UbuntuIRC / 2014 /08 /06 /#ubuntu-doc.txt
Initial commit
[15:29] <DS-McGuire> Hello guys :D
[15:32] <DS-McGuire> belkinsa: How come you never got back to me? :(
[15:46] <belkinsa> DS-McGuire, I did.
[15:46] <belkinsa> Wait, have you replied to the e-mail that I sent you.
[15:46] <DS-McGuire> belkinsa: Oh I am sorry, I never got anything.
[15:46] <belkinsa> WTF.
[15:47] <belkinsa> Stupid Yahoo.
[15:47] <DS-McGuire> Don't worry to much about it.
[15:47] <belkinsa> I still have it
[15:47] <belkinsa> DS-McGuire, can I PM you?
[15:49] <DS-McGuire> Sure can :)
[16:10] <belkinsa> The Doc Team meeting is in under an hour in #ubuntu-meeting-2!
[16:27] <pmatulis> belkinsa: thanks, i almost forgot
[16:28] <belkinsa> Not a problem.
[16:31] <belkinsa> The Doc Team meeting is in under 30 minutes in #ubuntu-meeting-2!
[16:31] <belkinsa> ( i think I need to shut up)
[16:31] <belkinsa> ;)
[16:50] <belkinsa> The Doc Team meeting is in under 10 minutes in #ubuntu-meeting-2!
[16:59] <belkinsa> Starting meeting in #ubuntu-meeting-s
[16:59] <belkinsa> Starting meeting in #ubuntu-meeting-2
[17:16] <belkinsa> Urg, I still feel like I'm deadweight in the team.
[17:16] <belkinsa> Deadspace*