UbuntuIRC / 2014 /07 /20 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[01:04] <nacho20u> hola problemas con el wifi en lununtu 14.04 placa realtek hay solucion?
[02:43] <nacho20u> alguien sabe como agregar terminal,browser y leafpad en panel lxde?
[02:48] <genii> !ar
[02:48] <ubottu> La comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe
[16:39] <phillw> rafaellaguna: (15:39:28) Meris2 [~NA@2001:982:2365:1:c1b:3029:8ee8:f137] entered the room. (CET -1 hour)
[16:39] <rafaellaguna> :)
[16:39] <rafaellaguna> :(
[16:39] <phillw> ~ 2 hours ago
[16:39] <rafaellaguna> oh yes, didn't see him
[16:40] <rafaellaguna> Meris2, hello
[16:45] <rafaellaguna> ðÐþpÄØ
[16:45] <rafaellaguna> oops, sorry
[17:23] <Meris2> rafaellaguna, Sorry about yesterday,
[17:23] <rafaellaguna> no, I'm sorry, my pc rebooted 5 times and didn't want to start again
[17:24] <rafaellaguna> how can I help you?
[17:24] <Meris2> rafaellaguna, my lubuntu 14.04 is a jumbled mess when it comes to languages
[17:25] <rafaellaguna> why?
[17:26] <Meris2> rafaellaguna, my default language (used right now) is Dutch, but my dialog screens (including the one of X-Chat) are in Swedish and my install messages used by apt are in Japanese
[17:26] <rafaellaguna> O_o
[17:27] <Meris2> This is a default clean install, without any ppa's or config. file hacking
[17:27] <rafaellaguna> I have to ask. did you tried to remove the language packs (except dutch)?
[17:27] <rafaellaguna> English install?
[17:28] <Meris2> rafaellaguna, not yet, because I need them daily, both for UI (ext. support reasons) and IME (Japanese, umlauts used by Swedish)
[17:30] <rafaellaguna> I can type Swedish with a Spanish keyboard
[17:30] <rafaellaguna> just using Win as compose key
[17:30] <rafaellaguna> but obviously you have a residual configuration there
[17:31] <Meris2> rafaellaguna, yes, by using UTF-8 intnl. with dead keys (Alt-Gr), like I use right now. For Western languages, that's all I need.
[17:31] <Meris2> Japanese is impossible without proper IME support though
[17:31] <rafaellaguna> messages in terminal only are in Japanese if you install kohi-mincho fonts
[17:31] <rafaellaguna> indeed, you need ibus or fcitx
[17:32] <Meris2> I use ibus myself, yes
[17:32] <rafaellaguna> it's very very strange, is it a second setup over another?
[17:32] <Meris2> rafaellaguna, no, it's a vanilla install without any hacks whatsoever.
[17:33] <rafaellaguna> so no fonts cache as guilty :)
[17:33] <rafaellaguna> try to remove al languages with Language Support
[17:33] <rafaellaguna> are you using Ubuntu or Lubuntu?
[17:33] <Meris2> It *is* a multiboot system alongside MacOSX sing ReFIT, but that level should not be accountable.
[17:33] <rafaellaguna> doesn't matter
[17:33] <Meris2> rafaellaguna, I'm using Lubuntu 14.04
[17:34] <Meris2> At home in Amsterdam I'm using Ubuntu, with exactly the same Language anomalies
[17:35] <rafaellaguna> do you know any exorcist?
[17:35] <rafaellaguna> this is incredible
[17:35] <rafaellaguna> try this: first keep your system with ONE language only
[17:36] <rafaellaguna> if needed clear the fonts cache (use fc-cache -rv )
[17:36] <Meris2> rafaellaguna, before or after the language removal?
[17:36] <rafaellaguna> clean before
[17:37] <rafaellaguna> then add, for testing, a language that doesn't need keyboard layout (English, e.g.)
[17:42] <Meris2> rafaellaguna, fc-cache: succeeded
[17:43] <rafaellaguna> you should logout and ensure you choose Dutch in your new (L)Ubuntu session, as it's the setup language
[17:43] <rafaellaguna> do it and come back, all your apps should be in Dutch only, including your terminals
[17:44] <Meris2> rafaellaguna, removed all language support except Dutch
[17:44] <rafaellaguna> nice
[17:45] <Meris2> brb, after logout/ logon
[17:45] <rafaellaguna> ok
[17:47] <Meris2> rafaellaguna, I'm back. Even though I have set Dutch to be the default language, all I can see is English, but I can live with that ;-)
[17:48] <rafaellaguna> can you please open your .pam_environment file?
