UbuntuIRC / 2014 /08 /06 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:14] * ahoneybun wants to use maybe wordpress to theme it up
[00:50] <ahoneybun> Riddell: hello
[00:59] <valorie> ahoneybun: look at the trello and get active
[00:59] <valorie> I want things to look nice and be easy to use
[00:59] * valorie goes off to spend evening with dad
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[01:53] <ScottK> sgclark: Where in Virginia are you going?
[01:59] <sgclark> ScottK: Richmond -> Fredricksburg
[02:00] <ScottK> Ah. Not so far from me.
[02:00] <ScottK> I live between Baltimore, MD and DC.
[02:00] <sgclark> Nice :) I used to live in Richmond for 5 years
[02:00] <sgclark> cool! yeah visiting friends
[02:04] <ScottK> Any interest in trying to coordinate key signing?
[02:05] <sgclark> That would be cool, would have to see to using their car, exchange numbers?
[02:06] <sgclark> cell numbers, I would have to contacct you there
[02:08] <sgclark> I think next Friday would work out best as we have a gap with no plans.
[03:24] <ahoneybun> sgclark: http://megamanzerofan.deviantart.com/art/Kubuntu-14-04-1-473446247
[03:25] <sgclark> nice!
[03:28] <sgclark> any idea what dock that is ahoneybun?
[03:33] <ahoneybun> that is my screenshot btw and the dock is plank
[03:34] <sgclark> cool thanks :)
[03:35] <ahoneybun> yep :) you can see I'm looking forward to plasma 5
[03:36] <sgclark> yeah I have been slammed with releases, I hope to get some ported apps packaged after all these trips :)
[03:37] <sgclark> plasma5 is pretty stable as is , just few apps that take advantage of the frameworks
[03:43] <ahoneybun> sgclark: you have been on fire (I still get emails about launchpad)
[03:46] <sgclark> lol yeah I have been busy!
[03:49] <ahoneybun> sgclark: very nice work btw (even with my limited coding/packaging)
[03:52] <sgclark> ahoneybun: thanks! I have learned alot, but still have alot to learn lol
[03:54] <ahoneybun> sgclark: that is with almost everything in life
[03:54] <sgclark> true :)
[04:12] <sgclark> okies I am off for the night, have a great night all
[06:44] <ScottK> agateau: You neglected to bump the version of kapidox in setup.py for 5.1.0, fyi.
[06:57] * ScottK has enough of wrangling kf5 packaging into building in the right order and goes to bed.
[08:04] <Riddell> thanks ScottK
[08:04] <Riddell> ScottK, agateau: usually the release dude does much of that
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[08:43] <Quintasan> \o
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[09:01] <turgay> I am getting error kubuntu 14.10 plasma 5
[09:01] <turgay> http://www.imageupload.co.uk/images/2014/08/05/IMG20140805194727.jpg
[09:01] <turgay> 14.04 upgrade on
[09:02] <turgay> ok all updates
[10:01] <20WAAZ37M> What is the most stable version? I want to use it for official purposes. It should be relible when it comes to networking, ipsec-vpn, audio-video communication using skype or hangout.
[10:01] <Riddell> 20WAAZ37M: user support in #kubuntu where you'll probably be advised to use 14.04 LTS
[10:07] <20WAAZ37M> @Riddell thanks for the help. I hope that kubuntu 14.04 LTS will not malfunction like ubuntu when it comes to UI interactions
[10:09] <Riddell> I hope so too
[10:14] <Riddell> ScottK: https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/119632/
[10:39] <Riddell> I just removed a few packages from the archive that use nepomuk, I wonder if that'll help the transition
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[10:54] <BluesKaj> 'Morning folks
[11:31] <soee_> i see sddm update but probably it wont work anyway ?
[11:33] <shadeslayer> huh?
[11:33] <shadeslayer> it should
[11:33] <shadeslayer> soee_: WFM
[11:34] <soee_> shadeslayer: it never worked before for me :D
[11:34] <shadeslayer> report a bug?
[11:34] <shadeslayer> do you have debug logs
[11:34] <shadeslayer> so that we can have a look
[11:34] <soee_> well elt me try to switch and try again
[11:42] <soee> sddm fails as usual :)
[11:42] <soee> sddm.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/7969696/
[11:43] <soee> in this log there are no 2 lines i see before sddm should load, some PCH error
[11:44] <shadeslayer> soee: how are you running it?
