik90> mzanetti: yup, even reminders app had that issue
[10:13] <mzanetti> oh did it :D
[10:13] <ybon> popey: okey :)
[10:13] * mzanetti starts losing track of all his apps
[10:26] <popey> maybe the myapps bit for developers should have a thing to let you view by category/department
[10:27] <dpm> popey, have you come across any message similar to "Unable to exec 'reminders' in '/opt/click.ubuntu.com/.click/users/phablet/com.ubuntu.reminders': No such file or directory" when launching an app from the dash, after having installed the click package manually with pkcon?
[10:27] <dpm> The installation path seems wrong
[10:29] <rpadovani> dpm, hey :-) I was able to add bottomEdge to remiders app, only on phone mode, and it's awesome! I implemented the solution I think is 'cleaner' as possible, but I had to modify the BottomEdge component, and create a 'fake' bottomEdge. I'll explain all in today meeting, cause I want to hear mzanetti's opinion as well.
[10:29] <rpadovani> dpm, meanwhile, if you want to try it: https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/reminders-app/bottomEdge
[10:29] <dpm> rpadovani, oh wow! nice work!
[10:30] <rpadovani> dpm: now I start to work on edit notebooks name
[10:32] <mzanetti> rpadovani: nice!
[10:33] <mzanetti> rpadovani: I also found a bug with the pulldown thingie
[10:33] <mzanetti> rpadovani: pull it down to make the text change to "release to refresh"
[10:33] <mzanetti> rpadovani: then drag it back up to the beginning and release
[10:33] <mzanetti> it still refreshes
[10:33] <mzanetti> should only if you release it below the threshold
[10:33] <popey> dpm: nope
[10:34] <rpadovani> mzanetti, interesting, I'll take a look
[10:35] <dpm> mzanetti, rpadovani, also -> https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/reminders-app/account-click/+merge/230768
[10:36] <mzanetti> dpm: oh wow! didn't know that's possible now
[10:36] <mzanetti> great news
[10:37] <mzanetti> dpm: For some reason I don't understand, the binary fails to start with this error, where the layout is clearly wrong: "Unable to exec 'reminders' in '/opt/click.ubuntu.com/.click/users/phablet/com.ubuntu.reminders': No such file or directory"
[10:37] <dpm> mzanetti, indeed. However, with a caveat: the 'accounts' policy is still only limited to trusted apps, if I'm not mistaken, so it's not yet available for general use. I think there need to be some security improvements added before all app devs can use it, but mardy can probably expand on that
[10:38] <mzanetti> dpm: I guess that's because the reminders binary is in lib/armhf../bin/reminders
[10:38] <mzanetti> instead of the top level dir
[10:38] <dpm> mzanetti, yeah, but that's always been the case
[10:38] <mzanetti> dpm: you can either change the install dir of the binary, or update the .desktop file to launch it from where it is now
[10:38] <mzanetti> really?
[10:39] <dpm> mzanetti, yeah, I've just checked that on the Reminders click that comes preinstalled with the images. I'm a bit puzzled as well that the desktop file finds the binary at all
[10:39] <popey> nik90: admin2 merged by ev! :D
[10:39] <nik90> popey: wow
[10:40] <zsombi_> popey: dpm: guys, who's with teh Settings app?
[10:40] <dpm> mzanetti, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8044258/
[10:40] <dpm> zsombi_, I generally ping seb128 or Laney when I've got questions about u-s-s
[10:41] <mzanetti> dpm: /usr/armhf/bin vs /usr/x86/bin/
[10:41] <zsombi_> seb128: pingus
[10:42] <zsombi_> Laney: ping U2
[10:42] <dpm> mzanetti, where?
[10:42] <mzanetti> dpm: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8044162/ vs http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8044258/
[10:43] <mzanetti> dpm: stupid me... I meant /lib/...
[10:43] <mzanetti> not /usr
[10:43] <dpm> mzanetti, ah, got it, thanks. No idea how that got replaced by the wrong arch, well spotted, will fix!
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[11:07] <mardy> dpm, mzanetti: the accounts policy is limited as of now, but it won't be limited in the RTM
[11:07] <mzanetti> I see. thanks mardy
[11:08] <rpadovani> mzanetti, https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/reminders-app/fixForReload/+merge/230775
[11:09] <dpm> ok, thanks mardy. Do you have any ideas about why we're getting this errors when trying to migrate to the account in the click package? -> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8044372/
[11:09] <dpm> *these
[11:11] <mardy> dpm: yes, the click hook should run that query for you; it's in my to-do list
[11:12] <dpm> mardy, oh, so this is not supposed to work yet?
[11:12] <mardy> dpm: meanwhile, I think that you can workaround it locally by running "account-console list"
[11:12] <mardy> dpm: try to close and re-open online accounts, that might fix it
[11:14] <dpm> mardy, it doesn't seem to: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8044459/
[11:14] <dpm> i.e. it doesn't list the evernote account and when I open the app, it takes me to an empty Accounts page
[11:17] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: Elleo: can you guys please have a look at this merge request when you have time ? https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/gallery-app/gallery-app-restrict-pick-content-type/+merge/230776 it is missing tests, but if you could start verifying that the code is good and the functionality works that would help speed things up considerably
[11:18] <mardy> dpm: it's weird that evernote is not there
[11:18] <Elleo> nerochiaro: sure
[11:19] <mardy> dpm: what's in ~/.local/share/accounts/providers/ ?
[11:20] <dpm> mardy, $ ls .local/share/accounts/providers/
[11:20] <dpm> com.ubuntu.reminders_evernote-account-plugin.provider
[11:20] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, I’ll put it on my list for today
[11:21] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: Elleo: and one unrelated question. do you guys usually build inside the same tree as your branch or in a separate directory ?
[11:21] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, that depends on the project, some support both, some support only out-of-source builds
[11:22] <Elleo> nerochiaro: I typically do out-of-tree builds for anything that supports it
[11:22] <mardy> dpm: silly me, of course evernote is not listed by account-console until you create an account
[11:23] <karni> zbenjamin_: zsombi_: hi folks, I need someone from the sdk team to help me understand just a couple things. first, I wanted to ask if qtc can 'Run' the app from a folder different than build-telegram-app-Desktop-Default/.ubuntu-sdk-deploy, as well as which step/component is actually responsible for creating that directory (which seems to be missing in my casE)
[11:23] <dpm> mardy, so we're in a chicken and egg situation?