[17:49] <rafaellaguna> it's hidden in your home
[17:50] <Meris2> rafaellaguna, thank you, here is my .pam_env... : http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7826112/
[17:51] <Meris2> No Swedish or Japanese there, only English and Dutch
[17:51] <rafaellaguna> okay, pam not modified, odd
[17:51] <rafaellaguna> change every en_US to nl_NL (1 and 2)
[17:52] <Meris2> I will and after that logout. logon again, right?
[17:52] <rafaellaguna> yup :)
[17:54] <Meris2> rafaellaguna, gotta run again, thanks again for your help
[17:54] <Meris2> It works
[17:55] <rafaellaguna> nice!
[17:55] <Meris2> Logging out ... .. .
[18:57] <koell> noooo i missed rafaellaguna! :3
[18:58] <silverlion> koell : anything I can help you with?
[18:59] <kuhilasv1ara> my fans are running at 100% speed and I want to make them run slower when it is not necessary
[18:59] <kuhilasv1ara> http://askubuntu.com/questions/22108/how-to-control-fan-speed
[18:59] <kuhilasv1ara> im following this guide to install fancontrol and lm-sensors
[18:59] <kuhilasv1ara> Did you see/hear a fan stopping during the above test (n)?
[19:00] <kuhilasv1ara> I'm getting those question when setting fancontrol.. I actually heard the fan go to slower speed, but not fully stop. Should I answer n?
[19:00] <kuhilasv1ara> it might have stopped, if it was another fan that made the noise that was left
[19:05] <kuhilasv1ara> Current temperature readings are as follows:
[19:05] <kuhilasv1ara> hwmon0/device/temp1_input 51
[19:05] <kuhilasv1ara> hwmon1/device/temp1_input 49
[19:05] <kuhilasv1ara> hwmon1/device/temp2_input 128
[19:05] <kuhilasv1ara> hwmon1/device/temp3_input 39
[19:05] <kuhilasv1ara> 128=?
[19:06] <phillw> koell: rafael should be back online in next hour or so.
[19:07] <melodie> hi
[19:07] <melodie> who has a question?
[19:07] <phillw> !paste | kuhilasv1ara
[19:07] <ubottu> kuhilasv1ara: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.
[19:08] <silverlion> melodie : here's the backlog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7826459/
[19:08] <melodie> silverlion ok but who is the one who needs help?
[19:08] <silverlion> kuhilasv1ara
[19:09] <kuhilasv1ara> controlling fanspeeds seems really tricky
[19:09] <phillw> melodie: also http://pastebin.com/9SaSsTe6 :)
[19:09] <melodie> ok
[19:10] <kuhilasv1ara> it spitted me 4 random temperature value which I have no idea what is what and then I should make decision upon it
[19:12] <melodie> kuhilasv1ara have you tried to configure the cpufreq governor? if you cpu supports it, it could help (before doing something directly to the fan)
[19:13] <melodie> kuhilasv1ara ?????
[19:13] <melodie> ????????????
[19:13] <melodie> ???
[19:15] <kuhilasv1ara> I don't think so
[19:16] <kuhilasv1ara> but I got my cpu fan to run at lower speed now when I just set some default values and chose the first option from that list of 4 diff temperatures. I guess I chose the right one
[19:16] <melodie> then try it: install cpufreqd / cpufreq then you can configure it with a few commands I will provide you directly
[19:17] <melodie> the cpu frequency when it can be adjusted is interesting because it will run at the right rate for the need: according to what resources the program you launch will need
[19:18] <melodie> hence, the fan will start if the cpu heats and for relevant needs
[19:19] <melodie> do you know what cpu has your machine? Is it a Celeron for instance? (they don't support cpufreq configuration)
[19:23] <kuhilasv1ara> amd
[19:23] <kuhilasv1ara> hmm ok maybe I try
[19:24] <melodie> amd?
[19:24] <melodie> not sure
[19:24] <melodie> well, maybe
[19:24] <melodie> I have an amd and that works here
[19:24] <melodie> see?