[11:44] <shadeslayer> can you start it with : sudo sddm
[11:44] <shadeslayer> make sure that you don't have other Xorg / SDDM processes
[11:45] <soee> shadeslayer: i do sudo dpkg-reconfigure
[11:45] <soee> and from list lightdm, sddm im picking sddm
[11:45] <soee> reboot and fail
[11:45] <shadeslayer> ah ok
[11:45] <shadeslayer> hm
[11:45] <shadeslayer> please report upstream
[11:45] <soee> i have to grap this error message i see on the screen
[11:46] <soee> it is not in any logs sadly
[11:46] <shadeslayer> soee: https://github.com/sddm/sddm/issues/new plz
[11:56] <soee> back got the error message :)
[12:05] <soee> shadeslayer: https://github.com/sddm/sddm/issues/255
[12:13] <soee> also, where should i report the kdinit5 crash issue when connecting to wifi (networm manager of plasmashell or)?
[13:39] <shadeslayer> soee: against kinit would be my guess
[13:39] <Riddell> I'm disappointed by the amount of poking kf5 seems to need in the archive
[13:39] <shadeslayer> soee: does the report bug button not work?
[13:40] <soee> shadeslayer: through gui ?
[13:40] <shadeslayer> soee: yes
[13:40] <soee> shadeslayer: i can try it one moment :) have to finish one conversation
[13:41] <apachelogger> Riddell: poking?
[13:41] <Riddell> apachelogger: clicking retry in launchpad for failed builds
[13:41] <apachelogger> Riddell: why do the builds fail?
[13:42] <Riddell> because there's dependency errors, but they get picked up as build failures on dep wait
[13:42] <apachelogger> pft lunchpad
[13:42] <apachelogger> Riddell: I think we have a scripty for retries
[13:43] <Riddell> like why is this failed to build instead of dep wait https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kio/5.1.0a-0ubuntu1/+build/6244023
[13:43] <Riddell> anyway, time to go retro and test precise candidates
[13:43] <apachelogger> Riddell: it's an indrect dep-wait
[13:43] <shadeslayer> script it
[13:43] <Riddell> alternate images!
[13:43] <apachelogger> its deps are met
[13:43] <apachelogger> the deps of the deps are not xD
[13:43] <apachelogger> but yeah, just script it
[13:44] <apachelogger> although I am not sure how to script this efficiently without having to manually maintain a list of frameworks
[13:44] <apachelogger> perhaps the list should be created on upload
[13:44] <Riddell> we do manually maintain a list of frameworks
[13:44] <apachelogger> Riddell: :O
[13:44] <Riddell> but we have automated that too
[13:44] <apachelogger> that sounds wrong
[13:44] <Riddell> with kf5-package-names (and kdesc-package-names)
[13:44] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: just do a ls on depot.kde.org
[13:45] <apachelogger> that probably would be best
[13:45] <shadeslayer> so hot ...
[13:45] <apachelogger> who?
[13:45] <Riddell> that's what it does
[13:45] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: the weather
[13:45] <Riddell> ./kubuntu-retry-builds --kf5 does the retries
[13:46] <apachelogger> Riddell: put it on a 30 minute cron?
[13:46] <shadeslayer> ^^
[13:46] <Riddell> or rather ./kubuntu-retry-builds --kf5 --force
[13:46] <apachelogger> exit condition all frameworks i386 and amd64 built I guess
[13:46] <apachelogger> although that still would cause holdup on migration I think
[13:46] <apachelogger> eitherway I'd cron it
[13:47] <yofel> you could make the dev package arch:any, wouldn't that be easier?
[13:47] <yofel> doesn't it have to be that anyway?
[13:47] <apachelogger> depends on what is inside
[13:47] <yofel> well, yeah
[13:48] <apachelogger> also that wouldn't necessarily solve the problem
[13:48] <soee> sddm also does not start on my PC
[13:48] <yofel> it would solve the kio issue ^ at least, no?
