UbuntuIRC / 2014 /08 /05 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
[00:59] <teward> can someone approve the Precise nomination for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php5/+bug/1352617 please?
[00:59] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1352617 in php5 (Ubuntu) "php5-fpm UNIX sockets do not listen as www-data:www-data, cause 502s with webservers trying to use socket" [Undecided,New]
[00:59] <teward> (it only affects Precise, not Trusty or later)
[13:06] <rbasak> Could somebody please accept teward's Precise nomination in bug 1352617? He reports it affects Precise only, so we should add the task and mark it as Fix Released in the development relesae.
[13:06] <ubot5> bug 1352617 in php5 (Ubuntu) "php5-fpm UNIX sockets in Precise do not listen as www-data:www-data by default, and causes 502s with webservers trying to use socket" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1352617
=== roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr
=== roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr
[21:58] <quantibility> hello all
[21:58] <meecoder> oh hi
[22:00] <quantibility> heh
[22:00] <quantibility> anyhow
[22:01] <quantibility> yall developers right?
[22:01] <quantibility> am i in the right spot?
[22:15] <Noskcaj> quantibility, #ubuntu-devel also works, but yeah