[11:24] <nerochiaro> Elleo: oSoMoN: ok, and in case of out of tree builds how do you normally run tests ?
[11:24] <mardy> dpm: no no, the problem is that an unconfined process needs to make a certain libaccounts call, in order to update the service list
[11:24] <karni> kalikiana: hey buddy o/ any news on that ~/.config/qt-project s/qt-project/actual.app.domain fix?
[11:24] <nerochiaro> (just trying to realign my workflow to current best practices)
[11:24] <mardy> dpm: online-accounts-ui does that, but I cannot remember in which scenario -- I'm checking the source
[11:25] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, what tests? unit or autopilot?
[11:25] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: both
[11:25] <zbenjamin_> karni: that directoy is created by the UbuntuSDK Click build step in the deploy configuration. Which is only present on a non desktop target
[11:25] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, usually for unit tests, just run ctest or "make test" from the build dir
[11:25] <zbenjamin_> karni: the app is not running from there, what happens is a real click package is created and isntalled on the phone, then we execute the installed app and remove it when its closed
[11:26] <zbenjamin_> karni: there is no other way to run the app on a device
[11:26] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, for AP tests, running them out of source might not always work, that depends on how clever the setUp() function is, for webbrowser-app for example it works only either in source, or installed system-wide
[11:26] <karni> zbenjamin_: I see. I'm trying to run this on the desktop, and I get: QProcessPrivate::execChild() failed to chdir to /home/karni/src/canonical/telegram/build-telegram-app-Desktop-Default/.ubuntu-sdk-deploy
[11:26] <karni> zbenjamin_: is it possible to make it clear to qtc that I'm really trying to run on a desktop and not a device (thus, no need for .ubuntu-sdk-deply directory? )
[11:27] <zbenjamin_> karni: weird
[11:27] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: and to run these tests on the device what's the current recommended method ?
[11:27] <nerochiaro> AP
[11:27] <mardy> dpm: try creating the evernote account from the system settings
[11:27] <zbenjamin_> karni: can i test that myself ?
[11:27] <karni> zbenjamin_: this might be due to modified CMakeLists.txt ? or qtc solely bases it's "setup" on project configuration? or are these two bound?
[11:28] <zbenjamin_> karni: basically the configuration is based on the Kit type you use. If its a Ubuntu Kit the deploy will happen
[11:28] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, if it’s a click app look up an e-mail in your inbox sent by bfiller on May 28 titled "running autopilot tests for click"
[11:28] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, for a pure debian package, just install the corresponding -autopilot debs, and use phablet-test-run
[11:28] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: cheers
[11:30] <dpm> mardy, I think I tried it earlier and it did not work, but I cannot confirm, as now the online accounts app won't load at all from ubuntu-system-settings :/
[11:31] <kalikiana> karni: failing on false negatives in ci I'm afraid (https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/organizationDomain/+merge/230085)
[11:34] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: what's the process for getting this into trunk ? https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/gallery-app/gallery-app-remove-qmlproject/+merge/230665 (or to check that it's in the pipeline to get into trunk at some point)
[11:38] <rpadovani> hey mzanetti, there is a simpe way to use void setName(const QString &name); (notebook.h) from QML?
[11:39] * mzanetti looks
[11:39] <dpm> mardy, so from the system settings I get evernote as an available account, but when I try to create it, it also lands me on a blank page
[11:40] <nik90> popey: do you happen to know when the geoname-lookup server gets updated?
[11:40] <popey> nik90: i filed an RT today, and now the merge landed, I can push it, which I will with IS
[11:40] <popey> no ETA yet
[11:41] <nik90> ack
[11:42] <nik90> mzanetti: hey, can you approve https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/json-search-backend/+merge/230338. You already did a code review of it.
[11:42] <nik90> mzanetti: I will tackle the issue of the QNetworkAcessManager in another MP.
[11:43] <mzanetti> nik90: yeah... as I said.... I wouldn't do much for the QNAM at the moment
[11:43] <mzanetti> nik90: it's probably not worth spending the efforts as it doesn't make a difference on the Ubuntu platform for now
[11:43] <mzanetti> nik90: and I'm not sure it ever will
[11:43] <nik90> mzanetti: yes but I will need your help to tackle that in the near future since I will need to do another json request in another plugin for the user location
[11:44] <nik90> mzanetti: which will end up with two QNAM in the same app.
[11:44] <mzanetti> nik90: yeah... just create a new QNAM in that plugin too for now
[11:44] <nik90> mzanetti: ok
[11:44] <mzanetti> nik90: again, it doesn't matter on Ubuntu (would matter on MeeGo or Sailfish though)
[11:44] <nik90> got it
[11:45] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, as usual, a landing request needs to be filed with this MR. Given the nature of this MR, it would be worth grouping it with other non-conflicting small MRs
[11:45] <mzanetti> nik90: approved
[11:45] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: ok, i've never filed one so far, that's why I am asking about the process
[11:46] <nik90> mzanetti: thnx
[12:02] <jdstrand> dpm: fyi, the accounts policy group should be a 'common' policy group very soon. dbarth and mardy have been working to make that happen and I think code for it may hit a silo soon
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[12:34] <nerochiaro> renatu: artmello: oSoMoN: Elleo: do we know of any app that is already doing AP integration tests with the content hub ? I would like to add some to the gallery but if I can start with some examples that would make things a lot quicker
[12:34] <renatu> nerochiaro, I do not know, I am sure that address-book does not have that yet
[12:35] <Elleo> nerochiaro: have a chat with ken when he gets on, he's just created a test peer that can be used for autopilot tests
[12:35] <Elleo> nerochiaro: as at the moment autopilot doesn't handle cases where you need to switch between apps very well, so the test peer can be configured to just instantly return various types of content or to accept content without any user interaction
[12:36] <nerochiaro> Elleo: do you have an example of that ?
[12:36] <nik90> dpm: I reviewed your MP and left some comments. It is all good just for some few corrections that need to be made.