[13:48] <apachelogger> e.g. if there was a data package with arch:all that is a dep
[13:48] <yofel> ah, true
[13:48] <apachelogger> stuff would still fail, albeit less likely
[13:49] <yofel> someone implement dose-builddepcheck in launchpad
[13:49] <apachelogger> someone rewrite launchpad in c++ please? :)
[13:50] <apachelogger> on that note
[13:50] <apachelogger> anyone looked at the upgrader port yet?
[13:50] <yofel> too boring, use ocaml
[13:50] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: reviewing now
[13:50] <apachelogger> I'd like to get that out of the way soonishy
[13:50] <shadeslayer> do I get chocolate
[13:50] <shadeslayer> for doing that
[13:50] <Riddell> "lazr.restfulclient.errors.ServerError: HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error" oh great, ./kubuntu-retry-builds doesn't like me
[13:51] <yofel> not really. Launchpad doesn't like you, that's a difference ^^
[13:52] <apachelogger> or the script does things too fast
[13:52] <Riddell> it crashed on the first retry
[13:52] <apachelogger> look at this python, it's too fast
[13:53] <Riddell> anyone able to confirm ./kubuntu-retry-builds --kf5 --force fails?
[13:54] <shadeslayer> yep
[13:54] <Riddell> BluesKaj: able to test any 12.04.5 candidate images?
[13:54] <Riddell> soee: ↑ ?
[13:54] <Riddell> well manual clicky retries it is
[13:55] <soee> Riddell: in VB for example?
[13:55] <Riddell> yep
[13:55] <Riddell> http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/320/builds
[13:55] <soee> Riddell: sure, im off in 1 hour but if not now tham later ~ 21:00 cet
[13:55] <Riddell> lovely
[13:56] <Riddell> lordievader: able to help out?
[13:57] <soee> ok downloading 64bit version, will test it first
[13:58] <BluesKaj> Riddell, yes I have a partition ready to go
[13:58] <Riddell> great
[13:58] <Riddell> may be an idea to click tests as In Progress on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/320/builds to prevent duplication
[13:59] <Riddell> not that duplication is a bad thing, I often don't click In Progress on purpose
[13:59] <BluesKaj> ok which image needs testing, Riddell ?
[14:00] <BluesKaj> I'm looking at the 64bit desktop atm
[14:00] <apachelogger> "on purpose" he said xD
[14:01] <lordievader> Riddell: In the evening yes, now I'm at work.
[14:01] <Riddell> lordievader: lovely
[14:02] <lordievader> Riddell: New Precise images right?
[14:02] * Riddell grabs the two alternate images
[14:03] <Riddell> buenos dias sgclark
[14:03] <sgclark> good morning
[14:04] <Riddell> we're having a 12.04.5 testing party
[14:04] <sgclark> sounds like fun. 12.04.5? wat dat?
[14:04] <Riddell> old school LTS from a couple of years ago getting a bugfix release
[14:04] <Riddell> backporting 14.04 RC is on the todo list for someone who wants a serious challenge
[14:06] <sgclark> I like challenges. Is there a time constraint? I may run out of time this week
[14:06] <apachelogger> 14.04 rc?
[14:06] <Riddell> 4.14 RC
[14:06] <Riddell> there version numbers are so confusing!
[14:06] <Riddell> they're too similar!
[14:07] * shadeslayer is revu'ing
[14:07] <soee> Riddell: and when 4.14 for utopic ? :)
[14:07] <soee> *RC
[14:07] <apachelogger> you could just say the new kde sc rc :P
[14:07] <Riddell> sgclark: 4.14 final tars are due a week today so if the backport doesn't get done by then it'll be time to move on but it still means the next one gets done quicker
[14:07] <shadeslayer> yofel: Riddell http://paste.ubuntu.com/7970697/
[14:08] <shadeslayer> review plz
[14:08] <yofel> uh, put that in can_retry() please, that's the point of it
[14:08] <yofel> or wait..
[14:09] * yofel looks how that thing works again
[14:09] <sgclark> Riddell: and by backport - backport to trusty or this ancient LTS?
[14:09] <shadeslayer> yofel: there's a check missing for if the package was already built
[14:09] <Riddell> sgclark: to trusty
[14:09] <shadeslayer> Riddell: all retried
[14:10] <sgclark> Riddell; ok I will take on that challenge
[14:10] <shadeslayer> yofel: and can't go in can_retry because you only pass log and arch
[14:10] <Riddell> shadeslayer: put print statement inside that if ?
