UbuntuIRC / 2014 /08 /12 /#juju.txt
Initial commit
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== menn0_ is now known as menn0
=== uru_ is now known as urulama
=== uru_ is now known as urulama
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
=== dosaboy_ is now known as dosaboy-alt
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
=== ming is now known as Guest79564
=== hloeung_ is now known as hloeung
=== jog_ is now known as jog
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
[14:48] <gnuoy> jamespage, your thoughts on https://code.launchpad.net/~gnuoy/charms/trusty/nova-cloud-controller/disable-services-until-db-ready/+merge/230495 would be greatly appreciated if/when you have a moment
=== roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk
=== urulama is now known as urulama-afk
=== urulama-afk is now known as urulama
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr
=== urulama is now known as uru__
[20:43] <jrwren> What is the right way to use charmhelpers.core.hookenv.relation_get ? I do not like that it is outputting errors.
[20:43] <marcoceppi> jrwren: what errors are you getting?
[20:44] <jrwren> no relation id specified
[20:45] <marcoceppi> jrwren: is this being called out of band of a relation call?
[20:45] <marcoceppi> of a relation hook*
[20:45] <marcoceppi> alternatively, just supply the current JUJU_RELATION_ID
[20:45] <marcoceppi> from os.environ
[20:47] <marcoceppi> jrwren: give me a min to open the code, the docs are light on this one
[20:47] <jrwren> yes, out of band. I should look it up.
[20:47] <marcoceppi> jrwren: docs are here, FYI: http://pythonhosted.org//charmhelpers/api/charmhelpers.core.html#charmhelpers.core.hookenv.relation_get
[20:47] <marcoceppi> jrwren: in that case you need to provide the JUJU_RELATION_ID and the unit you wish to query this information
[20:47] <marcoceppi> during a relation hook, both JUJU_RELATION_ID and JUJU_REMOTE_UNIT are environment variables set in the hook environment
[20:49] <marcoceppi> jrwren: hum, the docs are out of date with the function signature
[20:49] <marcoceppi> you pass unit and relation_id as parameters
[20:49] <marcoceppi> elation_get(attribute=None, unit=None, rid=None)
[20:49] <marcoceppi> relation_get(attribute=None, unit=None, rid=None)
[20:50] <marcoceppi> tvansteenburgh: can we get the docs re-generated?
[20:50] <jrwren> marcoceppi: where are the format of rid and unit documented?
[20:51] <marcoceppi> jrwren: the format are the values of JUJU_RELATION_ID and JUJU_REMOTE_UNIT respectively
[20:51] <marcoceppi> remote unit being in the format of "service/#"
[20:51] <marcoceppi> relation id is typically "text:#"
[20:51] <marcoceppi> you can query them using relation_id
[20:51] <marcoceppi> you can query them using relation_ids*
[20:52] <jrwren> I didn't have much like with any of that when I was debugging the hooks. I'll try again.
[20:52] <marcoceppi> jrwren: they're only set during the execution of a relation hook
[20:52] <marcoceppi> so you'll want to cache them somewhere
[20:52] <marcoceppi> so you can use them later
[20:53] <jrwren> marcoceppi: huh, ok. so... no point in aiming for stateless hooks?
[20:53] <marcoceppi> alternatively, you can list all the relations_ids, find the relation_id you want, then get all the units
[20:53] <marcoceppi> jrwren: you can do that
[20:53] <marcoceppi> jrwren: IIRC, relation-id is comprised of <relation-name>:<an-arbitrary-number>
[20:54] <marcoceppi> so you can infer what relation_id you need by checking the start of the string of the list of items core.hookenv.relation_ids() provides
[20:54] <jrwren> marcoceppi: This sounds good.
[20:54] <marcoceppi> then there's core.hookenv.related_units(rid) which will give you a list of all the units in that relation id
[20:55] <jrwren> marcoceppi: isn't that a different format of rid?
[20:55] <marcoceppi> using those two pieces of information, jrwren, you should be able to loop through and call relation_get(rid=relation_id, unit=u)
[20:55] <marcoceppi> rid and relation_id are interchangable in this context
[20:56] <jrwren> marcoceppi: the call to related_units() still takes a relation:# format? will it work even if # doesn't exist?
[20:56] * marcoceppi will bug Tim VanSteenburger to update the docs on pythonhosted.org
[20:56] <marcoceppi> jrwren: probably not, that depends on how flexible juju is
[20:57] <marcoceppi> since it's just a passthrough to `relation-units -r <relation_id>`
[20:57] <jrwren> marcoceppi: Then list and startswith it shall be.
[20:57] <marcoceppi> worth a try, but I'm guessing no
[20:57] <jrwren> marcoceppi: understood. The source is easy enough to read, its just what <relation_id> is there, which is unknown.
[20:57] <marcoceppi> right, that's something juju makes up
[20:57] <marcoceppi> typically out of thin air ;) but should follow relation:<id>
[20:58] <marcoceppi> the idea being, if you break and recreate
[20:58] <marcoceppi> you'll get a new unique relation id
[20:58] <marcoceppi> which may or may not be incremental from the last
[21:00] <jrwren> It would be very nice if all this was documented on links from https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/authors-charm-writing.html too.
[21:03] <marcoceppi> jrwren: it's on the roadmap
[21:03] <marcoceppi> both charmhelpers and better author docs
[21:04] <jrwren> marcoceppi: Thank you for your help.
[21:04] <marcoceppi> jrwren: np, feel free to ping if you have any others
[21:05] <marcoceppi> fwiw, a lot of the openstack charms have atomic-like functions that do relation calls, so there's use of this pattern in charms already
[21:25] <jrwren> marcoceppi: I cannot call relation-ids or relation-list without a relation name
[21:25] <jrwren> marcoceppi: I'm pretty sure that hookenv.relation_ids() will always fail.
[21:26] <jrwren> marcoceppi: As will hookenv.related_units()
[21:26] <marcoceppi> related_units needs a relation_id
[21:27] <marcoceppi> jrwren: it looks like relation-ids takes a relation now
[21:27] <marcoceppi> which is cool
[21:27] <marcoceppi> jrwren: so you can say, "db" or whatever the relation name is
[21:27] <marcoceppi> and get the ID that way
[21:27] <marcoceppi> isntead of having to iterate through a list
[21:27] <marcoceppi> you'll either get a value or None iirc
[21:27] <jrwren> that is good.
[21:27] <marcoceppi> rather, a list of relation ids
[21:27] <marcoceppi> for that relation
[21:28] <marcoceppi> in case there's more than one
[21:28] <marcoceppi> IE, MySQL -> WordPress, MySQL -> MediaWiki
[21:28] <marcoceppi> query database on MySQL you'll get two relation ids
[21:28] <marcoceppi> loop through the ids to get the units, etc, etc
[21:28] <jrwren> marcoceppi: indeed. I must have misunderstood what you wrote before.
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
=== cmagina_ is now known as cmagina
[22:23] <oskars> hey all, has anyone set up multiple l3 agents with the quantum-gateay charm?
[22:24] <oskars> I feel like i'm frustratingly close to getting it working, but i'm getting a TooManyExternalNetwroks exception in the nova-server logs.
[22:24] <oskars> it also seems to be taking away my ability to spell things correctly
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away