UbuntuIRC / 2014 /08 /05 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[01:13] <ScottK> sgclark: Could you have a look at your 4.13.97 artikulate upload (build log link above) and see about getting it fixed?
[01:15] <sgclark> ScottK: artikulate waiting on new qt-gstreamer (waiting on kamoso etc) as per notes in ninjas pad
[01:17] <ScottK> sgclark: Which pad?
[01:17] <ScottK> (link please)
[01:17] <sgclark> ScottK: https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas
[01:17] <ScottK> Thanks.
[01:17] <sgclark> np
[01:19] <ScottK> Riddell: There's quite a number of things blocking 4.13.97 from migrating to release. I got tired and have given up for tonight.
=== jackyalcine is now known as jacky
[07:48] <soee> wrr, how can i kill app ?
[07:49] <yofel> Ctrl+Esc, right click -> send signal-> TERM ?
[07:49] <yofel> or KILL
[07:49] <soee> thunderbird freezed, if i try to kill it from kSysGuarg thank KSysGuard quites without any error, if i do kill XXX it does nothing
[07:50] <soee> *than
[07:50] <yofel> kill -9 maybe?
[07:50] <soee> ha! that one worked :D
[07:50] <soee> thank you yofel
[07:50] <soee> it is something like terminate?
[07:53] <yofel> no, terminate is SIGTERM (15), 9 is SIGKILL which is like shotgun with a bomb
[07:54] <soee> ;o
[07:57] <soee> btw does the KSysGuarg should behave like this (quits when such clicked to kill a freezed process) ? The thunderbird was started from terminal, than ctrl + x and it freezes
[08:30] <apachelogger> yofel, soee: for guis one can also use xkill via ctrl-alt-esc
[08:30] <apachelogger> also ksysguard stuff in plasma5 is busted due to incorrect packaging
[08:31] <soee> haha ctrl-alt-esc = red scull to kill them all :D
[08:31] <apachelogger> be careful where you point it tho :P
[08:33] <Riddell> this new compiler seems more trouble than it's worth
[08:35] <yofel> really?
[08:35] <apachelogger> Riddell: I am reasonable certain that is the case for every compiler ever ;)
[08:38] <Riddell> yofel: not really I'm just grumbling
[08:38] <yofel> ah, join the club
[08:38] <yofel> the symbol changes make it rather hard to see whether kf5 5.1 really kept ABI intact :S
[08:39] <soee> Riddell: how about 4.13.97 release for utopic ?
[08:46] <soee> also when drivers manager will be released for plasma5?
[08:51] <apachelogger> when kauth isn't broken which should be the case today
[08:51] <Riddell> soee: it's in proposed, needs fixes I'm looking at now, any help appreciated
[08:51] <lordievader> Riddell: If you are talking about GCC, Linus also had his complaints ;)
[08:51] <Riddell> apachelogger: really? kauth unbroken? how? this would be most unexpected
[08:51] <apachelogger> or not because shadeslayer didn't upload that one :P
[08:51] <apachelogger> Riddell: apachelogger fixed it
[08:51] <apachelogger> all the workspace packages that need polkit seem to have incorrect packaging though
[08:53] <Riddell> lordievader: oh yes, good to know I'm on the side of the flamer
[08:56] <lordievader> Riddell: http://linux.slashdot.org/story/14/07/27/1838219/linus-torvalds-gcc-490-seems-to-be-terminally-broken
[08:56] <Riddell> :)
[08:57] <apachelogger> mh
[08:57] <apachelogger> Riddell: I have a problem in the upgrader when loading either pyqt5 or pyqt4 .... pyqt5 in trusty is le broken and won't work and I am not sure how to prevent loading the broken thing
[08:59] <Riddell> apachelogger: sounds like it needs an exception for trusty
[08:59] <Riddell> if ubuntuVersion == trusty: import pyqt4
[08:59] <apachelogger> that seems nasty
[08:59] <Riddell> broken pyqt5 in trusty is nasty
[08:59] <apachelogger> plus I am not even sure how to reliably get that ^^
[09:00] <Riddell> python3-distro-info
[09:00] <Riddell> ?