[14:10] <yofel> shadeslayer: why would it matter if the package was already built?
[14:10] <shadeslayer> yofel: causes oops if you try to rebuild a package that was already built
[14:10] <yofel> if it built fine then the buildstate will catch that
[14:10] <shadeslayer> apparently not
[14:10] <BluesKaj> not too impressed with partition manager in 14.10. It doesn't see any partitions, just the disk
[14:11] <shadeslayer> yofel: I don't think the script catches that state
[14:11] <Riddell> sgclark: I think you'll need to make a kdesc-packages-utopic-unstable-backport.txt file
[14:11] <Riddell> kdesc-packages-trusty-unstable-backport.txt rather
[14:11] <yofel> shadeslayer: hm, well, okay
[14:11] <yofel> stupid launchpad
[14:12] <shadeslayer> ^^
[14:14] <shadeslayer> Riddell: fixed
[14:14] <shadeslayer> Riddell: might want to cron it on your PC
[14:14] <Riddell> sgclark: then in backport-hooks/unstable you want to copy over any saucy hooks from backport-hooks/stable that are relevant, or adapt them
[14:15] <sgclark> ok
[14:16] <Riddell> sgclark: then README has some info on kubuntu-batch-backport
[14:16] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: what's with the + QApplication.processEvents()
[14:16] * sgclark reads
[14:16] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: in the diff
[14:16] <Riddell> sgclark: as ever it's not brilliantly documented so you can add to README with anything it misses
[14:16] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: plz be adding comments
[14:16] <sgclark> ok
[14:18] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: about the processevents that is not worthwhile :P
[14:19] <apachelogger> technically every function needs that
[14:19] <apachelogger> because qapp doesn't drive the event loop but glib does
[14:19] <apachelogger> so whenever possible we should poke the qapp to process stuff or nothing will ever be processed
[14:19] <apachelogger> it's much lovely design
[14:19] <shadeslayer> @_@
[14:20] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: and shouldn't it be self.app calling process events
[14:21] <soee> Riddell: lsb-release -rd should show Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS not Kubuntu ?
[14:23] <shadeslayer> +# FIXME: what's the purpose?
[14:23] <shadeslayer> xD
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[14:26] <soee> hmm i thought this iso shoudl have latest updates, but there is one listed after apt-get update: libgpgme11
[14:27] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: dude
[14:27] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: +<<<<<<< TREE
[14:27] <Riddell> soee: yeah
[14:27] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: you have merge markers inside the diff
[14:28] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: plz be fixing
[14:28] <Riddell> soee: check launchpad, it's probably new today
[14:28] <soee> one more question, in VB i have set 2 partitions for / and /home
[14:29] <soee> sudo sfdisk -l shows: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7970828/
[14:29] <soee> is it fine ?
[14:30] <soee> in Dolphin i see only this 2 iv created
[14:31] <Riddell> soee: how did you do partitioning in the installer?
[14:32] <soee> just created 2 partitions from the emty space
[14:34] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: where?
[14:34] <apachelogger> ah
[14:35] <apachelogger> launchpad sure is peculiar
[14:35] <soee> Riddell: do the partition question is the only one i have, if its ok i can mark test as passed
[14:36] <Riddell> soee: yeah go ahead, we'll watch out for it on other installs
[14:41] <Riddell> who remembers, do we do the lts enablement for lts?
[14:44] <BluesKaj> ok 12,04.5 LTS amd64 about to be installed ...bbiab
[14:44] <Riddell> "candidate"
[14:46] <ahoneybun> Riddell: I think I should tell you picking the auto installer on the 14.04.1 installer crashed
[14:46] <Riddell> ahoneybun: ubiquity crashed?
[14:47] <ahoneybun> yea I had to do manual partition and that worked
[14:47] <Riddell> ahoneybun: if you can get it to crash then run ubuntu-bug ubiquity
[14:48] <ahoneybun> I'm already installed
[14:48] <soee> ok 2 tests done, ill do more later
[14:48] <Riddell> thanks soee
[14:48] <Riddell> alternates are a big screwed, we'll rebuild those
[14:51] <ScottK> Riddell: Thanks.
[14:51] <ScottK> (re kapidox version)
[14:52] <ScottK> sgclark: Next time you update kapidox, ping me and I'll upload your version to Debian and sync it to Ubuntu.
