UbuntuIRC / 2014 /08 /05 /#maas.txt
Initial commit
=== menn0_ is now known as menn0
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
=== mjs0 is now known as menn0
[08:38] <Spads> I've just upgraded some MAAS infrastructure from Precise and 1.4 to Trusty and 1.5, and I notice that one of my cluster controllers is running low on disk due to /var/lib/maas/ephemeral being full of old data. Everything's from months ago, though the Web UI says it has up to date images (which I can find elsewhere). Is it safe for me to blow away /var/lib/maas/ephemeral after my 1.5 upgrade?
[10:51] <onicrom> hello everyone
[13:12] <Spads> The cluster controllers in MAAS 1.5 seem to be trying to connect to two high-numbered ports on the region controller. Apache is listening on those ports on the region controller, but I can't find the configuration that sends them there. What are these ports, and are they predictable?
=== jfarschman is now known as MilesDenver
[14:42] <onicrom> are the files in /etc/maas/templates/pxe essentially pxelinux.cfg/syslinux.cfg files?
[14:42] <onicrom> and is it safe to edit them (once you copy/rename?)
[14:45] <jhobbs> onicrom: yes, they are templates for generating files like pxelinux.cfg files
[14:46] <jhobbs> onicrom: what are you trying to get done by copying/editing them?
[14:47] <onicrom> i was looking to add "CONSOLE 0" and "SERIAL 1 115200 0"
[14:47] <jhobbs> onicrom: have a look at http://maas.ubuntu.com/docs/kernel-options.html
[14:47] <onicrom> ive appended console=tty0 console=ttyS1,115200n8 to that
[14:48] <onicrom> wasn't sure if the actual pxeboot section
[14:48] <jhobbs> oh - those are pxelinux directives?
[14:48] <onicrom> would be sent to console, or just the install part
[14:48] <onicrom> correct
[14:48] <jhobbs> so you can see pxelinux output on the serial console?
[14:48] <onicrom> thats the goal
[14:49] <jhobbs> if it's pxelinux stuff you should be able to add it in the file wherever you would in a normal pxelinux file
[14:49] <jhobbs> was copying/renaming just to get a backup?
[14:50] <onicrom> well i wasnt sure if i needed to rename either the config.commissioning.template to config.commissioning
[14:50] <onicrom> or edit the template
[14:50] <jhobbs> ahh yeah just edit the template
[14:50] <onicrom> or edit the arch specific file
[14:50] <jhobbs> maas opens the template and renders it and then sends it off via tftp
[14:50] <onicrom> ok cool
[14:51] <onicrom> so would it be best to add to config.install.tem... config.commissioning.tem... or config.local.amd64.tem....
[14:52] <jhobbs> they're for different stages
[14:52] <jhobbs> if you want pxelinux output all the time, do all of them
[14:52] <onicrom> would it be correct in assuming editing the amd64 would be invoked at all stages
[14:52] <onicrom> assuming you are using that arch
[14:53] <jhobbs> config.local.amd64.template is only for localbooting, after an install is complete
[14:53] <jhobbs> otherwise amd64 uses the generic ones without arch names in the files
[14:53] <onicrom> got it
[14:53] <jhobbs> they're not hierarchical so you have to edit them all
[14:54] <onicrom> thanks much
[14:54] <jhobbs> you're welcome
[14:54] <onicrom> config.local and config.local.arch need to be changed then?
=== chuck_ is now known as zul
[14:55] <jhobbs> hmmm
[14:55] <jhobbs> i'm not sure why there are both there
[14:55] <jhobbs> couldn't hurt :)
[14:55] <onicrom> do you work on the project?