[09:01] <apachelogger> from . import distinfo
[09:02] <apachelogger> the upgrader is such an ugly pile of files
[09:03] <apachelogger> that's actually from apt apparently
[09:03] * apachelogger sighs
[09:06] <yofel> lordievader: fun read, thanks for the link ^^
[09:07] <lordievader> yofel: ;)
[09:07] <apachelogger> hm
[09:07] <lordievader> Reading about Linus's outbreaks is usually fun :)
[09:07] <yofel> indeed
[09:10] <tsimpson> so many opinions, so little time!
[09:22] <apachelogger> mh
[09:23] <apachelogger> Riddell: did we ever suggest running do-release-upgrade or kubuntu-devel-release-upgrade with sudo?
[09:25] <apachelogger> oh of course the general purpose open_url function would be in a file importing gtk modules
[09:26] <Riddell> no, I only recommend kubuntu-devel-release-upgrade which uses kdesudo
[09:27] <Riddell> yay bug 1308931 in proposed
[09:27] <ubottu> bug 1308931 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Trusty) "[KDE] Ubiquity side bar is broken on the initial page for the KDE UI " [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1308931
[09:27] <apachelogger> Riddell: right but we never said to run it with kdesudo explicitly?
[09:27] <apachelogger> anywho
[09:28] <apachelogger> I better solve browers invocation in the fetcher
[09:28] <apachelogger> it's a slight bit broken
[09:28] <Riddell> apachelogger: nope
[09:34] <Riddell> ScottK: removed artikulate that's waiting on new qtgstreamer waiting on kamoso and telepathy-kde releases
[09:49] <apachelogger> !find kde-open
[09:49] <ubottu> File kde-open found in kde-runtime, kde-runtime-dbg, libreoffice-kde
[09:55] <apachelogger> /usr/share/locale-langpack/zu/LC_MESSAGES/ubuntu-release-upgrader.mo language-pack-gnome-zu-base
[09:55] <apachelogger> Riddell: why look
[09:56] <apachelogger> our upgrader is not localized
[10:01] <apachelogger> why the frog is qttranslations5-l10n not installed by default
[10:01] <apachelogger> :@
[10:10] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all
[10:17] <soee_> hi BluesKaj
[10:19] <BluesKaj> hi soee_
[10:33] <apachelogger> Riddell: help
[10:38] <Riddell> apachelogger: que?
[10:40] <apachelogger> Riddell: translations are kaput
[10:40] <apachelogger> so very much
[10:40] * apachelogger feels like crying
[10:41] <soee_> ;D
[10:43] <apachelogger> Riddell: qbuttonbox respectively qmessagebox need to have qt qm files from qttranslations5-l10n
[10:44] <apachelogger> problem #1: qttranslations5-l10n is not installed recommended or nothing
[10:44] <apachelogger> problem #2: loading the translations is a right mess
[10:45] <apachelogger> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7960057/
[10:45] <apachelogger> problem #3: if the package were to be anything but a dependency of the upgrader strings will go untranslated
[10:46] <apachelogger> problem #4: the actual upgrader gettext translations are in the gnome language-pack which I'll argue are not installed by default
[10:55] * apachelogger thinks there is a bug int he trello plugin
[10:55] <apachelogger> or not
[10:55] <apachelogger> kubotu: ur weird sometimes
=== soee_ is now known as soee
[11:31] <shadeslayer> kubuntuBot: imager build
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[12:41] <soee> in System Settings -> Colors ; tab Options there is this horizontal scrollbar but if we chnage its value/postions it is always restored default if we exit open it again
[12:55] <apachelogger> file a bug
[12:59] <soee> apachelogger: i wonder it is used for oxygen theme, but now when we have qtcurce should it be enabled/visible ?
[13:03] <kdeuser56> hi everyone ... does /usr/bin/kdialog still exist in kf5/plasma5?
[13:05] <kdeuser56> Riddell: ?
[13:09] <kdeuser56> or better asked: does it have a future (is it ported to KF5?)
