UbuntuIRC / 2014 /08 /12 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[07:39] <seaLne> has anyone heard of kmail no longer fetching (imap) after update to 4.13.97?
=== vinay is now known as Guest50130
[10:25] <Mamarok> do you folks read the kubuntu-users list?
[10:28] <shadeslayer> I do not :(
[10:29] <yofel> I do usually
[10:30] <Riddell> only occationally
[10:30] <Riddell> Mamarok: something up?
[10:40] <shadeslayer> kubuntuBot: quit
[10:42] <shadeslayer> kubuntuBot is no more, all hail kubotu
[10:43] <yofel> kubuntuBot: he's trying to make fun of you :(
[10:43] <shadeslayer> kubuntuBot: quit
[10:43] <shadeslayer> why did that come back
[10:43] <shadeslayer> what
[10:43] <shadeslayer> what
[10:43] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: is that you
[10:43] <yofel> haha
[10:44] <Blizzz> hm, updates want to remove software calligra, digikam and kdenlive… ?
[10:44] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: no
[10:44] <apachelogger> dawn of the dead
[10:44] <apachelogger> clearly
[10:44] <shadeslayer> ok
[10:44] <apachelogger> ..
[10:44] <shadeslayer> dead
[10:44] * shadeslayer shoots it in the head
[10:45] <shadeslayer> if it comes back, neon host has been take over by zombies
[10:45] <shadeslayer> IDK what you did in that last update
[10:46] <apachelogger> I think you just don't know how to use upstart :P
[10:46] <yofel> Blizzz: trusty with backports?
[10:47] <Blizzz> yofel: yes
[10:47] <yofel> ok, seems like Riddell never did the library transitions for this backport :/
[10:47] <Riddell> still in progress
[10:47] <Riddell> calligra is a beast..
[10:48] <yofel> shouldn't that just be a no-change rebuild?
[10:48] <Riddell> not really because it uses nepmouk so I wanted to work out what to do with it in utopic and backport that
[10:49] <yofel> ah
[10:49] <Riddell> and I've only just worked out what to do in utopic (I think, upstream is unsure but seems it only uses soprano not nepomuk and doesn't need virtuoso so I'll just change that build-dep)
[10:50] <yofel> Riddell: if you use copyPackage() you should also please read the PPA page a while later:
[10:50] <yofel> Copied from: Private PPA for Kubuntu Ninjas. Copied by: Jonathan Riddell Target series: Trusty
[10:50] <yofel> artikulate 4:4.13.97-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.04~ppa2 in trusty (source has no binaries to be copied)
[10:50] <apachelogger> needs automation
[10:51] <Riddell> artikulate needs the new qtgstreamer which is waiting on new kamoso and new kde-telepathy to exist
[10:51] <yofel> then don't copy it if it's incomplete :S
[10:52] <Riddell> yay 4.13.3 in trusty! vishesh will be happy
[10:53] <apachelogger> I think that is overestimating the enjoyment of software landing 6 weeks after upstream release :/
[10:54] <Riddell> I want to write a blog post to explain why patience is golden for packaging
[10:56] <yofel> ... as long as you apply that to your backports...
[10:56] * yofel makes coffee and tries to stop being grumpy
[10:57] * valorie adds a bit of brandy to yofel's coffee
[10:57] <soee> what about this http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/plasma-status/build_status_5.0.1_utopic.html > :)
[10:58] <yofel> mhhh, thanks valorie :D
[10:58] * shadeslayer is thinking of writing software to auto check for file conflicts
[10:58] <shadeslayer> on upgrades
[10:58] <valorie> why are you thinking instead of writing, shadeslayer?
