UbuntuIRC / 2014 /08 /04 /#ubuntu-app-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:45] <Snipes> Hey, can anyone help me figure out why I can't run the emulators? ARM and x86
[01:29] <fdassdff> Are there any tutorials for using QT C++ plugins from QML? I can't locate any
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[06:56] <dholbach> good morning
[06:56] <justCarakas> good morning dholbach
[06:59] <dholbach> hi justCarakas
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[07:55] <dholbach> hey nik90, how are you? had a good weekend?
[07:55] <dholbach> nik90, did you get anywhere with the clock-reboot packaging?
[08:05] <popey> dholbach: the store rejected my forecast app using -dev2, which is why I bumped it to -dev3
[08:05] <popey> "text": "'ubuntu-sdk-14.10-dev3' is not a supported framework"
[08:06] <popey> dholbach: /usr/share/click/frameworks/ubuntu-sdk-14.10-qml-dev3.framework
[08:07] <dholbach> hum hum
[08:07] <popey> exists on device, so the device, tools and the store are out of sync (again)
[08:08] <dholbach> popey, I'll start a conversation about this
[08:08] <dholbach> (again)
[08:08] <popey> thanks
[08:14] <dholbach> popey, /usr/share/click/frameworks/ubuntu-sdk-14.10-dev3.framework does not exist
[08:14] <dholbach> while ubuntu-sdk-14.10-qml-dev3.framework does
[08:14] <popey> you're right
[08:14] <popey> but this isnt a qml app ☻
[08:15] <dholbach> I'm not taking sides in this or justifying the rejection - just trying to figure out what happened
[08:15] <popey> so I should use ubuntu-sdk-14.10-dev2.framework ? (which is the one which got rejected by the store)
[08:15] <popey> I know. ☻
[08:15] <dholbach> I have no idea
[08:15] <dholbach> I'll send a mail to the appstore list
[08:15] <dholbach> we have to figure this out and process-ify this properly
[08:17] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: bill says a priority for me this week is work with you to get this landed. https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/webbrowser-app/webbrowser-app-bookmark-timestamp/+merge/224117 anything i can do to help make that happen ?
[08:17] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, no, I got it covered, it should land today
[08:17] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: perfect, thanks !
[08:40] <nik90> dholbach: hi :) Good Morning
[08:40] <nik90> dholbach: in the weekend, I was first trying to get https://code.launchpad.net/~carla-sella/ubuntu-clock-app/add-alarm-test merged since that would provide us with a working AP test.
[08:40] <dholbach> nik90, ah, brilliant
[08:41] <nik90> dholbach: in that MP carla is moving the test folder, so I figured it would be best to get that done before asking sergieusens for his help on the cmake followed by the debian packaging.
[08:41] <dholbach> of course
[08:41] <dholbach> let me know if you need any more help
[08:41] <nik90> dholbach: the AP MP should go in by today since the review is mostly complete. Will do
[08:41] <dholbach> rock on!
[08:42] <nik90> :)
[08:49] <dholbach> popey, mail sent
[08:49] <popey> ta
[09:01] <qtros> Hi all
[09:01] <qtros> Can anyone help me with adding "Yandex" to Online Accounts on UP?
[09:29] <DanChapman> Good Morning all o/
[09:30] <popey> hi DanChapman
[09:30] <qtros> Hi
[09:32] <DanChapman> hey popey ;-)
[09:44] <mihir> hi popey
[09:48] <popey> mihir: hey
[09:48] <mihir> hi popey how are you ?
[09:48] <popey> great! happy days. hows you?
[09:49] <mihir> popey: i am not sure why date time picker is not working on device , are there any dependencies that needs to be ship with device?
[09:49] <mihir> popey: i am doing great too , busy days.
[09:50] <justCarakas> other ppl also have troubles with the camera on the nexus 7 ?
[09:51] <justCarakas> I was demonstrating U Touch to some friend after I updated to latest devel update and camera was just a black screen
[09:51] <popey> works for me on devel-proposed
[09:55] <mihir> Hmm okay , balloons has confirmed with latest trunk on device but it didn't work for him
[09:57] <brendand> mihir, did you check whether any warnings are appearing on the command line?
[09:58] <popey> mihir: i was replying to justCarakas sorry.
[09:59] <mihir> popey: okay , no issues..
[09:59] <mihir> brendand: i don't have device so i am not sure, but it works for Desktop
[09:59] <justCarakas> popey: hmm k, maybe I should wait for an update :)
[10:04] <nik90> mihir: I am using the date time picker for the new clock app and it seems to work fine on the phone.
