UbuntuIRC / 2014 /08 /05 /#ubuntu-doc.txt
Initial commit
[18:33] <pmatulis> pleia2: thanks for including my server guide call in the weekly news
[18:40] <pleia2> pmatulis: sure thing :)
[21:14] <belkinsa> pmatulis, mind if I chair the meeting (tomorrow)? And also, I was the one who sumbitted the news about the guide.
[21:21] <pmatulis> belkinsa: don't you always chair? no problem here
[21:22] <pmatulis> belkinsa: and thanks for the news submit
[21:22] <belkinsa> I do but I was worried that I had to work tomorrow.
[21:22] * belkinsa works a part time job