[10:58] <shadeslayer> would supplement britney quite well
[10:59] <shadeslayer> valorie: not awake enough
[10:59] <Riddell> or do it like us catalans, cafe con heilo y cacaolat
[10:59] * shadeslayer is reading ki18n docs
[10:59] <Riddell> shadeslayer: I'm pretty sure that already exists
[10:59] <yofel> shadeslayer: first write one that can go back and update broken breaks/replaces versions
[10:59] <shadeslayer> Riddell: oh? then why are not using that :S
[10:59] <shadeslayer> yofel: hm?
[11:00] <valorie> ah, reading the docs is preparation for writing, excellent
[11:00] <apachelogger> Riddell: depeche mode - slow
[11:00] <yofel> most of our beta/rc issues come from existing breaks/replaces whose versions are invalid
[11:00] * valorie goes to lunch
[11:00] <apachelogger> yofel: broken versions?
[11:00] <shadeslayer> ^^
[11:01] <yofel> apachelogger: merge done in 4.13.1 -> breaks/replaces << 4:4.13.1-0ubuntu2~ or so, trusty now has 4.13.3 and is upgraded to .97, find the error
[11:02] <apachelogger> well
[11:02] <apachelogger> .97 is supposed to be derived from utopic, no?
[11:03] <yofel> so? the breaks/replaces are still wrong
[11:03] <Riddell> shadeslayer: dunno only exists for the ubuntu archive? needs investigation
[11:03] <apachelogger> and for the regular update stuff... perhaps it would be best if we always added the ubuntu version to all packages ever?
[11:03] <Riddell> shadeslayer: I'm also curious to know how rpm distros manage
[11:04] <apachelogger> oh wait that had not helped much had it
[11:04] <yofel> apachelogger: back when .1 was current we had: trusty: .1/utopic: .1 with b/r - now we have: trusty: .3, utopic .97 with .1 b/r
[11:04] <yofel> so they don't do anything unless you don't use trusty-updates
[11:04] <apachelogger> yes that computed
[11:05] <apachelogger> but the problem is not that .3 > .1 it is that 14.04.3 < 14.10.3
[11:05] <apachelogger> an issue to be mused on for sure
[11:05] <apachelogger> anyway, lunch
[11:06] <yofel> well yeah, lets use the ubuntu version as epoch? ^^
[11:08] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all
[11:43] <Riddell> ug, you can't comment a json file?
[11:49] <soee_> green :)
=== soee_ is now known as soee
[12:02] <soee> lool :D
[12:02] <soee> just used the CTRL + SHIFT + M shortcutm in muon :)
[12:31] <Mamarok> Riddell: actually the last thread, where Orjen complains of not having announcements on Kubuntu news for new releases anymore
[12:35] <yofel> I'll excuse myself that recently I've had major issues editing drupal posts in rekonq and konqueror lately so I only do it when I really need to...
[12:35] <yofel> (Sometimes the javascript stops working completely so I have to edit the html classes in the rekonq dev tools to make items appear)
[12:36] <yofel> ovidiu-florin: how's the new site progressing?
[12:36] * yofel goes to try writing a .3 post
[12:44] <yofel> shadeslayer: how do I run your patch parser?
[12:44] <yofel> $ ruby ubuntu-patch-parser.rb
[12:44] <yofel> ubuntu-patch-parser.rb:154: syntax error, unexpected tCONSTANT, expecting ')'
[12:44] <yofel> <meta charset="UTF-8">\n
[12:44] <shadeslayer> yofel: you want to use the python script
[12:44] <yofel> there is none
[12:44] <shadeslayer> oh
[12:44] <shadeslayer> wat
[12:44] <shadeslayer> damn
[12:44] <shadeslayer> yofel: I have it written on my work pc
[12:44] <yofel> ah well
[12:44] <yofel> do you have the link to your example output?
[12:44] <shadeslayer> yofel: essentially you want ubuntu-patch-parser.rb branch_name
[12:45] <yofel> do you by chance require ruby2?
