UbuntuIRC / 2014 /07 /23 /#lubuntu.txt
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[00:04] <mgodzilla> lubuntu 14.04 software center - how do i install apps w/ the proper credentials?
[00:05] <mgodzilla> system says i'm not allowed to perform this action.
[00:05] <mgodzilla> :/
[00:05] <mgodzilla> \\test2\SHARED\Other Apps\Jenzabar\jenzabar 4.6 patches\
[00:05] <mgodzilla> oops.
[00:06] <ianorlin> mgodzilla: you enter your password in the account when you log in but your accuont needs adminstrator privledges
[00:07] <mgodzilla> ah.
[00:07] <ianorlin> for example if your screensaver went on you could accidently log in to guest account
[00:07] <mgodzilla> lookin' at users and groups now.
[00:07] <ianorlin> which doesn't have those privledges
[00:07] <mgodzilla> mmhmm.
[00:14] <mgodzilla> thank you for the insight ianorlin.
[00:14] * mgodzilla googles oodles
[03:52] <genoobie> hey all
[05:36] <santhosh_> how to enable desktop-sharing in lubuntu 14.04
[05:51] <phillw> santhosh_: have a read of http://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/remote-desktop-sharing-in-ubuntu-14-04/1640 I use ssh -X
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[06:17] <santhosh_> how to enable remote desktop on lubuntu 14.04
[06:33] <santhosh_> how to enable remote desktop on lubuntu 14.04
[06:48] <wxl> santhosh_: what exactly are you trying to accomplish? connecting via remote desktop with lubuntu or connecting to lubuntu with remote desktop? and which remote desktop? and what os is the other machine running?
[08:10] <santhosh> hai
[08:11] <santhosh> hai wlx iam enable desktop sharing in lubuntu when i try to conncet windows pc it is getting error
[08:11] <santhosh> it is same as ubuntu 14.04 also
[09:03] <santhosh> iam enable desktop sharing in lubuntu when i try to conncet windows pc it is getting error
[11:04] <randint> hello, I'm on Lubuntu 32-bit. I installed graphics drivers for my GPU (NVIDIA GeForce MX420), using this tutorial (http://ubuntuguide.net/how-to-install-nvidia-graphics-driver-in-ubuntu-10-10-maverick-meerkat). now for some reason I can't choose any resolutions other than 640x480. how could I fix this? before I installed the drivers, my default was 1280x1024.
[11:16] <joern> hi randint
[11:16] <joern> that tutorial is way too old
[11:18] <joern> unfortunately, you can't use the propietary drivers with Lubuntu
[11:19] <joern> so you need to remove it with:
[11:19] <joern> sudo apt-get remove nvidia-current nvidia-304 --purge
[11:21] <randint> joern: ok, I'm back. lets see
[11:22] <randint> joern: ok, will do that
[11:22] <joern> did you have any problems with the preinstalled driver?
[11:22] <randint> joern: though these drivers solved the other problem. I had problems with icons disappearing
[11:23] <randint> joern: and this additional driver solved the problem
[11:23] <joern> the drivers didn't really solve anything, it could not be loaded at all
[11:23] <randint> joern: well it seems to have solved it
[11:23] <joern> I guess your system did fall back to the vesa standard driver
[11:24] <joern> instead of using nouveau, which is for Nvidia cards
[11:24] <randint> joern: well, if it really did fall back to the standard driver then how can't I change the resolution? :O
[11:24] <joern> vesa doesn't support high resolutions
[11:25] <joern> nouveau supports higher resolutions, but has bugs as you have experienced
[11:25] <randint> joern: but before installing the additional drivers, my default resolution was 1280x1024
[11:26] <randint> joern: but your suggestion is to remove the added drivers and then deal with the icon problem separately?
[11:26] <joern> because your system used nouveau. after installing the official nvidia driver, your system did fall back to vesa which doesn't support your screen resolution
[11:26] <joern> yes
[11:26] <randint> joern: ok, I'll try
[11:26] <joern> you are lucky, most of the times the screen just stays black with the wrong driver
[11:27] <randint> joern: lol, I'm wondering how I could've explained that to my client
[11:27] <joern> :-)
[11:28] <randint> joern: but after this command: sudo apt-get remove nvidia-current nvidia-304 --purge
[11:28] <randint> joern: should I restart?
[11:28] <randint> joern: or it'll prompt me to restart?
