UbuntuIRC / 2014 /08 /14 /#cloud-init.txt
Initial commit
[01:01] <smoser> praneshp, well it should add *a* user by default.
[01:01] <praneshp> smoser: the user who’s making this vm?
[01:02] <praneshp> smoser: i managed to figure that out
[01:02] <smoser> well, defaul tuser per distro
[01:02] <praneshp> I accidentally had ssh-rsa twice in the key that I was passing in user-data
[01:02] <praneshp> that was breaking ssh-ing into the vm
[01:02] <praneshp> when I fixed that all was well
[01:02] <smoser> odd. i would have thought that'd be ok.
[01:03] <praneshp> really? the key was wtong, I guess?
[01:03] <smoser> oh. ssh-rsa is not public key
[01:03] <smoser> thats private key
[01:03] <smoser> users syntax is at:
[01:03] <smoser> https://github.com/number5/cloud-init/blob/master/doc/examples/cloud-config-user-groups.txt
[01:04] <smoser> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/cloud-init/trunk/view/head:/doc/examples/cloud-config.txt#L207
[01:04] <smoser> (line 207 is authorized_keys)
[01:04] <smoser> line 215 is *private* keys and public keys for those private keys.
[01:04] <smoser> ie /etc/ssh/rsa_private.key (or whatever that path is)
[01:05] <praneshp> smoser: sorry. really pulled in several directions here. I meant the publoc key
[01:05] <praneshp> it should look like ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABA<blah>
[01:05] <praneshp> for some reason, I typed ssh-rsa, then pasted ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABA<blah>
[01:06] <praneshp> which was probably making the key funny
[01:07] <smoser> ah. yeah, maybe.
[01:07] <smoser> i'm really sorry . i have to go though.
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[13:52] <ndonegan> Is there anyway to setup a fake metadata server to tell cloud-init to do a no-op?
[13:53] <ndonegan> For context, using oz to build and customise images. However, on the customise part, it will attempt to do a cloud-init and fail, but have to wait for the timeout which adds to the image creation time.
[13:59] <harmw> oz shouldn't actually run cloud-init
[13:59] <harmw> just install and enable it
[14:00] <ndonegan> When doing oz-customize (say when the devs are laying down their packages), it boots up the image using libvirt, and then goes in over ssh and installs packages, repos etc.
[14:01] <ndonegan> It's not a massive deal, it's mostly just extra time, and I can empty /var/lib/cloud after.
[14:02] <ndonegan> But it would be nice if there was some way to tell cloud-init to basically twiddle it's thumbs for this boot.
[14:05] <harmw> ah yes, that stage..
[14:06] <harmw> you could just disable cloud-init in final install stage and re-enable it in customize stage
[14:09] <ndonegan> That's basically what I'm doing now, but it would be nice if there's a simpler way :)
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[15:23] <smoser> ndonegan, for the boot that you dont want it to do anything
[15:23] <smoser> you can provide cloud-config that basically says : do nothing
[15:23] <smoser> ie, you can feed cloud-config that provides the list of config_modules, init_modules and final_modules
[15:23] <smoser> and those can have whatever you need or want and no more.
[15:24] <smoser> you dont *have* to ever clean /var/lib/cloud
[15:24] <smoser> as the next time you boot, it shoudl have a new instance
[15:24] <smoser> and that will trigger the running of things that are "per-instance"
[15:29] <ndonegan> smoser: so basically pass in a user data with empty config_modules, init_modules and final_modules?
[15:30] <smoser> yeah. cloud-init wont do much then.
[15:30] <smoser> and you can feed it NoCloud user-data and meta-data
[15:31] <ndonegan> Easy enough to put the link local addy on a dummy interface and "mock" the metadata service.
[15:36] <smoser> ndonegan, https://gist.github.com/smoser/1278651
[15:37] <smoser> you can then put whatever user-data and meta-data you want in that python strugure there.
[15:41] <ndonegan> smoser: Nice! Thanks.
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[16:55] <ndonegan> smoser: Works a charm! A bit of customisation so that the returned ip is the client_ip, which probably wasn't 100% necessary, but it's doing what I wnat.
[17:00] <harmw> smoser: you happen to know if bazaar supports .tar.gz downloads of branches?
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[19:00] <harmw> smoser: py27-cloud-init-0.7.5.txz
[19:00] <harmw> I've just created a real FreeBSD port :)
[19:02] <harmw> well, plus 2 python dependencies actually
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