UbuntuIRC / 2014 /08 /14 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
[01:02] <MichaelP> fresh iinstall kubuntu 14.10 plasma 5... power managerr is locked out ... Power management configuration modul could not be loaded. The power Management service appears not to be running. This can be solved by starting or scheduling it inside statup and shutdown... startup and shutdown.. poer management already running
[01:36] <nosound> Is 14.10 frozen yet?
[01:38] <Daekdroom> !schedule
[01:38] <ubottu> A schedule of Utopic Unicorn (14.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UtopicUnicorn/ReleaseSchedule
[01:39] <Daekdroom> (the direct answer is no)
[01:39] <nosound> i wish google foudn that link for me :( very useful
[01:45] <nosound> Is there info somewhere on how much stuff will get backported to 14.10?
[01:45] <nosound> 14.04*
[01:46] <nosound> The newer kernel is kinda important to me
[01:51] <MichaelP> fresh iinstall kubuntu 14.10 plasma 5... power managerr is locked out ... Power management configuration modul could not be loaded. The power Management service appears not to be running. This can be solved by starting or scheduling it inside statup and shutdown... startup and shutdown.. poer management already running
=== elijah__ is now known as elijah
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
=== dkessel_ is now known as dkessel
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
[09:29] <menace> ah
[09:30] <menace> hi, i am just installing the netboot 14.10 image, and i had several lvs/vgs on the disk before. It seems i cannot stop the nulling of the disk. is that right? any experience with that? i don't want any help i only ask before i'm going to look for a bug or open one :)
[09:34] <Raz1> Will unity7 be ported to MIR when unity8 is released - or will unity8 have some option to run a "flashback" mode so to speak
[11:23] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all
=== SuperLag_ is now known as SuperLag
[15:51] <lordievader> Good afternoon.
=== 5EXAAORHJ is now known as jemandus
[18:34] <pdo_fn14_> Okay, first I'm sorry to you All when this channel and #ubuntu was dirtied by overrated my problem.
[18:35] <pdo_fn14_> But I think can't say anymore why I can't understandable that. http://paste.ubuntu.com/8047435/
[18:36] <pdo_fn14_> My device won't worked when marked as ID 12d1:1520, it's just worked in ID 12d1:1465. Suspecting init job is actually wrong without PoC.
[18:40] <pdo_fn14_> Trying to change the grub line to use systemd as startup init still same loss.
[19:07] <pdo_fn14_> Once again more, I really apologize. Good bye, have nice dreams.