[14:54] <Riddell> ScottK: oh is debian taking our kf5 packages now?
[14:54] <Riddell> did they sort out extra-cmake-modules?
[14:54] <ScottK> I took that one.
[14:54] <Riddell> ah
[14:55] <ScottK> Maxy was looking into some others.
[14:55] <ScottK> kapidox is really a Python application that's used for KDE development, so it's a bit of a different deal.
[14:55] <sgclark> ScottK: ok
[15:08] <Riddell> New 12.04.5 candidate alternates are up!
[15:10] <Riddell> !testers | ↑
[15:10] <ubottu> ↑: Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley, alket for information
[15:38] <sgclark> Riddell: ok I see the pattern here. To clarify, the only way I see to determine what needs to be in hook is to try and build it first? I have looked at the saucy and none of those apply. I noticed rm *.symbols does it generate new ones?
[15:38] <Riddell> sgclark: nah it just removes them, we know there's no ABI compatibility issues so no point with the faff
[15:40] <Riddell> sgclark: yes that main way to know what hooks are needed is to upload to the PPA and see what breaks
[15:40] <Riddell> upload to ninjas I guess
[15:40] <sgclark> ok
[15:40] <Riddell> sgclark: check if there's a different version of boost needed, thats a common one
[15:41] <Riddell> what is libboost-dev in trusty vs utopic
[15:42] <sgclark> 54 trusty 55 utopis, ok thanks
[15:42] <sgclark> s/utopis/utopic
[15:48] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: http://doctorwhococktails.wordpress.com/
[15:49] <shadeslayer> :O
[15:50] <shadeslayer> spotify is giving me shitty soongs
[15:50] <shadeslayer> halp
[15:51] <shadeslayer> whiskey
[15:51] <shadeslayer> whiskey in all them drinks
[15:51] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: we should do one of those at Randa
[15:51] <shadeslayer> or well, attempt
[15:51] <shadeslayer> the spoiler looks trivial
[15:52] <Riddell> I find this a little racist
[15:52] <Riddell> especially because you mis-spell whisky
[15:52] <shadeslayer> the blog mis-spells it
[15:57] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: trivial...
[15:57] <apachelogger> I don't have any of the ingredients do you? :P
[15:57] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: I hear there are these things
[15:57] <shadeslayer> called shops
[15:57] <shadeslayer> where you can exchange paper thingums called money for alcohol
[15:57] <apachelogger> good, then I trust you can organize the stuff :P
[15:58] <apachelogger> or maybe ask mario, then we don't need to schlepp two bottles of booze across europe :P
[15:59] <shadeslayer> ^^
[15:59] <shadeslayer> already doing
[16:02] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: 40 minute trip to next town and we can acquire alcohol
[16:02] <shadeslayer> of any sorts
[16:02] <Riddell> xnox: do your magic proposed migration skills know why kde4libs and all the kde sc 4.13.97 friends won't migrate?
[16:02] <apachelogger> I'll bring my bike then, wait what :P
[16:03] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: 40 minute train ride
[16:03] <Riddell> xnox: only thing I can see is I can't install apper from proposed, although if I install apper packagekit it works
[16:03] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Randa,+Switzerland,+Switzerland/Zermatt,+Switzerland/@46.0070746,7.7395643,3135m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x478f37f6875d6053:0x400ff8840196ea0!2m2!1d7.7817871!2d46.098641!1m5!1m1!1s0x478f35a2292ee5cd:0x400ff8840196f70!2m2!1d7.7479372!2d46.0210726
[16:03] <apachelogger> right
[16:03] <apachelogger> but
[16:03] <apachelogger> isn't zermatt like expensive
[16:03] <shadeslayer> idk, ask unormal
[16:03] <shadeslayer> the only chance I'll have to buy alcohol would be at ZRH
[16:04] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: are we meeting at the train station btw
[16:04] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: I dunno
[16:04] <apachelogger> I guess
[16:04] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: do you wanna do sightseeing or shit like that?
[16:04] <shadeslayer> such indecisiveness
[16:04] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: idk, anything to see?