[11:28] <joern> yes, everything should be reverted after a restart
[11:29] <randint> joern: ok, after restart I'll give you the screenshots, what's bugging me with the icons
[11:29] <randint> joern: ok, going to restart. fingers crossed :)
[11:29] <randint> joern: brb
[11:35] <randint> joern: ok, I'm back. everything's how it was before
[11:35] <randint> joern: and the icons are f-ed up again
[11:36] <randint> joern: screens in a sec
[11:36] <joern> I guess it is the same problem like here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2223134
[11:38] <randint> joern: no idea, they're not describing how the icons exactly look like
[11:42] <randint> joern: ok, here are the screens: http://imgur.com/a/CGobw
[11:48] <joern> I see, randint
[11:52] <randint> joern: any suggestions?
[11:52] <joern> well, that graphic card needs the driver series nvidia-96, which isn't compatible with 14.04's X-Server
[11:54] <joern> nvidia-96 is avaible in 12.04, but Lubuntu 12.04 has reached end-of-life, Xubuntu 12.04 reaches end-of-life April 2015
[11:54] <joern> you could try to downgrade kernel and X to the versions from 12.04, but I don't know if that causes problems - have never tested that
[11:57] <randint> joern: hmm, this distro I'm using is a localised version of Lubuntu. I think it should be based on Lubuntu 14.04
[11:57] <randint> joern: and their website says, that it's a "long-term support release"
[11:58] <randint> joern: when I'm in the file manager and hovering over the folders, then the folder icons come and go
[11:59] <randint> joern: aa, you were talking of 12.04
[12:00] <joern> I did take a look on the website of Estobuntu, it's really based on Lubuntu 14.04
[12:02] <joern> so if you can't live with that bug, the only solutions are: use another distro/derivative based on 12.04 or downgrade X and kernel in your Estobuntu, but I really don't know if that screws your installation
[12:02] <randint> joern: it was promoted quite a lot in the media, as a replacement for WinXP
[12:02] <joern> cool!
[12:02] <randint> joern: my client probably can live with that, but it seems a bit ugly for me
[12:03] <joern> yes looks ugly and unprofessional
[12:03] <joern> know what you mean
[12:05] <randint> joern: since you're not certain about downgrading X and kernel, which distros would you recommend for an older PC that are "based on 12.04"?
[12:05] <joern> what are the other speccs of that computer?
[12:06] <randint> joern: Pentium 4 2.4 GHz . not sure about RAM, I'll look it up
[12:10] <randint> joern: and if I understand this output correctly, then there seems to be 512 MB RAM: http://pastebin.com/s2uMc9N0
[12:10] <joern> yes that's correct
[12:11] <randint> joern: I'm using Linux Mint Cinnamon version at home, but I'm not sure if this PC would take it
[12:11] <randint> joern: by "take it" I mean how fast would it be
[12:12] <joern> there still some options, then. LXLE 12.04 (based on Lubuntu 12.04 and extends the "lifetime" with updates from the community), Bodhi Linux 2.4 (has a desktop environment which is very fast, but a bit complicated from my point of view). Linux Mint MATE 13, maybe? Debian LXDE is very light and stable and simmilar to Estobuntu
[12:15] <randint> joern: guess he can live with that. it'd take the time again to install the whole thing
[12:15] <randint> joern: but thanks
[15:41] <coreder> any idea when lxqt is to be released?
[15:56] <phillw> someone else who does not know the meaning of patience :/
[16:07] <genoobie> hey all
[16:08] <genoobie> installing lubuntu on my second laptop
[16:10] <phillw> genoobie: run the self test on the installation medium.... Just do it :P
[16:11] <mpmc> phillw: Will Lubuntu switch to LXQT? :)
[16:11] <phillw> mpmc: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing/14.10
[16:12] <phillw> Qt5 has arrived
[16:12] <mpmc> Can't wait to try it, the screenshots on Lxqt look like KDE though.
[16:13] <joern> it looks awesome and works quite good :-)
[16:14] <mpmc> joern: Is it good on slower hardware?