[12:45] <shadeslayer> no
[12:45] <shadeslayer> hm
[12:45] <shadeslayer> something broke
[12:47] <shadeslayer> I know
[12:47] <shadeslayer> yofel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8026477/
[12:48] <yofel> heh
[12:48] <yofel> hm, a setup.rb would be nice
[12:48] <yofel> /usr/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require': cannot load such file -- htmlentities (LoadError)
[12:48] <shadeslayer> ^^
[12:49] <yofel> how do I install that again?
[12:49] <shadeslayer> sudo gem install htmlentities
[12:49] <yofel> bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kde4libs/debian/patches/".
[12:50] <yofel> this isn't svn ^^
[12:50] <shadeslayer> branch ? 0.o
[12:50] <shadeslayer> 165 branched = `bzr export patches lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/#{package}/debian/patches`
[12:51] <yofel> aaaah
[12:51] <yofel> my fault, kde4libs != kdelibs
[12:51] <shadeslayer> ^^
[12:51] <yofel> that did the trick
[12:52] <shadeslayer> cool
[12:54] <soee> Riddell: release the kraken (5.0.1) :)
[12:55] <shadeslayer> yofel: essentially I wrote a python helper script that gets all the branches in kubuntu-packagers and feeds them to patch-parser
[12:55] <shadeslayer> yofel: but it's still on my work machine, I possibly forgot to bzr add
[12:56] <yofel> shadeslayer: also: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8026542/ - html doesn't know \n
[12:56] <shadeslayer> ah hm
[12:56] <shadeslayer> send MR
[12:57] <yofel> k
[12:57] * shadeslayer rages at internet
[12:57] <shadeslayer> http://www.last.fm/user/shadeslayer_/now
[12:57] <shadeslayer> xD ^^
[12:58] <shadeslayer> oh hm
[12:58] <shadeslayer> spotify not scrobbling
[12:58] <shadeslayer> now it is \o/
[12:59] <shadeslayer> oh oh, I got upto 11100 plays
[13:00] <mcstr_> hmmm i have a problem.... since upgrading kde libs from 4.13.3 to 4.13.97 kdenlive is broken, calligra is broken and a few others as well
[13:00] <shadeslayer> mcstr_: define broken
[13:01] <mcstr_> @shadeslayer it was broken until i did a -f upgrade it fixed a few things then i did a -autoremove and now i have no kdenlive anymore no calligra anymore and if i want to install it over synaptic it says calligra-libs package is defect
[13:01] <yofel> mcstr_: known issue, Riddell was working on it
[13:01] <shadeslayer> :S
[13:01] <mcstr_> okay thx yofel
[13:19] <ovidiu-florin> yofel: It's usable, but I dont' think it's worthy of the public yet
[13:20] <yofel> ok
[13:37] <yofel> shadeslayer: http://yofel.dyndns.org/ext/patches/ubuntu-patch-status.html
[13:37] <shadeslayer> oooh
[13:37] <yofel> preferably I would like colors for upstream_*.diff etc. too
[13:37] <shadeslayer> nice
[13:37] <yofel> how do I do string matching in ruby?
[13:38] <shadeslayer> foo='foo'
[13:39] <yofel> hm, I'm off by one ^^
[13:39] <shadeslayer> yofel: hm?
[13:40] <valorie> ovidiu-florin: did you find anybody to test kde-telepathy/kdetalk with?
[13:40] <yofel> refresh and look at the bottom ^^
[13:40] * valorie just got both set up
[13:42] <apachelogger> ?
[13:49] <shadeslayer> yofel: ahh
[13:49] <yofel> I'm dropping rowspan, looks good but is a pain
[13:50] <yofel> (I need the final item count before the table is printed)
[13:50] <yofel> hm
[13:53] * yofel hits shadeslayer for using a 2 space indent
[13:53] <yofel> who does that o.O?