[10:05] <nik90> mihir: The only thing that doesn't work is autopilot tests w.r.t date time picker due a autopilot bug
[10:11] <mihir> Hmm okay , nik90
[10:11] <mihir> need to figure out why it doesn't work on device
[10:13] <brendand> mihir, calendar could be using it wrong
[10:13] <brendand> mihir, you might try the emulator
[10:39] <mihir> brendand: Thank, will have to figure it out.
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[10:57] <nik90> balloons: Do you want to quickly look at https://code.launchpad.net/~carla-sella/ubuntu-clock-app/add-alarm-test/+merge/229084 before I merge it to trunk? It looks ready.
[11:43] <dpm> hi oSoMoN, are youtube videos supposed to be working with the browser? I tested the youtube scope last week, and when it opened a browser to play the videos, none of them could be played
[11:45] <oSoMoN> dpm, could it be the bug that mhr3 was mentioning on Friday, where the scope tries to open youtube with https://, but the video is being served from http://, and therefore it’s blocked?
[11:46] <oSoMoN> dpm, can you otherwise play youtube videos in the browser by browsing to them from the youtube homepage?
[11:46] <dpm> oSoMoN, I couldn't, but let me re-check (I'm updating to the latest devel-proposed image now)
[11:49] <oSoMoN> dpm, works here
[11:52] <daker> oSoMoN: for me no, i have seen this yesterday the video source is loaded using http while the page is https(unsecure content)
[11:59] <daker> oSoMoN: if the video url is serverd using https it wont work
[11:59] <daker> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7951285/
[12:00] <mzanetti> fdassdff: http://notyetthere.org/wheretheissat-redone/
[12:01] <oSoMoN> daker, yeah, that’s exactly the issue mhr3 was mentioning on Friday, apparently the video scope builds the URL with https:// (not sure why), so I suggested as a quick fix that they remove the s
[12:01] <daker> yes
[12:02] <dpm> oSoMoN, ok, yes, that's exactly what I'm seeing. I can load http YT videos on the browser, but the scope uses https and won't load them
[12:04] <mzanetti> oSoMoN: hey, I've reported this bug on Sat: https://bugs.launchpad.net/webbrowser-app/+bug/1351636
[12:04] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1351636 in webbrowser-app "Can't login to WiFi hotspot network" [Undecided,New]
[12:04] <mzanetti> oSoMoN: I'd still be in range of some hotspot networs for 2 days. If you want me to collect some logs, please let me know
[12:05] <oSoMoN> mzanetti, oh, thanks, I had missed that one, I’ll look into it this afternoon and let you know if I need more info
[12:05] <mzanetti> ok, cool, thanks
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[13:29] <qtros> Can anyone help me with adding "Yandex" to Online Accounts on UP?
[13:39] <dpm> qtros, I'm afraid we cannot easily add any new online accounts until we're able to ship them as clicks
[13:45] <qtros> dpm hello, David) Ok, let me know when it will happen ;)
[13:46] <dpm> qtros, it will be after RTM, but rest assured there will be an announcement, I'm looking forward to it myself :)
[13:49] <popey> mzanetti: your app failed because "'ubuntu-sdk-14.10-dev3' is not a supported framework" - which dholbach has raised on the app store mailing list.. seems like an inconsistency
[13:50] <qtros> dpm, I should ask another people about this, but maybe you know - why launch of any application on UP takes so long time?
[13:50] <dholbach> popey, did you see what jdstrand said on #ubuntu-devel earlier?
[13:50] <mzanetti> popey: well, the publisher site asked me to set that
[13:51] <mzanetti> popey: btw. is it really required to bump that version like every other week?
[13:51] <dholbach> popey, so I'm not sure anything regarding the frameworks will be changed any time soon
[13:51] <mzanetti> starts becoming a bit annoying tbh. my deps don't change but still I have to update that all the time
[13:51] <qtros> mzanetti +
[13:53] <popey> dholbach: no
[13:53] <popey> and now yes
[13:53] <dholbach> <jdstrand> dholbach: I too agree there is no reason to rev the numbers in lockstep, however, there is probably a reason to rev the main one to whatever the highest one is
[13:53] <dholbach> dholbach: ie, right now there is ubuntu-sdk-14.10-qml-dev3 but there is only ubuntu-sdk-14.10-dev2
[13:54] <popey> so what do we do? we can't approve apps right now.
[13:54] <dholbach> popey, it's a framework which does not exist
[13:54] <dholbach> that's the problem
[13:54] <popey> right, but the store thinks it does
[13:55] <popey> so it's the store that's at fault.
[13:55] <popey> ubuntu-sdk-14.10-dev3 should not be listed as a possible framework when submitting apps, basically.
[13:55] <dholbach> oh
[13:55] <dholbach> so that was not something you specified in the manifest?
[13:55] <popey> the process went like this..