[12:37] <nerochiaro> Elleo: what i'd like to do is to have content hub request gallery some stuff, and verify that gallery displays the right UI and filters the data properly
[12:37] <Elleo> nerochiaro: not yet; it only got merged this week, so there's nothing using it yet; kenvandine should be able to tell you how it works though
[12:37] <dpm> nik90, yeah, I saw it thanks, I've been looking at reminders today, and I've not yet had the chance to address those, but I will
[12:37] <nik90> dpm: np
[12:37] <nerochiaro> Elleo: ok, I'll ask ken when he comes in later
[12:37] <nerochiaro> Elleo: thanks
[12:37] <Elleo> nerochiaro: also, rhuddie is planning on using the new test peer to write some AP tests for various apps, so you might want to co-ordinate with him as it might already be something he's working on
[12:44] <dholbach> dpm, can you land https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/ubuntu-sdk-tutorials/updates/+merge/230791 maybe?
[12:45] <dholbach> or mhall119
[12:45] <dholbach> looks like I don't have the necessary powers
[12:45] <dholbach> and maybe add me to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-tutorials-dev as well :)
[13:05] <popey> balloons: I have rebuilt the clicks for _all_ the core apps, could you please upload en-masse?
[13:06] <balloons> popey, sounds like fun :-)
[13:07] <mhall119> dholbach: want me to top-approve that MP?
[13:09] <mihir> balloons: Good Morning :)
[13:09] <balloons> mihir, morning
[13:09] <dpm> dholbach, I've added you to the team
[13:09] <mihir> balloons: because of new change in Yearview we have break in AP , so we
[13:09] <mihir> have to fix that.
[13:10] <dholbach> mhall119, yeah, that'd be nice
[13:10] <balloons> I finished the tweaks I wanted to https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/1188819/+merge/230554
[13:10] <dholbach> h no, dpm did
[13:11] <mhall119> dholbach: yeah, I just saw that
[13:11] <dholbach> thanks guys!
[13:12] <mihir> balloons: yes i saw that balloons i am yet to understand that and then i'll fix in office right now will do that by tonight, my long weekend starts from today :D
[13:12] <dholbach> I just went through the ubuntu-developerportal bugs and that was one of them
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[13:14] <mihir> zsombi_: ping
[13:14] <zsombi_> mihir: pong
[13:14] <mihir> zsombi_: could you join #ubuntu-touch-meeting for a while ?
[13:15] <dpm> balloons, when you've got a minute, would you mind looking at https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-filemanager-dev/ubuntu-filemanager-app/require-screenlock-password/+merge/230058 again? It seems there are some Jenkins failures and the jobs need to be retriggered
[13:16] <balloons> hmm.. I don't see my push from yesterday.. interesting
[13:17] <dpm> balloons, perhaps you pushed to another branch?
[13:17] <balloons> who knows
[13:24] <balloons> popey, I think everything should have a new version uploaded now
[13:30] <popey> thanks balloons
[13:30] <dpm> mzanetti, joining the reminders hangout?
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[14:32] <nik90> bzoltan: I think you might like this -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBpCykbmqs8&feature=youtu.be
[14:54] <dpm> balloons, so the tests passed for file manager \o/ - are you happy with them, and comfortable with landing it as it is?
[15:02] <nik90> balloons: can you join the clock app meeting in another hour and a half? I would like to discuss together what it would take to make the replacement.
[15:03] <nik90> and then we can take some workitems and get them done
[15:04] <balloons> nik90, sure can do
[15:04] <balloons> hangout?
[15:04] <nik90> balloons: not sure yet, normally I ask popey at the start of the meeting. Either way I will keep you informed
[15:05] <balloons> dpm, I'm wanting to potentially change some things, but I would not hold the mp for it, as I know it's important.
[15:05] <balloons> dpm, and I'd much prefer doing an mp with the changes against trunk, instead of making this one longer
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[16:11] <popey> daker: you might want to update your airbnb app with their new logo
[16:11] <popey> daker: just installed it on my #189 mako and it refuses to start here.. just get the loading screen
[16:12] <daker> popey: ok
[16:17] <bzoltan> nik90: beautiful background you have :)
[16:17] <nik90> bzoltan: :)
[16:19] <bzoltan> nik90: I am at 2 minutes, but I love that video already! You rock!
[16:19] <nik90> bzoltan: I wanted to do it earlier but was waiting for the UI workflow to stabilize. Also some devs kept asking how to run their apps after the recent update.
[16:36] <daker> popey: https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/246/feedback/
[16:40] <rpadovani> dpm, i18n.tr doesn't work with single quote? I mean, i18n.tr('Translate this') doesn't work?
[16:40] <popey> daker: looks like dholbach beat me to it ☻
[16:40] <brendand> rpadovani, i ran into that one
[16:40] <dpm> rpadovani, I've no idea, I would have thought it should. What's not working?
[16:40] <dholbach> popey, sorry
[16:40] <popey> ☻
[16:40] <dholbach> :)
[16:41] <rpadovani> dpm, I'm looking at this MR... it's odd
[16:41] <rpadovani> https://code.launchpad.net/~vrruiz/reminders-app/i18n-strings/+merge/230838
[16:41] <rpadovani> I mean, makes sense, but why?
[16:41] <daker> popey: let's if it works, i know it will show the android ads
[16:43] <dpm> rpadovani, ah, it might be that the string is not extracted by xgettext because it interprets the .qml file as a .c or .cpp file and expects strings to be "
[16:43] <dpm> xgettext has no direct support for qml
[16:43] <rpadovani> dpm, thanks for the explanation!
[16:46] <dpm> np :)
[16:59] <daker> popey: the "Travel" section on the store still shows the old one
[17:05] <ahayzen> Does the apparmor_parser process take *forever* for anyone else when 'Allowing autopilot to play well with apparmor' or on a first boot after upgrading an image? or is it just my device?
[17:05] <balloons> ahayzen, a minute yes
[17:06] <ahayzen> ...or two or three...
[17:06] <balloons> ahayzen, that sounds a bit long
[17:06] <balloons> but :-) it has to recompile everything
[17:06] <ahayzen> oh god :/ guess it is proportional to num of apps installed as well then?
[17:07] <balloons> ahayzen, lolololololol..
[17:07] <balloons> did you go crazy with apps?
[17:07] <ahayzen> done!
