UbuntuIRC / 2014 /08 /13 /#ubuntu-community-team.txt
Initial commit
[06:25] <bkerensa> pleia2: you should so make a lack rack :) I know I want to now
[06:25] <bkerensa> popey: https://www.flickr.com/photos/46563172@N08/14720971573/in/set-72157645803822325/
[06:25] <bkerensa> My menthe in China took that photo... man loco council needs to get some new dvd's out to these people :) still offering 10.04!
[06:26] <bkerensa> mentee*
[06:26] <bkerensa> pleia2: they had your book in China :)
[07:42] <dholbach> good morning
[15:52] <jono> dpm, are we catching up today?
[15:52] <jono> I am here if you are free
[15:52] <dholbach> hey jono - how's life over there?
[15:53] <jono> hey dholbach!
[15:53] <jono> life is good, hectic, and complex
[15:53] <jono> good at home, hectic and complex at work
[15:53] <jono> :-)
[15:53] <jono> how are things there?
[15:53] <dholbach> I can imagine :-)
[15:54] <dholbach> life's good :)
[15:55] <jono> awesome :-)
[15:55] <dholbach> work's busy as you can imagine too :)
[15:56] <dpm> jono, up for it if you've got time
[15:56] <jono> dpm, cool
[15:56] <jono> ready when you are
[15:57] <dpm> just finished the team call, I'll be set in a minute
[15:58] <jono> dpm, cool, just invite me
[16:38] <dholbach> all right my friends - have a great rest of your day - see you tomorrow!
=== cprofitt_ is now known as cprofitt
[20:04] <jose> woohoo! 6838 visits to ubuntuonair.com this month \o/
[20:04] <elfy> nice one jose :)