[16:14] <joern> yes :D
[16:15] <joern> it's a bit unstable and there is still some missing functionality, but the devs are working on it
[16:19] <phillw> mpmc: there is a dev ppa for it, but at present I'd suggest running it in a VM
[16:20] <mpmc> phillw: I think I'll wait, I'm in no rush :)
[16:20] <phillw> people like joern and julien may break it while doing dev work.. I have not got a decision as to if we will have a parrallel release for 14.10
[16:21] <phillw> it is more likely to be 15.04
[16:22] <genoobie> hey all
[16:22] <genoobie> sorry to bug everyone again
[16:23] <genoobie> I have a cq50 laptop, lspci says I have an atheros wireless card and driver in use is ath5k
[16:23] <genoobie> but ifconfig doesn'nt bring up anything
[16:24] <genoobie> rfkill shows no soft block, but hard blocked yes
[16:25] <genoobie> rfkill unblock 0 0 doesn't change it
[16:25] <phillw> genoobie: try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2160177
[16:25] <mpmc> I owned a HP compaq once with an AMD Turion R70 x64 the thing got mega hot even when idle.. Won't buy HP Laptops ever again.
[16:26] <genoobie> yes, this thing cooks!
[16:26] <phillw> there are other options from my search, but that has a [SOLVED] tag, which I always recommend 1st
[16:27] <genoobie> phillw, just google?
[16:28] <genoobie> phillw lshw reveals "DISABLED"
[16:29] <phillw> genoobie: with a tweak or two :P If that does not help, head over to http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=336 have a read of the sticky and ask on there
[17:22] <genoobie> phillw, hey
[17:22] <genoobie> are you still here
[17:22] <genoobie> mucked around with the ath5k adapter and finally got it "unblocked"
[17:22] <genoobie> shows up in ifconfig
[17:23] <genoobie> how come I can't find the gui for it
[17:23] <genoobie> or it doesn't appear in the "taskbar"
[17:30] <genoobie> Hey
[18:01] <ianorlin> genoobie you need to apply updates to get it as there was a bug
[18:03] <RudeViper> Hello all
[18:05] <phillw> genoobie: I'm back... been preparing food, but I see ianorlin has you in hand
[18:06] <RudeViper> I have installed lubuntu 14.04 on a new machine. I am having a real problem with the screenblanking after 10 minutes.... I havelooked on severalwebsites and used their suggestions - ie installing xscreensaver and using the lxsession default manager to turn this off but nothingworks.... Can someone PLEASE tell me how to turn this thing off - it's being set up to run headless and I will be using
[18:06] <RudeViper> remote to admin it - whenever it blanks screen I can't do anything till I physically go and log back into the machine
[18:08] <phillw> RudeViper: 1st thing is to do
[18:08] <phillw> sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get uprgrade
[18:08] <phillw> from there there is help.
[18:10] <phillw> from memory, you need the new screensaver app.
[18:12] <phillw> RudeViper: found the critter... bug 1281323
[18:12] <ubottu> bug 1281323 in One Hundred Papercuts "Lubuntu/Xubuntu Live session locks when away from keyboard" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1281323
[18:15] <ianorlin> so run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade will work for genoobie
[18:20] <RudeViper> ok so no way to fix it in 14.04 yet then
[18:25] <phillw> RudeViper: it is fix released... follow what it says in the bug report....
[18:26] <RudeViper> I don't see that anywhere
[18:27] <genoobie> phillw: getting a bit stuck here
[18:29] <RudeViper> ok I see where it says todisable light locker but that doesn't show up anywhere - what I'm trying to do (and see if it works) is to remove light-locker
[18:29] <genoobie> much better
[18:29] <genoobie> phillw, okay I am running into a bit of a problem
[18:29] <Glycan> Hello.
[18:30] <genoobie> phillw, been at this for almost 2 hours
[18:30] <genoobie> first had to throw a couple options onto the ath5k.conf
[18:30] <genoobie> no_hw_rfkill_switch and nohwcrypt
[18:30] <genoobie> but my scans still come up empty
[18:31] <genoobie> I could verify that the antenna are connected properly
[18:31] <genoobie> brb
[18:37] <Glycan> could someone help me with xbindkeys?
[18:37] <Glycan> It says it can't capture keys
[18:39] <silverlion> Glycan: sorry, am the wrong person :(
[18:46] <Glycan> okay, thnaks x)
[18:47] <rafaellaguna> hello
[18:48] <phillw> Glycan: I suggest asking on the mailing list. if https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Keyboard does not answer your question(s)
[18:49] <Glycan> It's not consistant with my setup for some reason
[18:49] <genoobie> phillw, ugh, I checked the antenna
[18:49] <Glycan> And this is kinda urgent...
[18:49] <genoobie> everything is fine
[18:50] <Glycan> Okay, how about something else: how do you add a bash command as an action to ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml ?
