UbuntuIRC / 2014 /07 /23 /#juju-gui.txt
Initial commit
=== uru_ is now known as urulama
=== alexpilotti_ is now known as alexpilotti
[08:55] <Makyo> hatch, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21190584/vagrant-shared-folder-take-advantage-of-inotify-over-nfs
[09:11] <frankban> rogpeppe1: https://github.com/juju/charm/pull/23
[13:11] <huwshimi> jcsackett: If you've got a minute...
[14:29] <huwshimi> jcsackett: Can you poke Jeff for me?
[21:17] <hatch> jujugui heyyooo
[21:17] <kadams54_> Shhh… not so loud…
[21:18] <hatch> ohhh sorrrry
[21:18] <hatch> Makyo Denver gopher meetup is today
[21:18] <hatch> you going?
[21:18] <hatch> :P
[21:18] <hatch> kadams54_ feelin better?
[21:19] <kadams54_> I am actually, thank you very much.
[21:19] <kadams54_> But I'm still going to bed :-)
[21:19] <hatch> haha as am I, well...in a bit, trying to download a python book...
[21:20] <hatch> sometimes I wish I had an ereader
[21:35] <urulama> hatch: so you are the reason for the slow connection here ;)
[21:35] <hatch> lol
[21:35] <hatch> 1.5MB book is really overloading the circuits
[21:36] <urulama> of course, not all of the movies being streamed to the rooms
[21:37] <hatch> hah yeah it's probably being netflixed to death
[21:38] * urulama reads arstechnica's review of juju
[21:39] <hatch> it's a good review
[21:39] <hatch> and it paints juju in a good light to boot
[21:40] <hatch> ugh this download is taking foreverrrrrr
[21:42] <urulama> yes. i just wish people would start describing juju as orchestration tool not deployment tool ;)