UbuntuIRC / 2014 /08 /03 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[08:01] <mcstr_> any good alternative to kernelcheck?
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[10:58] <BluesKaj> 'Morning all
[11:01] <santa_> morning :)
[11:59] <soee> someone on plamsa5 ?
[12:10] <BluesKaj> soee, not here, it's not ready for my laptop
[12:34] <soee> BluesKaj: why not ?
[12:34] <BluesKaj> broke my system, couldn't login
[12:35] <BluesKaj> soee,^
[12:35] <soee> strange
[12:35] <soee> sholdnt be such situation
[12:37] <santa_> BluesKaj: in that case, if you have time to talk with us about your issue you could paste your .xsession-errors file
[12:37] <santa_> hopefully would give a clue about what's wrong
[12:39] <soee> i have it running fine on my Dell, and also my desktop - installed yesterday
[12:39] <BluesKaj> soee, IO didn't bother with it , I reinstalled kubuntu with plasma4 to / and I'm sticking with that
[12:40] <santa_> <soee> someone on plamsa5 ? -> I have a few virtual machines with kubuntu and siduction (packaging done by me, heavily based on kubuntu)
[12:40] <soee> santa_: i just wanted someone to confirm small error when connecting to wifi
[12:40] <soee> kdeinit5 or something crashes than
[12:41] <santa_> hmm, I don't have wifi in the virtual machines
[12:41] <soee> some entries are gone from systray but basicaly all works fine :)
[12:41] <santa_> which entries are gone?
[12:42] <soee> kmix, clipper so i see only network icon (to big though)
[12:42] <soee> but after some thime those entries are back
[12:43] <soee> theres no such issue whit cable
[12:43] <santa_> ugh, I think I can see both of them normally
[12:48] <soee> il try to record this later and show here :)
[13:59] <BluesKaj> BBL
[15:11] <Quintasan> hurr durr
[15:11] <Quintasan> alsamixer is able to control my audio but pulseaudio suddently doesnt even detect it
[15:11] <Quintasan> what the hell
[15:13] <Quintasan> what
[15:15] <Quintasan> Ignoring /devices/platform/thinkpad_acpi/sound/card29, because marked so
[15:15] <Quintasan> lel
[15:27] <Quintasan> disabling pulseaudio worked
[15:27] <Quintasan> lol
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[19:15] <apachelogger> xnox: https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/usb-creator/qt5 I was actually pondering about renaming the frontend to Qt altogether as all kdelibs features we used are now in Qt (short of the more advanced kmessagebox versions) so putting it into trunk as FrontendQt is very much an option
[19:15] <apachelogger> that goes for all kde versions of all ubuntu guis btw
[19:24] <yofel> apachelogger: comments on my upstart regexing?
[19:29] <apachelogger> yofel: well what does it do? :P
[19:30] <apachelogger> or perhaps
[19:30] <apachelogger> yofel: why is it better than the previous one?
[19:30] <yofel> makes the regex only match the 1.13 part of 1.13.1 as QString("1.13.1").toFloat() is 0, which is not >= 1.11
[19:31] <apachelogger> mh
[19:31] <yofel> maybe just doing string comparison would be better, but I don't know how to do that in qt
[19:31] <apachelogger> yofel: to be honest, I think the version compare should be fixed
[19:32] <yofel> what direction would you take?
[19:33] <apachelogger> I'd make this a proper version compare, alas I don't think there's a lib providing a function for that so the regex probably is least invasive
[19:33] <apachelogger> the regex looks fine
[19:33] <apachelogger> oh actually
[19:34] <apachelogger> yofel: you could leave the generic regex and string manipulate the match
[19:34] <yofel> as in?