[13:55] <valorie> shadeslayer is ignoring this
[13:55] * yofel then hits ruby instead
[13:58] <yofel> fixed
[13:59] <shadeslayer> heh
[14:02] <yofel> not sure yet if I like or hate ruby, it has its good points, but so has pythong
[14:03] <yofel> the built-in perl stuff is tempting
[14:06] <yofel> kdelibs has a series.old o.O
[14:17] <yofel> shadeslayer: refresh, comments?
[14:18] <shadeslayer> oh oh oh
[14:18] <shadeslayer> what's the green stuff
[14:18] <shadeslayer> ah
[14:18] <shadeslayer> yofel: <3
[14:30] <yofel> shadeslayer: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~yofel/+junk/ubuntu-patch-parser/revision/10
[14:30] <yofel> I'll leave it at that for now
[14:30] <shadeslayer> plz file mr
[14:31] <shadeslayer> https://www.dropbox.com/s/des7p23vf2tw9ew/randa_group_pic_preview.jpeg < konqi is sad
[14:31] <shadeslayer> because of all the sunlight
[14:32] <yofel> shadeslayer: launchpad doesn't seem to offer +register-merge for +junk :(
[14:32] <shadeslayer> :O
[14:32] <shadeslayer> stupid lp
[14:32] * shadeslayer merges by hand
[14:34] <shadeslayer> yofel: merged and pushed
[14:56] <Riddell> mcstr_: what else is broken?
[14:58] <mcstr_> @riddell actually, only the calligra-libs package is shown as defective in synaptic BUT see http://s8.postimg.org/e8349pe3p/synaptic2.jpg all these above got removed when i checked for the kdelibs update....
[15:00] <Riddell> mcstr_: all the zu entfernen packages?
[15:00] <mcstr_> yeh... i cant reinstall them via synaptic as they require the calligra-libs package which then is marked as defective
[15:01] <Riddell> mcstr_: yep, that's all calligra stuff, I'm compiling that locally and should upload, it'll take a few more hours to compile in the PPA then you can install it
[15:01] <mcstr_> if i do it via apt-get in the console it suggests me to install other packages instead but whenever i try the suggested they depend on other things or refer to other things and cant be installed
[15:02] <mcstr_> cool thx riddell
[15:02] <mcstr_> and kdenlive btw
[15:02] <mcstr_> kdenlive got removed too and i cant reinstall that one either
[15:02] <Riddell> already uploaded should be compiling away
[15:02] <Riddell> watch the dials turn at https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/backports/+packages?field.name_filter=kdenlive&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=trusty
[15:03] <mcstr_> thx currently kdenlive depends on libnepomuk4 here and cant be installed
[15:04] <mcstr_> waiting thx
[15:31] <Riddell> mcstr_: calligra uploaded https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/backports/+packages?field.name_filter=calligra&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=trusty
[15:31] <Riddell> thanks for being an unwitting guinea pig
[15:32] <mcstr_> :p
[15:33] <mcstr_> negative... calligra still shows as defective, so does kdenlive
[15:34] <Riddell> mcstr_: it'll take a few hours to compile
[15:35] <mcstr_> ok then i ll check again later this evening after gym
[15:35] <Riddell> seaLne: ↑
[15:46] <seaLne> thanks
[16:28] <kdeuser56> apachelogger: https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=285&t=122399
[16:29] <kdeuser56> apachelogger: please ping if you are back
[16:29] <apachelogger> ping?
[16:30] <kdeuser56> apachelogger: :)
[16:31] <kdeuser56> apachelogger: why the question mark? I meant mention my name so that I get an notification
[16:31] <kdeuser56> isn't this normally called ping?