[16:04] <shadeslayer> anything *good to see
[16:05] <apachelogger> dunno, I am not much of a sight fan
[16:05] <apachelogger> it's pretty dull to me, like all central european cities
[16:05] <apachelogger> also not particularly cheap to do much of anything IIRC
[16:06] <apachelogger> brmm
[16:06] <apachelogger> zurich.com shows me cool things
[16:07] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: http://www.freewalkzurich.ch/
[16:07] <apachelogger> there's a hill one can look at
[16:07] <apachelogger> there's a tower one can look at
[16:07] <apachelogger> there's a lake one can look at
[16:07] <apachelogger> there's a bunch of buildings one can look at
[16:08] <apachelogger> there's a bunch of churches one can look at
[16:08] <apachelogger> wait
[16:08] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: pub tour
[16:08] <apachelogger> that sounds more interesting :P
[16:08] <shadeslayer> haha
[16:08] <shadeslayer> at 9 in the morning
[16:08] <shadeslayer> makes sense
[16:09] <apachelogger> well
[16:09] <apachelogger> there's plenty of reasons to drink
[16:11] <apachelogger> so anywho, sightseeing doesn't seem very interesting except for random wandering around to find coffee
[16:11] <apachelogger> that's what I always do anywhere walk from one coffee shop to the next
[16:12] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: one could probably consider a trip to the lake, then again there too the options are drinking lots of coffee xD
[16:13] <ScottK> FWIW, I'm hunting through and doing retries to get various KF5 stuff to build.
[16:13] <shadeslayer> ScottK: kubuntu-retry-build might be helpful
[16:13] <shadeslayer> automation ftw
[16:13] <apachelogger> someone put it on a cron already :S
[16:13] <ScottK> sgclark: Does it know about kf5?
[16:14] <ScottK> Oops
[16:14] <ScottK> shadeslayer: ^^^
[16:14] <shadeslayer> ScottK: yes
[16:14] <apachelogger> as I said when we did 5.0 ... if we spend more time than it takes to update the symbols file we probably are doing somthing wrong and have a scaling problem
[16:14] <shadeslayer> true
[16:14] <ScottK> Also, since it's ~all powerpc and arm64, I'm somewhat loath to do mass givebacks where we are short of builder resources.
[16:15] <shadeslayer> ScottK: it's pretty smart, it should check if deps are satisfiable
[16:15] <apachelogger> ScottK: they do block migration though, don't they?
[16:15] <ScottK> They do.
[16:15] <ScottK> shadeslayer: OK. I'll look into it.
[16:15] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: across architectures?
[16:15] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: I think so
[16:16] <apachelogger> that would indeed be a smart thing then :)
[16:16] <apachelogger> also then you can definitely put it on a 5minute cron
[16:16] <shadeslayer> if not, it should then
[16:16] <apachelogger> agreed
[16:16] <apachelogger> it's a bit tricky tho
[16:16] <apachelogger> I think you cannot query binary units from lunchpad api
[16:16] <shadeslayer> for build in source.getBuilds():
[16:17] <shadeslayer> you can get each build on the source
[16:17] <apachelogger> yeah but you can't get the actual binary units of the build
[16:17] <shadeslayer> binary units?
[16:17] <apachelogger> debs
[16:17] <shadeslayer> getPublishedBinaries
[16:17] <shadeslayer> no?
[16:17] <apachelogger> dunno
[16:17] <shadeslayer> archive.getPublishedBinaries() that is
[16:17] <apachelogger> for source units there definitely is no way
[16:18] <shadeslayer> wat, getPublishedSources
[16:18] <shadeslayer> sources = archive.getPublishedSources(distro_series=lpseries, exact_match=True, status="Published", pocket=pocket, source_name=package)
[16:18] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: that's not the same thing
[16:18] <apachelogger> that's a source object
[16:18] <shadeslayer> then I'm not sure what you want :)
[16:18] <apachelogger> you cannot get from there to the url of the source files
[16:18] <apachelogger> eitherway
[16:18] <apachelogger> I think that wouldn't help much anyway
[16:19] <apachelogger> you'd need to look at deps of debs and then resolve
[16:19] <apachelogger> so to get this working reliably and efficiently you'd probably want to go through apt
[16:21] <shadeslayer> ah hm
[16:21] <shadeslayer> yeah
[16:22] <shadeslayer> at which point you've replicated launchpad's mechanism
[16:22] <apachelogger> of course I can't remember the name of the tool we used last cycle to do separated apt instances
[16:22] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: yup
[16:22] <apachelogger> perhaps fixing launchpad would be more fruitful :P
[16:22] <shadeslayer> ^^
[16:22] <apachelogger> dunno the code complexity involved though
[16:27] <sgclark> ugh is there a way to pass the password for the keyring on pull-ppa-source?
