UbuntuIRC / 2014 /08 /04 /#ubuntu-community-team.txt
Initial commit
[06:56] <dholbach> good morning
[06:59] <bkerensa> dholbach: good morning
[06:59] <bkerensa> dholbach: so I land in Berlin on the 12th of next month... Any chance you want to have a tea or coffee?
[06:59] <bkerensa> :)
[06:59] <dholbach> hi bkerensa
[07:00] <dholbach> bkerensa, 12th Sept? yes, there's good chances I might be there :)
[07:00] <bkerensa> ;)
[07:02] <bkerensa> dholbach: cool I shall ping you when I arrive :) I will be in till the 15th
[07:02] <dholbach> excellent
[07:02] <bkerensa> working from the Mozilla Berlin Office
[07:04] <dholbach> ah, great
[07:05] <bkerensa> dholbach: do you know if the trains take credit card by chance?
[07:06] <bkerensa> I land at TXL and it says there is a train from there to my hotel
[07:08] <dholbach> bkerensa, there are ticket vending machines - I could imagine that credit card would work there - in a lot of places like restaurants, etc credit cards are not commonly used, so having some cash will be useful
[07:11] <bkerensa> ah ok
[07:11] <bkerensa> good to know
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
[12:42] <dholbach> dpm, I think we wanted to schedule our 1-on-1 calls for Mondays, right?
[12:42] <dholbach> dpm, I think I'm fine with everything for now, but shall we just pick a time for next monday and the following ones?
[12:43] <dpm> dholbach, sounds good. Shall we say 11:00? Would that work for you?
[12:43] <dholbach> dpm, yep, sounds good
[12:44] <dpm> dholbach, ok, invite sent
[12:45] <dholbach> thanks a bunch
[12:45] <dpm> np, thank you ;)
[12:46] <dholbach> dpm, can we get the old community team calendar deleted somehow?
[12:46] <dholbach> dpm, right now it looks like there's two "Community Team Calendar" in my list and I don't know where to save an event to :)
[12:46] <dpm> dholbach, ah, I meant to send an e-mail this morning, let me do it now
[12:47] <dholbach> awesome
[12:47] <dpm> dholbach, you can remove the one that it's not listed under "My Calendars" and says "Community Team Calendar (DO NOT USE)" :)
[12:47] <dpm> *is
[12:48] <dholbach> gotcha
[12:53] <dpm> dholbach, e-mail sent
[13:32] <dholbach> popey, maybe each of us can take on one of your meetings on Thu?
[13:33] <dholbach> not quite sure what's expected, but I assume it's going through list of open MPs and critical bugs, plus general discussion?
[13:36] <popey> yeah, you might want to do the clock one as you're working with nik90 on the packaging?
[13:39] <dholbach> popey, can do
[14:33] <balloons> pleia2, about you appearing on the weekly on-air hangout with us. Let's nail down a date. I rmemeber you saying next week or the week after worked for you right. How about August 19th?
[15:36] <dholbach> all right my friends - I'm calling it a day - see you all tomorrow! :)
[15:36] <belkinsa> See ya dholbach
[15:37] <dholbach> bye belkinsa :)
[16:58] <pleia2> balloons: that could work, what time are the hangouts at?
[16:59] <balloons> pleia2, hhmm for you on the west coast, 8 - 9 am on Tuesdays
[16:59] <mhall119> pleia2: 1500 utc
[16:59] <pleia2> I hate 8am, but can do for one day
[16:59] <pleia2> :)
[17:05] <balloons> pleia2, <3. Awesome
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as Mohi
[17:41] <cprofitt> I might have to see this hangout
[17:42] <cprofitt> pleia2: at 8am :-)
[18:46] <pleia2> anyone know who to talk to about canonical re: updating https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/streams/v1/com.ubuntu.cloud:released:hpcloud.json ?
[18:46] <pleia2> there are new images on the hpcloud side, but the signed json file has not been updated with them
[18:47] <pleia2> specifically needs 'Ubuntu Server 14.04.1 LTS (amd64 20140724) - Partner Image'
[19:03] <mhall119> pleia2: I'd say jcastro
[19:04] <mhall119> but then again, he's the guy I bug for anything cloud related
[19:04] * pleia2 nods
[19:05] <mhall119> a.rosales would be another
[19:05] <pleia2> tsk, jcastro not online and arosales set away
[19:05] <pleia2> thanks, I'll try to catch them :)
[20:22] <bkerensa> Aww Jason Warner left Canonical :(
[20:26] <mhall119> bkerensa: yeah, but Will Cooke came back to fill his role
[20:31] <popey> \o/