[16:33] * kdeuser56 away for some fresh air
[17:10] <Riddell> download.kubuntu.co.uk redirected to cdimage, cost for its use over the 10 days was $US 81.09
[17:10] <Riddell> with up to 100 downloads a day
[17:32] <allee> riddel: trusty 4.13.97 upgrade: baloo4 should Replaces: baloo (because 2 files are in both pkgs)
[17:33] <allee> there's more confilkts, that vanished after 2nd dist-upgrade run
[17:33] <Riddell> thanks allee
[17:37] <allee> Riddell: new khelpcenter4 and kde-runtime-data .3 have a othercontrolmodules.desktop
[17:38] <allee> Riddell: both, new baloo-dev and baloo .3 have org.kde.baloo.file.indexer.xml
[17:39] <allee> looks like that's all
[17:43] <Riddell> who's the sflphone dude?
[17:50] <allee> a right, more recent sflpone would be nice. Dude pong? Take the pkg from daily ppa this starts at least. Pkg in upstream 'stable' ppa is broken
[17:50] <kdeuser56> apachelogger: what do you think?
[17:51] <apachelogger> not sure applications should be listed
[17:51] <kdeuser56> apachelogger: why not, kmix currently does the same
[17:52] <kdeuser56> apachelogger: we could call it "streams" which would maybe be the more correct term
[17:53] <apachelogger> just because kmix does it doesn't mean it makes sense really
[17:53] <allee> kdeuser56: keep applications that's something my familie understands. Stream and uhh, sink and they start screaming and run away
[17:54] <kdeuser56> apachelogger: i think many users will cry when they cannot control volume application wise ... that would be a very hated change imho
[17:55] <apachelogger> ehm
[17:55] <apachelogger> can't control it
[17:55] <apachelogger> except in the application :P
[17:55] <kdeuser56> yeah, but imagine the you can't in the application
[17:55] <kdeuser56> apachelogger: how would you turn off sound in firefox?
[17:57] <kdeuser56> apachelogger: imagine the user opens some site that plays sound all time and it annoys him because he wants to listen to music while being on that site ... the average user can't delete the sound file out of the source
[17:58] <apachelogger> firefox should allow muting?
[17:58] <kdeuser56> apachelogger: where?
[17:58] <apachelogger> well I dunno, I am not a firefox developer
[17:58] <kdeuser56> apachelogger: see, so is the average user
[17:59] <kdeuser56> apachelogger: i think you can compare it with client side decorations ... imho the same
[17:59] <apachelogger> no you can't
[17:59] <kdeuser56> why not?
[18:00] <kdeuser56> same situation: control something centrally vs. let only the application control it
[18:00] <apachelogger> applications can change the volume if you have global control
[18:00] <apachelogger> which you have anyway
[18:00] <apachelogger> just not in the default mixer display
[18:00] <apachelogger> because why would you because you have it in the app
[18:01] <yofel> apachelogger: I *do* like to be able mute specific stuff in kmix so please don't remove that.
[18:01] <yofel> but I guess I could just use pavucontrol
[18:01] <kdeuser56> apachelogger: would assume all applicaitons behave sane, which is obviously not the case
[18:01] <kdeuser56> yofel: the second argument was not a good one :p
[18:02] <apachelogger> I am not removing nothing
[18:02] <apachelogger> I am saying that having applications in the default mixer display is silly
[18:02] <yofel> aah
[18:02] <yofel> where would that be then?
[18:02] <yofel> kmix main window?
[18:02] <apachelogger> kcm
[18:02] <yofel> ok
[18:02] <yofel> I could live with that
[18:03] <kdeuser56> no, i could not live with that
[18:03] <kdeuser56> too much trouble
[18:03] <yofel> one more click is too much trouble o.O?
[18:03] <kdeuser56> yofel: no, buts not elegant imho and it add nothing
[18:04] <yofel> if you have many applications open then the kmix dialog is pretty cluttered
[18:04] <kdeuser56> yofel: why make things harder accessible when it's not necessary
[18:04] <kdeuser56> yofel: thats why my mockup has a scrollbar
[18:05] <Riddell> allee: uploaded fixes, those are issues with updates to 4.13.3 when replaces are set to 4.13.2
[18:05] <apachelogger> kdeuser56: you do not consider inputs in your mockup btw
[18:06] <yofel> how would those be different than outputs o.O?