[13:56] <popey> copy/paste bbcnews webapp to forecast webapp
[13:56] <popey> edit manifest to bump to 14.10-dev2 (as I knew this needed bumping)
[13:56] <popey> run the tools on it, pass
[13:56] <popey> submit to the store, FAIL
[13:56] <dholbach> beuno, ^
[13:56] <dholbach> popey, sorry - I assumed this was something you specified in the manifest
[13:56] <popey> store bitches that -dev2 is not allowed, so I bump it, and now the store accepts it
[13:56] <popey> yeah, i did specify in the manifest ☻
[13:56] <popey> because the store told me to
[13:57] <popey> before you even saw it
[13:57] <dholbach> beuno, is https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/+junk/frameworks/view/head:/frameworks.json what the store uses?
[13:57] <popey> I got the automated test running in the website telling me I used an invalid framework
[13:57] <popey> no doubt mzanetti got the same?
[13:57] <mzanetti> yep
[13:57] <mzanetti> then I just picked one from the list the website was giving me
[13:58] <beuno> dholbach, otp, but, it's at the moment something I add to the admin
[13:58] <popey> bingo, same as me
[13:58] <beuno> disconected from frameworks.json
[13:58] <beuno> dholbach, I plan for the store to generate frameworks.json automatically
[13:58] <beuno> soon
[13:58] <beuno> I'll get back to the -dev2/3 mess in a bit
[13:58] <beuno> I got confused
[13:58] <dholbach> thanks beuno
[13:59] <beuno> well, it's confusing to just release -3 of QML and not the rest
[13:59] <beuno> :)
[13:59] <dholbach> beuno, mzanetti and popey can be your guinea pigs :)
[13:59] <beuno> they always are.
[13:59] <popey> *squeak*
[13:59] <dholbach> all in order then :-P
[13:59] <popey> thanks dholbach beuno
[13:59] <qtros> Guys, please told me, why launching of any application on UP takes so much time? I've tested UP on device year ago, application startup was much faster!
[14:00] <mzanetti> popey: :D
[14:01] <jdstrand> dholbach: the click reviewers tools should have rejected ubuntu-sdk-14.10-dev3
[14:01] <jdstrand> popey: ^
[14:02] <jdstrand> I understand the store may have accepted it
[14:02] <dholbach> jdstrand, my local c-r-t run did that
[14:02] <jdstrand> right, ok good
[14:02] <jdstrand> so, I talked to beuno about the store over the weekend. I guess the store needs to get the frameworks.json like the tools do
[14:03] <jdstrand> popey: I suggest changing your app to use either ubuntu-sdk-14.10-qml-dev3 or ubuntu-sdk-14.10-dev2
[14:03] <jdstrand> that will let apps flow until the store, the frameworks and the review tools are in sync
[14:06] <jdstrand> dholbach (and beuno): so, if the store is updated to use the remote frameworks.json, then the tools, the sdk and the store should never be out of sync
[14:07] <jdstrand> dholbach: then it is just a matter of keeping frameworks.json in sync with the framework upload
[14:07] <beuno> right
[14:07] <beuno> I'll get that done soon
[14:07] <dholbach> sexy times!
[14:07] <beuno> it'll generate the json instead of consuming it
[14:07] <beuno> from the bzr branch
[14:07] <beuno> but I don't think that changes anything
[14:08] <beuno> other than who can update it, which I will widen the group at some point as well
[14:08] <jdstrand> beuno: huh, so what I mentioned over the weekend is that I updated the bzr branch and the store still rejected it
[14:08] <beuno> jdstrand, my brain will be with you in 15, wrapping up a call!
[14:10] <popey> jdstrand: ok, thanks.
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[14:13] <nik90> renatu: hey, did you get a chance to look through my fastscroll branch that I emailed you about?
[14:13] <renatu> not yet
[14:13] <popey> nik90: whats the tag you're using for rtm bugs on clock?
[14:14] <popey> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1338697 needs tagging
[14:14] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1338697 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Alarm sound url read from a saved alarm is always empty" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[14:14] <nik90> popey: I just assign to the rtm milestone..haven't tagged them specificall
[14:14] <popey> ah
[14:14] <nik90> popey: I will mark that as affecting the clock app while the fix is to be done in the SDK
[14:15] <popey> k
[14:19] <nik90> renatu: if you have some time this week can you do so, I am pretty sure that I am just missing a one liner that is causing it to not work properly
[14:20] <popey> jdstrand: beuno when should I resubmit with the changed framework?
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[14:28] <jdstrand> popey: what framework are you using?