[17:07] <ahayzen> god probably took like 4-5 mins
[17:07] <ahayzen> balloons, no not many probably +10 to standard
[17:08] <ahayzen> balloons, also do u have time today to help me with the music-app ap refactor? ...
[17:08] <popey> daker: cached maybe?
[17:09] <ahayzen> balloons, i would really appreciate it if u could help me do the first 1/2 test transitions to make sure i set it up correctly etc...then i can do the rest
[17:09] <balloons> ahayzen, I will in a bit.. trying to finish something up
[17:09] <popey> ahayzen: takes 20 mins on my nexus 7
[17:09] <ahayzen> popey, jesus!
[17:09] <popey> ahayzen: but I have 380 clicks installed
[17:09] <popey> indeed!
[17:09] <ahayzen> popey, are there any plans to improve this?
[17:09] <balloons> ahayzen, I can certainly answer questions as you go.. feel free to ping
[17:09] <balloons> ahayzen, they did some work to improve the speed, lol
[17:09] <ahayzen> balloons, thanks i'll probably start after dinner so in like 1-2hrs
[17:09] <balloons> but honestly, it's a dev thing, so
[17:09] <ahayzen> balloons, but it runs after u upgrade?
[17:09] <popey> ahayzen: it's known ☻
[17:10] <ahayzen> balloons, and it sits at 'Google' for *ages* i have been thinking the upgrades have been failing recently because of it
[17:10] <ahayzen> if the shell in at that time u can see like ~4 of them all using 100% cpu
[17:11] <ahayzen> popey, is there a bug to track?
[17:12] <nik90> davmor2: so to fill you in, we will be doing the replacement once we have the next promoted image since the clock reboot needs the latest SDK which is not available in the previous promotoed image (179)
[17:12] <popey> ahayzen: the understated bug 1350598
[17:12] <nik90> davmor2: so definitely by monday
[17:12] <ubot5> bug 1350598 in apparmor (Ubuntu) "apparmor_parser takes a long time" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1350598
[17:12] <ahayzen> popey, that title is perfect :)
[17:13] <ahayzen> ah 'This will not normally affect consumers because neither the kernel nor the policy will change during the system image update process.'
[17:13] <balloons> ^^ as I said, 'dev' thing :-)
[17:13] <davmor2> nik90: hahahaha you think they'll be a promoted image Monday ah bless ;)
[17:14] <balloons> davmor2, . . .
[17:14] <ahayzen> yeah but i guess if someone moved their phone from 14.10 -> 15.04 then they would experience it
[17:14] <ahayzen> but only once so not to bad :)
[17:14] <nik90> davmor2: you are not instilling much confidence in me :P
[17:14] <davmor2> nik90: blame popey he keeps finding bugs
[17:14] * ahayzen wants the new media-hub in a promoted image
[17:16] <nik90> davmor2: well me and popey are in the same page, so he will understand what needs to be done :D
[17:19] <popey> yeah, don't listen to him ☻
[17:21] <daker> popey: i think yes
[17:22] <nik90> :P
[17:25] <nik90> popey: in image 189 can you see if the indicator datetime shows you any thing? For me it blank..no alarms, no calendar events..really strange
[17:25] <davmor2> nik90: see now you're finding bugs how do we stand a chance
[17:26] <nik90> davmor2: well this bug is so alarming that I cannot ignore it :P
[17:26] <nik90> davmor2: how does it look for you?
[17:26] <davmor2> nik90: well quite obviously it isn't alarming and that's the problem :P
[17:26] <nik90> davmor2: lol.
[17:27] <zsombi> nik90: howdy sir
[17:27] <nik90> I think for me the datetime service crashes because the time it shows is also incorrect
[17:27] <davmor2> nik90: I see the alram notification, but I see nothing in the indicator
[17:27] <nik90> zsombi: hello :)
[17:27] <nik90> davmor2: yup me too
[17:27] <nik90> davmor2: time will go out of sync as well
[17:27] <zsombi> nik90: will you have time tomorrow to check the alarm-switch thing?
[17:27] <nik90> zsombi: I did and I got stuck :D
[17:28] <nik90> zsombi: tell me you will swoop in and save the day again
[17:28] <zsombi> nik90: I know, I saw your post, just had no time to check it
[17:28] <zsombi> nik90: ;)
[17:28] <davmor2> I blame that nik90 for this demanding changes for the alarms ;)
[17:28] <zsombi> nik90: do you have some sample?
[17:28] <nik90> zsombi: yeah 1 sec
[17:28] <zsombi> nik90: I know you had, just lost the pastebin
[17:28] <nik90> zsombi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8027116/
[17:31] <zsombi> nik90: was this pastebing a delegate of a listview?
[17:31] <nik90> zsombi: yup
[17:31] <zsombi> nik90: do you eventually have a broader code pastebin?
[17:31] <nik90> zsombi: I had a local branch I was working on. I could push that for you
[17:32] <zsombi> nik90: pls, txh
[17:32] <zsombi> thx
[17:35] <nik90> zsombi: lp:~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/implement-alarm-status
[17:35] <zsombi> nik90: thx! I'll try to see whether we can get somewhere with this
[17:35] <nik90> zsombi: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/implement-alarm-status/view/head:/app/alarm/AlarmDelegate.qml
[17:36] <zsombi> nik90: have you tested with memory manager as well?
[17:36] <nik90> zsombi: I will be online tomorrow early. Ping me and I will join you with it.
[17:36] <nik90> zsombi: no I haven't tested with memory manager.,.only EDS
[17:36] <zsombi> nik90: ok, let's see
[17:36] <zsombi> nik90: I think I did back few months ago, and it had the same issue
[17:37] <nik90> zsombi: the code I wrote was taken from the sdk sample code.
[17:37] <zsombi> nik90: even worst, as that is much faster, so it took the switch back almost instantly
[17:37] <zsombi> nik90: I know... sorry for that :/ it doesn't work properly, and it's because of th eswitch
[17:38] <zsombi> nik90: we had a branch with teh CheckBox - having teh same issue, I have to check that, perhaps we can do some API change to come over this issue
[17:38] <nik90> zsombi: no worries, I have a potential other issue related to this, so hopefully fixing this will help with that
[17:38] <zsombi> nik90: ok, let's hope
[17:39] <nik90> zsombi: how do you read an alarm, update it and wait for the alarm operation to be completed before doing anything.