[18:06] <kdeuser56> apachelogger: would be under applications (or better named streams, like it is currently in kmix). input stream is also just a stream
[18:07] <20WAA14SW> @riddell its looking good now with calligra.... synaptic seems to install it without any defective packages
[18:07] <kdeuser56> yeah one could seperate between input and output, but i guess adding "input" and "output" to the stream name is clear enough
[18:08] <Riddell> 20WAA14SW: great :)
[18:10] <Riddell> umm, why does this want to copy 5.0.0 and not 5.0.1? ./copy-package -s utopic -p kubuntu-ppa --ppa-name=next-staging -b -p kubuntu-ppa --ppa-name=next oxygen
[18:10] <20WAA14SW> was a bit of a shock for me this morning to just doing an upgrade and it asked me to remove whole calligra suite and kdenlive :o
[18:11] <Riddell> sorry about that 20WAA14SW
[18:11] <apachelogger> kdeuser56: how do you tell apart input from output devices then?
[18:12] <kdeuser56> apachelogger: clicking, going to sinks tab, see if input is ticked
[18:12] <20WAA14SW> riddell no issue, i basically knew i join the irc channel and someone would either being already there fixing it or would start doing so... thx god this is not microsoft :P
[18:12] <kdeuser56> apachelogger: when you seperate input and output streams and list them, you will have duplicates, in case of stuff that goes to both, which is and should be also possible
[18:13] <yofel> Riddell: you want --to-ppa-name for the 2nd ppa
[18:15] <Riddell> oh yes, well spotted yofel
[18:16] <kdeuser56> apachelogger: by simply labeling them input /output, both
[18:16] <apachelogger> kdeuser56: the volume of the input device
[18:16] <apachelogger> not an source output
[18:16] <kdeuser56> what do you mean?
[18:17] <kdeuser56> input device volume control makes sense
[18:17] <apachelogger> yes but where does it go
[18:17] <kdeuser56> under devices
[18:18] <kdeuser56> now imagine you would want to test the microphone: simply click the input device, go to sinks tab, and select output device, then, if the microphone works, you can hear yourself speaking
[18:19] <apachelogger> kdeuser56: how do you tell an input and an output apart?
[18:20] <kdeuser56> apachelogger: by the name, we can simply append input or output to the name
[18:20] <kdeuser56> or do you mean pulse audio wise?
[18:20] <apachelogger> Oo
[18:20] <apachelogger> why don't we only make one list and append what kind of volume the bar might control
[18:20] <apachelogger> this seems rather inconsequential
[18:21] <kdeuser56> apachelogger: one list of what?
[18:22] <kdeuser56> apachelogger: because this would not allow advanced stuff in an easy way like looping back stuff to both output and input
[18:23] <kdeuser56> apachelogger: my idea is to add kind of an abstraction layer to make it easier for the user to achieve more advanced tasks
[18:24] <apachelogger> why would we do that?
[18:24] <apachelogger> there's a kc
[18:24] <apachelogger> m
[18:25] <apachelogger> where they could do eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeverything
[18:25] <apachelogger> and in a much more convenient way than would ever be possible in the confiend space of the systray popup
[18:26] <kdeuser56> kc?
[18:26] <apachelogger> kcm
[18:28] <kdeuser56> apachelogger: i am not saying the systray popup should o eeeeeeeeeeverything ... just a few sensible taks, which DO fit in the space
[18:28] <kdeuser56> otherwise it will look pretty empty
[18:28] <kdeuser56> one slider is not much
[18:28] <kdeuser56> or two
[18:28] <apachelogger> why do we need to fill up the space?
[18:28] <kdeuser56> if we have something sane to represent in the space, why not?
