UbuntuIRC / 2014 /08 /03 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
=== magic is now known as DayAfterTomorrow
=== DayAfterTomorrow is now known as magic
=== magic is now known as KnowsIt
=== KnowsIt is now known as magic
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
[13:52] <j_f-f> Hello.
[13:52] <penguin42> hey
[13:53] <j_f-f> Why is the bug 1293144 closed with "Fix Released" without any bugfix in trusty?
[13:53] <ubot5> bug 1293144 in evolution (Ubuntu) "evolution crashes with SIGSEGV in folder_tree_maybe_expand_row() when creating new folder" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1293144
[13:54] <penguin42> so that would need an SRU for an older release?
[13:56] * penguin42 reads
[13:56] <penguin42> j_f-f: OK, so let me just understand this...
[13:57] <penguin42> j_f-f: The bug was reported on an older version, but it turns out it's fixed on the newer version - but no one actually knows what fixed it?
[13:58] <penguin42> j_f-f: Am I reading that right?
[13:59] <j_f-f> penguin42:If you mean the trusty version is old yes
[13:59] <penguin42> j_f-f: But I'm right in reading that no one actually knows what the fix is?
[14:00] <j_f-f> penguin42: No there is a bug fix on upstream
[14:01] <penguin42> j_f-f: Ah ok
[14:01] <penguin42> j_f-f: OK, so they're right to mark as 'fixed released' - but it can still get fixed in older releases
[14:02] <penguin42> j_f-f: But it does need marking for SRU
[14:03] <penguin42> j_f-f: Since you seem to know the bug, can you follow procedure https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#SRU_Bug_Template
[14:04] <penguin42> j_f-f: I've nominated for trusty - but someone who knows the bug needs to fix it up according to the information shown there
[14:09] <j_f-f> penguin42: ok. But I think thats not the right way. With "Fix released" the bug looks like as done.
[14:09] <j_f-f> penguin42: thanks
[14:12] <penguin42> j_f-f: It is the right way, you're misunderstanding launchpad
[14:13] <penguin42> j_f-f: If the nomination thing works it'll show another task on the same bug for Trusty and that will be in New, even though the existing task is at fixed released