[18:51] <Glycan> wait, no, got it
[18:51] <genoobie> any help would be most appreciated
[18:52] <phillw> genoobie: I suggest raising a request on the forum, I'm not familiar with your hard ware for WiFi and at times it does seem like a black art. You can try #ubuntu but it is a crazy mad busy channel... I'd still go for making a post on the forum.
[18:52] <genoobie> whoops
[18:53] <genoobie> that's right, I just lost that link
[18:54] <phillw> genoobie: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=336
[18:55] <genoobie> thanks
[18:55] <Glycan> thanks a bunch, everyone
[18:57] <phillw> Glycan: did the wiki sort it for you?
[18:57] <Glycan> no, the source
[18:58] <RudeViper> phillu - looks like removing ligh-locker is the ticket
[19:00] <phillw> RudeViper: there is our 1st point release for 14.04 due out on thursday. We're hopeful that these really annoying bugs will have been squished
[19:00] <phillw> all those with fixes have been applied accross the entire family.
[19:04] <RudeViper> ok cool - thats the only one I have found so far - but i'm just running it as a minecraft and home file server for learning purposes....
[19:07] <phillw> RudeViper: if you want to keep on top of bugs, and even report them in a manner that the devs can understand, then between the gaming, you may like to have a read of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing/ (Oh, and I know a couple of people who know minecraft servers. but that is off-topic)
[19:11] <RudeViper> Now that I could use phillu - someone to help me get the server to start with the machine - nothing I have tried works -
[19:13] <phillw> RudeViper: what server?
[19:16] <RudeViper> it's craftbukkit 1.7.2
[19:17] <phillw> food time... bbl
[19:17] <rafaellaguna> :D
[19:25] <Ahmuck-Jr> hi hi. i'd like to do a dist upgrade
[19:26] <Ahmuck-Jr> but it does not appear to do anything. suggestions?
[19:26] <Ahmuck-Jr> i'm not even sure what dist i am on
[19:35] <Ahmuck-Jr> nm, got it
[19:40] <genoobie> hey phillw one last question
[19:40] <genoobie> the wireless worked in lubuntu 11.04
[19:40] <genoobie> would that be any help to solve this problem?
[19:40] <RudeViper> I think he might be eating - lol
[19:40] <genoobie> RudeViper, thanks
[19:40] <RudeViper> I am sure he will be back
[19:41] <genoobie> I've been at this wireless now for 4 hours
[19:41] <genoobie> that's ridiculous
[19:41] <phillw> I am back from my nutricianal cycle
[19:41] <genoobie> phillw, the question was, if I know that the wireless worked in 11.94
[19:41] <genoobie> 11.04
[19:41] <genoobie> would that be any help in solving this puzzle?
[19:42] <phillw> genoobie: you can report it as a regression
[19:42] <genoobie> same link?
[19:46] <Glycan> Hello again.
[19:46] <Glycan> My home and end keys aren't working in libreoffice, how might I go about debugging?
[19:47] <Glycan> (or in other programs, for that matter)
[19:47] <phillw> genoobie: raise a new bug, but refer back to where it was fixed. That massively increases the chance of it being cherry picked and added to recent kernel. I cannot guarantee it will be, but you do increase your chances. I've been told that in such instances it is a lot less painful to get something like http://www.amazon.co.uk/Mini-Wireless-802-11-Adapter-Antenna-Black/dp/B00ARQS7ZW/ref=pd_cp_computers_3
[19:49] <genoobie> oh, hrm
[19:49] <genoobie> my kids would break that in no time
[19:49] <genoobie> :)
[19:49] <genoobie> I guess it's just strange that it once worked, but doesn't any more.
[19:49] <phillw> you can do it without the ariel :)
[19:50] <phillw> genoobie: then do please raise a bug report.
[19:53] <phillw> genoobie: I'd still advise asking on http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=336
[20:04] <snxs> Hello, i just installed Lubuntu on a virtual machine, just finished updating and went to install virtual guest additions to get a bigger screen I get a successful installation but even if i switch to full screen, it wont go full screen, im left with black bars on the side, how can i fix this ?
