UbuntuIRC / 2014 /08 /04 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <mikeit> shay_shay, but you are add some repository and if yes what repo?
[00:02] <shay_shay> none
[00:03] <shay_shay> i think the problem is sourceforge changed their webpage and it broke the functionality of the installer
[00:04] <shay_shay> python -m SimpleHTTPServer
[00:04] <shay_shay> gonna use that :D
[00:06] <mikeit> ok
[01:20] <shay_shay> well the server trick worked
[01:20] <shay_shay> but now its doing something else
=== magic- is now known as magic
=== tlyu_ is now known as tlyu
=== qengho is now known as CardinalFang
=== CardinalFang is now known as qengho
[17:07] <smallfoot-> hi
[17:07] <smallfoot-> Trusty has newer version of Compiz and Firefox than Utopic
=== dkessel_ is now known as dkessel
[17:45] <smallfoot-> Trusty has newer version of Compiz and Firefox than Utopic
[17:46] <Daekdroom> So...?
[18:25] <smallfoot-> so someone must fix it
[18:26] <lordievader> smallfoot-: Did you file a bug?
[18:27] <smallfoot-> no, is this a bug?
[18:28] <lordievader> smallfoot-: I've seen bug with the context of "please upgrade <package> to version <something>", whishlist bug I suppose.
[18:49] <smallfoot-> oh
=== les_ is now known as les
[22:36] <smallfoot-> Trusty has newer version of Compiz and Firefox than Utopic