[19:24] <melodie> $ ls /usr/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/cpufreq/
[19:24] <melodie> acpi-cpufreq.ko.gz cpufreq_conservative.ko.gz cpufreq_stats.ko.gz p4-clockmod.ko.gz powernow-k8.ko.gz
[19:24] <melodie> amd_freq_sensitivity.ko.gz cpufreq_powersave.ko.gz cpufreq_userspace.ko.gz pcc-cpufreq.ko.gz speedstep-lib.ko.gz
[19:24] <kuhilasv1ara> http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/30478113/k/temps_lubuntu01.PNG
[19:25] <kuhilasv1ara> is that worrying that I have something 120C
[19:26] <kuhilasv1ara> 128*
[19:27] <kuhilasv1ara> but yea that cpu fre thing sounds really interesting. I 'm gonna google a bit on it
[19:27] <kuhilasv1ara> freq
[19:30] <melodie> kuhilasv1ara choose a good option: conservative is a good governor
[19:38] <kuhilasv1ara> i installed cpufreqd, cpufrequtils and indicator-cpufreq, but when I run sudo cpufreqd, nothing happens
[19:40] <kuhilasv1ara> myeah, when I run indicator-cpufreq, I get to choose those governors
[19:42] <kuhilasv1ara> how can I observe some info on what frequency my cpu is running
[19:43] <kuhilasv1ara> no matter if I choose 0.8GHz, the 3.2GHz gets selected. I can select powersave, conservative, and those though
[19:44] <melodie> kuhilasv1ara wait wait
[19:45] <melodie> cpufreqd is the daemon you have nothing to do with it, it runs, that's all
[19:45] <melodie> as simple user type: cpufreq-info
[19:45] <melodie> what do you see then?
[19:46] <melodie> (I don't use gui tools for this program)
[19:46] <kuhilasv1ara> 3 different CPUs and all of them says: current policy: frequency should be within 3.20 GHz and 3.20 GHz.
[19:46] <kuhilasv1ara> The governor "userspace" may decide which speed to use
[19:46] <kuhilasv1ara> within this range.
[19:46] <kuhilasv1ara> current CPU frequency is 3.20 GHz.
[19:48] <kuhilasv1ara> http://pastebin.com/wzL9fT4f
[19:48] <melodie> kuhilasv1ara ok, wait a sec?
[19:48] <kuhilasv1ara> ok
[19:49] <melodie> kuhilasv1ara what governors are available?
[19:49] <kuhilasv1ara> conservative, ondemand, powersave and performance
[19:50] <melodie> ok wait a sec
[19:50] <kuhilasv1ara> I have chosen "powersave" but still it says that 3.2ghz
[19:50] <kuhilasv1ara> http://askubuntu.com/questions/455687/how-to-run-cpufreqd-in-ubuntu-14-04
[19:50] <kuhilasv1ara> someone maybe here have a similar problem, but no answer there for him. they ask his lsmod, and they think that modules are maybe not loaded
[19:51] <melodie> kuhilasv1ara ok
[19:51] <melodie> kuhilasv1ara you should choose conservative
[19:51] <melodie> it adapts better to the need
[19:52] <kuhilasv1ara> http://pastebin.com/D8RDZf4V
[19:52] <kuhilasv1ara> sure, but it doesn't matter which I choose, because it cpufreq-info says 3.2GHz :(
[19:52] <kuhilasv1ara> that is my lsmod, if someone can see if my modules are loaded
[19:53] <melodie> which ranges are available?
[19:54] <kuhilasv1ara> http://pastebin.com/wzL9fT4f frequency should be within 3.20 GHz and 3.20 GHz.
[19:54] <melodie> modules have nothing to do with that as far as I know
[19:55] <melodie> kuhilasv1ara ok:
[19:55] <melodie> " The governor "userspace" may decide which speed to use
[19:55] <melodie> within this range."
[19:55] <melodie> try this :
[19:56] <melodie> sudo cpufreq -g conservative
[19:57] <kuhilasv1ara> sudo: cpufreq: command not found
[19:57] <kuhilasv1ara> I didn't install that actually, just cpufreqd and utils and indicator
[19:57] <kuhilasv1ara> I'll install
[19:57] <melodie> hummm
[19:57] <melodie> wait a sec
[19:57] <kuhilasv1ara> or?
[19:58] <melodie> I can't use it anymore as I used to in my distro : Archlinux, so I have to check :)
[19:58] <melodie> just be patient a few seconds
[19:58] <melodie> ok
[19:58] <melodie> sudo cpufreq-set -g conservative
[19:58] <melodie> that's it!
[20:01] <kuhilasv1ara> ok, I did, but still the info says frequency should be within 3.20 GHz and 3.20 GHz
[20:02] <melodie> then I suppose it does need that?
