UbuntuIRC / 2014 /08 /06 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== Sachiru is now known as Guest35658
=== Sachiru_ is now known as Sachiru
[01:18] <swift110_> ok
[03:59] <absk007> what's the use of two terminals `xterm` & `uxterm` ?
[04:03] <holstein> !info xterm
[04:03] <ubottu> xterm (source: xterm): X terminal emulator. In component main, is optional. Version 297-1ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 636 kB, installed size 1611 kB
[04:03] <holstein> !info uxterm
[04:03] <ubottu> Package uxterm does not exist in trusty
[04:12] <swift110> Hlo a
[04:26] <absk007> Unit193, where is the xombrero docs?
[04:27] <absk007> holstein, what's the basic diff between xterm & uxterm?
[04:29] <holstein> absk007: i dont use either. unicode support, though, i dont think that is a "limitation" of most terminal emulators
[04:30] <holstein> http://linux.about.com/cs/linux101/g/uxterm.htm http://linux.about.com/cs/linux101/g/xterm.htm http://askubuntu.com/questions/95435/term-xterm-or-uxterm
[04:35] <swift110> Ok
[05:21] <swift110> Hello
[05:28] <ianorlin> hi swift110
[05:31] <swift110> Hiw r u
[05:48] <absk007> how to ("apt-get install" && "apt-get clean") at a time?
[05:52] <hateball> absk007: what do you mean "at a time" ?
[05:53] <hateball> also "apt-get install" is not going to achieve much
[05:53] <absk007> hateball, like --no-recommend-extras
[05:54] <hateball> I'm lost
[05:54] <absk007> HairyFotr, is there any options for apt-get to do this?
[05:54] <absk007> ^hateball
[05:56] <hateball> absk007: what you want to happen is that when you install $any_given_package it would run with --no-recommend-extras and then clean up the local cache?
[05:57] <absk007> hateball, no no.. what i want is ("apt-get install" && "apt-get clean") this cmd in one go!!
[05:58] <hateball> you just typed it in one go... ?
[05:58] <absk007> hateball, lolz! :-D
[05:58] <hateball> absk007: Sorry but I don't understand
[05:59] <absk007> hateball, forget it...i know what i wanted doesn't exist. It's not in man docs of apt-get
[05:59] <hateball> Well I don't get what you mean by "in one go"
[06:00] <hateball> command1 && command2 will run them after another, provided the first goes ok
[06:00] <absk007> hateball, do you know how to export lastpass passes to keepassx?
[06:00] <hateball> absk007: Nope, sorry
[06:17] <absk007> how to install "seahorse" w/ GUI frontend?
[06:19] <absk007> sry! rephrase "how to install seahorse the GUI frontend for gpg?"
[06:19] <absk007> in Ubuntu 14.04
[06:19] <absk007> L
[06:23] <absk007> hateball, phillw
[06:25] <phillw> absk007: it seams to be gnome based, so will want to install all of that system. However you can have a read of http://www.sysads.co.uk/2014/05/install-latest-seahorse-ubuntu-14-04/
[06:26] <absk007> phillw, how to xargs the output delimited with comma in separate lines?
[06:27] <absk007> phillw, is there any gui frontend to gpg for lubuntu?
[06:29] <phillw> I've only ever used terminal... Let me seek
[06:31] <phillw> absk007: short answer?... No.... long answer https://www.gnupg.org/related_software/frontends.html
[06:31] <absk007> phillw, k... what about my 1st ques.?
[06:38] <phillw> absk007: I was not logged on when that was asked :)
[06:39] <absk007> how to xargs the output delimited with comma in separate lines?
[06:39] <absk007> phillw,
[06:40] <phillw> absk007: you may as well be talking in klingon....
[06:40] <absk007> wat???