[13:29] <ScottK> apachelogger: what's broken about pyqt5 in trusty?
[13:30] <apachelogger> ScottK: signals don't work sometimes
[13:30] <soee> next week is planned plasam 5.0.1 release ?
[13:31] <apachelogger> ScottK: running usb-creator from here should give you some nice output https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/usb-creator/qt5
[13:31] <apachelogger> I even semi-know what functions are involved but it essentially breaks because pyqt thinks it needs to hijack signal-connects from qt and implement them in python only
[13:31] <apachelogger> and that went horribly wrong in the version we have in trusty
[13:39] <ScottK> Can you make a test case?
[13:39] <ScottK> Something I can test on utopic and then go whine to upstream about?
[13:39] <apachelogger> ScottK: it works on utopic
[13:40] <ScottK> OK.
[13:40] <ScottK> So with the test case, maybe I can get upstream to tell me what we need to fix in the trusty version.
[13:41] <apachelogger> if I find the time :P
[13:41] <Riddell> soee: I plan to tag it on thursday
[13:41] <apachelogger> mind you, from an integration POV it probably is best if we don't use pyqt5 on trusty anyway
[13:41] <apachelogger> without framewokrsintegratin it will look weird
[13:43] <soee> Riddell: nice, is there some changelog available for this release ?
[13:43] <Riddell> dunno, we'll find out on thursday
[13:47] * apachelogger hungry
[13:49] <Riddell> apachelogger: I recommend patatas bravas
[13:51] <apachelogger> Riddell, shadeslayer, yofel, ScottK: https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/ubuntu-release-upgrader/qt5/+merge/229620 have fun
[13:53] <apachelogger> if possible someone should test with pyqt4, I haven't had the energy for that
[13:53] <ScottK> apachelogger: debian/changelog is busted.
[13:53] <apachelogger> version you mean?
[13:54] <apachelogger> cmd to do testery is something like kdesudo -- python3 dist-upgrade.py -s --datadir=../data --devel-release --frontend DistUpgradeViewKDE
[13:54] <apachelogger> for fetcher testing something like META_RELEASE_FAKE_CODENAME=trusty META_RELEASE_FAKE_VERSION=14.04 /do-release-upgrade -s --data-dir=`pwd`/DistUpgrade -d -f DistUpgradeViewKDE
[13:55] <soee> i have a file with UTF-8 encoding (sublime text view.encoding() showst that), if i open it with kate it is set to something like ISO 10646-UCS-2, any idea why ?
[14:00] <BluesKaj> locale?
[14:02] <soee> there is some issue in plasma5 and locales but this has influance on kate and encoding detection ?
[14:05] <BluesKaj> soee, i was just guessing, seems i recall an article about locale affecting encoding states
[14:07] <Riddell> I don't understand the regression in pykde4 autopkgtest for ubuntu-release-manager http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#pykde4
[14:07] <Riddell> there's no test in pykde4 or in ubuntu-release-manager that I can see
[14:20] <shadeslayer> kubuntuBot: imager build
[14:20] <Riddell> ScottK: I think that's all of 4.13.97 building, the only blocker I can see from update_excuses is pykde autopkgtest regression which I've no idea about, and of course other things could be helping it back in update_output.txt
[14:21] <Riddell> looking nice and green on http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/kf5-status/build_status_5.1.0_utopic.html
[14:21] <ScottK> I asked pitti, he didn't know about that either.
[14:21] <ScottK> I can't see as it could be related to pykde4.
[14:21] <Riddell> s/as/that/ ?
[14:21] <kubotu> Riddell: You did something wrong... Try s/you/me/ or tell me "help sed"
[14:22] <ScottK> yes
[14:23] <Riddell> ScottK: shall I force it?
[14:24] <ScottK> I think that would be reasonable, but I think we should also point it out to whoever's handling the updater. Dunno who that is.
[14:24] <ScottK> Maybe ping xnox and he'll figure out who.
[14:27] <xnox> ScottK: que? =)
[14:28] <ScottK> xnox: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Utopic/view/AutoPkgTest/job/utopic-adt-ubuntu-release-upgrader/lastBuild/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/console
[14:28] <ScottK> pitti said wait for mvo, but I thought maybe you would know.