[14:55] <jhobbs> yes
[14:57] <onicrom> might i suggest something... the .template extension makes me think these files , should you need to change them, should be renamed removing the .template
[14:57] <onicrom> or copy, without .template and make changes, the system reads the non.template files should they exist
[14:58] <onicrom> (dont mean to complain just how i assume things to work on other tools)
[14:58] <jhobbs> i could see how that's confusing
[14:58] <jhobbs> feel free to file a bug on https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas
[14:59] <jhobbs> best to have stories from real users for that sort of thing
[15:01] <onicrom> i wouldnt vcall it a bug :)
[15:01] <onicrom> but sure thing
[15:01] <onicrom> i have another question :) around preseed
[15:03] <jhobbs> ok
[15:03] * jhobbs in and out, just ask and i'll try to answer
[15:06] <onicrom> https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/1352938
[15:06] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1352938 in MAAS "the use of the file extension .template can be confusing" [Undecided,New]
[15:06] <onicrom> bug filed :)
[15:08] <jhobbs> cool, thanks
[15:10] <onicrom> jhobbs: i'm not familair with preseed at all so this is going to be amateur hour, under /etc/maas/preseeds what are the purposes for the various files
[15:14] <jhobbs> onicrom: have you read this? https://maas.ubuntu.com/docs/development/preseeds.html
[15:17] <jhobbs> onicrom: preseeds for maas either generate cloud-init, curtin, or debian-installer config, depending on which state/install type is being used
[15:18] <jhobbs> onicrom: users can use them to customize enlistment/commissioning/installation
[15:18] <jhobbs> they're template files again, just like the pxe ones
[15:18] <onicrom> cool
[15:19] <onicrom> i read references to the debian-installer but my maas only says default or fast install
[15:19] <onicrom> i assume default is debian installer?
[15:19] <jhobbs> yeah
[15:19] <onicrom> woah i missed this doc entirely somehow :)
[15:20] <onicrom> thanks! also... the terms commission,enlist etc are these defined somwhere?
[15:25] <jhobbs> i can't find anything
[15:25] <jhobbs> that sucks
[15:25] <jhobbs> enlistment makes maas aware of the node, commissioning does some hardware inventory
[15:25] <jhobbs> gotta run for a bit
=== med_ is now known as Guest26240
[15:33] <onicrom> any takes on 'curtin'
[15:37] <jhobbs> onicrom: it's the fastpath installer
[15:37] <jhobbs> onicrom: it's default in newer maas's - it's all i ever use
[15:40] <onicrom> intttersting
[15:40] <onicrom> how does customization work in this new fancy faster method
[15:41] <rbasak> It's designed to be very customisable
[15:41] <rbasak> See: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~curtin-dev/curtin/trunk/view/head:/doc/topics/overview.rst
[15:42] <rbasak> You can pretty much replace everything.
[15:42] <onicrom> cool i shall readup
[15:50] <onicrom> does 14.04's maas pkg get upgraded as releases go stable (1.5->1.6) or is that a more manual process?
[15:50] <onicrom> by 'get upgraded' i mean apt-get upgrade or dist-upgrade if more appropriate
[15:53] <jhobbs> you can apt-get upgrade mas
[15:53] <jhobbs> *maas
[15:54] <jhobbs> it will pick up whatever the latest release for trusty is
[15:54] <jhobbs> as long as that's what you're running
[15:57] <onicrom> will trusty upgrade to mewer point releases?
[15:57] <onicrom> rather... be upgraded to.
[15:58] <jhobbs> hmm i think roadmap questions are above my paygrade
[15:58] <jhobbs> you can always pin to a newer version if you want to though
[16:04] <onicrom> nods
[16:04] <onicrom> btw
[16:04] <onicrom> damn fine job on this thing
[16:04] <onicrom> ive setup my fair share of build systems from scratch with jump/kickstart
[16:05] <onicrom> all the annoying stuff is taken care of, just need to sort out the customizations :)
[16:06] <jhobbs> glad you like it and thanks for the feedback!
[16:06] <jhobbs> bugs on any issues or annoyances you run into are welcome
[16:15] <onicrom> well i have 2 data centers im building out (~40 servers) so im going to be diving real deep :)
[17:13] <onicrom> does maas read all files in /etc/maas/preseeds? ... if i 'backup' the files in /etc/maas/preseeds (as in /etc/maas/preseeds/preseed_master.dist) will it do badness?
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
=== roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
=== jfarschman is now known as MilesDenver
[19:11] <onicrom> looks like the installer output is not being sent to my serial console .. the commissioning is sent to serial console but the install is not
[19:11] <onicrom> hrms
[19:19] <newell> onicrom, have you been checking the logs in /var/log/maas?
[19:26] <onicrom> now its hung
[19:30] <onicrom> checking logs thanks :)
[19:59] <newell> np
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr
[20:15] <onicrom> <bitching> damn dell drac seems to drop offline whenever the ubuntu installed 'probes' the network devices </bitching>
=== roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
=== menn0_ is now known as menn0
=== jfarschman is now known as MilesDenver