[17:39] <nik90> zsombi: because when creating an alarm I create the Alarm{} object. Where i monitor the status signal.
[17:39] <nik90> zsombi: but while reading alarms I do, var tempAlarm = alarmModel.get(index)
[17:39] <nik90> zsombi: hence that confuses things for me
[17:40] <zsombi> nik90: yeah, agree, it's a but confusing, perhaps the model should only return roles, not objects...
[17:40] <nik90> yeah I think so
[17:40] <zsombi> nik90: the Alarm{} is a helper to create alarms, you can use it to create several alarms if you clear the alarm once got saved
[17:41] <zsombi> nik90: then alarmModel.get(index) returns an alarm from teh model's given index. The index has no relation with the Alarm itself, so that's why is confusing
[17:42] <zsombi> nik90: there's a ccokie in teh Alarm internal which could be used as ID, however that is platform (adaptation) specific
[17:42] <nik90> yeah
[17:43] <zsombi> nik90: and that cookie is really bad one..
[17:43] <nik90> zsombi: I am hoping something can be done within the clock app side of things since the SDK takes too long to update, but let's see what happens
[17:44] <zsombi> nik90: there is some gles hassle in the CI than needs to be sorted so we can land...
[17:44] <nik90> zsombi: yes I was tracking the sdk update for the past 2-3 days since I desperately needed those 2 critical bug fixes for alarms.
[17:45] <zsombi> nik90: like the two bugs around the alarm sound and the clear() crash are fixed, landed in staging, but the silo is dying all the time
[17:45] <nik90> yup
[17:46] <nik90> zsombi: hey atleast I can now make install any SDK branch without blockage due to EDS :)
[17:46] <zsombi> nik90: ;)
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[17:59] <popey> nik90: yes, i have stuff in mine
[18:00] <nik90> popey: does the time in the panel update for you?
[18:00] <nik90> popey: and are you runnign 189?
[18:00] <nik90> popey: clean wipe or just update?
[18:00] <nik90> sry too many questions :D
[18:00] <popey> nik90: i lie, wrong phone, no i see no notifications in upcoming
[18:01] <popey> nik90: and no, time is 17:08 (it's 19:00)
[18:01] <popey> so indicator-datetime needs a bug i think?
[18:01] <nik90> popey: yup...I am discussing with charles atm.
[18:01] <popey> so i see, lemme know if you need anything from me
[18:02] <nik90> well I wanted to ask you to test my custom-alarm-sound branch tonite. but we can't do it anymore
[18:02] <nik90> since I doubt alarms will ring
[18:58] <mhall119> nik90: this is a really great video
[19:00] <mhall119> nik90: can we embed it on developer.u.c?
[19:10] <nik90> mhall119: do you want me to edit it a bit? like adding titles and so on?
[19:12] <mhall119> nik90: that would be great if you have time, but I'm happy to add it as-is, it's a huge help
[19:13] <popey> what video is this?
[19:13] <nik90> popey: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBpCykbmqs8&feature=youtu.be
[19:14] <mhall119> popey: it's brilliant
[19:16] <popey> ooh
[19:17] <mhall119> popey: nik90: http://developer.ubuntu.com/start/ubuntu-sdk/using-device-kits/
[19:18] <nik90> mhall119: awesome thnx
[19:19] <mhall119> no man, thank you, this is great stuff
[19:21] <nik90> :)
[19:30] <nik90> popey: hey I pushed to test click for https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/add-custom-sound-backend/+merge/225812 in dropbox
[19:30] <nik90> popey: can you test on 189, it works for me. What you need to test is check when editing an alarm if you see the ringtone you chose.
[19:31] <nik90> popey: and ofc that the alarm rings with the ringtone you chose
[19:39] <mihir> balloons: i have merged the branch , thanks for your help
[19:39] <balloons> mihir, ohh excellent. you arre welcome
[19:41] <mihir> balloons: here is MR link , https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/1188819/+merge/230554
[19:43] <nik90> balloons: btw the MR with the qml tests is at https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/add-first-qmltest/+merge/230702.
[19:44] <nik90> balloons: I will update the readme files with the necessary info to run the qml test as elopio suggested.
[19:45] <popey> nik90: sure
[19:46] <nik90> popey: btw don't look at the datetime indicator time before setting the alarm :)
[19:46] <popey> uh, okay
[19:46] <balloons> nik90, awesome
[19:50] <mihir> nik90: do we need any PPA for UbuntuComponents on utopic ?
[19:51] <popey> nik90: it doesn't play the sound when I choose one, I mean, when selecting the alarm sound to be used - i would expect it to
[19:51] <nik90> mihir: no
[19:51] <popey> otherwise I dont know what noise will come out when the alarm goes off
[19:51] <nik90> popey: +1. I have a bug about that. Unfortunately I need design spec for that.
[19:51] <mihir> nik90: i am just trying to run Gallery app , and getting this in console , file:///home/mihir/Documents/apps/gallery/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/examples/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gallery/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gallery.qml:18 module "Ubuntu.Components" plugin "UbuntuComponents" not found
[19:51] <nik90> popey: for instance where to show the stop button and so on
[19:52] <nik90> mihir: how did you run it? Through Qtcreator?
[19:52] <mihir> nik90: yup
[19:52] <popey> i wouldn't show a stop button
[19:52] <popey> other phones dont
[19:52] <nik90> popey: our system settings app does
[19:52] <popey> just press the button, noise comes out until you choose a different one
[19:55] <nik90> that can be implemented
[20:00] <popey> nik90: tested...
[20:00] <popey> not sure it used the tone I chose
[20:00] <popey> but it wasnt those dammed harps
[20:00] <nik90> ah ok. Yeah I had to use the sytem settings app to hear the ringtone and then chose it in the clock app :)
[20:01] <nik90> But yes we have to add previewing system sounds in the clock app
[20:02] <mihir> nik90: by saying gallery, I meant ubuntu-ui-toolkit application
[20:03] <nik90> mihir: yeah I know..I can't understand why since it works for me on my utopic vm. I choose gallery from the Tools->Ubuntu->ShowCase Gallery
[20:04] <nik90> mihir: on my utopic vm I have no PPAs installed
[20:19] <mihir> nik90: it did work now , thanks for help
[20:19] <mihir> balloons: ping
[20:20] <mihir> balloons: i still see some errors in AP , is it because of some assert issues , ?