[18:29] <apachelogger> because the user can have n inputs and n outputs
[18:29] <apachelogger> so the more stuff you add other than inputs and outputs the harder it gets to do anything
[18:30] <kdeuser56> that argument applies to anywhere ... even to a kcm
[18:33] <apachelogger> kdeuser56: no because we have no constraints on how much stuff fits inside
[18:33] <apachelogger> the tray area however is constraint by plasma itself
[18:33] <kdeuser56> i think opening a window for everything really sucks, especially if you work with many windows anyway. systray stuff and popups are supposed to save use from that.
[18:34] <kdeuser56> want to mute that distracting application? click, popup, mute, no window navigation needed
[18:35] <kdeuser56> that very much questions plasma in itself: why would anyone every need plasmoids, when everything fits in a window/kcm?
[18:36] <kdeuser56> we could throw the network plasmoid which is around of the same complexity over board with the same argument too
[18:36] <kdeuser56> cause you can have 10000 connections too
[18:37] <kdeuser56> or you could argue the tabs are useless, cause the monitoring is better done in an own kcm/application
[18:37] <kdeuser56> it is simply not imho
[18:41] <kdeuser56> most people do not have many sinks and streams, so it will fit in most of the cases without much scrolling
[18:41] <kdeuser56> i think regarding input/output sorting it is the same as in networkmanager plasmoid: sort after name, or signal strengh? ... the discussion will never end
[18:55] <soee> kinfocenter - have been kept back
[18:55] <soee> latest updates
[18:56] <yofel> which ones?
[18:57] <ovidiu-florin> valorie: yes, myself
[18:57] <ovidiu-florin> I created another account
[18:57] <soee> http://paste.ubuntu.com/8029006/
[18:57] <valorie> ha
[18:57] <valorie> well, I'm valorie there.....
[18:57] <ovidiu-florin> and logged in with both
[18:57] <valorie> Riddell: when you have a min, can you create a kanban board for KDE Books?
[18:58] <ovidiu-florin> I've added you, any notifications?
[18:58] <valorie> yes, it just went away quickly and I had to find it
[19:00] <yofel> Riddell: are you working on the digikam or kdenlive backport issues?
=== toscalix is now known as toscalix_off
[19:07] <yofel> Riddell: I'm uploading a no-change rebuild for digikam until the new one is ready and I'll fix the kdenlive rebuild version
[19:27] <Riddell> thanks yofel
[19:30] <Riddell> valorie: ok
[19:30] <valorie> thank you my dear
[19:31] <Riddell> valorie: https://todo.kde.org/?controller=board&action=show&project_id=15
[19:32] <valorie> {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} and thanks!
[19:46] <ovidiu-florin> valorie: so it's developer oriented, very nice
[19:46] <ovidiu-florin> I want a copy
[19:46] <ovidiu-florin> when it's done
[19:47] <Mamarok> Riddell: thank ou verymuch for breaking Amarok, you removed libnepomuk...
[19:47] <Mamarok> doesn't run anymore
[19:49] <Mamarok> now I can't even test anything anymore, pplease put that library back!
[19:50] * yofel wonders why it's again just me and maxy talking about the debian VCS move considering apachelogger was the one that originally wanted it -.-
[19:51] <apachelogger> because I am not connected to other networks righ now
[19:51] <yofel> we're freakin' CC-in kubuntu-devel..
[19:51] <yofel> *ing
[19:52] <Riddell> Mamarok: really? works great for me
[19:53] <yofel> libnepomukcore4abi1 is not removed on upgrade here so it shouldn't be broken...
[19:53] <Mamarok> yeah, had to rebuild it completely
[19:53] <yofel> Mamarok: how exactly did it break?
[19:53] <Mamarok> it expects libnepomuk4
[19:53] <Riddell> Mamarok: apt-cache policy amarok ?
[19:53] <Mamarok> I build my own one
[19:54] <yofel> doesn't here
[19:54] <yofel> # apt-cache depends amarok | grep nepo
[19:54] <yofel> Depends: libnepomukcore4abi1
[19:54] <yofel> that's all
[19:54] <Mamarok> and I didn't rebuild after the kubunntu upgrade
[19:54] <Mamarok> -n
[19:55] <Riddell> Mamarok: what kubuntu version?