[19:36] <apachelogger> get match, check if . appears more than once if so, ditch the versions
[19:37] <apachelogger> or
[19:37] <yofel> hm, wouldn't it be easier if I then change the regex to ([0-9]+.?[0-9]*).*
[19:37] <yofel> that would even match 1.13.2a or so
[19:37] <apachelogger> .split(), shrink list .join list
[19:38] <apachelogger> yofel: yeah, it also makes my head hurt :P
[19:38] <apachelogger> plus regex is muchos slow
[19:38] <yofel> and splitting and joining the first two items is faster o.O?
[19:39] <apachelogger> regex is really slow, if you implemented the regex matching manually it'd even be faster than the actual regex
[19:40] <apachelogger> anywho, my selling point is readability
[19:40] <yofel> well, lets see if I can figure out how to do that
[19:40] <apachelogger> it's much clearly what is going on if you fetch the entire version and then clip it into form so that you can do a float compare
[19:41] <apachelogger> other option would be to split() and then bitshift into a unit64 until that is full and discard the rest of the matched string then do a compare with the uint64
[19:41] <apachelogger> ^ that's a cheapsters version compare ^^
[19:42] <yofel> ...
[19:42] <yofel> let me do a split/join before you come up with something even crazier :P
[19:43] <apachelogger> qstring::split -> qlist::mid -> qlist::join
[19:44] <apachelogger> or you could do qstring::split -> iter i<2 -> qstring::append qlist(iter)
[19:44] <apachelogger> that's too much code for no gain though
[19:44] <apachelogger> IMO
[19:53] <yofel> apachelogger: http://paste.kde.org/przs0cdiz ?
[19:54] <apachelogger> that's the same paste
[19:54] <yofel> oops
[19:54] <yofel> http://paste.kde.org/p1jxe3i0k
[19:54] <apachelogger> yofel: what if the version is 5 :P
[19:55] <yofel> damnit
[19:55] <apachelogger> yofel: have a look at mid
[19:55] <apachelogger> you can do a ternary a la list.mid(0, list.size() < 2 ? 1 : 2)
[19:56] <apachelogger> eh
[19:56] <apachelogger> list.mid(0, list.size() < 2 ? 0 : 1)
[19:56] <apachelogger> I am too drunk :P
[19:56] <apachelogger> something like that, just with proper indexes ;)
[19:59] <yofel> apachelogger: mid(0, 2) seems to work even with '5', it just takes as many exist if less than 2
[20:01] <apachelogger> ah lovely
[20:02] <yofel> apachelogger: http://paste.kde.org/pc4eg3b3r
[20:03] <apachelogger> yofel: perfect
[20:06] <yofel> apachelogger: should I commit or rather put it on reviewboard?
[20:07] <apachelogger> yofel: RB
[20:07] <yofel> ack
[20:08] <yofel> and do you know where that code lives in plasma5...?
[20:10] <apachelogger> yofel: kde:powerdevil
[20:10] <yofel> thanks
[21:09] <Riddell> cor, frameworks 5 is there for the packaging
[21:20] <yofel> how do I set someone as reviewer on reviewboard again?
[21:21] <yofel> I mean, it says Groups:/People: but what do I have to put there?
[21:22] <yofel> oh, right. The help pops up when I'm wring..
[21:22] <yofel> *writing
[21:24] <yofel> but who's responsible for powerdevil?
[21:27] * yofel puts plasma in there and hopes someone sees it
[21:43] <shadeslayer> valorie: btw do we have a plan for the book?
[21:43] * shadeslayer is unaware of one atm :O
[21:50] <Riddell> shadeslayer: anyone coming in tomorrow?
[21:56] <ScottK> yofel: Don't you want afiestas?
[21:57] <yofel> do I? I know he works on solid, but that's all..
[22:04] <apachelogger> plasma is fine
[22:05] <apachelogger> powerdevil doesn't have a dedicated maintainer right now I think
[22:26] <valorie> shadeslayer: I'll send out an email for today
[22:26] <valorie> today, I mean
[22:36] <ScottK> Riddell: Did you see the krfb security advisory?