[20:20] <nik90> mihir: ah, awesome
[20:20] <mihir> i did run test cases on my machine and it did passed flawlessley
[20:21] <popey> nik90: yes, set a few alarms with different sounds and they work
[20:21] <nik90> popey: do you want me to add support for previewing sounds in this MP or a new one?
[20:21] <popey> separately
[20:22] <nik90> ok
[20:22] <nik90> on it
[20:23] <nik90> balloons: mind doing a code review of https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/add-custom-sound-backend/+merge/225812 when you are free. popey has tested green on image 189.
[20:25] <balloons> nik90, do you underscore in qml for a specific reason? aka _soundModel
[20:26] <nik90> balloons: nope, I just use it similar to in python indicating it is a internal variable
[20:27] <nik90> balloons: I am going to add a bit of comments to the code in a bit
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
[20:37] <mihir> balloons: it seems a same problem , it is not able to find the event after deleation
[20:40] <balloons> nik90, kk
[20:41] * balloons watches video
[20:42] <balloons> I think you are seeing an issue in trunk though mihir
[20:42] <balloons> ahh yes indeed
[20:42] <mihir> balloons: didn't get you :|
[20:43] <balloons> mihir, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calendar-app/+bug/1350605
[20:43] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1350605 in Ubuntu Calendar App "Existing Event can be "Hidden" when adding new events" [High,Triaged]
[20:44] <balloons> basically there is a display issue going on with events, and that's what we are partially seeing. The other issue is timing.. the page hasn't loaded yet and it tries to grab the object but it doesn't exist
[20:44] <balloons> your desktop is fast, so no weird issues and it runs fine
[20:45] <mihir> balloons: ohhh I see, I was trying to fail that test case on machine and couldn't
[20:46] <mihir> balloons: as we have added bug workaround in AP it should refresh the view righ t?
[20:48] <balloons> mihir, yes and you can see it dies.. but right after refreshing it checks for the object and fails.. you can just see the spinner on the dayview pag
[20:48] <balloons> when the video ends. the page is still loading
[20:49] <mihir> balloons: hmm I see that.
[21:09] <ahayzen> balloons, let me know when ur free
[22:07] <nik90> balloons: it seems there is a flaw in our autopilot test for alarms. It doesn't test the value of the alarm sound. As a result the test doesn't fail if the alarm sound cannot be chosen
[22:10] <balloons> nik90, the sound selection is new thought correct?
[22:10] <nik90> balloons: no it was there before this MP
[22:10] <balloons> ahayzen, sorry I've gotten stuck on this mp for some time
[22:10] <balloons> nik90, ahh, we should have included it then..
[22:10] <ahayzen> balloons, no worries i'm just playing about attempting things ;)
[22:10] <nik90> balloons: the issue there is that the alarm sound chosen is not shown in the UI in the Alarm List page
[22:10] <nik90> balloons: so how do we tests its value if we cannot retrieve it via the UI?
[22:10] <nik90> balloons: unit tests?
[22:11] <nik90> balloons: are you stuck in my MP?
[22:11] <balloons> nik90, lp wouldn't let me comment on your mp, lol
[22:11] <nik90> weird
[22:17] <balloons> nik90, if the property is set we can read the value if needed
[22:18] <nik90> balloons: the property seems to be set in the EditAlarmPage where we don't do any verfication yet. We do the verification once the alarm is saved in the main Alarm Page where the alarm sound property cannot be read.
[22:18] <nik90> balloons: I will add a verify function in the EditAlarmPage for this
[22:20] <nik90> balloons: ah looks like carla did add a verify function in the EditAlarmPage...
[22:20] * nik90 investigates why that didnt trigger the failure
[22:23] <nik90> balloons: can you look at https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/add-custom-sound-backend/view/head:/tests/autopilot/ubuntu_clock_app/emulators.py#L225
[22:23] <nik90> balloons: that's the verify function which wait for the alarmSound text to match the given sound name
[22:23] <nik90> balloons: why doesn't it fail?
[22:28] <nik90> balloons: in the emulator.py file, how do you check if two strings are the same and if not it fails the test
[22:28] <nik90> balloons: I can't use assert statements in the emulator.py file
[22:35] <balloons> nik90, need just a bit longer
[22:35] <nik90> sure
[22:45] <nik90> balloons: I fixed it
[22:46] <nik90> balloons: AP now fails if incorrect alarm sound is chosen
[22:47] <ahayzen> balloons, nik90, any reason/preference why the reminders app has a BaseTestCaseWithTempHome and then a RemindersAppTestCase but the clock app just has ClockAppTestCase ?
[22:48] <nik90> ahayzen: you got a link to BaseTestCaseWithTempHome?
[22:48] <ahayzen> nik90, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~reminders-app-dev/reminders-app/trunk/view/head:/tests/autopilot/reminders/tests/__init__.py
[22:48] <ahayzen> nik90, note the RemindersAppTestCase at the bottom which inherits
[22:50] <nik90> no idea
[22:50] <ahayzen> hah
[22:50] <ahayzen> nik90, so should i just do MusicAppTestCase ?
[22:50] <Akiva-Thinkpad> soooo; before ubuntu ships the rtm
[22:50] <nik90> well frankly I never wrote the __init__.py fiel for either of the clock apps. So not the right person to ask
[22:51] <Akiva-Thinkpad> is there any apps that need shoring up?
[22:51] <Akiva-Thinkpad> I have some free time i can throw their way
[22:51] <ahayzen> nik90, hah no worries then i'll continue playing about :)
[22:51] <nik90> Akiva-Thinkpad: do you have a device to test apps?
[22:52] <ahayzen> Akiva-Thinkpad, are you interested in any particular area? coding/design/testing?
[22:52] <Akiva-Thinkpad> nik90, unfortunately not.
[22:52] <nik90> and that ^^
[22:53] <Akiva-Thinkpad> ahayzen, core apps I have experience with, but I would be happy doing something new too.
[22:53] * Akiva-Thinkpad still needs to finish my own app :S -- First though he needs a custom keyboard layout
[22:54] <nik90> Akiva-Thinkpad: your best bet would be core apps since the other system apps get enough attention with full time devs working on them :)
[22:54] <Akiva-Thinkpad> nik90, any one in particular that needs more work than the others?