[20:05] <rafaellaguna> have you installed the proprietary drivers? they might be needed
[20:10] <snxs> seems so, i don't have an option for my specific resolution 1280x800,
[20:11] <rafaellaguna> it's very unsual, yes
[20:11] <snxs> not sure what drivers im looking for though
[20:11] <rafaellaguna> anyway, if you use a nVidia card you cant tweak it a bit. open "software and updates" and open the drivers tab to see what do you need
[20:12] <snxs> don't :(, im on a mbp 13 inch,
[20:12] <snxs> has Intel HD Graphics 3000 384 MB
[20:18] <RudeViper> I'm back
[20:18] <rafaellaguna> snxs, so no drivers needed
[20:19] <rafaellaguna> hello RudeViper
[20:19] <rafaellaguna> snxs, can't you tweak the full screen function with VBox itself?
[20:22] <snxs> rafaellaguna: not sure, where do i tweak it, i thought it was a tweak on the xorg conf file that i do not have on my etc/x11 folder..
[20:23] <rafaellaguna> not anymore, the xorg config must not be modified, it's not practical
[20:23] <rafaellaguna> at least with nVidia
[20:23] <rafaellaguna> I talk about some options in VBox about full-screen, in my case, with Windows, it happened the same, but with Ubuntu it worked
[20:26] <snxs> oh yes i go to full screen but still not full, im sure i need to manually add my resolution ,
[20:26] <rafaellaguna> yes, and you should have specify at any place in the app
[20:27] <snxs> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Monitor_or_Screens#Can.27t_Change_to_Screen_Resolution_I_need_For_My_Monitor_or_Laptop_Screen
[20:27] <snxs> this doesn't work... there is not lxdm service, nor a xorf -configuration ..
[20:28] <rafaellaguna> I told you, even some xorg conf files are missing now
[20:28] <RudeViper> phillu can pm you a question
[20:28] <rafaellaguna> phillw, ping
[20:30] <snxs> sucks... not sure what to do next lol
[20:31] <phillw> RudeViper: sure
[20:40] <Glorfindel> I was trying to get lubuntu 14.04 to live boot on my (low powered) system, but it isn't doing it right. The booting screen was rather... 16 bit. And after it finishes it just has a black screen that is flickering
[20:40] <Glorfindel> any solutions?
[20:40] <rafaellaguna> Glorfindel, if it's so low powered computer, you should try the Alternate installer
[20:40] <rafaellaguna> it's text based
[20:41] <Glorfindel> I want to live boot it, the alternate doesn't do that AFAIK?
[20:42] <rafaellaguna> no, it hasn't live session
[20:42] <rafaellaguna> but it works, it installs the system
[20:42] <Glorfindel> ok
[20:43] <Glorfindel> but is there any reason for the default one to do that? The pc runs Window xp and MS office 2007 just fine
[20:43] <rafaellaguna> now you say, if XP runs Lubuntu must too
[20:44] <rafaellaguna> what graphcis card do you have?
[20:44] <phillw> Glorfindel: alternate is a stripped down version, it does not have what desktop iso has. It has jobs that desktop cannot do :)
[20:44] <Glorfindel> Intel integrated
[20:45] <Glorfindel> phillw: what do you mean?
[20:46] <rafaellaguna> I hate Intel
[20:47] <Glorfindel> The screen is only 800x600 though
[20:47] <rafaellaguna> even with XP and its drivers?
[20:48] <phillw> Glorfindel: what I state, alternate is more for servers. In fact only lubuntu alternate and server now use it. It requires less cd space and lower resources to install.
[20:48] <Glorfindel> even what with xp and its drivers?
[20:48] <rafaellaguna> you run XP on it, didn't you?
[20:48] <Glorfindel> yes
[20:48] <rafaellaguna> so you needed drivers
[20:48] <Glorfindel> yeah
[20:49] <rafaellaguna> and it got a higher resolution than 800x600?
[20:49] <Glorfindel> nope
[20:49] <rafaellaguna> O-o
[20:50] <rafaellaguna> can I ask what year is that pc from?
[20:50] <Glorfindel> 2001
[20:50] <Glorfindel> It had ME on it
[20:50] <rafaellaguna> god's sake!
[20:50] <Glorfindel> but the previous owner updated it
[20:50] <Glorfindel> and upgraded the RAM
[20:50] <Glorfindel> so it has 256 mb
[20:51] <Glorfindel> and a 700mhz cpu
[20:51] <rafaellaguna> checking...
[20:51] <rafaellaguna> please, the cpu?
[20:51] <Glorfindel> 700mhz
[20:52] <rafaellaguna> it's proved that Lubuntu worked on computers like this: Dell 128mb ram, 6gb disk, Pentium3 650mhz
[20:53] <Glorfindel> that is almost what I have: Dell Inspiron 2500
[20:53] <rafaellaguna> but as they say, it worked like an elephant on a l
[20:53] <Glorfindel> 20 gb hdd
[20:53] <rafaellaguna> *on a mood pool
[20:53] <Glorfindel> lol
[20:53] <Glorfindel> sssslllloooooww you mean?