[14:29] <ScottK> Riddell: Definitely force it though.
[14:29] <apachelogger> looks more like the test is kaputsies
[14:30] <xnox> ScottK: Riddell: not force, but mark skiptest / badtest
[14:30] <ScottK> Yeah. That.
[14:30] <xnox> in britney hints to ignore that one.
[14:30] <xnox> ScottK: imho, that looks like quantal finally moved to old-releases =))))
[14:30] <ScottK> That might very well do it.
[14:31] <xnox> hm, but that happened in may.
[14:31] <xnox> ScottK: we can ask bdmurray to look into it as well.
[14:31] <ScottK> Please do.
[15:17] <shadeslayer> new Kubuntu 5 ISO : magnet:?xt=urn:btih:25046a6817b635a283187cd66231011280e6c265&dn=kubuntu5-201408051446-x86_64.iso&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.publicbt.com%3A80
[15:20] <Riddell> shadeslayer: need me to update download.kubuntu.co.uk ?
[15:20] <shadeslayer> Riddell: only if it doesn't cost us monies
[15:36] * Riddell uploads KF5 5.1.0 to utopic
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Octopii Fan Club | https://trello.com/kubuntu | Kubuntu 5 Test ISO http://goo.gl/nn2Zej
[15:53] <Riddell> anyone remember how to get a list of packages in the kubuntu package set?
[15:54] <shadeslayer> not really
[15:54] <shadeslayer> there was some file somewhere
[15:54] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: btw dolphin is still incorrectly theme
[15:54] <shadeslayer> on the newest ISO
[15:56] <shadeslayer> still uses fusion
[15:56] <shadeslayer> still uses oxygen colors
[15:57] <Riddell> nah there was a script somewhere
[16:03] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: who dolphin
[16:03] <apachelogger> dolphin can't use fusion
[16:03] <apachelogger> dolphin is kdelibs4
[16:03] <apachelogger> there's no fusion in qt4...
[16:03] <apachelogger> and yes, I know its still bugged
[16:03] <apachelogger> I am not sure why tho
[16:04] <kubotu> feed branches-next had 25 updates, showing the latest 6
[16:04] <apachelogger> it might be entirely related to the fact that I had a Breeze.colors file in my home as mentioned the other day
[16:04] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: u backported kde4breeze?
[16:04] <shadeslayer> did Marco fix that in 5.0?
[16:04] <shadeslayer> I wot m8
[16:05] <apachelogger> u no nutin
[16:05] <shadeslayer> + jon snow
[16:05] <apachelogger> nevermind I hear there's a release coming
[16:06] * apachelogger reads code
[16:12] <Riddell> ./edit-acl -P kubuntu -S utopic query
[16:15] <shadeslayer> Riddell: good to get rid of kubuntu-active
[16:17] <Riddell> well a shame it didn't take off, maybe it is just the fate of community made open source software to not take off on new platforms
[16:19] <mitya57> Can anybody please review/sponsor my qt branch? https://code.launchpad.net/~mitya57/kubuntu-packaging/qt-4.8.6+git49-gbc62005/+merge/228445
[16:20] <Riddell> mitya57: can look shortly, has it not been merged in utopic already?
[16:22] <mitya57> No, utopic has 4.8.6 (not +git...)
[16:32] <Riddell> mitya57: do you know why we/debian want a git version?
[16:32] <Riddell> mitya57: any idea what -system-proxies in configure does?
[16:33] <Riddell> did you bzr add parisc-atomic.patch ?