[16:29] <Riddell> I think
[16:29] <Riddell> I think it uses some keyring thingy for me
[16:29] <Riddell> but I've never worked out what
[16:29] <Riddell> it looks gnomey
[16:29] <Riddell> possibly installing gnome-keyring makes it work?
[16:29] <Riddell> I seem to have that installed
[16:31] <sgclark> too late for this round, will try next time
[18:06] <yofel> I have a hacked pull-ppa-source on my server with credfile support
[18:07] <yofel> maybe we should just implement that properly in the script
[19:11] <Riddell> sgclark: how did you get on?
[19:12] <sgclark> Riddell: well the script only download the stuff and did nothing more. I am trying to debug, but entering my password every five seconds is driving me batty so distracted by that atm
[19:13] <sgclark> gnome-keyring did nothing
[19:16] <soee> hmm the Live sesion shoul duse language i selected in ubuquity ?
[19:18] <ScottK> If it's available
[19:19] <soee> hmm, i have picked Polish, ubiquity interface chnaged but when live session booted i have english
[19:19] <lordievader> Riddell: Precise i386 is fine :D
[19:19] <soee> so im not shure if is hould report it as a bug
[19:20] <soee> Riddell: any suggestion/opinion ^ ?
[19:22] <soee> lordievader: can you do a WUBI test for 64 bit somehow ?
[19:23] <Riddell> soee: polish probably isn't on the image
[19:24] <Riddell> lordievader: great
[19:24] <soee> Riddell: ok thanks
[19:25] <lordievader> soee: No, unfortunately not. The only Windows I have is on a production machine.
[19:25] <BluesKaj> Riddell, 12.04.5 desktop amd 64bit seems ok so far, no crashes or freezes
[19:26] <BluesKaj> ubiquity couldn' thold the wifi connection on my laptop so I switched to the desktop
[19:27] <sgclark> Riddell: ok script working....
[19:30] <soee> lordievader: did you do a live session test ?
[19:30] <lordievader> soee: Yes?
[19:30] <soee> ah sorry it was to BluesKaj :D
[19:30] <soee> BluesKaj: live session on 69 bit tested ?
[19:31] <BluesKaj> not live session , a proper installation , soee
[19:32] <BluesKaj> had a spare partition after dumping debian
[19:33] <ScottK> There's a script that's bumping build-dep versions in new KF5 releases, right?
[19:33] <soee> Riddell: this is because of my VB configuration or problem with live session shutdown: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFV8frb2NxY
[19:34] <ScottK> The build-dep bump for kgendesignerplugin in kdelibs4support was missed.
[19:34] <ScottK> It FTBFS originally because CMake barfed all over the wrong version.
[19:34] <ScottK> It's building now that we've got the newer version, so no new upload needed, but the script ought to be fixed so that doesn't get missed next time.
[19:42] <Riddell> ScottK: yes there is a script but as you discovered it's imperfect
[19:42] <ScottK> OK. Bug filed.
[19:43] <Riddell> ScottK: oh? where?
[19:44] <ScottK> Right here in front of you on IRC.
=== ovidiu-florin_ is now known as ovidiu-florin
[19:44] <Riddell> oh I see :)
[19:44] <Riddell> Fix Released
[19:44] <Riddell> >bzr commit -m "add kgendesignerplugin to build-deps for kf5"
[19:44] <Riddell> Committing to: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/+junk/kubuntu-automation/
[20:00] <ScottK> Thanks.
[20:44] <Riddell> meh
[20:45] <Riddell> !testers | new 12.04.5 candidates
[20:45] <ubottu> new 12.04.5 candidates: Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley, alket for information
[20:45] * Riddell beds
[20:49] <shadeslayer> silly Riddell
[20:49] <shadeslayer> trying to bed ISO's
[22:05] <ScottK> khtml and kdelibs4support needs symbols updates for armhf.