[22:55] <Akiva-Thinkpad> nik90, ahayzen also; has the design for the tablet mode of Unity8 been planned yet?
[22:55] <nik90> Akiva-Thinkpad: I personally think the order is calendar app -> music app -> clock app.
[22:55] <ahayzen> clock and music ;) hehe ... no vested interest at all there right nik90 ?
[22:55] <nik90> Akiva-Thinkpad: calendar requires the most
[22:55] <ahayzen> yeah agreed calendar
[22:56] <Akiva-Thinkpad> thanks
[22:56] <Akiva-Thinkpad> whats the lp?
[22:56] <Akiva-Thinkpad> calender-app?
[22:56] <nik90> Akiva-Thinkpad: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-calculator-app
[22:56] <nik90> Akiva-Thinkpad: lp:ubuntu-calculator-app
[22:57] <Akiva-Thinkpad> o_O
[22:57] <Akiva-Thinkpad> calculator app?
[22:57] <Akiva-Thinkpad> for the calender?
[22:57] <Akiva-Thinkpad> you are pulling my leg, right?
[22:57] <nik90> Akiva-Thinkpad: crap, sry
[22:57] <Akiva-Thinkpad> ha ha
[22:57] <nik90> Akiva-Thinkpad: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-calendar-app
[22:57] <Akiva-Thinkpad> okay thanks
[22:58] * Akiva-Thinkpad branches
[22:58] <ahayzen> to many apps starting with C lol
[22:58] <nik90> Akiva-Thinkpad: its 01:00 AM here, a bit sleepy :P
[22:58] <Akiva-Thinkpad> heh
[22:58] <nik90> ahayzen: yup
[22:58] <nik90> Clock, Calendar, Calculator....CMusic...anything else :D
[22:58] <ahayzen> CMusic \o/
[22:59] <Akiva-Thinkpad> ha
[23:00] <ahayzen> nik90, how are you doing with the clock-reboot?
[23:00] <nik90> ahayzen: good..hoping for a replacement after the next promoted image since we need the latest sdk bits.
[23:00] <nik90> ahayzen: we are actually a position to do the replacement but have to wait for ^^
[23:01] <ahayzen> OMG \o/ well done :)
[23:01] <nik90> thnx :) awfully tired but finally finally there ;)
[23:01] <ahayzen> hah ...i've been playing with the click from the store and love the transitions and animations :)
[23:02] <nik90> ahayzen: how's your bottom edge implementation going?
[23:02] <nik90> ahayzen: ETA on its landing?
[23:02] <ahayzen> nik90, ETA = when victor says it is ready
[23:02] <nik90> ahayzen: I think https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+milestone/rtm says part of the story
[23:02] <nik90> ahayzen: lol
[23:03] <ahayzen> nik90, he has done a first review and i've fixed that so will hopefully get another tonight :) https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/music-app/bottom-edge-implementation-001/+merge/230303
[23:03] <nik90> ahayzen: oh cool
[23:03] <ahayzen> nik90, thats nearly as big as ur list at ... no thats getting old ;)
[23:04] <nik90> ahayzen: i am gonna kill you :P
[23:04] <ahayzen> hehe
[23:04] <ahayzen> nik90, but seriously awesome work :)
[23:05] <nik90> thnx mate
[23:06] <ahayzen> nik90, just wondering...as me and victor were discussing the other day....how are u going to handle rtm...are u gonna have a separate branch for rtm then a devel branch? or have u not decided yet?
[23:06] <nik90> ahayzen: separate branches I think
[23:07] <ahayzen> nik90, so then 2 clicks in the store?
[23:07] <nik90> ahayzen: I already have a separate branch for reboot, so it ain't that difficult
[23:07] <nik90> ahayzen: hmm clicks..
[23:07] <ahayzen> nik90, hah but at one point i didn't think u could have two click with the same namespace but with different versions
[23:08] <nik90> yeah :/
[23:08] <ahayzen> nik90, whatever we do i feel the coreapps need to be consistent otherwise it is gonna be confusing going between each of them
[23:08] <nik90> I personally think that multiple branches is the way for the following reasons,
[23:09] <nik90> 1. Say you migrate to ms3 and framework 15.04. What happens to the people using framework 14.10 and ms2? We would be abandoning them.
[23:09] <ahayzen> that is the biggest one ^^
[23:09] <nik90> this is not acceptable for rtm since it is a public device after all
[23:10] <nik90> I remember beuno saying that they would perhaps add support for multiple click versions in the store. But no ETA on that.
[23:10] <nik90> if we raise this as a critical bug, then we might be get that feature landed
[23:11] <balloons> nik90, ahayzen ok I'm here.. perhaps briefly, but here
[23:11] <nik90> I am sure once 15.04 development starts, they will bump framework version and if we want to use that while at the same time supporting the old framework, we need multiple branches (and multiple clicks)
[23:11] <ahayzen> nik90, yeah maybe i think we need to all have a discussion with dpm and popey about it
[23:11] <nik90> ahayzen: +1000
[23:12] <ahayzen> balloons, this is a non-working (i know why i think)...diff of the music-app autopilto tests...could u tell me if i'm heading in the right direction or not? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8049152/
[23:12] <ahayzen> hah RemindersAppTestCase ... how did that get there...
[23:13] <ahayzen> balloons, i think i need to move the stuff from MusicApp into MainView?
[23:13] <ahayzen> balloons, thats what the clock app has
[23:16] <balloons> ahayzen, yes, looks good. Keep methods useful.. no 'get_first_track', instead 'get_track' and pass a number to get
[23:16] <balloons> so try and avoid the get_X mantra and you'll be fine
[23:16] <ahayzen> balloons, ah yes thanks
[23:17] <ahayzen> balloons, i think i understand how it works...
[23:17] <ahayzen> balloons, like with a class for the objects...eg having a class for Page etc
[23:17] <ahayzen> balloons, but haven't got it running yet still linking things up :)
[23:17] <nik90> ahayzen: also keep your tests as short as possible. All the hard work should be done in the emulators.py (or helpers.py).
[23:18] <nik90> ahayzen: look at the old clock app tests for example.