[16:34] <apachelogger> Riddell: it's because getting an entirely different OS on consumer hardware is hard
[16:34] <apachelogger> too hard for normal people to do it, in fact sometimes too hard for geeks to do it, so that makes it a rather unrewarding thing to work on
[16:35] <Riddell> apachelogger: especially if that hardware doesn't exist, oh vivaldi
[16:35] <apachelogger> dumdum
[16:35] <apachelogger> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRxofEmo3HA
[16:36] <mitya57> Riddell: 1) For example there is a security fix: https://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qt/commit/59eb561989f7a7b65c3e9b11d0ac062479013bf2, 90% of other commits are bugfixes as well
[16:36] <apachelogger> utube comments are the best
[16:36] <mitya57> 2) Makes it use system proxy settings, that is mentioned in NEWS.debian as well
[16:37] <apachelogger> "french is fucking genius" => "except the fact that he was italian..."
[16:37] <mitya57> 3) Indeed I forgot, fixing
[16:37] <Riddell> apachelogger: this made me wonder what happened to the gnome mobile initiative but google only knows of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=We-8utU1kHo
[16:37] <shadeslayer> heh
[16:37] <apachelogger> mh
[16:37] <apachelogger> I feel like I have seen this before
[16:38] * apachelogger can't possibly be that old
[16:38] * apachelogger squints
[16:38] <Riddell> mitya57: there are system proxy settings?
[16:38] <Riddell> mitya57: I see no NEWS.debian file
[16:39] <mitya57> Ah, that NEWS.debian was in qt5 where we also added that flag
[16:39] <mitya57> let me see what that flag is actually doing
[16:40] <Riddell> interesting, (from qt5 docs) "On other systems, this function will pick up proxy settings from the "http_proxy" environment variable. This variable must be a URL using one of the following schemes: "http", "socks5" or "socks5h"."
[16:41] <apachelogger> envrionments are cool
[16:41] <apachelogger> except for when you want to change stuff on the fly
[16:41] * apachelogger welcomes everyone to the 80's and asks to restart all applications
[16:42] <mitya57> Riddell: yes. I am using that variable myself sometimes (useful when you want to prevent your package from accessing network during build)
[16:43] <mitya57> But there should be no change for most users
[16:43] <Riddell> mitya57: let me know when you added the missing file and I'll merge and upload
[16:43] <mitya57> Riddell: pushed
[16:46] <Riddell> "Forwarded: not-needed" I do dislike how debian doesn't mention where patches come from or why they don't go upstream
[16:46] <apachelogger> oh yes
[16:46] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: patches that have not-needed should be red :P
[16:47] <mitya57> That's better than no patch headers at all
[16:47] <apachelogger> because whenever I see not-needed in a patch it actually looks like a couldnt-be-bothered-to-create-this-in-an-upstreamable-fashion :P
[16:47] <apachelogger> mitya57: that for sure :)
[16:48] <debfx> at least it has a reference to the bug report: Bug-Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/<bugnumber>
[16:48] <debfx> ;)
[16:48] <apachelogger> huh
[16:49] <Riddell> attention to detail there
[16:50] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: waiting for yofel to use css
[16:50] <apachelogger> oh oh
[16:51] <apachelogger> and javascrypt column sorting or something
[16:51] <yofel> oh right, I did want to do that
[16:51] <yofel> too many things that distract me
[16:54] <Riddell> mitya57: uploading! thanks for your contribution to Kubuntu
[16:55] <mitya57> Thanks!
[17:15] <Riddell> Mamarok, yofel, ScottK, valorie: vote vote! https://community.kde.org/Kubuntu/Policies
[17:27] <Riddell> ooh ooh that's three +1s on the policy
[17:27] <Riddell> I think we only need 1 more to go, although it depends on what rules we're using to vote on the rules we use to vote on
[17:36] <ScottK> I don't agree with everything there.
[17:36] <ScottK> Need more time to make a detailed review.
[17:39] <Riddell> comment away
[17:46] <ScottK> I gave a short start. Need to do some $work though.
[17:48] <yofel> apachelogger: your patch policy got criticism ^ ;P
[17:49] <ScottK> It's not a problem. Any time I violate the policy, I'll do it as a core-dev and not as a kubuntu-dev.
[17:50] <yofel> I was arguing with apachelogger over it, but I'm not too good at providing arguments in IRC discussions...