[14:29] <beuno> so, what happened is that I deprecated all of -dev2
[14:29] <beuno> and added a -dev3 for all of them
[14:29] <jdstrand> ah
[14:29] <jdstrand> I see
[14:29] <popey> jdstrand: ubuntu-sdk-14.10-dev2
[14:29] <beuno> because that's what I expected it to work lik
[14:29] <beuno> liek
[14:29] <jdstrand> right, so the store has to be updated
[14:30] * beuno gives up
[14:30] <beuno> so I can change that
[14:30] <popey> so the store said this http://paste.ubuntu.com/7952332/
[14:30] <jdstrand> when I reuploaded my app, I used ubuntu-sdk-14.10-qml-dev2, but that was before beuno deprecated all of -dev2
[14:30] <beuno> but having some in -dev2 and some un -dev3 seems to confuse our story further
[14:31] <jdstrand> beuno: right, I found that surprising too. that came up on the mailing list today
[14:31] <beuno> I think I'd rather we have -dev3 for everything
[14:31] <beuno> I'll allow both in the mean time
[14:31] <beuno> to unblock everything
[14:31] <jdstrand> beuno: where are you updating this? I don't see any changes to frameworks.json?
[14:32] <beuno> jdstrand, in an admin. Atm, frameworks.json has to be manually updated
[14:32] <beuno> it will be replaced by a webservice soon
[14:32] <jdstrand> beuno: I think if you adjusted the store to do what I did in the click reviewers tools, than it would be ok, no?
[14:32] <beuno> so it'll all be in sync
[14:32] <jdstrand> I see
[14:32] <beuno> jdstrand, indeed, I'll pull in trunk and match what you did
[14:32] <jdstrand> granted, the frameworks.json is currently reflecting the weird state we are in
[14:32] <beuno> the webservice is quick to do, I'll try and knock it off this week
[14:33] <jdstrand> ie, ubuntu-sdk-14.10-qml-dev3 without corresponding ubuntu-sdk-14.10-dev3
[14:33] * beuno nods
[14:34] <jdstrand> beuno: if I see ubuntu-sdk-14.10-dev3 uploaded, then I'll update the branch and ping you to resync
[14:34] <popey> note also needs to be in sync with what click says is valid on devices?
[14:34] <beuno> jdstrand, thanks
[14:35] <popey> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7952363/
[14:35] <beuno> popey, indeed
[14:35] <beuno> ok, so the store is updated
[14:35] <beuno> and is in sync with the review script
[14:35] <beuno> sorry about the hiccup here
[14:35] <beuno> that's what I get for trying to work over the weekend
[14:36] <jdstrand> popey: it should be now: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/+junk/frameworks/view/head:/frameworks.json
[14:36] <beuno> ubuntu-sdk-14.10-qml-dev2 is deprecated in favor of -dev3
[14:36] <beuno> everything else continues to work
[14:36] <jdstrand> (that happened late last week, and the store is now in sync with that url)
[14:36] <jdstrand> sounds good
[14:36] <jdstrand> clearly we aren't quite there yet wrt staying in sync, but we are getting there
[14:37] <beuno> yeah, I think auto-generating frameworks.json is the missing piece
[14:38] <popey> \o/ submitted updated app, thanks chaps
[14:38] <popey> dholbach: ^ ☻
[14:38] <popey> mzanetti: you may want to resubmit your awesome world-changing app too
[14:40] <mzanetti> popey: lol
[14:40] <popey> ☻
[14:40] <mzanetti> popey: what's the status mow? just resubmit as is? with -dev3?
[14:41] <mzanetti> right... scrollback says so
[14:42] * mzanetti always adds a micro version number to apps just for the store :D
[14:43] <popey> yeah, i bumped version and moved to ubuntu-sdk-14.10-dev2
[14:52] <mzanetti> dpm: hey, I can't manage to log in into my phone any more... you seem to have built up some knowledge about the new security stuff
[14:52] <mzanetti> dpm: can you help me?
[14:53] <mzanetti> I'm using the latest promoted image (updated ota) and the device doesn't show up in adb devices any more
[14:53] <nerochiaro> zbenjamin: i'm trying to build a trunk branch of gallery in an armhf chroot via qtcreator. i updated the chroot and i used the "manage" option to go in there and install build-dep of the app. I still get this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7952497/ Any ideas ?
[14:56] <dpm> mzanetti, what do you mean log in, you mean as a user to get past the welcome screen, or as a developer?
[14:56] <dpm> trying to deploy an app
[14:56] <mzanetti> dpm: trying to get a command line on the phone
[14:56] <mzanetti> dpm: adb devices doesn't show it
[14:56] <dpm> mzanetti, you should have developer mode under System Settings > About this phone
[14:57] <mzanetti> dpm: I enabled that
[14:57] <mzanetti> dpm: it also says I need to set a password. I did that, but it doesn't seem to work
[14:57] <mzanetti> image 157
[14:57] <dpm> mzanetti, hm, that was going to be my next question
[14:58] <dpm> ogra_, would you know why mzanetti can't access adb even after having enabled developer mode + screen lock on image 157? ^
[14:58] <zbenjamin> nerochiaro: apt-get install libcontent-hub-dev:armhf ?
