UbuntuIRC / 2014 /07 /20 /#ubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
=== fenris is now known as Guest64306
[05:37] <msx> hi, i know this question isn't specifically about upcoming ubuntu but I can't find the answer anywhere, not in the web not in #ubuntu - albeit i didn't tried on the mailing lists yet - so here it goes: how do i activate unity screen lock from command line?
[05:55] <darkxst> msx, you would need to use dbus
[05:55] <darkxst> not 100% sure, but I think unity uses org.gnome.screensaver Lock()
[06:02] <msx> darkxst: hi! I was suspecting that as I just found that the service responsible for locking the screen is called ubuntu-panel-service
[06:03] <msx> darkxst: will lock that way, thank you :)
[06:03] <darkxst> msx, see gdbus call
[06:04] <msx> hmm, didn't know about it, will definitely give it a read, thanks again :D
[06:04] <TJ-> msx: "dm-tool lock"
[06:05] <msx> TJ-: trying...
[06:06] <msx> weeee!!!
[06:06] <msx> darkxst: TJ-: thanks!!
[08:47] <soze123> I couldn't find any information about unity panel applet api for C, does anyone happen to know?
=== gusnan_ is now known as gusnan
[13:42] <Taggg> where are the gtk logs in ubuntu?
=== timrc is now known as timrc-afk
=== jpds_ is now known as jpds
=== jpds is now known as Guest68453
=== Guest68453 is now known as jpds_
=== timrc-afk is now known as timrc