[17:50] <yofel> so I got defeated
[17:51] <shadeslayer> Riddell: krunner doesn't have a 5.0 branch
[17:51] <shadeslayer> which seems very bad
[17:53] <yofel> I thought upstream dumped the idea of bugfix releases for early 5, so why would it need one?
[17:56] <shadeslayer> yofel: krunner isn't a framework AFAIK
[17:56] <shadeslayer> oh
[17:56] <shadeslayer> it is
[17:56] <shadeslayer> Riddell: nvm
[17:56] <yofel> is it?
[17:56] <yofel> this is confusing..
[17:56] <apachelogger> the binary is not, the concept of a runner is
[17:58] <yofel> shadeslayer: actually, can't find a tarball for krunner on depot, so dunno what it belongs to
[17:58] <shadeslayer> https://projects.kde.org/projects/frameworks/krunner
[17:58] <shadeslayer> Framework for providing different actions given a string query.
[17:59] * shadeslayer is looking at KToolInvocation code
[17:59] <yofel> #splitallthethings
[18:26] <Riddell> buenos tardes sgclark
[18:26] <Riddell> I uploaded frameworks 5.1 to utopic
[18:26] <sgclark> good afternoon
[18:26] <sgclark> woot
[18:26] <Riddell> now lots of blue on http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/buildstatus/kubuntu-buildstatus.html
[19:04] <turgay> I am getting error kubuntu 14.10 plasma 5
[19:04] <turgay> http://www.imageupload.co.uk/images/2014/08/05/IMG20140805194727.jpg
[19:05] <soee> default installation ?
[19:07] <turgay> 14.04 upgrade on
[19:08] <turgay> ok all updates
[21:12] <aaron1> boom
=== aaron1 is now known as ahoneybun
[21:13] <ahoneybun> hello all
[21:24] <Riddell> hi ahoneybun
[21:24] <Riddell> just finished watching the independence debate are you?
[21:26] <ahoneybun> Riddell: just got Kubuntu 14.04.1 installed
[21:27] <ahoneybun> was thinking of trying out the Plasma 5 build
[21:27] <allee> yofel: any plans to pkg digikam 4.2?
[21:28] <yofel> me not this week, so free for anyone to pick up
[21:33] <allee> yofel: k, I doubt I've enough time but 4.0 is useable slow. So let's try. Hopefully 4.2 has fixed it ;-)
[21:34] <ahoneybun> hey yofel
[21:34] <yofel> hey ahoneybun
[21:34] <yofel> allee: there's still 2 weeks till feature freeze, needs to be in before that
[21:35] <ahoneybun> still have that build server up?
[21:35] <yofel> would be great if you could take a look at it :)
[21:35] <yofel> ahoneybun: uh, not *up*... rather ask Riddell for an ec2 session
[21:35] <allee> yofel: that's the right branch? lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/digikam
[21:36] <yofel> allee: yes
[21:36] <allee> let's try ..
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Octopii Fan Club | https://trello.com/kubuntu | Kubuntu 5 Test ISO http://goo.gl/nn2Zej | test 12.04.5 iso.qa.ubuntu.com
[21:44] <Riddell> !testers | 12.04.5 images on iso.qa.ubuntu.com
[21:44] <ubottu> 12.04.5 images on iso.qa.ubuntu.com: Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley, alket for information
[22:16] <valorie> Riddell: I've already voted +1 on the policies twice!
[22:16] <valorie> but I shall do so again if needful
[22:17] * ScottK is going to ignore the silly ones anyway.
[22:19] <ahoneybun> hey valorie
[22:20] <valorie> hi ahoneybun
[22:20] <valorie> ltns
[22:20] <ahoneybun> yes I know
[22:20] <ahoneybun> plasma 5 is sexy
[22:36] <valorie> it is, I have it running on both 14.04 & 14.10
[22:36] <valorie> so far, so good
[22:36] <valorie> although rather limited in what one can do
[22:36] <valorie> sgclark: ! I'm just talking with my friend in Vienna
[22:37] <valorie> he gave me the good link to getting cheap + free wireless bus tickets
[22:37] <sgclark> hey :) oooh you know someone there?
[22:37] <valorie> so shall I buy us a pair?