[14:58] <mzanetti> dpm: ogra_: note that setting a password doesn't seem to really enable the screen lock
[14:58] <zbenjamin> nerochiaro: inside the chroot of course
[14:59] <nerochiaro> zbenjamin: libcontent-hub-dev:armhf : Depends: libcontent-hub0:armhf (= 0.0+14.10.20140801.4-0ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed
[15:05] <ogra_> mzanetti, better tell that to mterry
[15:05] <mzanetti> ogra_: hey, another question: I'm using a dedicated device just for developing where I don't care at all for security (don't take it with me, doesn't have any sensitive information)
[15:06] <mzanetti> ogra_: this new mode still always forces me to enter a pin whenever I want to have a test run of my app?
[15:06] <ogra_> we just dropped that nonsense (i hope)
[15:07] <mzanetti> ah, great :)
[15:07] <ogra_> you should get a popup on screen if you connect to a new PC ... once you approved that it should always just connect
[15:07] <ogra_> like android does
[15:07] <mzanetti> mhm... works for me I guess
[15:07] <mzanetti> thanks
[15:07] <ogra_> for the popup you need to unlock once ... but if the PC figerprint is known it shouldnt ask again
[15:08] <mzanetti> sounds good
[15:08] <ogra_> well, if i manage to implement it in time :P
[15:08] <mzanetti> heh... hurry up then :D
[15:08] <mzanetti> ogra_: btw. no reply from king.com
[15:08] <ogra_> :(
[15:09] <ogra_> mzanetti, btw, how did you test the passwd stuff ? on y fresh readonly flash i hope ;)
[15:09] <ogra_> there is no migration path to the new model in apt at all
[15:09] <mzanetti> ogra_: no... I'm on holiday and just have my dogfooding phone with me
[15:09] <mzanetti> ran into an issue with wifi hotspots and wanted to get logs
[15:10] <ogra_> rigtht, talk to mterry then please
[15:10] <mzanetti> no chance in activating some mode to get em
[15:10] <mzanetti> ack
[15:10] <ogra_> well adb is still as it was before
[15:10] <mzanetti> humm... adb devices doesn't give me anything
[15:10] <ogra_> nothing changed there yet, up to now i only added the UI
[15:11] <ogra_> if the checkbox is toddled on adb should just work
[15:11] <ogra_> *toggled
[15:12] <mzanetti> ok... I guess I should try to find another USB cable then... really weird
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[15:59] <mhall119> Kaleo: can you help http://askubuntu.com/questions/506614/why-cant-i-use-the-14-10-development-apis
[16:00] <Kaleo> mhall119, I don't really know what's going on there, t1mp is the one familiar with this piece
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[16:05] <mhall119> t1mp: ^^
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[17:02] <t1mp> mhall119, Kaleo ^ I answered on askubuntu
[17:03] <Kaleo> t1mp, thanks
[17:10] <mhall119> thanks t1mp
[17:11] <nerochiaro> artmello: hey, quick question: can you currently build the gallery app in qtcreator using the armhf kit ?
[17:19] <t1mp> nerochiaro: hello
[17:19] <nerochiaro> t1mp: hey
[17:19] <t1mp> nerochiaro: I've been trying to figure out exactly what broke this in notes-app: https://bugs.launchpad.net/notes-app/+bug/1350361
[17:19] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1350361 in notes-app "test_note_focus_on_second_click_outside failed on mako #159" [Undecided,In progress]
[17:19] <t1mp> nerochiaro: any ideas?
[17:19] <t1mp> mhall119: ^for that bug, do you know what the lt- bugs mean?
[17:19] <t1mp> s/bugs/tags
[17:20] <t1mp> mhall119: ahh.. I think I figured it out - Landing Team :)
[17:21] <nerochiaro> t1mp: not sure. as the comments pointed out it's a bug in the calculation of the note size, which is based on text size essentially
[17:21] <mhall119> t1mp: glad I could help :)
[17:21] <t1mp> mhall119: :)
[17:21] <nerochiaro> t1mp: but i haven't been touching notes in a while
[17:22] <artmello> nerochiaro: didn't try to build it recently, but yes I was able to
[17:22] <t1mp> nerochiaro: seems like nobody did, so I got the bug ;)
[17:22] <mhall119> balloons: ^^ can you check t1mp's bug above? It sounds like the failure might be limited to the test setup
[17:22] <t1mp> nerochiaro: anyway, thanks :) the bug doesn't seem important anymore anyway (it did at first)
[17:22] <t1mp> nerochiaro: btw, by the end of the week I'll be back in bcn :)
[17:26] <t1mp> mhall119, balloons that failure is not limited to the test setup, I reproduced it on mako with image 16x
[17:26] * t1mp food, bbl
[17:36] * balloons resding
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[18:22] <achiang> anyone have experience debugging complex apps with c++ backends? i somehow found myself deep in the guts of qt5base and thinking this can't be where i should be...