[19:55] * Mamarok rebuilds...
[19:55] <Mamarok> takes like ages
[19:55] <Mamarok> well, the 4.13.97 updates you pushed yesterday
[19:55] <Mamarok> on 14.04
[19:57] <soee> Riddell: please take a look @ kinfocenter in a free time, some problems installing it
[20:05] <Riddell> soee: installing what version?
[20:06] <soee> Riddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8029510/
[20:10] <Riddell> soee: and what's the issue?
[20:10] <Riddell> aah I see it
[20:16] <Riddell> soee: uploaded ~ppa4 to fix it
[20:20] <soee> Riddell: what does the ~ppaX means ?
[20:20] <yofel> *sigh*
[20:20] <yofel> this backport is so buggy
[20:25] <yofel> Riddell: next time, before you copy *anything* into backports, please do an upgrade test in a chroot with the backports enabled and *at least* this installed: (with recommends) kubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-full, kde-full, digikam, kdevelop, calligra
[20:26] <yofel> nvm backports, anything except experimental, staging and staging-next
[20:35] <shadeslayer> needs automation
[20:35] <shadeslayer> all of it needs automation
[20:35] * shadeslayer volunteers to write automation
[20:35] <yofel> go do that then, I don't care if it's automated or not
[20:35] <yofel> $something has to do it
[20:36] <valorie> sorry ovidiu-florin, I was off talking book
[20:36] <valorie> absolutely, it will be available in multiple formats, to one and all
[20:41] <valorie> I'm asked if ctrl-alt-backspace is disabled in Kubuntu?
[20:42] <soee> Riddell: fix for kinfocenter works fine
[20:43] <shadeslayer> valorie: controversial change
[20:43] <shadeslayer> valorie: it is
[20:44] <valorie> elcaset won't like that answer, I'm afraid
[20:45] <yofel> not our call to make I fear
[20:45] <yofel> IIRC sysrq+k is disabled by default too for security reasons
[20:45] <valorie> right, it's an ubuntu thing I believe
[20:51] <5EXAAN0YF> @riddell kdenlive is installing now fine too
[23:23] <allee> Riddell: trusty: kdepimlibs5-dev does not contain libkdepim.so (and digikam 4. cmake claims can find libkdepimlibs)
[23:24] <allee> Riddell: trusty: kdepimlibs5-dev does not contain libkdepim.so (and digikae-m 4. cmake claims can find libkdepimlibs)
[23:25] <apachelogger> allee: libkdepim.so is from actual kdepim and not kdepimlibs
[23:28] <apachelogger> allee: apparently libkdepim doesn't even install headers
[23:28] <apachelogger> gotta check
[23:28] <allee> seem to be kdepim-dev ?
[23:30] <apachelogger> oh
[23:30] <apachelogger> allee: can you give me an error?
[23:31] <allee> uh, installing kdepim-dev wants to install the hole set of KDEPIM programs. WTF?
[23:33] <allee> apachelogger: not a real error: digikam 4.2 cmake: -- libkdepimlibs library found.............. NO (optional)
[23:33] <apachelogger> ah
[23:33] <apachelogger> allee: libkdepimlibs-dev? :P
[23:33] <apachelogger> NB: libkdepimlibs != libkdepim
[23:33] <allee> apachelogger: and I've noticed that /usr/lib/libkdepim misses the .so
[23:34] <apachelogger> latter is a private library used by kdepim and cannot be used form the outside because there's no headers
[23:36] <allee> apachelogger: Hmm, okay. then I have to restart ;-)
[23:51] <allee> apachelogger: is there a log that shows why MACRO_OPTIONAL_FIND_PACKAGE(KdepimLibs) was not found?