[06:41] <phillw> absk007: it means you are asking something that I have no idea about :P
[06:42] <phillw> absk007: however, my google-fu has found this link for you... http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15758814/turning-multiple-lines-into-one-line-with-comma-separated-perl-sed-awk
[06:42] <phillw> As to if it is useful? only you will know
[11:04] <zleap> hi
[11:05] <zleap> just been struggling to get x to display over the network, but I can't now log in i get the login screen type in my password and I end up back at the login screen
[13:47] <kmoral> phillw, you remember me from a few days ago?
[13:48] <kmoral> I have this lock problem...
[14:25] <average_guy> to setup lxqt i need to build my own qterminal?
[14:26] <average_guy> says not installable
[14:31] <average_guy> http://postimg.org/image/vbm8ehbyd/
[14:38] <phillw> kmoral: yes
[14:49] <average_guy> adding ppa:gilir/q-project produces 404 not found on update http://postimg.org/image/6we0dfd1h/
[14:49] <kmoral> phillw, the problem persists..
[14:50] <kmoral> phillw, i will paste what all I have done...
[14:50] <kmoral> 1. In Xfce Power Manager: "Put computer to sleep when inactive for" - NEVER
[14:50] <kmoral> 2. Xfce Power Manager (under Extended) "Lock screen when going for suspend" - DISABLED
[14:50] <kmoral> 3. In Light Locker Settings Enable light-locker - DISABLED
[14:50] <kmoral> 4. Also in Light Locker Settings Lock on suspend - DISABLED
[14:50] <kmoral> 5. Default application for LXSession - Removed Screen Locker from Autostart
[14:50] <kmoral> 6. Modified the ~/.config/autostart/light-locker.desktop file: Exec=light-locker --lock-after-screensaver=0 --no-lock-on-suspend --no-late-locking
[14:50] <kmoral> 7. Ran "xset s off"
[14:50] <kmoral> All this didn't change the behaviour. It's strange that lubuntu has these same settings under 3 different areas, but if they would work it would be fine. This is a really frustrating bug.. :(
[14:51] <phillw> !paste | kmoral
[14:51] <ubottu> kmoral: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.
[14:54] <kmoral> oh.. sorry
[14:54] <kmoral> now I know.. :)
[14:56] <phillw> kmoral: it is a very annoying bug...
[14:56] <kmoral> true :)
[14:57] <kmoral> and it's the only thing the bothers me on lubuntu ... btw, this is the first time i installed lubuntu...
[14:57] <phillw> But, I can only the boss so far. He knows the bug is there, but does not yet have a resolution
[14:57] <kmoral> and I love it.. except for this issue.. :(
[14:58] <phillw> *can only nag the boss*
[14:58] <kmoral> you're talking about this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-power-manager/+bug/1193716
[14:58] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 1193716 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Xfce Power Manager does not override the screen saver timeout (X11 Screen Saver extension)" [Medium,Confirmed]
[15:00] <kmoral> but it says "Fix released" .. what does that mean?
[15:01] <phillw> it will be awaiting SRU is my best guess.
[15:01] <phillw> You can ask on #ubuntu-quality (politely) for any update
[15:43] <absk007> is there any laptop brightness control program?
[15:45] <absk007> Unit193, xombrero hanged while opening pg. I had only 4 tabs open.
[15:46] <absk007> Unit193, i had to kill it after waiting 3 mins.
[15:46] <absk007> Unit193, i've 2 GB RAM
[15:49] <absk007> phillw,
[15:49] <phillw> absk007: Unit193 is the best guy on here to ask about that.
[15:50] <absk007> about the laptop brightness!
[16:00] <phillw> absk007: no, for xombrero
[16:00] <rafaellaguna> yes, it is, a new indicator. let me check...
[16:01] <rafaellaguna> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/04/brightness-control-ubuntu
[16:02] <rafaellaguna> not new, new build for trusty, you can use it with the indicator panel plugin
[16:02] <absk007> i've not suggested any programs. I'm just asking.
[16:02] <absk007> which one to use in as laptop brightness control program in lubuntu?
[16:03] <rafaellaguna> I'm just answering
=== absk007 is now known as Guest38710
=== absk007_ is now known as absk007