[19:18] <nerochiaro> artmello_: when you have a moment can you please try again with trunk ?
[19:18] <artmello_> nerochiaro: sure
[19:19] <popey> beuno: https://pastebin.canonical.com/114767/ got that when trying to upload a version of my app
[19:57] <ahayzen> popey, ping
[20:00] <popey> ahayzen: yo!
[20:00] <popey> ahayzen: good weekend?
[20:01] <ahayzen> popey, yeah a busy one u?
[20:01] <popey> beer train
[20:01] <popey> choo choo *hic*
[20:01] <ahayzen> \o/
[20:01] <ahayzen> ah with ubuntu-uk?
[20:01] <popey> ya
[20:01] <ahayzen> sweet
[20:02] <ahayzen> 'real ale train' or RAT ?
[20:02] <ahayzen> popey, anyway ... so what is the plan with https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1350529
[20:02] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1350529 in Ubuntu Music App "[music-app] Trunk fails autopilot tests on jenkins" [High,Triaged]
[20:02] <ahayzen> popey, if u look at my last comment i've basically shown that it isn't the music-app there is something strange going on
[20:03] <ahayzen> popey, either we are missing some property to filter the tracks or the QML plugin is broken
[20:03] <popey> yes, RAT ☻
[20:03] * popey looks
[20:04] <ahayzen> popey, and according to the landing mail it is 'worked on by upstream developers' ... not sure who 'upstream' is? us || mediascanner2 guys?
[20:05] <ahayzen> popey, oh and if u could confirm that mini-app i made does that same it could be useful ;)
[20:05] <popey> lets ask sil2100 in -ci-eng
[20:06] <ahayzen> popey, cool
[20:06] <popey> lemme test that now
[20:07] * balloons listens
[20:07] <ahayzen> balloons, o/
[20:07] <balloons> hey ahayzen :-)
[20:07] <ahayzen> popey, it is a qmlproject app.. so easiest way is to open in qtcreator then do 'install/run on device'
[20:08] <ahayzen> popey, suppose that bug should be critical not high as well as it is blocking the image and our mps
[20:08] <popey> ahayzen: your app doesnt launch here
[20:08] <ahayzen> popey, uhoh
[20:09] <ahayzen> popey, what does it say?
[20:09] * popey reboots
[20:09] <popey> nothing
[20:09] <ahayzen> hah
[20:09] <popey> doesn't launch
[20:09] <ahayzen> popey, i think i had to go with the install the app route as run just didn't wanna play IIRC
[20:10] <popey> yeah, i made a click from it, pushed to phone and installed
[20:10] <popey> probably apparmor
[20:10] <popey> ☻
[20:10] <ahayzen> popey, i did Build->Ubuntu->Install application on device
[20:10] <ahayzen> popey, yeah it needs to be unconfined
[20:11] <popey> i get no log at all when running iut
[20:11] <popey> lemme do it in sdk
[20:11] <popey> expecting failure
[20:11] * jdstrand advises to use click-reviewers-tools and do 'grep DEN /var/log/syslog'
[20:11] <ahayzen> popey, ah the app.json isn;t in the bzr?
[20:11] <popey> there were no denials, I was being humourous ☻
[20:11] <ahayzen> popey, so u'll have to mod it urself
[20:11] <jdstrand> heh
[20:11] <popey> correct, no app.json
[20:12] <ahayzen> popey, hang on i'll add it then push
[20:12] <popey> thanks
[20:12] <ahayzen> popey, try now pulling now :)
[20:13] <popey> k
[20:15] <popey> uh
[20:15] <popey> this looks messed up
[20:15] <ahayzen> popey, now whats up lol
[20:16] <popey> http://imgur.com/pPz72YZ
[20:16] <popey> that looks bad
[20:16] <ahayzen> popey, thats what i had! now close it and run it again
[20:17] <ahayzen> popey, i just thought it was some random Mir thing lol
[20:17] <popey> same
[20:17] <ahayzen> popey, except mine was white on black not black on white
[20:17] <popey> freaky
[20:17] <ahayzen> popey, did it run the second time?
[20:17] <popey> yes
[20:18] <ahayzen> hah
[20:18] <popey> lots of crap in unity8.log
[20:18] <ahayzen> popey, ok so at the top do u have some *completely* empty listitems?
[20:18] <nik90> .;
[20:18] * ahayzen causes bugs in his 'mini-app' to solve bugs....