[20:54] <rafaellaguna> this are the requirements: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu
[20:54] <rafaellaguna> yup
[20:54] <rafaellaguna> it's because of the cpu generation, Pentium3 is almost archaeological :P
[20:55] <Glorfindel> lol yeah, I have a Celeron
[20:56] <rafaellaguna> you should try Alternate installer: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu
[20:56] <rafaellaguna> you just click on one of those wonderfull buttons I made :P
[20:57] <Glorfindel> :D ok, you actually made them?
[20:57] <rafaellaguna> ;)
[20:57] <rafaellaguna> (and Glorfindel , I'm not saying this, but have you tried Puppy Linux? if it doesn't work with Lubuntu...)
[20:57] <Glorfindel> Yes
[20:57] <rafaellaguna> anyway the requirements are similar
[20:57] <Glorfindel> I am using it right now
[20:57] <Glorfindel> :P
[20:57] <rafaellaguna> hah
[20:59] <Glorfindel> On a much more powerful pc
[20:59] <Glorfindel> so there is like NO freezes
[20:59] <Glorfindel> EVER
[20:59] <Glorfindel> which is awesome
[20:59] <rafaellaguna> sorry, I can't think nothing better than the Alternate
[21:00] <Glorfindel> Well if nothing works I will just install DSL
[21:00] <Glorfindel> works with 64mb of ram
[21:00] <Glorfindel> lol
[21:01] <Glorfindel> And comes with an IRC client!!
[21:01] <rafaellaguna> you have Slitaz too, I love that desktop
[21:02] <anarkhos> hi
[21:02] <rafaellaguna> hi anarkhos
[21:02] <anarkhos> i want to install lubuntu on an acer netbook, but:
[21:03] <anarkhos> 1) there's no cdrom, and 2) id prefer not to wipe out the two usb devices i have that function properly. which installation method would you then suggest?
[21:04] <phillw> anarkhos: buy a new usb stick
[21:04] <anarkhos> haha
[21:04] <anarkhos> what about some network boot?
[21:04] <Glorfindel> yeah, like the two dollar 1gig sticks
[21:06] <phillw> anarkhos: you even have a chance of making one that works as https://help.ubuntu.com/community/mkusb is in RC status
[21:06] <Glorfindel> Actually rafaellaguna, I did try Slacko Puppy on my system but the gui wouldn't show
[21:07] <Glorfindel> just the mouse cursor lol
[21:07] <Glorfindel> Well thanks for the help :)
[21:08] <phillw> Glorfindel: if you do try mkusb, do please report back how you get on.
[21:08] <rafaellaguna> Slitaz, it's amazing, Glorfindel
[21:09] <Glorfindel> ok, I'll check that out as well
[21:09] <rafaellaguna> ;)
[21:09] <Glorfindel> no torrent to download means it'll take a while though :P
[21:10] <genoobie> before posting in network and wireless make sure you are updated
[21:10] <genoobie> I hope the update fixes the issue
[21:12] <genoobie> brb
[22:28] <Glorfindel> so I got to a tty
[22:28] <Glorfindel> what commands can I use to set the video mode to 800x600
[22:28] <Glorfindel> I can also get a vt up I think
[22:28] <Glorfindel> hard to see with the screen going bonkers
[22:29] <genii> Glorfindel: Perhaps see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution#Adding_undetected_resolutions
[22:29] <Glorfindel> thanks :)
[22:30] <genii> np
[22:31] <genii> Glorfindel: Also, if you are in the GUI and want to cycle through available resolutions, the keyboard combination of: ctrl-alt-<numpad + or - >
[22:32] <Glorfindel> 0.0 that would be most helpful :)
[22:32] <genii> There might be one that is usable at least for the moment
[22:32] <Glorfindel> thanks again!!
[22:32] <genii> You're welcome
[23:06] <Glorfindel> It WORKED!!
[23:26] <RudeViper> good grief - how so much of the information we need for lubuntu is wrong on ubuntu site?
[23:37] <phillw> RudeViper: depends on how much you corrected recently...
[23:38] <RudeViper> ROFLMAO - thats a good one - Finaly found it but not on Ubuntu site OR wiki - sudo-juice.com worked perfect - lol