[20:02] <melodie> try:
[20:02] <melodie> sudo cpufreq-set -g powersave
[20:05] <kuhilasv1ara> still that 3.2ghz
[20:06] <melodie> what does cpufreq-info say now ? (as simple user)
[20:07] <melodie> kuhilasv1ara I check also something
[20:08] <kuhilasv1ara> http://pastebin.com/uPaRRphu
[20:09] <melodie> your pastebin has this:
[20:09] <melodie> driver: acpi-cpufreq
[20:09] <melodie> see if it is loaded:
[20:09] <melodie> lsmod | grep acpi
[20:10] <kuhilasv1ara> pata_acpi 13038 0
[20:10] <kuhilasv1ara> here's my lsmod http://pastebin.com/D8RDZf4V
[20:10] <melodie> no need
[20:11] <melodie> grep filters with the suite of characters provided on the command line
[20:11] <melodie> see here:
[20:11] <melodie> http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=acpi-&searchon=names&suite=trusty&section=all
[20:11] <melodie> perhaps installing the first one would help?
[20:13] <kuhilasv1ara> I installed acpi-support and tried lsmod | grep acpi but only pata_acpi there. Do I need to restart some daemons or things
[20:14] <melodie> just
[20:14] <melodie> kuhilasv1ara just load it:
[20:14] <melodie> sudo modprobe acpi-cpufreq (try it)
[20:15] <kuhilasv1ara> I tried that and nothing happened so as if it loaded, but lsmod | grep acpi still only shows pata_acpi
[20:17] <kuhilasv1ara> or what is supposed to happen when do sudo modprobe acpi-cpufreq ? :)
[20:18] <kuhilasv1ara> thanks a lot for thel help but maybe I have a bigger problem here :I
[20:20] <kuhilasv1ara> damn.. I would really love to lower the cpu freq though
[20:21] <phillw> kuhilasv1ara: the key word is "patience"... You do not know just how tenacious melodie is... She will work with you to sort this out.
[20:22] <kuhilasv1ara> cool
[20:23] <melodie> kuhilasv1ara yes it's frustrating when we can't find the solution at once, I know what it is really
[20:24] <melodie> have you tried this "sudo modprobe acpi-cpufreq" ?
[20:24] <kuhilasv1ara> yyeah, nothing happens
[20:24] <kuhilasv1ara> when I do that
[20:24] <melodie> phillw I'm also struggling against my teen son who persists talking in Skype! :-(
[20:25] <kuhilasv1ara> heh
[20:25] <melodie> I have a console with ssh and kill a few processes here and then to keep him quiter, but only makes it worse!
[20:25] <kuhilasv1ara> :) :(
[20:25] <melodie> yeh yeh, you can laugh! :D
[20:26] <phillw> melodie: kill -9 son ?
[20:27] <melodie> :p
[20:27] <melodie> apt-get remove --purge skype
[20:27] <melodie> XD
[20:28] <phillw> melodie: or, apt-get remove --purge teen-age_son
[20:28] <melodie> kuhilasv1ara what cpu is your's exactly? Does it support acpi? Is acpi activated in your bios?
[20:28] <melodie> phillw I might send him back to his father's :p
[20:29] <kuhilasv1ara> model name : AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 955 Processor
[20:32] <kuhilasv1ara> no acpi in cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep acpi
[20:32] <kuhilasv1ara> some people have acpi in flags there
[20:33] <kuhilasv1ara> I don't know if this supports acpi or if it is activated in bios. I guess I shuld boot to bios to check
[20:34] <melodie> kuhilasv1ara you might have to. I look in my own cpuinfo and will tell you right on if I have that as a flag
[20:34] <melodie> $ grep acpi /proc/cpuinfo
[20:34] <melodie> $
[20:35] <melodie> kuhilasv1ara I don't eithe
[20:35] <melodie> either
[20:35] <kuhilasv1ara> ok
[20:35] <kuhilasv1ara> I wonder if I can find in bios the info, if acpi is activated.. I have no idea what acpi is really and where to look for it there
[20:37] <phillw> kuhilasv1ara: what make / model computer do you have? I can do some digging for you.
[20:37] <kuhilasv1ara> if I find it in bios, should I change its state if it is activated or deactivated?
[20:37] <kuhilasv1ara> hmhm.. own built computer.. I don't remember the parts very well
[20:37] <melodie> kuhilasv1ara the bios might contain acpi enabled or not, you can check, it won't harm
[20:38] <kuhilasv1ara> if it is disabled, you want me to change it to eanbled? if it is enabled, should I change it to disabled?