[20:18] <popey> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7955024/
[20:19] <ahayzen> oh god popey should we report this in another bug?
[20:19] <popey> you doing this on devel or proposed?
[20:19] <ahayzen> popey, i was ~166 now i'm on the latest proposed
[20:20] <popey> hm
[20:20] <popey> same
[20:20] <popey> what does your app even do?
[20:20] <popey> there's nothing to it
[20:20] <ahayzen> popey, hang on just about to post a screeny of mine..
[20:21] <ahayzen> popey, less is more ;) ... https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3XynHVKfrvMOW5BOWV4Q2lieTg/edit
[20:21] <popey> wtf
[20:21] <popey> why is mine so messed up
[20:22] <ahayzen> popey, it simply lists the title and filename of every song in the SongsModel ... but it shows that the first two items are incorrect as they have no filepath or title or anything! ... (which is the bug that is causing music-app to explode)
[20:22] <nik90> balloons: Hi, I am going to go ahead and merge https://code.launchpad.net/~carla-sella/ubuntu-clock-app/add-alarm-test/+merge/229084
[20:22] <popey> can you post your screenshot to the bug to make it clear?
[20:22] <nik90> balloons: is that okay with you?
[20:22] <popey> and in words of one syllable
[20:23] <ahayzen> popey, yep will do .... hmm one syllable ;)
[20:23] <popey> "tune no work"
[20:23] <popey> best synonym for music I could come up with
[20:24] <popey> jdstrand: i appreciate you having apparmor on hilight though (I assume)
[20:24] <ahayzen> hah
[20:24] <popey> I dont understand why it's blowing up so madly for me
[20:24] * popey reboots
[20:26] <ahayzen> popey, i can't remember what i did to mine to fix it... thought i just closed the app and reopened
[20:26] <ahayzen> popey, but maybe i reinstalled from qtcreator or something
[20:28] <balloons> nik90, weird, my other comments are gone :-(
[20:28] <nik90> balloons: were they inline comments?
[20:28] <balloons> no, I must not have submitted them I guess
[20:29] <nik90> balloons: oh :(
[20:29] <ahayzen> popey, commented, hope it is clear enough? https://bugs.launchpad.net/music-app/+bug/1350529/comments/8 ... i may have used more than 1 syllable though ;)
[20:29] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1350529 in Ubuntu Music App "[music-app] Trunk fails autopilot tests on jenkins" [High,Triaged]
[20:29] <nik90> balloons: can you add them when you have time? I believe carla is already starting with the next round of tests.
[20:31] <popey> ahayzen: thank you!
[20:32] <ahayzen> popey, so do we now wait to see what ms2 guys say? i feel there isn't much more we can do as we have proved it isn't us?
[20:32] <popey> yeah, I'll poke jamesh
[20:33] <ahayzen> popey, cool thanks, meanwhile the listitem-actions, nik90 helped me find the address-book one that i've been reworking ours to https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/music-app/listitem-actions-take-2 which should then have consistent animations across address-book, clock-reboot and music-app :)
[20:34] <balloons> nik90, I think it's fine. I had trouble getting things runnning locally as well. If they work for you and jenkins, I'm happy for the moment
[20:34] <ahayzen> popey, and for this bug 1205355 i just approved the fix that they made for us :)
[20:34] <ubot5> bug 1205355 in ubuntu-download-manager "Content-Disposition is not used to get the file name" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1205355
[20:34] <nik90> balloons: well I don't know about jenkins, but it worked for me in the utopic vm I have
[20:34] <balloons> nik90, I would like __init__.py to be different.. no disabling OKS for instance
[20:34] <popey> ahayzen: sweet!
[20:34] <popey> awesome news
[20:34] <ahayzen> popey, now for the content-hub we are waiting for mediascanner2 again lol... we need a way of streaming/reloading the models
[20:34] <nik90> balloons: I agree, I was about to ask you about it actually
[20:35] <ahayzen> popey, then content-hub is done \o/
[20:35] <popey> nearly there!
[20:35] <ahayzen> popey, the mediascanner2 folk must love us lol requesting loads of features and finding loads of bugs all the time ;)
[20:36] <nik90> balloons: I think she took it from the old clock app tests which also do that
[20:36] <ahayzen> popey, are u going to poke jamesh via mail? ... because if u are could u refresh his mind with the reloading/streaming models issue as well?
[20:36] <popey> i just poked via irc
[20:37] <ahayzen> popey, :) ...which chann?
[20:37] <popey> feel free to poke via mail, the two-pronged attack works well with the wild-eye'd marsupial developer
[20:37] <popey> pm
[20:37] <ahayzen> ah
[20:37] <ahayzen> haha
[20:38] <nik90> ahayzen: thought you added some modifications to it :P
[20:38] <ahayzen> nik90, *adding* ...