[22:37] <valorie> yes, he'll show us around when we arrive
[22:37] <sgclark> woot, yes, let me know how much and I can give you cash or however you want to do it
[22:38] <valorie> that'll work
[22:38] <valorie> listen, are you driving up?
[22:38] <valorie> if so, why not just come here and spend the night?
[22:38] <valorie> then you can leave your car here
[22:38] <valorie> if you are flying, I could perhaps meet your plane
[22:38] <sgclark> My husband was going to drive me., that would be wonderful
[22:39] <valorie> he was going to drive you, and then drive back to Portland???
[22:39] <sgclark> I can drive as well
[22:39] <valorie> he must love you a LOT
[22:39] <valorie> lol
[22:39] <sgclark> probably best if I drive now that I don't have to leave car at airport :)
[22:39] <valorie> it's about 3.5 hours from Portland to here, depending on traffic and where in Portland you live
[22:40] <sgclark> Hillsboro
[22:41] <sgclark> though he probably wants the car while I am gone (cheaper gas than his truck) so back to him driving me lol, yeah he wuvs me
[22:42] <sgclark> email me your address and I will get there!
[22:44] <valorie> yeah, might take 4 hours then, if I recall traffic from Hillsboro correctly
[22:44] <valorie> or you could take the train.....
[22:44] <sgclark> oooh train?
[22:44] <valorie> he suggests this hostel: http://www.hostelbookers.com/hostels/austria/vienna/70876/
[22:44] <sgclark> I like trains! lol
[22:45] <valorie> me too
[22:48] <valorie> pm, sgclark
[22:53] <ahoneybun> how are you valorie ?
[22:54] <valorie> I'm good, how are you ahoneybun?
[22:54] * valorie is taking off in a couple of days for Geneva for the book sprint
[22:55] <valorie> writing the Cookbook for frameworks
[22:55] <sgclark> wow
[22:55] <sgclark> that is really cool
[22:55] <valorie> hopefully I recover from jetlag from this trip, before Vienna!
[22:55] <valorie> not very convenient timing
[22:56] <sgclark> hehe I am going to virginia next week on vacation, not so far as you though!
[22:56] <valorie> yes, jetlag within the us is pretty mild
[22:57] <valorie> I suppose from Hawaii to Virginia would be more severe though
[22:57] <valorie> or vice-versa
[22:58] <sgclark> lol yeah
[22:58] <ahoneybun> I'm pretty good too
[22:59] <valorie> excellent, ahoneybun
[22:59] <valorie> I'm afraid I have done no doc work at all
[23:00] <valorie> however, I think we won't have anything but polishing for the next release
[23:00] <valorie> the one after that might be a doozy though
[23:06] <ahoneybun> valorie: with plasma 5 you mean?
[23:17] <valorie> ahoneybun: exactly
[23:17] <valorie> if it's stable and featurefull enough to release by then
[23:17] <valorie> which is not a sure thing
[23:27] <ahoneybun> yea but we;ll see
[23:28] <valorie> exactly
[23:29] <valorie> when I get home from hopping about europe, I'll take another look at our docs, and polish if necessary
[23:32] <sgclark> I need more hours in the day.
[23:33] <valorie> I've been advocating for the 30 hour day, for lo these many years
[23:33] * sgclark wonders if there is an app for that
[23:33] <valorie> no progress on that so far
[23:33] <sgclark> I am trying to get on a normal US schedule for my vacation lol
[23:38] <valorie> that's a hard one for me
[23:38] <valorie> somehow I gut through it each time
[23:38] <valorie> hope that it holds for everyday life
[23:39] <valorie> every time I stay a nightowl
[23:40] <sgclark> yeah gonna be harder for my husband he works 7pm-7am
[23:40] <valorie> hostel booked
[23:40] <sgclark> yay!
[23:54] <ahoneybun> so the docs.kubuntu.org does not look better valorie
[23:54] <valorie> yes, there is some problem on the website
[23:54] <valorie> not sure
[23:55] <valorie> you haven't been around to poke anybody!
[23:55] * valorie goes off to dinner