[20:38] <melodie> if you find it in the bios and if it is not activated, activate it
[20:38] <melodie> it has to be anabled
[20:38] <melodie> enabled*
[20:38] <kuhilasv1ara> ok
[20:39] <phillw> kuhilasv1ara: also, please state which version of BIOS you are running (both make and version number)
[20:39] <kuhilasv1ara> military class n1996 msi
[20:39] <kuhilasv1ara> says on motherboard
[20:40] <kuhilasv1ara> when I boot to bios, I can find that info from somewhere I guess
[20:40] <phillw> yup, it should be there if you go digging about :)
[20:40] <kuhilasv1ara> auto oc genie overclocking
[20:41] <kuhilasv1ara> I boot and check
[20:41] <kuhilasv1ara> ->
[20:52] <teward> what controls the standby timer, the timer that puts the system to sleep after certain amounts of inactivity, in Lubuntu?
[20:52] <teward> I'm trying to turn that function off so that the system in question doesn't go into hibernate, and also doesn't turn off the screen
[20:56] <melodie> teward some setting related to xscreensaver
[20:56] <kuhilasv1ara> teward yea there is a bug in controlling that. I only got that deactivated by editing the grub adding some line at the end of the boot option somethingsomething=0 there
[20:57] <melodie> kuhilasv1ara ?o?
[20:57] <teward> kuhilasv1ara, is the bug reported/documented anywhere?
[20:57] <kuhilasv1ara> melodie: acpi is and was enabled in bios. Bios is v17.7 090910
[20:57] <kuhilasv1ara> I remember people talking about it as a bug
[20:57] <melodie> tertu what about just removing xscreensaver?
[20:57] <kuhilasv1ara> on some forum on internet
[20:58] <melodie> kuhilasv1ara ok, I have no more answer for you, at least for now.
[20:58] <tertu> oh i am not that t
[20:58] <kuhilasv1ara> ok, thanks for helping. I inspect it more later
[20:58] <melodie> kuhilasv1ara perhaps you check what features the kernel you have now allows for?
[20:58] <kuhilasv1ara> ok
[21:00] <melodie> kuhilasv1ara such as "grep ACPI /boot/config*" ?
[21:00] <melodie> without the quotes of course and as simple user)
[21:02] <kuhilasv1ara> lots of stuff there http://pastebin.com/KJVKJdm8
[21:03] <kuhilasv1ara> btw, when I rebooted, did the cpufreqd daemon start automatically?
[21:04] <kuhilasv1ara> in/cpufreqd -f /etc/cpufreqd.conf ..this is ps -aux | grep cpu
[21:05] <kuhilasv1ara> guess so then
[21:05] <melodie> as simple user:
[21:05] <melodie> ps ax | grep cpufreqd
[21:06] <kuhilasv1ara> hmm ok. yes its there
[21:06] <melodie> ok :)
[21:11] <kuhilasv1ara> teward: in /etc/default/grub if you have GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="nomodeset consoleblank=0" u'd get what you want probably
[21:12] <kuhilasv1ara> https://encrypted.google.com/#q=nomodeset+consoleblank%3D0
[21:13] <kuhilasv1ara> well, someone else also used that method where I got it
[21:13] <kuhilasv1ara> not many there tho
[21:13] <melodie> kuhilasv1ara using grub config to tweak the hibernation behavior? that's strange (and too close to the base system imho)
[21:14] <kuhilasv1ara> oh wait that nomodeset is there for other purposes, remove that from the google search
[21:15] <kuhilasv1ara> ye.. well try remove your screesaver and blank screen after x minutes of idle on lubuntu 13 or 14 and it seems quite hard otherwise
[21:16] <phillw> kuhilasv1ara: there is bug 1326740 which thankfully, should soon be rolled out
[21:16] <ubottu> bug 1326740 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu Utopic) "[SRU] Please backport xfce4-power-manager 1.2.0-3ubuntu6 to trusty" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1326740
[21:23] <melodie> then apt-get remove xfce4-power-manager ?
[21:23] <melodie> he he!
[21:24] <melodie> --purge (forgot)
[21:52] <melodie> good night
[22:41] <josiah14> I couldn't find this answer anywhere online
[22:42] <josiah14> which executable does lxpanel use for volume management?
[22:42] <josiah14> I run i3 and try to keep my system lean by not running many LXDE programs, but I'm forced right now into running lxpanel because I have no other way of controlling voluem
[22:43] <josiah14> unless of course I install something else, but I already have that applet, so
[22:47] <rambo123456`> Hey guys.. I installed lubuntu as a virtualbox guest. is it possible to play an mp3 file on it?
[22:47] <josiah14> ah, nevermind, I just discovered alsamixer
[22:47] <josiah14> yay terminal apps