[23:18] <ahayzen> nik90, thats the plan .... so run_test() ? hehe
[23:18] <nik90> lol
[23:19] <ahayzen> balloons, should i be transitioning to py3 as well?
[23:19] <ahayzen> balloons, or are we py3 already...
[23:19] <nik90> balloons: jenkins is cruel...it makes me wait for long before telling me that I have pep8 errors and fails the integration :/
[23:20] <nik90> long a.k.a 4 mins
[23:20] <ahayzen> nik90, run pep8/pyflakes locally ;)
[23:21] <nik90> ahayzen: I changed 3 lines of code at most...didnt occur I might make a pep8 error there :P
[23:21] <ahayzen> nik90, hah u'd think
[23:21] <balloons> nik90, I get burned all the time.. wlecome to the club
[23:21] <balloons> ahayzen, yes py3 all the way
[23:22] <ahayzen> balloons, cool i'll transition over...am i best just deleting all the old code?
[23:22] <ahayzen> balloons, then slowly building it back up
[23:22] <ahayzen> balloons, otherwise i have to think of alternate names for 'emulator' and 'test_music'
[23:22] <balloons> ahayzen, you can take either approach. For music, I would do a page at a time.. transition a page, and leave the rest
[23:23] <ahayzen> balloons, most of our tests use multiple pages though :/
[23:23] <balloons> commits will be easier to read as well.. it won't be a giant replacement
[23:23] <ahayzen> balloons, which makes it tricky
[23:23] <ahayzen> balloons, but but but i like my 2.5K+ diffs
[23:23] <balloons> try and take small bites :-)
[23:23] * balloons rolls eyes
[23:24] <ahayzen> balloons, ok but i would still end up with one large mp at the end no?
[23:24] <balloons> ahayzen, no I would propose as you go.. As I said, convert a page, and then use those new methods in the tests for that page
[23:24] <balloons> split out the tests into new files corresponding to the page
[23:24] <balloons> each one should be it's own mp
[23:24] <balloons> that's the theory..
[23:25] <ahayzen> balloons, and then merge that into trunk....hmm ok so i guess i would need a separate emulators.py ? and __init__.py ?
[23:25] <balloons> reality might be harsher, but see if you can work along those lines
[23:25] <balloons> ahayzen, nope you shouldn't need a seperate
[23:25] <ahayzen> balloons, hmmm ok i'll try
[23:26] <balloons> ahayzen, yep, don't fret so much on what the mp will be.. try and bite off small chunks as I said.. it should come together
[23:26] <ahayzen> balloons, ok i'll try and convert 1-3 tests over the next day and mp that ...then let u have a look :)
[23:27] <balloons> ahayzen, sound sgreat
[23:27] <ahayzen> :)
[23:28] <ahayzen> balloons, thanks for ur help :)
[23:29] <Akiva-Thinkpad> ahayzen, sorry to bug you; but calender app uses a qml project file; is this a new type of project file? I am used to seeing cmakelists and qt .pro files
[23:29] <Akiva-Thinkpad> just curious
[23:30] <ahayzen> Akiva-Thinkpad, we use cmakelists in music-app but yeah qml projects can be used i don't know how new they are?
[23:30] <ahayzen> Akiva-Thinkpad, we did use qml project before :) nothing wrong with them
[23:31] <Akiva-Thinkpad> ahayzen, just curious now which of the templates use this...
[23:31] <ahayzen> errrr Simple and Tabbed did at one point IIRC ?
[23:31] <Akiva-Thinkpad> the template I used for my project in the new projects wizard, used cmakelists, and its annoying to configure.
[23:31] <Akiva-Thinkpad> ahayzen, yep right on the money
[23:32] <ahayzen> yey
[23:32] <ahayzen> Akiva-Thinkpad, what issues you having with cmake?
[23:32] * Akiva-Thinkpad finds an excuse not to learn cmake!!
[23:32] <Akiva-Thinkpad> hooray!
[23:32] <Akiva-Thinkpad> ahayzen, icon setting
[23:32] <Akiva-Thinkpad> Hell I went so far to put an icon in every folder, and it still wouldn't show up.
[23:32] <Akiva-Thinkpad> pah
[23:32] <ahayzen> Akiva-Thinkpad, the only issue i have is that for ubuntu-sdk to work with autocomplete i have to open a qml project for qtcreator to index it ?!
[23:33] <Akiva-Thinkpad> hrm
[23:33] <ahayzen> Akiva-Thinkpad, i spot this line in music set(ICON_FILE images/music-app@30.png)
[23:33] <Akiva-Thinkpad> thanks I'll take a look at it.
[23:34] <ahayzen> Akiva-Thinkpad, this is our cmake http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~music-app-dev/music-app/trunk/view/head:/CMakeLists.txt
[23:34] <ahayzen> Akiva-Thinkpad, other than ^^ issue i stated i have no issues with it
[23:34] <ahayzen> Akiva-Thinkpad, it just doesn't feel as integrated with qtcreator
[23:34] <Akiva-Thinkpad> ^
[23:34] <ahayzen> Akiva-Thinkpad, eg with qml project u can right click and do 'Add new file'
[23:35] <Akiva-Thinkpad> yes!
[23:35] <Akiva-Thinkpad> geez; that is such an annoyance
[23:35] <ahayzen> Akiva-Thinkpad, yeah :/
[23:35] <ahayzen> Akiva-Thinkpad, wish it was better
[23:35] <Akiva-Thinkpad> could be worse
[23:35] <ahayzen> hah
[23:36] <ahayzen> Akiva-Thinkpad, it was referred to as cbreak while we were transitioning ;)
[23:36] <Akiva-Thinkpad> ha ha
[23:36] <Akiva-Thinkpad> lol
[23:36] * Akiva-Thinkpad gets to debugging the calender
[23:37] <ahayzen> \o/
[23:53] <nik90> balloons: I am of to sleep. Can we talk about enabling the unit tests in jenkins tomorrow. Let me know if you find something about that.
[23:53] <nik90> balloons: I finished the custom alarm sound branch. Any further improvements, I will reserve to another MP.
[23:54] <popey> \o/ sleep
[23:55] <balloons> nik90, good night. We can chat tomorrow. I pinged fginther about it earlier, I'll track him down tomorrow
[23:56] <nik90> nite :)