UbuntuIRC / 2014 /08 /03 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
[00:01] <Daekdroom> !daily
[00:01] <ubottu> Daily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/
=== magic is now known as DayAfterTomorrow
=== DayAfterTomorrow is now known as magic
=== magic is now known as KnowsIt
=== KnowsIt is now known as magic
=== Kow_ is now known as Kow
[10:58] <BluesKaj> 'Morning all
[13:59] <BluesKaj> BBL
[17:48] <shay_shay_> http://hastebin.com/upudopobik.vhdl
[17:49] <shay_shay_> is this just a case of this package hasnt been packaged for utopic yet?
[17:49] <shay_shay_> if so, i'm okay with waiting this pc is right next to the router :P
[17:50] <penguin42> shay_shay_: Try doing an apt-get update and trying again
[17:50] <penguin42> shay_shay_: That normally happens where your index says to get version x.y but there's now a newer version on the mirrors
[17:50] <shay_shay_> ah
[17:50] <shay_shay_> that must be the case. i was just installing things from a livecd
[17:51] <shay_shay_> working
[17:51] <shay_shay_> hah i am dumb
[17:51] <penguin42> no problem
[17:51] <shay_shay_> i'm surprised the gui driver selector doesnt apt-get update
[17:52] <shay_shay_> it was erroring out (silently) because of that
[17:53] <penguin42> yes, it seems silly not to
[17:53] <shay_shay_> utopic uses systemd correct?
[17:54] <shay_shay_> trying to restart my networkmanager with systemctl but its giving me "Failed to get D-Bus connection: No connection to service manager."
[17:59] <shay_shay_> oh i need systemd-sysv?
[18:02] <shay_shay_> odd
[18:02] <shay_shay_> root@ubuntu:~# ps -p 1 -o comm=
[18:02] <shay_shay_> init
[18:11] <shay_shay_> ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo modprobe -r b43 ssb wl
[18:11] <shay_shay_> modprobe: FATAL: Module ssb is in use.
[18:11] <shay_shay_> any idea ... i need to unload those modules and then reload wl
[18:15] <shay_shay_> :/
[18:16] <shay_shay_> ahah!
[18:17] <shay_shay__> i figured it out
[18:18] <shay_shay__> ssb_hcd was depending on ssb module
[18:18] <shay_shay__> couldnt remove ssb without removing ssb_hcd first
[18:19] <shay_shay__> then wl loaded and i restarted networkmanager and BAM i could see all wifi ssids
[23:37] <shay_shay> hello
[23:40] <shay_shay> http://hastebin.com/pucovakipi.pas can i get some help with this please
[23:45] <mikeit> http://sourceforge.net/projects/corefonts/files/corefonts/1.3/
[23:49] <mikeit> this is an rpm repo
[23:49] <mikeit> shay_shay,
[23:49] <shay_shay> yes i am listening
[23:49] <shay_shay> and i'm reading the .spec
[23:50] <mikeit> you are what distro
[23:50] <shay_shay> ubuntu mate
[23:50] <mikeit> sorry for my english i'm italian
[23:50] <mikeit> ok
[23:50] <shay_shay> i'm on 14.10
[23:51] <mikeit> and for this ttf-mscorefonts-installer you are add an other repo?
[23:55] <shay_shay> http://packages.ubuntu.com/utopic/ttf-mscorefonts-installer
[23:58] <mikeit> gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and hastebin it