[20:38] <nik90> hehe
[20:38] <ahayzen> nik90, just starting to figure out reordering
[20:38] <balloons> nik90, right, which is why it's ok to merge it for now
[20:38] <jdstrand> Wellark: hey, are you around and available to talk about the connectivity-api? it seems it would be quite late for you so feel free to tell me to wait until morning
[20:39] <jdstrand> well, my morning, it would be your afternoon tomorrow :)
[20:40] <ahayzen> popey, what were we doing with that screen corruption issue? did we want to just show someone to see if it is valid?
[20:41] <popey> ahayzen: yeah, I'll file a bug
[20:41] <ahayzen> popey, cool thanks :)
[20:46] <nik90> balloons: ok
[20:57] <popey> ahayzen: bug 1352553
[20:57] <ubot5> bug 1352553 in mir (Ubuntu) "Screen corruption on mako #169" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1352553
[20:58] <ahayzen> popey, thanks :)
[22:16] <ahayzen> nik90, u still around?
[22:28] <nik90> ahayzen: what's up
[22:29] <ahayzen> nik90, i need to conditionally set the leftSideAction
[22:29] <ahayzen> nik90, so i have songStackPage.line1 === "Playlist" ? playlistRemoveAction : null
[22:29] <nik90> hmm
[22:29] <ahayzen> nik90, and playlistRemoveAction is a Component with the action inside...
[22:29] <ahayzen> nik90, but i just get "Unable to assign QQmlComponent to Action_QMLTYPE_19"
[22:30] <ahayzen> nik90, wondered if u had any ideas as my brain has frozen :/
[22:32] <ahayzen> nik90, the only thing i can think of is dynamically create them in JS but that just feels like it would be slow and horrible to write compared to pure QML
[22:33] <nik90> maybe use a loader?
[22:33] <nik90> which is loaded only when you want it to
[22:33] <nik90> ahayzen: ^^ ?
[22:33] <ahayzen> nik90, hmm sounds like a plan
[22:38] <ahayzen> nik90, sweet changing playlistRemoveAction to a Loader then putting the action as the sourceComponent... then just do songStackPage.line1 === "Playlist" ? playlistRemoveAction.item : null
[22:38] <ahayzen> nik90, works thanks :)
[22:39] <nik90> ahayzen: awesome
[22:41] <ahayzen> nik90, thats reordering added \o/
[22:45] <nik90> \o/
[22:51] <balloons> ahayzen, so I'm wondering where to start on restructing for tests for music.. Should I merge all the pending branches and depend on them or /
[22:52] <ahayzen> balloons, hah oh god this could be fun....
[22:52] <balloons> ahayzen, yea, it's kind of why I keep putting it off..
[22:52] <ahayzen> balloons, FYI ms2 has broken us for now due to https://bugs.launchpad.net/music-app/+bug/1350529
[22:52] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1350529 in Ubuntu Music App "[music-app] Trunk fails autopilot tests on jenkins" [High,Triaged]
[22:52] <ahayzen> balloons, i would recommend waiting for ^^ to be fixed
[22:52] <balloons> ahayzen, right I saw you talking with popey about it
[22:52] <balloons> ahayzen, do you expect many things to change in the qml?
[22:53] <ahayzen> balloons, then all of our branches will land.... and hopefully my listitem actions will...so all i'll have left is content-hub/bottom-edge then i'm onto ap refactor
[22:54] <ahayzen> balloons, erm not much for the fix to ^^ bug...but when listitem-actions lands that could be a big change...and bottom-edge could be fun to test if i can figure it out before rtm :)
[22:54] <balloons> but your thought is to wait.. as indeed that's alot of change to the app
[22:54] <ahayzen> balloons, would u be around for our weekly meeting on thurs? ... because by then i would hope that the bug would be resolved/solution incoming and we could then discuss plans with alan and victor?
[22:55] <ahayzen> balloons, eg which things to land before/after etc
[22:55] <balloons> I'm usually just waking up when you guys meet :-)
[22:55] <ahayzen> balloons, are u +/- victor's timezone?
[22:55] <balloons> same, and yes, he's an early riser I guess
[22:55] <ahayzen> balloons, hah it is lunch time for me... i sprint back from work so usually a few minutes late ;)
[22:56] <ahayzen> balloons, victor is -5 and ur -4?
[22:56] <balloons> ohh is victor -5?
[22:56] <balloons> I'm -4 now yes
[22:56] <ahayzen> balloons, what this says https://launchpad.net/~vthompson
[22:57] <balloons> so yea, early riser if he's up much before that meeting
[22:57] <ahayzen> balloons, he usually surfaces for the meeting lol
[22:58] <ahayzen> balloons, but yeah i would recommend just holding off for a little bit...hopefully not too long
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